Hu Siniu, who kept introducing two raging medicinal powers into her body, did not dare to respond with all her strength because she was afraid of hurting Zhuge Yu's wood spirit consciousness. Gradually, she lost control of the power of these two drugs that invaded her body. She could have given up her luck and redirected the power of the medicine back into Zhuge Yu's body to protect herself, but she didn't.

At the same time, Zhuge Yu's condition improved as the two medicinal powers from his body were partially sucked out. The pale complexion began to turn rosy, the consciousness of the rampaging wood spirit was no longer as violent as before, and its own perception had also recovered.

Seeing Zhuge Yu's condition improving, Hu Siniu smiled happily on her pretty face. He used the luck-raising technique again to force more and more of the two medicinal powers into his body. At this time, her body was like two heavens of ice and fire, constantly exchanging blows, her internal organs were burning, and her meridians were about to burst.

Suddenly, the golden light in Hu Siniu's black eyes flashed and turned into amber, and she finally lost consciousness completely.

Although Zhuge Yu, who was opposite him, had some residual medicinal power in his body, his senses had recovered somewhat. When he saw the look of Hu Siniu opposite him, he immediately understood everything.

At this time, their palms intertwined, and their magic power was integrated through the intersecting palms. Unless both sides withdraw their forces at the same time, the one who retreats first will be fine, but the soul of the one who retreats will be counterattacked by the out-of-control mana. Coupled with the two raging medicinal powers, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Crazy woman, do you want your life? You will die if you do this!"

Zhuge Yu shouted loudly, feeling excited.

But at this time, Hu Siniu couldn't hear Zhuge Yu's voice at all.

At this time, Hu Siniu was sweating like rain, sometimes frozen, sometimes burned, and her originally healthy and smooth cheeks showed painful twitches from time to time.

But the corner of her mouth still retained that willing smile. That smile was for Zhuge Yu, and in the smile was her burning life.

In order to save Zhuge Yu, Hu Siniu risked her life, gave without reservation, and was willing to bear all the pain.

All this was completely seen by Zhuge Yu opposite him.

He felt his heart being scratched several times by something sharp.

Feeling distressed!

This pain reached the deepest part of his heart, and a name was engraved on it - Hu Siniu!

"Crazy woman, I can't let you die!"

Zhuge Yu, whose condition had improved just now, shouted, his chest heaving and his breathing rapid. Using forceful movements, he redirected these two raging medicinal powers back into his body.

As the two medicinal powers flowed back into Zhuge Yu's body, Zhuge Yu also clearly felt that it was fused with Hu Siniu's consciousness, which was a kind of earth-gold spiritual consciousness, filled with an extremely thick rock and earth atmosphere.

Hu Si Niu turned out to be born with a body of earth spirit.

What Zhuge Yu didn't expect was that the earth spirit consciousness quickly merged with his wood spirit consciousness.

The earth spirit nourishes, the wood spirit grows, the wood spirit descends and feeds the earth spirit back, and the earth and wood complement each other, endlessly.

This force is getting stronger and stronger, and Zhuge Yu is unable to control it in his current situation. In the end, this force circulates continuously between the meridians of the two people's bodies through their intertwined palms. The two hot and cold medicinal powers that were originally raging gradually merged under the influence of the consciousness of the earth spirit and the wood spirit.

At the same time, the consciousness of Zhuge Yu and Hu Siniu gradually became dull and blurred. Unclear. This disappearance of consciousness is different from the previous out-of-control rage caused by the two drugs. It is as quiet as still water.

Zhuge Yu's eyes emitted light like emeralds, while Hu Siniu's eyes showed the brilliance of the golden sun, complementing each other. Their palms were still close to each other, and their respective consciousnesses gradually fell into sleep, reaching a state of selflessness.

Not long after, streaks of earth-gold and emerald-green light began to radiate outward from the two bodies. More and more light filaments were emitted, and together they were like a huge open umbrella, completely covering the two figures.

The intertwined earth spiritual power and wood spiritual power in the parasol rubbed together and produced traces of white arcs, and the temperature became higher and higher.

"Poof! Poof!"

Clusters of tiny flames ignited on their clothes. These flames are also transformed by spiritual power, some are green, some are earthy gold, and they are jumping like elves.

After a while, the clothes the two of them wore were completely burned by the spiritual flames, but they did not harm their bodies at all.

Two naked, young bodies were completely exposed.

Zhuge Yu's skin is clean white, and his straight and strong muscle lines outline the unique vitality and beauty of the young man. Hu Si Niu's smooth, mirror-colored bronze skin is healthy, and her curvy and exquisite body curves depict the girl's unique charm and pure beauty.

The two bodies slowly came closer, and finally hugged each other tightly, without any distance.

His and her breathing gradually became so harmonious, like a soul-stirring song.

He and she become one.

At this time, their consciousness could be said to be half asleep and half awake, but they could not control their actions at all.


Outside the huge light umbrella, the thick and warm earth spiritual power and the lush and cool wood spiritual power spread out in circles from the light shield.

In the originally empty cave, dots of golden and green light spots flickered like festive fireworks.

Suddenly, the soil on the ground inside the cave began to loosen outwards, as if something was about to come out of it.

Immediately afterwards, petals of tender green broke out of the ground, and they stretched enthusiastically into thin green branches. Then, colorful flower buds sprouted from the branches. The flower buds bloomed enthusiastically, colorful and fragrant.

The entire cave is like Langyuan Wonderland.


At the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

Xu Yang, drunkard Xiao, Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai were fighting fiercely with four tiger girls.

The two sides were evenly matched, and for a while, it was difficult to tell the winner.

When Tiger Girl saw that Tiger Girl hadn't returned yet, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

He violently struck out with two palms, forcing Xu Yang, who was fighting with him, to take two steps back and fly back. Then he took out a dark token.

The front of the token is a pattern of a radiant black sun, and the back is a pattern of a tall mountain, which is the "Youfeng Order".

Hu Da Niu raised her hand, and You Feng Ling was thrown into the air on the opposite side.

Without stopping, she chanted obscure incantations and activated magic spells. The black sun pattern on the token flashed, emitting a strange black spiritual light.

Suddenly, the proud black sun in the sky flashed suddenly, and the whole world suddenly lit up, as if it was connected to the token.

I saw a black beam of light spitting out from the black sun, like a black sword, and it just flashed and landed on the "Youfeng Order" in mid-air.

The next moment, the hovering "Youfeng Order" kept spinning, and large black winds rolled out like waving black silk.

In the dark wind, a domineering black tiger with six huge black wings could be vaguely seen.

"Ouch——", a shocking roar. The earth shook, and the entire Youfeng Mountain trembled.

At the same time, in the woodland near Youfeng Mountain, in the valley, and by the river.

Every ghost beast that was looking for food, sunbathing, or drinking water by the river stopped their activities and roared to the sky.

For a time, the roars of beasts came one after another from all directions. All the beasts roared together, and their power was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Hu Danniu showed a proud smile and whispered: "It seems to be enough. Excessive use of the Youfeng Order may alarm my father."

As soon as he raised his hand, You Feng ordered the black wind to restrain himself, and he took it back into his hand.

Not long after, whoosh - whoosh -, several sharp black shadows in the sky were like escaping ghosts, speeding toward the place where a few people were fighting.

In the blink of an eye, they landed nearby, and they turned out to be six high-level ghost beasts.

Although the shapes of these six high-level ghost beasts are generally similar to humans, their bodies still have the form of beasts to some extent. Or a bird's beak, or a lizard's tail, or a bat's wings, or an ape's arms, or a tortoise's shell, or an antler.

"It turns out that the lady is summoning us. This Ghost Wind Token has not been used for a long time." The ghost beast with the bird's beak said.

"It seems that the four people opposite are quite strong." said the ghost beast with bat wings behind it.

"What else are you looking at? Let's go together and kill those four intruders. The golden elixirs in their bodies are all delicious." The lizard-tailed ghost beast said, stretching out its slender tongue and licking its lips, as if Delicious food is right in front of it.

"Whoever kills them first will get the golden elixir." The deer-horned ghost beast suggested.

"Kill." The ape-armed ghost beast shouted, waving his powerful ape arms and rushed forward first.

"Hey, wait for me. My old turtle likes killing people the most." The turtle-backed ghost beast showed a sinister smile on its lips and followed up to kill.


"With so many high-level ghost beasts, can I say that it took no effort to obtain them?" Xiao Yudian said in surprise.

"Want to kill the ghost beasts? They want to kill you too." Tiger Girl, who was fighting Xiao Yudian, said semi-sarcastically.

"So many ghost beasts are enough for me, the drunkard Xiao, to drink a pot." The drunkard Xiao was refreshed and his physical strength improved by three points. The power of the Drunken Willow Sword Technique has increased to a higher level, the sword light is swaying, and every sword moves the void.

"My dear, where is this Youfeng Mountain? There are so many Youfeng Mountains gathered here." Boss Bai looked surprised.

"It turns out that you and the ghost beast are in the same group, so don't blame me for being rude." Xu Yang shouted loudly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Our sisters are not in the same group as these ugly guys. They must obey the "Ghost Wind Flag" in my hand. Once their bloodthirsty nature is aroused, I can't stop them. I blame you for bullying me. Sisters." Hu Danniu said, putting away the Youfeng Token in her hand.

A fight between the few and the many is about to break out, and it seems that Xu Yang and the others will be in danger.


In that cave.

Red, green, yellow, purple... all kinds of beautiful flowers are blooming in every corner, like a sea of ​​flowers.

A golden-green light umbrella in the center of the cave shines like a huge pearl in a sea of ​​flowers.

At this moment, the surface of the golden-green light umbrella flickered, turning into golden and green stars all over the sky and disappearing into the void.

In the open space, two naked figures stood face to face, it was Hu Siniu and Zhuge Yu.

At this time, there was no confusion in their eyes, and they had obviously returned to normal consciousness.

Seeing Hu Si Niu meeting each other in front of him, Zhuge Yu's cheeks that were originally like jade plates suddenly turned red. He was embarrassed and nervous, and he quickly reached out to cover his lower body.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy woman! This, this..." Zhuge Yu didn't know where to start and was embarrassed and speechless.

"What is this? I will be responsible for you. Your skin is so white." Hu Siniu did not cover her body, and her beautiful eyes roamed Zhuge Yu's body unscrupulously.

Only then did Zhuge Yu remember that he still had clothes in his storage bag. With a flash of consciousness, he summoned a brand new green brocade garment and put it on. In a hurry, I tied the wrong knot on my shirt.

Hu Siniu waved her hand, took out a simple tight-fitting leopard print shirt from her storage bag and put it on.

Seeing Zhuge Yu in a hurry, Hu Siniu stepped forward generously.

"let me help you."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to retie the knot that Zhuge Yu had tied incorrectly.

"Thank you." Zhuge Yu said sincerely.

"I like you." Hu Siniu said.

"Haha." Zhuge Yu smiled awkwardly, but there was a different kind of warmth in his eyes when he looked at Hu Siniu.

"Haha." Hu Si Niu smiled heartily, her watery eyes shining with happiness.


He laughed with her.

------------------Gorgeous dividing line-----------------

Liangshui is here to wish all book friends a happy new year, laughter and all the best.

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