True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 235 Defeat the Ghost Beast

The turtle-backed ghost beast is not tall, with short and thick limbs. The huge oval turtle shell on its back almost covers its entire body. The black and shiny turtle shell is like a large iron pot upside down on its back.

It stretched out a hand and gently patted the "black iron pot" behind it, with a confident smile on its lips, and then took a step forward with confidence. It walked slowly towards Xu Yang's position with its short short legs.

Its short legs have never walked so calmly, one step at a time, like an old man strolling in his yard, which is called a leisurely stroll.

When it was still four feet away from Xu Yang, it suddenly stopped its leisurely pace.

"Hehe." It smiled strangely.

The turtle-backed ghost beast's limbs and head shrank suddenly, and its entire body was completely huddled in the huge "black iron pot" behind it.

Then, it activated the Yuan Power of the ghost beast, and the black iron pot was dripping and spinning rapidly against the ground. Strands of black spiritual power were continuously thrown out from the edge of the black iron pot, one after another, like a rampage. Black windmill.

Suddenly, the black iron pot jumped up and stood up, like a huge wheel. The edge was like a rapidly rotating blade, crushing rapidly in the direction of Xu Yang.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wherever it passed, the soil and rocks on the ground broke into pieces, and then were thrown up violently, covering the sky and the sun, leaving a ravine behind it.

"Well done, everyone is ready to take action." Seeing this, Xu Yang quickly sent a message with his spiritual consciousness.

Upon hearing Xu Yang's greeting, Xiao Yudiao jumped out first.

The thin Xiaoyudiao raised his true energy fiercely, his whole body was shaken by pressure, and he danced in loose clothes, clearly showing the strength that a True Alchemy Realm monk should have. Spotting the "black iron pot" rushing over, he threw out the silver sword in his hand. The tip of the sword pointed downwards and then disappeared into the ground.

The next moment, blue water rippled on the ground, and circles of blue water rolled out and kept spinning. There were sharp sword shadows hidden in the blue water that kept cutting.

It is the "Water Wave Fall" move that combines the attributes of gold and water.

The black iron pot fell into the swirling blue water as soon as it touched it. A large amount of blue water was stirred up, and the water mist filled the air. The sharp sword energy cut on the black iron pot, making a harsh "squeaking" sound.

"With this little ability, do you want to trap my old turtle? Humph!" The dull voice of the turtle-backed ghost beast came from the iron pot.

Suddenly, the shadow of a huge turtle-shaped beast appeared in the water waves. The beast was completely black, with sharp bone spurs growing on the huge black armor on its back. It wore a black stripe through its two large nostrils. The chains are unruly. Its limbs, as thick as iron pillars, violently trampled the blue water under its feet, like a ferocious beast in the sea.

"Crack, click, click." There was a sound of metal clanking.

Xiao Yudian's face suddenly turned pale, his soul was shaken, and his body was unstable.

The "Golden Rain Sword" he had just used to trigger the move "Water Waves Fall" was his natal sword. Unexpectedly, he was injured by the power of the ghost beast of "Black Iron Cauldron" as soon as he made the move. If you continue to fight, you may hurt your soul.

In a hurry, Xiao Yudian made a secret with one hand and pointed towards the blue water on the opposite side. The Golden Rain Sword turned into a stream of light and was withdrawn by it, and the power of the water wave collapse also disappeared.

But this was enough to briefly halt the black iron pot's forward momentum.

At this moment, Xiao Yudian, the drunkard behind Xu Yang, stepped out like a willow chasing the wind, blocking Xiao Yudian's body.

Xiaoyudiao, who looked a little panicked just now, looked at the back of the drunkard Xiao standing in front of him. He felt indescribably at ease in his heart and his face became calm. From the first day he met the drunkard Xiao, this master gave him the impression that he could rely on him, like a mountain.

"Apprentice, let me come as my master."

Xiao, an alcoholic, gave a loud shout and stopped holding back. Not only was there a strong enemy ahead, but more importantly, he couldn't let Xiao Yudiao suffer any harm. He has always regarded this apprentice as a family member.

The outer core of the golden elixir in the body was urged to melt rapidly, and mana was injected crazily into the three-foot green blade in his hand.

With a buzzing sound, the sword energy on Qingfeng rolled over, spilling out a dazzling silver glow.

"Elixir Killing Technique - Drunken Man Playing with Willows!"

Countless willow-like silver threads spit out from the tip of the piercing sword, densely packed and scattered one after another. Each silver thread is a trace of condensed sword intention, its meaning is like the uninhibited debauchery of a carefree drunkard, and the unrestrained freedom of the green willow in the wind.

Its shape is feminine and its meaning is masculine.

This move "Drunken Man Playing with Willows" is also one of the killing moves in "Drunken Willow Sword Technique" that Drunkard Xiao is good at.

Think back to the time when I was in the Netherworld.

Drunkard Xiao is also a slightly famous monk, nicknamed the "Swordsman Drunkard" in the Xiyou world.

That day, he happened to be drinking in a liquor store he frequented. Just when he was enjoying his drink, he encountered a descendant of a noble family from the Third Palace of Netherworld making a scene in the liquor store. When asked about the reason, the shopkeeper told him that it turned out that this young man from an aristocratic family was interested in the good business of this wine shop and wanted to take it for himself.

Xiao Lu, an alcoholic, saw the injustice and drew his sword to help. It was with this move "The Drunken Man Playing with Willows" that he was seriously injured, and he defeated the five masters who came with them in one fell swoop. But because of this, he offended the dignitaries of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm, and was subsequently framed for attempted rebellion and thrown into this forgotten land.

This time, although the drunkard Xiao used this move in a hurry and did not use his full strength, its power was still shocking enough.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless sword threads crashed down like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens.

The phantom of the sea-making ferocious beast struggled, turning into countless black star points and dispersing in the void with a howl. A huge pit was left on the ground.

The body of the turtle-backed ghost beast lay motionless in the pit, its limbs and head still hidden under the carapace. There were more criss-crossing sword marks on its back, and they were no longer as shiny as before, and there were even traces of cracks on the edges.

"Brothers, come and help!" The turtle-backed ghost beast hiding under the black iron pot shouted quickly. It lost all the confidence it had just now, and even hiding under the tortoise shell made it feel panicked and uneasy.

The other five ghost beasts saw that Xu Yang did not display a similar soul realm as before, and heard the turtle-backed ghost beast shouting for help. They shouted one after another, emboldened each other, and rushed forward.

"Come on, brothers, kill them."

"He is not a Yuanhun realm monk."

"The golden elixir is right in front of you."

"Kill them all."

"Leave no one behind."

Xu Yang, who was already well prepared, narrowed his eyes and found the shining golden-winged flying knife in his hand.

As soon as he activated his technique, he melted the black crystal-like fake elixir outer core in his body, and in conjunction with the movement of the Haoran Heavenly Veins, the magic power poured into the golden-winged flying knife in his hand like a rushing river. Then, he threw the golden-winged flying knife in front of him.

With a "chi", a golden line passed by, and the flying knife disappeared into the void in front of him, leaving only circles of golden ripples.

"Elixir Killing Technique-Golden Yang Thousand Blades!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden sun suddenly appeared out of thin air, with thousands of golden lights that were dazzling.

In the golden sun, a golden crow with its head raised and stepping forward is clearly visible. A circle of solemn golden Sanskrit fonts outside it rotates continuously, reflected by the light of Buddha, and its power makes the viewer feel awe.

The golden sun in the sky flashed suddenly, transforming into countless golden blades. Each of them was the shadow of a golden-winged flying knife, crowded and spurting out. It was like the golden arrows fired by thousands of archers when the two armies were facing each other, heading towards the several ghost beasts on the opposite side. And in the center is the turtle-backed ghost beast in the pit.

The sound of "rumbling" was endless.

The four ghost beasts that just rushed over each used their own moves to block them.

The huge antlers on the head of the deer-horned ghost beast flickered, and black lightning suddenly appeared. The arc crackled and jumped, quickly weaving into a black grid in front of it.

The bird-beaked ghost beast opened its mouth, and a ball of black fire bombs threw out a long tail of fireworks and rolled out.

The black light flashed on the huge right arm of the ape-armed ghost beast, and instantly condensed into a dark and shiny solid arm armor. Then he waved countless fist shadows in succession, the fist wind was as fierce as iron, forming an iron wall of defense in front of him.

The black wind formed on the wings behind the bat-winged ghost beast, and with another fierce blow, two black dragon-like tornadoes roared out.

Among them, the lizard-tailed ghost beast at the back saw that the situation was not good, and actually transformed into the ghost beast's original form, turning into a huge lizard with green skin and black stripes. It kicked its four feet on the ground in turn, and turned around to escape.


Countless golden flying blades fell one after another, raising large amounts of golden mist. It was like a rolling golden ocean that instantly swallowed up a large space in front of them, and several ghost beasts were also submerged in it.

It seems that the Golden Sun Thousand Blades that Xu Yang used, which contains Buddhist skills, has some restraint effect on the ghost beast.

Just listen to the wails of ghost beasts coming from the golden smoke one after another.

It took more than ten breaths for the golden smoke generated by the power of Jin Yang's Thousand Blades to gradually dissipate.

The bodies of the following ghost beasts appeared.

The beak ghost beast had a surprised look on its face. Half of its hard beak was left, and there were countless wounds and blood stains all over its body.

The armor on the right arm of the ape-armed ghost beast has been shattered into pieces, and its right arm hangs like a soft cucumber on its chest.

The pair of fleshy wings on the back of the bat-winged ghost beast are like tattered fishing nets, full of holes.

One of the huge horns of the antlered beast was cut off, and the remaining one was shaking back and forth with a trace of bone.

The lizard-tailed ghost beast escaped the fastest. Its tail was cut off from the root. It was unknown whether it cut off its tail to survive or was cut off by a thousand blades. It was so frightened that its whole body was shaking like chaff.

Looking at the tortoise-shell ghost beast in the pit, the black iron pot on its back was torn into pieces. Under the iron pot, a ball of fleshy meat could no longer be distinguished from its limbs and head. After a moment, a black flame ignited on its miserable body. No more walking with your head down.

"Is the person in front of me really a True Alchemy Realm monk? He is just as scary as a Yuanhun Realm monk." said the bird-beaked ghost beast.

"My consciousness can't see his golden elixir. Could it be that he is a cultivator in the Peiyuan Realm? I'm convinced." Monk Antler said.

"Where did Jin Yang come from just now? Isn't Black Yang the boss in the sky?" said the ape-armed ghost beast.

"My wings, the wings I am proud of." The bat-winged ghost beast said as it flapped its leaky wings, as if it could no longer fly.

"This man must be a Yuanhun Realm monk in disguise, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. Brothers, I'm leaving first." As he said that, the lizard-tailed ghost beast seemed to be running away.

"Where to go!"

Xu Yang shouted loudly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

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