True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 236 Waiter of Ghost Wind

"Everyone, please don't act rashly. Just try to scare them away. The two demon crystals needed to repair the Blood Soul Monument are enough. It will be detrimental to us to continue fighting here." Xu Yang said through his spiritual consciousness.

And Xu Yang shouted loudly, just to let the remaining ghost beasts listen. Just now, he had used Flame Spirit Domain and Dan Killing one after another, and his physical body was very exhausted, and he might not be able to use such a powerful move again in a short time. Although Xu Yang's martial arts body is extremely powerful, after all, he is only a cultivator in the Peiyuan Realm at the moment.

The reason why the turtle-backed ghost beast was easily killed just now was also due to the coordinated attack of Xiao Yudian and Drunkard Xiao. Especially the sword from the drunkard Xiao had already halved the defense of the "black iron pot". Otherwise, Xu Yang might not be able to kill him so completely with one blow.

Now, if we continue to pursue and fight the remaining five high-level ghost beasts, and the trapped beasts still fight, I am afraid that even if they destroy the opponent, they will have to pay a corresponding price. Besides, Tiger Girl used the "Ghost Wind Order" just now. I wonder if there will be more ghost beasts coming next.

Xu Yang shouted, like a thunderbolt falling into the hearts of the five injured ghost beasts. In the eyes of those ghost beasts, his figure was as tall as a real Yuanhun Realm monk and should not be offended.

They scurry away holding their heads.

The only remaining horn of the deer-horned ghost beast ran away, but it did not stop for a moment, covering its face and running forward without looking back. The pair of antlers is the weapon it is born to be proud of, and it is also a badge of identity. The original pair of huge antlers made it look taller and more domineering. Now, all that's left is the embarrassment and the faint sadness in my heart.

As the bat-winged ghost beast ran, it flapped the pair of wings behind it that were blown to the ground like broken fishing nets. Obviously, it could no longer rub the blue sky with them, but it was pleasantly surprised to find that it could not run much slower than when it flew with its wings, and it inevitably felt a sense of luck in its heart. In times of crisis, one can see a person's potential.

The ape-armed ghost beast drooped its soft cucumber-like arm, ignoring the pain. The two big feet stepped out in a hot wheel-like rhythm. Perhaps its feet were inherently more powerful than its palms.

The bird-beaked ghost beast ran the slowest among the several ghost beasts. It began to be dissatisfied with why it only evolved a bird's beak instead of its wings, and felt aggrieved. When it saw the bat-winged ghost beast running in front of it waving its wings like broken fishing nets, it began to feel a little relieved, and underestimated in its heart, "These wings are really miserable." When a person is miserable, it is not for giving He will be happy only if he helps him, and he will also feel inexplicably happy when he sees others who are as miserable as himself or even worse.

The lizard-tailed ghost beast ran the fastest. Maybe it was born with the talent to escape. It transformed into a huge black lizard body, with a very low chassis and its belly close to the ground. It passed by like a black wind and kicked up a large amount of dust behind it. Although it has lost its tail, its buttocks are raised so high that it twists back and forth crazily to maintain balance. If it doesn't become a ghost beast, maybe it can become a dancer who specializes in twerking.

In the huge earth pit, the body of the turtle-backed ghost beast burned out under clusters of rising black flames. A lonely colorful demon crystal fell into the earth pit, shining brightly and flowing in seven colors, like a treasure.

The seven-colored demon crystal contains the turtleback ghost beast's lifelong efforts. It has always kept its head down as a ghost beast, and it has devoured many of its kind before it advanced to a high-level ghost beast. This was the only time he raised his head and pretended to be the boss, and he ended up dead.

Soon, its reputation was spread among the following people.

"Boss Turtle, you are righteous! You stepped forward to challenge the Yuanhun Realm monks and won the chance for your companions to escape."

"No, Boss Gui was single-handedly challenging Yuanhun Realm monks and a group of True Alchemy Realm monks. He was not afraid of danger."

"At that time, he rushed forward alone, with a proud head and a straight spine, without flinching, and bravely moved forward."

"Who else is such a feat! The courage to look at death without fear! The fearless heroism! You should erect a monument for it, or write a novel." A third-rate code-writer whose pen name is "Liangshui Shui" heard this story and praised it wildly. .

As time passed, the name and legend of Boss Turtle disappeared into the memory of the Youshou clan and disappeared into thin air. Maybe the stories in the book are all lies.

Seeing the ghost beasts fleeing one after another, Drunkard Xiao took a step forward and arrived in front of the pit wearing black clothes. With one move with one hand, he used the art of controlling objects through the air, and the colorful demon crystal turned into a rainbow stream of light and landed in his hand. There was no time to look at the demon crystal, so he carefully put it into his arms and hid it.

"The mission is accomplished, let's go." The corner of Xiao Xiao's mouth, a drunkard, tilted up slightly in a familiar arc. It was his signature smile, an uninhibited smile and a lovable smile.

Both Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai like to see the drunkard Xiao's smile, which is like a spring breeze.

The four people looked at each other and nodded.

Just as a few people were about to turn around and leave, two large groups of strange black clouds quickly rolled up from the direction of Youfeng Mountain in the sky.

The black clouds were rolling, not spraying out a stream of black spiritual pressure. There was a rumble, as if a war drum was beating.

"No! What kind of ghost beast is coming again." Xu Yang reminded loudly.

Then he took out the wine gourd from his arms and took a sip of the spirit wine. A hot line slid down his throat, and the nightmare beast spirit wine entered his stomach, and a large amount of spiritual power was replenished.

Perhaps in order to prevent everyone from being too alarmed, Xu Yang did not use words to explain in detail the posture of the person coming from the black cloud. But he clearly felt that the person who came was not good and probably had the strength of Yuanhun realm. If everyone escapes separately, Boss Bai and Xiao Yudian, the weaker ones among the four, will definitely be the most dangerous and will most likely be caught.

The drunkard Xiao looked at the approaching dark clouds, quickly took out an ice-blue pill, handed it to the little raindrop in front of him and said: "Take it quickly, use your power to repair your soul immediately, and prepare for the battle."

Xiao Yudiao took the pill and swallowed it without hesitation. A cold and clear medicinal power quickly spread out in his belly like an icy spring, straight through the bones. The damaged soul was faintly repaired, and the mana was also replenished. A lot.

But at this moment, Xiao Yudian felt that the pill was hot in his heart, and the master's concern always made him feel warm.

"Boss Bai, you have to be careful too." Drunkard Xiao reminded him carefully.

Boss Bai, who was plump and still charming, nodded and smiled charmingly, like a spring breeze.

Then he said softly: "I will do it, don't worry. I will definitely drink two drinks with you when I get back." The unique gentleness of a mature woman is undoubtedly revealed.

Although she said so, how could she not know the threat in the dark clouds in the sky with her cultivation in the True Alchemy Realm. He couldn't help but look at the dark clouds in the sky, frowning slightly, and his jade hands held the pair of silver knives tighter.

"Xu Xiaoyou, I'm afraid the previous fight cost you a lot. This time, let me go first." The drunkard Xiao said confidently.

He had just seen Xu Yang take a sip of wine, but how could the rich spiritual energy emanating from the wine be concealed from an alcoholic like Xiao who knew how to taste wine. As soon as he smelled the spiritual power fluctuations in it, he knew that this was a unique spiritual wine that could restore spiritual power, and Xu Yang must also be in a state of mana deficiency, but the strength Xu Yang showed just now really made Xiao, an alcoholic, admire him. Incessantly.

"That's fine." Xu Yang replied with a smile. He was naturally not a hot-headed and pushy person.

Drunkard Xiao took a step forward and said loudly: "Don't scatter, everyone, concentrate your strength, we may not be unable to fight."

Before the blink of an eye, two dark clouds rolled in front of several people.

The two dark clouds swirled in place and dispersed, revealing two middle-aged male cultivators, one tall and one short, wearing loose black robes.

They are said to be male cultivators because their appearance does not have any trace of ghost beasts. Their faces are the same as ordinary people, but their skin is slightly darker.

"Who is so bold as to alarm the "Youfeng Order"?" one of the tall male cultivators said.

Drunkard Xiao swept his consciousness and couldn't clearly see the cultivation levels of these two people, but judging from the powerful spiritual power fluctuations faintly emitted by them, they must be Yuanhun realm monks.

"Are these two ghost beasts evolved into fully human form? Otherwise, Yuanhun realm monks will be rejected by the black sun in the sky. Everyone should be careful." Drunkard Xiao said in time with his spiritual consciousness.

"We are all disciples of the Tiangui Sect who came here for a trial. We just had a fight with a few ghost beasts. We don't know what the "Youfeng Order" is. I wonder where the two adults came from." Xu Yang said neither humble nor arrogant.

He would not be stupid enough to say that it was because the four of him fought with the previous Huniu, and the Huniu among them triggered the "Youfeng Order."

"We are the "Servants of Youfeng" on Youfeng Mountain, specializing in serving the Holy Lord on Youfeng Mountain. It turns out that you are disciples of the Tiangui Sect. However, it should be that the disciples of the Tiangui Sect have not come here for a few years. The "Evil Ghost Path" trial has started. In the past, once the disciples of Tiangui Sect entered this place for trial, our Youfeng Mountain would be closed. This time you suddenly resumed the Evil Ghost Path trial, just in time for our Youfeng Mountain Saint. Your Majesty, you are in seclusion, so you did not seal Youfeng Mountain in time. Otherwise, you would not have been able to find the way up the mountain," said the tall male cultivator.

"It turns out that the two seniors know about the Tiangui Sect's trial, but the junior has never heard from the sect that there are other sects on Youfeng Mountain." He said, slightly arching his hands.

Although Xu Yang was polite, he did not dare to let down his guard at all, because he clearly felt that the mana fluctuations in these two people were very similar to those of the ghost beasts. Even if there really is some cultivation sect on Youfeng Mountain, it is probably inseparable from the Youfeng Mountain.

"There is a secret agreement between our Holy Master of "Youfeng Mountain" and your Tiangui Sect, which you ordinary disciples don't know about. You can come here to test, and we will not disturb you, provided that you cannot infringe Youfeng Mountain." The short Youfeng waiter said.

"In this case, let's leave as soon as possible. Please be kind to the two waiters." Seeing the possibility of ameliorating the current crisis, Xu Yang said quickly.

The two Youfeng waiters did not answer, but carefully looked at the people opposite. At the same time, an invisible wave of spiritual consciousness swept over Xu Yang and others.

The tall one among them said: "Judging from the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness, the technique you practice is undoubtedly from the lineage of Tiangui Sect. The little brother behind you also has some traces of Tiangui Sect disciples. But the two next to you , Why does it feel like they are from the Netherworld? There is no agreement between us and the Netherworld not to fight. "

As he spoke, his eyes wandered over the drunkards Xiao and Boss Bai from time to time, as if they were hungry wolves smelling delicious food, showing greedy expressions. Its appearance is exactly the same as the previous high-level ghost beast.

"How is this possible? I guarantee that the two of them are disciples of our Heavenly Ghost Sect. It's just that they accepted a mission from the sect and went to the Nether World for a walk some time ago. There will be some aura of the Nether World on their bodies." Xu Yang quickly followed the trend. He made up a lie, and an imperceptible red flashed in his eyes.

"Xiaoxian, your ability to deceive people is growing faster than your physical strength. But I feel that the aura of these two people is indeed that of the ghost beasts. It should be that the ghost beasts have evolved to a higher level and turned into human forms. . So, we should be ready to use force." A'Zhu sent a message in time to remind.

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