True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 237 The Punishment of Waiter Youfeng


After hearing Xu Yang's explanation, the tall waiter crossed his arms on his chest and burst into laughter. There was arrogance, hypocrisy, and greed in that laughter, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

After a while, the tall waiter's laughter stopped suddenly, just like a boiling pot of hot water suddenly freezing, and the atmosphere at the scene was so strange that it made people feel cold. And his face was equally cold.

"Fourteen, may I ask you a question?" the tall waiter said.

"Please speak," the short waiter replied.

"Do you think the explanation just given by the Tiangui Sect disciple is credible?" The tone was full of questions, and it seemed that the only answer was negative.

"Thirteen, we Youfeng Waiters are ranked in ascending order of numbers. You are thirteen and I am fourteen. Of course you have the final say here. Even if the four of them are really disciples of the Tiangui Sect, however, they Now they are trying to invade Youfeng Mountain, no, they have already invaded Youfeng Mountain, and they have also killed a servant guarding the mountain gate," the short waiter known as "Fourteen" replied.

"You are right. The four of them are all intruders. Regardless of whether they are disciples of the Tiangui Sect or not, they will all be punished by the waiters from Youfeng Mountain. How about we punish them by eating their golden elixirs?"

"This is in line with the rules of Youfeng Mountain. Anyone who violates Youfeng Mountain will die!"

It seemed that the two of them were the judges of Youfeng Mountain. As soon as they asked and answered, they judged Xu Yang and others as intruders and sentenced them to death without giving them any chance to defend themselves.

When the two of them asked and answered, they wanted to eat the human elixir. To the ears of the four people in Xu Yang, it was like two butcher knives rubbing against each other, which was horrifying.

"Haha." Xu Yang smiled awkwardly, as if he wanted to ease the cold atmosphere at the scene, and naturally he also had such disdain.

Then, he quickly transmitted his spiritual consciousness to the other three people and said: "There is a powerful enemy ahead. In order to complete the task of repairing the Blood Soul Monument, I propose that Xiao Yudian return first with the high-level demon crystal. The three of us are here to stop these two Personally, the lives of more than a hundred people in Wangyou Valley are waiting for these two demon crystals to be saved."

"This is a very good idea." Drunkard Xiao replied via voice transmission.

"I agree." Boss Bai replied.

"I don't agree. I want to be with everyone." Xiao Yudian disagreed.

The drunkard Xiao couldn't help but Xiao Yudian objected, and deliberately blocked Xiao Yudian's body, and handed the two demon crystals into Xiao Yudian's hand.

Xiao Yudian held the master's hand and frowned slightly, unable to hide the reluctance in her heart. He was very reluctant to leave the master here alone, because the two powerful enemies in front of him were enough to endanger the master's life.

"Don't worry, we will go back safely." Xiao Chuanyin, the drunkard, said, then turned his face and smiled at Xiaoyudiao. That uninhibited smile was irresistible.

Xiao Yudian quietly collected the demon crystal and put it in his arms.

Although the movement of the two of them passing the demon crystal was very small, the unique spiritual power fluctuations emitted from the demon crystal were still noticed by Thirteen and Fourteen on the opposite side.

"What? Do you want to run away? You also secretly took the demon crystal. This demon crystal is evidence of your stealing the property of Youfeng Mountain." Thirteen said sternly, like a law enforcer.

"Hehe." Fourteen sneered, his five fingers spread out and turned into claws, and his body looked like a predatory beast, and he immediately pounced on him.


Drunkard Xiao and Boss Bai drew out their swords and stood in front of Xiao Yudian.

There was a "clang" sound.

The long swords and short knives in their hands met with the palms of Fourteenth, making a crisp sound of metal collision. The black brilliance flowed on those fleshy palms, like black iron, not allowing the sharpness of the sword at all.

Drunkard Xiao and Boss Bai were knocked back half a step at the same time, and they managed to regain their footing by using their physical strength. The gap between the True Alchemy Realm monks and the Yuanhun Realm monks is always a gap.

"Let's go!" Xiao, the drunkard, shouted loudly.

"Master, I'm waiting for you." Xiao Yudian replied, turning his head reluctantly, using the water ripples under his feet, and used his secret body skills to escape.

"You criminals, don't even think about leaving!"

The Youfeng waiter "Fourteen" said coldly, and then circles of black ripples spread out around him, and in the blink of an eye, the drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai, and Xiao Yudian were enveloped in it.

The seemingly invisible black ripples spread out like a tide, turning everything they passed into a black prison.

Soul Realm! The power of the Yuanhun Realm monks is fully displayed.

The three of Xiao Yudian fell into it, and their hands and feet suddenly felt like shackles, and their movements were hindered.

At the moment when Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen" took action, Youfeng Waiter "Thirteen" also took action, and the target was Xu Yang in front of him.

Against Xu Yang alone, Thirteen didn't even bother to use Soul Domain. The coercion spread out from his body, his robes flew behind him, and his momentum was overwhelming. He took one step forward, his five fingers like hooks, like a black angry eagle swooping towards him.

Xu Yang just took some Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine, and his mana recovered a lot. Seeing the opponent's sudden attack, he activated his magic power, and the red spiritual flames flashed on his entire right arm. On his right fist, purple-black Hellfire ignited, and the Hellfire Fist came forward to meet the attack.


The moment the fists and palms met, the strong wind dispersed, and both sides were shocked at the same time.

"Boy, your reaction is not slow." Thirteen said, and then waved another palm.

This palm may seem ordinary, but the power contained in it is extremely powerful. The originally transparent void was compressed into water-like ripples, and a muffled rumbling sound occurred.

Facing this thundering palm, the fire wings rolled up behind Xu Yang's back, and his figure instantly moved diagonally a few feet away to avoid its sharp edge. Then he turned his hand over and held the four-illusion long stick in his hand. The golden flowers flowed on the long stick, and the phantom of a majestic purple sacred mountain was extremely solid.

The four magic long sticks were swung out one after another, and the golden light was scattered, like a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The Youfeng waiter "Thirteen" was blocked by Xu Yang with his four-illusion long stick several times in a row.

"As expected of a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, he really has some strength." Thirteen said, Xu Yang's performance made him become more and more serious.

His figure followed him like a ghost, each palm was faster than the other, and each palm was harder than the last. The wind of his palms was like a stormy wave, and each wave was higher than the other.

"Xiaoxian, if you delay for a while, you should be able to activate the Flame Spirit Realm again." A'Zhu's message came from Xu Yang's mind.

The powerful spiritual power in the nightmare beast spirit wine that Xu Yang drank before was naturally used by A'Zhu a lot.

Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Domain mainly relies on the power of his own and A'Zhu's Flame Spirit, followed by the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit. Therefore, in order to activate the Flame Spirit Realm, Xu Yang and A'Zhu must reach a state of sufficient energy and body at the same time.

"While my opponent hasn't used Soul Domain yet, I'll try to delay it for a while." Xu Yang replied.

Xu Yang was even more worried about the fighting situation of the drunkards Xiao and the others in another place, because he felt that the Fourteenth Waiter of the Wind on the other side had released the soul realm.

In the soul realm released by the Fourteenth Waiter of Ghost Wind.

The drunkards Xiao and Boss Bai forced themselves to use their true energy to resist the oppression brought by the surrounding soul realms. They were already sweating profusely after only a few breaths, but they never gave in.

Xiao, a drunkard with high fighting spirit, unleashed the "Drunken Willow Sword Art". His body technique was like a green willow facing the wind, and his sword intention was as wild as a drunken man's. It was a combination of hardness and softness, and he was able to defend while attacking without any confusion.

The pair of short knives in Boss Bai's hands were as nimble as rabbits, and the jumping blades fell down without losing any time.

The fourteenth waiter is a decisive person, and he is not soft-hearted just because he is a Yuanhun Realm monk and his opponent is a True Alchemy Realm monk. He flipped his wrist, and there was a large black ring knife in his hand. This knife was five feet long. The five bright silver rings on the back of the knife clattered with the dance of the blade, like a life-threatening bell.

Xiao Yudian took the opportunity to escape from the area covered by the black soul domain, looked back at the struggling drunkard Xiao and Boss Bai, and couldn't help but feel worried.

"Master, don't blame me for not listening to you."

There was determination in his eyes, and he patted the spiritual pet bag on his waist. A white shadow jumped out from it. In the blink of an eye, there was a spiritual rabbit on the ground. This rabbit is as white as snow, with a hint of cold air emanating from its surface from time to time. It is only half a foot in size, and its large, erect ears are alert to the sounds of fighting in the distance.

"Xue Ling, help me take these two demon crystals back to Wangyou Valley and hand them over to the old village chief personally." After saying that, Xiao Yudian knelt down, took out two demon crystals and handed them over.

White Rabbit Xueling opened her mouth and swallowed the demon crystal into her mouth. The two stuffed cheeks seemed to have two snowballs hanging on them.

Immediately, Xiao Yudian reached out and patted the little guy's head. The little guy nodded obediently, turned around, turned into a stream of white light, and fled quickly. The speed was staggering.

After doing all this, Xiao Yudian rushed back with the Golden Rain Sword in his hand. The shining silver edge on the sword tip kept spitting out, which was exactly the sword intention that he was determined to fight.

"Master, I have asked Xue Ling to help me deliver the demon crystal. Let's move forward and retreat together." Xiao Yudian waved the silver blade in his hand and used his spiritual consciousness to send a message to the drunkard Xiao.

"You are my apprentice."

Although the drunkard Xiao's tone was a bit complaining, he was grateful in his heart. The relationship between him and Xiao Yudian's master and apprentice is sincere.

The three of them faced a powerful enemy that would not let go and were ready to give it a go. Each of them urged the outer core of the golden elixir in their body to melt rapidly, and simultaneously used their killing moves.

"Elixir Killing Technique - Drunken Man Playing with Willows!"

The drunkard Xiao slashed out the silver edge in his hand, and countless willow-like silver threads suddenly appeared. Each silver thread was a trace of condensed sword intent. It was like an unruly storm, rolling up thousands of waves.

"Elixir Killing Technique—Fly with both wings!"

Boss Bai raised his beautiful eyes, and his plump figure spun deftly on the spot. He slashed down a pair of short knives in his hands, and the crossed blades turned into flying silver birds flying through the sky, making a hissing sound in the void.

"Elixir Killing Technique—Golden Sword Flowing Rain!"

The light raindrops used the green blade in their hands, and a large golden light was emitted amidst a buzzing sound of swords, like raindrops falling continuously, shaking the void.

Waiter Fourteen frowned when he saw this, but he was not panicked. He was able to advance to the Soul Realm and completely transform into a human form. He was experienced in many battles.

I saw the pressure around him increasing again, the black robe behind him dancing wildly, activating his powerful soul power, and throwing out the five-ring sword in his hand. The broadsword splashed black ripples in the void and then disappeared.

"Soul skill-Bear Bear Slash!"

The next moment, a giant black bear wearing silver armor suddenly appeared in his black soul realm. The roaring black bear stood up suddenly, with its mouth open in anger, and raised a pair of bear paws as thick as iron pillars and smacked them down. Its power was like a mountain descending, the void rattled, and the strong wind rolled back.

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