True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 238 The Crisis of Drunkard Xiao

The collision of extreme moves is the collision of soul skills and alchemy killing skills, and the competition between Yuanhun Realm monks and True Alchemy Realm monks.

It only takes a few breaths to make a decision.

Drunkard Xiao's countless silver sword energy, Boss Bai's flying wing blade and Xiaoyu's golden sword rain were ruthlessly torn apart by the violent bear's paws. The roaring silver-armored grizzly bear has the advantage of geographical advantages. The entire black soul realm is its territory, and it is the king of this territory.

Being able to release the soul realm is one of the fundamental reasons why the combat power of Yuanhun Realm monks is much higher than that of True Alchemy Realm monks.

The counter-shock force was like a big hammer hitting the drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai, and Xiao Yudian. Their bodies were thrown more than ten feet away like kites with broken strings.

Xiao Qiang, an alcoholic, used his kung fu to resist. He turned somersault in mid-air. After landing, he spun three times on the spot and finally managed to stand firm after removing most of his strength.

Boss Bai and Xiao Yudian, who were slightly less skilled, were knocked to the ground directly, raising a cloud of dust. The two men's muscles and bones were about to burst, and the corners of their mouths were stained red. They endured the pain of tearing their souls and stood up.

If the three of them hadn't blocked most of the opponent's extreme moves with one strike, the soul skill that Youfeng Waiter Fourteen had just performed might have killed them.

The power of the silver-armored grizzly bear was also dissipated by the roar just now, and the five-ringed black knife appeared again in the hands of Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen".

Seeing that Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai were injured, the drunkard Xiao shouted loudly: "You two leave quickly, I will resist him."

Together, the three of them have little chance of winning. Xiao, an alcoholic, has made up his mind. Rather than struggling to support the three of them, he might as well risk his life in exchange for the lives of his apprentice Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai.

I saw the drunkard Xiao take out a wine gourd from his arms. The wine gourd had a shiny and warm appearance, and it had obviously been following him for a long time.

Gurgling, gulping, drinking several gulps in succession. The silver thread flowing out of the wine gourd's mouth changed from thick to thin, and gradually turned into intermittent pearl shapes. He shook the wine gourd, then flicked it with his hand, and the close-fitting wine gourd rolled away.

“Good wine!”

Drinking makes a hero brave. He is dressed in soap clothes and moves without wind. His long hair is flying, and the green blade in his hand shakes, and his figure does not retreat but advances. Just like the green willows in the strong wind, they sway and never give in.

On the other side, the Youfeng waiter "Thirteen" and Xu Yang were fighting together. The waiter "Thirteen" almost succeeded after seeing "Fourteen" perform his soul skills, but the outcome of his side was undecided, and he was a little embarrassed. After all, His ranking of "Thirteen" among the waiters of Youfeng Mountain is still slightly higher than that of "Fourteen".

At this time, Youfeng Waiter "Thirteen" looked cold, turned his wrist, and held a giant battle ax with a wide back and thin blade in his palm. The slightly swaying battle axe, the bright silver blade reflected the violent light of the black sun.

"Boy, this waiter has no time to play with you anymore. The fight between us will be over soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he activated the power of the soul in his body, and with his body as the center, circles of black ripples swayed out of the air, like splashing ink wherever they passed.

Soul Realm! The symbol and power of Yuanhun Realm monks.

Without stopping for a moment, the huge battle ax in the hand of Youfeng Waiter "Thirteen" was thrown out. Waves of light surged in the soul realm, the battle ax disappeared, and a huge tusked war elephant appeared in the black soul realm.

This black elephant is the combination of a battle ax and soul power. It is as big as three feet. The huge tusks are like two smooth spears, shaking back and forth vigorously as if to open a hole in the void.

The galloping war elephants, the earth rumbled, and the pressure shook the surrounding areas.

"Xiaoxian, I'm ready. The Flame Spirit Realm can be activated again. Let's rush together!" A'Zhu reminded him in time.

"Let's rush together!"

Immediately, Xu Yang activated Haoran's heavenly veins, and his magic power surged like an impacting chariot.

I saw three colors of light swooshing out from the Tianling Cap above Xu Yang's head.

A flash of red turned into a fire sparrow with a golden crown and long tail, which was A'Zhu's true form.

A streak of golden color turned into a golden crow with golden feathers and three legs, which was the true body of the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha.

A streak of earth and metal transformed into a ghost baby with two horns on its head, two wings on its back, and a sharp scorpion tail trailing behind it. It was the true body of the Flame Wheel Spirit.

Three groups of flame spirits were connected end to end, hovering above Xu Yang's head.

The next moment, the red, golden, and earth-gold flame spirit fields surged towards the surroundings like ocean waves. This powerful wave of soul power connects the world and redefines the realm.

Flame Spirit Realm!

In the blink of an eye, the three-color flame spirit realm collided with the black soul realm opposite.


The two are like two invisible big hands, each grabbing the void and trying to pull the void within their own range.


Where the two intersect, muffled thunder rolls, and countless electric arcs are like dancing silver snakes. In the end, the two forces reached a dynamic balance and overlapped.

"Fire Spirit Shackles!"

Facing the war elephant transformed by the waiter's "Thirteen" soul skill, Xu Yang did not hesitate to use the Flame Spirit Shackles.

The red shackles transformed by A'Zhu, the golden shackles transformed by the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the golden shackles transformed by the Golden Crow Flame Spirit were like three angry colorful dragons, twisting and fiercely entangled towards the black war elephant.


Amidst the clang of metal, the three-color shackles wrapped the black war elephant tightly, and the unruly war elephant was restrained in an instant.

The black war elephant struggled unwillingly, swung its trunk wildly, and kept shaking its two huge tusks, while strips of black spiritual pressure shot out from its body.

Suddenly, the three-color shackles began to shake unsteadily.

This was the first time that Xu Yang faced a real Yuanhun Realm monk alone, and he was competing with the Yuanhun Realm monk's soul skills. Therefore, I dare not reserve anything.

Use the power of the three flame spirits to the limit that you can control.

On top of the three-color shackles, a red firebird with its head raised and flapping its wings rose up into the sky. Surrounded by golden Sanskrit fonts, a three-legged golden crow stepped on it and spread its wings. A ghost baby with two horns and a scorpion tail opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth and biting continuously.

For a time, the power of the Flame Spirit Shackles increased sharply, and the black war elephant could not advance even half a minute.

"What? A True Alchemy Realm cultivator can actually withstand my soul skills. The disciples of Tiangui Sect are really worthy of their reputation. No wonder even under the protection of Heiyang, Lord Shengzun has reached an agreement with Tiangui Sect to allow them to come here. The Forgotten Land Trial. That legend must be true. This Forgotten Land is a space cut from the underworld by the founder of the Tiangui Sect. It is an existence that even the king of the underworld, Fengdu Emperor, is afraid of." Waiter Thirteen. Xu Yang's strong performance can only be attributed to the fact that Tiangui Sect is too mysterious and powerful.

For more than twenty breaths, the energy of the two sides' extreme moves was exhausted in the mutual tearing, leaving only the void that was burned red by the spiritual power and the slightest trace of steam rising.

The black war elephant disappeared, and the huge battle ax reappeared in the hands of the waiter "Thirteen".

"Hehehehe! Boy, your strength surprises me! Your golden elixir must taste better. If I swallow your golden elixir, maybe I can be promoted to one of the top ten servants of Youfeng."

The waiter "Thirteen" looked at Xu Yang with even more greed in his eyes, and then rushed over with a battle ax in his hand.

Xu Yang's wings of fire curled wildly behind him, but instead of fighting head-on, he waved the Four Illusion Long Sticks to use the power of Mount Tai's Golden Spirit to deal with it.

The four magic long sticks blessed with the power of Mount Tai's golden spirit, each stick has the power of the descending mountain. Although Xu Yang's current physical strength is not yet able to exert the power of Mount Tai, it is enough to make the waiter Thirteen on the opposite side feel... be surprised.

Xu Yang was secretly worried when he saw the struggling drunkard Xiao Xiao and the others on the other side, but he had no time to care. The battle ax in the hands of the waiter "Thirteen" on the opposite side was extremely powerful. Every ax had the power to break mountains, and he was not given any chance to breathe.

The Thirteenth Attendant was originally evolved from a ghost beast and was born with infinite strength. Coupled with his cultivation in the Soul Realm, the force of the battle ax could be described as extremely domineering. He originally wanted to suppress Xu Yang with his own brute strength, and when he accumulated enough soul power to activate his soul skills again, he would win. But he didn't expect that Xu Yang could not only block the impact of his giant ax repeatedly, but also had to use his soul power on every attack to deal with the extremely powerful four magic long sticks.

"The soul power is strong, and the brute strength is strong enough. This guy must have exceeded the definition of a true alchemy realm monk." As time went by, the number of questions in Waiter Thirteen's mind increased.

Xu Yang used the Fire Wing Zhufeng movement technique that he was good at, combined with the power of Mount Tai's golden spirit on the Four Illusions long stick, to deal with it, but he was just tired of dealing with it.

"We must find a way out of our current predicament."

At this moment, the situation that Xu Yang was worried about appeared.

Although the drunkard Xiao shouted for Boss Bai and Xiao Yudian to leave first, the two of them had no intention of escaping first.

For Boss Bai and Xiao Yudian, first of all, the drunkard Xiao is their savior. It was the drunkard Xiao who rescued the two of them from a life-and-death crisis and brought them back to the Valley of Forgetfulness. Secondly, Boss Bai has always admired the alcoholic Xiao in his heart, and the relationship between Xiao Yudian and the alcoholic Xiao even exceeds the relationship between master and apprentice.

How could the two of them leave Xiao, an alcoholic, to bear the responsibility alone in order to survive in a critical moment.

The waiter "Fourteen", who is the opponent of the three, is not only a murderer, but also a murderer with a killing strategy.

Seeing that Boss Bai and Xiao Yudian's speed and defense had been greatly weakened after being severely injured by him, he suddenly turned his attack on the two of them.

No matter how skilled the drunkard Xiao was in swordsmanship, the gap in skill meant that he could not stop the all-out attack of Waiter Fourteen.

Waiter Fourteen spotted an empty spot and struck Boss Bai with a knife. Boss Bai couldn't dodge, and he tried his best to draw out the two swords in his hands.

With a "clang" sound, Boss Bai's figure was shaken back three feet. The injury just now was aggravated by another three points. His eyesight blurred, his body was hindered, and he almost fell down.

The fourteenth waiter didn't stop for a moment, his figure was like a tarsal maggot, and while the black blade was rolling, the second knife came as expected.

At the critical moment, the drunkard Xiao flashed his body and stood in front of Boss Bai. He moved Qingfeng forward in his hand.


Although he barely blocked the knife, his body was stunned and his entire chest was exposed.

Waiter Fourteen took the opportunity to raise his foot.


The drunkard Xiao felt a tightness in his chest and was kicked to the ground by the opponent's fierce kick.

The waiter Fourteen turned around and slashed with his sword again, hitting the drunkard Xiao who was lying on the ground.


The roaring sword wind is like the roar of a life-threatening ghost.

Facing the falling knife, the drunkard Xiao had no time to dodge. Gritting his teeth, he poured mana into Qingfeng's hand, and he was about to take it hard.

But at this time, he was lying on the ground. Even if he blocked the blade, the force of the blade would fall on him, and the consequences would be disastrous.


Xiaoyudiao on the side saw this and shouted.

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