True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 240 Drunk Willow Smiling in the Spring Breeze

At this time, Xiao Yudian's condition became worse, a bright red flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her face was as pale as paper.

In the soul power competition with Youfeng Waiter Fourteen just now, her soul was torn apart, and a heart-piercing pain came, but she did not moan out in pain. Because the arms of Drunkard Xiao are the harbor of happiness where she can anchor, and the chest of Drunkard Xiao is the mountain on which she can rely. She was happy at the moment, and this happiness made her forget the temporary pain.

Her consciousness began to become increasingly blurry, and the image of the drunkard Xiao in her eyes seemed to be suddenly separated by a layer of water, becoming increasingly unclear. She began to be a little scared. She was afraid that she would no longer be able to see the man in front of her clearly. This man she had always called her master was also the man she had always secretly loved.

She tried hard to reach out her right hand, trying to touch the drunkard Xiao's cheek. But with the face so close at hand, her hand could only reach halfway before she had no strength to stretch forward an inch.

Drunkard Xiao quickly stretched out a hand, gently held Xiao Yudian's right hand, and gently placed it against his cheek. This will make her feel his presence, and she will feel more at ease.

When her fingertips conveyed the warm warmth on the face of the drunkard Xiao, she looked at him and smiled happily, and he smiled back.

She and he looked at each other with only each other in their eyes.

"Master, can we get married?"

Her faint mosquito buzzing sound was extremely clear to the drunkard Xiao's ears. This sound echoed in the deepest part of the drunkard Xiao's heart, and he refused to leave for a long time.

"Silly apprentice, you are still young. When you are five years older, master will seriously consider this issue." The drunkard Xiao didn't know why he agreed to her so readily, and he vowed to add another to this future promise. Not many deadlines.

Drunkard Xiao's answer gave Xiao Yudian hope. She smiled, as bright as a spring flower.

"I can't die. I want to grow up a few years and get married to my master." She made a firm voice in her heart.

She took out a piece of white and warm jade pendant with her left hand. It was an exquisite jade pendant engraved with a fragrant white lotus. If Xu Yang saw it, he would definitely recognize that this jade pendant was the same as the jade pendant Xiao Yue'e had asked him to wear to find his sister, except that one flower was on the left and the other on the right.

"Master, you must keep your word. This jade pendant was given to me by my mother, so I will give it to you as a token of my oath." I don't know where she got the strength from, but her voice seemed to be louder.

The drunkard Xiao carefully took the jade pendant and said, "Silly apprentice, you know that master always means what he says when he is not drunk."

A true alcoholic doesn't promise anything when he's drunk, only when he's sober. This is also wine.

Suddenly, she felt so sleepy, her right hand slipped weakly from his cheek, and her eyes gradually closed, but there was always a smile on the corner of her mouth, as quiet as a fragrant white lotus.

Two lines of tears slipped quietly from the face of the drunkard Xiao. He has always been free and uninhibited and has not shed tears since he came to the Valley of Forgetfulness. This is the first time.

He quickly activated the technique and put a palm on Xiao Yudian's shoulder. The magic power surged out like a heat wave and turned into a warm current to protect Xiao Yudian's heart.

What made him feel a little relieved was that Xiao Yudian still retained a weak thread-like pulse, and he continued to put more mana into Xiao Yudian's body. Finally, Xiao Yudian's fingers moved, and the eyes that had been closed slowly opened again, revealing a pair of eyes as clear as autumn water.

"Silly apprentice, wait for me here. Master will be back soon."

He gently laid Xiao Yudian's body flat on the ground, stood up, and holding the long sword named "Drunken Willow" in his right hand, he walked towards the "Youfeng Waiter Fourteen" who was coming from the opposite side.


Xiao Yudiao opened her mouth to shout, but no sound came out. She was extremely weak at this time. She hated herself and hated that her cultivation level was too low to help her master. She looked at the drunkard Xiao's back with blurred eyes.

"Master, why is it raining? I can't see you clearly in the rain." Xiaoyudidian closed his eyes and passed out again.

Boss Bai behind him saw this and wanted to help, but he was powerless. She stumbled to Xiao Yudian and half-lifted Xiao Yudian up. Looking at the back of drunkard Xiao, tears flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the drunkard Xiao's eyes were also full of tears. He hated himself, hated himself for not protecting his apprentice and Boss Bai. I hate that I always drink alcohol but my cultivation has not improved. If he could go back in time, he would rather give up drinking.

For a true alcoholic, if something can motivate him to stop drinking, it shows that he is a responsible alcoholic. This is also wine.

The drunkard Xiao wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes with his sleeve, and an uninhibited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was his signature smile. At this time, there was more responsibility and fearlessness in this smile.

The fourteenth servant of Youfeng held the pitch-black five-ring sword in his hand, his eyes full of greed and murderous intent, and he approached step by step.

The distance between the drunkard Xiao and "Youfeng Waiter Fourteen" is getting closer and closer.


The drunkard Xiao laughed loudly and threw Qingfeng's "Drunk Willow" out of his hand.

With a buzzing sound, the seemingly rigid blade of the "Drunk Willow" sword suddenly became soft, swaying like a green willow dancing in the wind.

At the same time, the coercion of the drunkard Xiao Zhou suddenly increased sharply. His long hair was flowing like a waterfall, and his soap clothes were flying like the waves. The powerful load caused a trace of bright red to overflow from the corners of his mouth, and there were faint lines on the surface of the golden elixir in his body that seemed to be about to break.

But he did not stop. More than a hundred years of cultivation turned into this moment of glory, and the soul power comparable to that of a monk in the Yuanhun Realm came out without hesitation.

Only the "Drunk Willow" sword in mid-air was heard to make a sword sound, just like the drunkard Xiao's uninhibited smile, hearty and crisp. Immediately afterwards, circles of emerald green ripples appeared on the Zui Liu Sword, which was transformed by the unyielding sword intention and fearless soul power.

The final form of "Drunken Willow Sword Art" "Drunken Willow Smiling in the Spring Breeze" suddenly appeared in the void.

The next moment, the Zui Liu Sword turned into a size of several feet, its power moved the heaven and earth, dragging a green sword energy, just like a green rainbow, and slashed straight towards the "Fourteenth Waiter of the Wind" on the opposite side.

"The Fourteenth Attendant of Youfeng" originally thought that the drunkard Xiao was just at the end of his crossbow, so he waited for the knife to fall, and then took the golden elixir as his own.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the alcoholic Xiao's body erupted with soul power that would not allow a Yuan Soul Realm monk.

This really surprised the "Fourteenth Waiter of the Wind" once again. There was an explosion of life-sacrifice in the past, but this time it was the drunkard Xiao's sudden change of righteousness.

"Servant of the Wind Fourteen"'s forward steps came to an abrupt halt. He had no time to release his soul realm, so he could only raise the true energy in his body and inject all the soul power into the five-ring sword in his hand.

"Bear Bear Blade!"

He held the handle of the five-ring sword with both hands and slashed it down.

The pitch-black blade rolled and turned into a roaring giant bear, its complete wildness seemed to tear the void apart.


The green rainbow formed by the sword "Drunken Willow" collides with the power of the five-ring sword.

Countless green light strands spurt out like countless green willow branches. It is a blooming cyan, a cyan of life, a cyan that is more intoxicating than flowers.

In just a moment, the violent black bear transformed by the sword intention of "Servant of the Wind 14" was submerged in the endless green.


The seemingly powerful five-ring sword was as fragile as a piece of wood, being cut off from the middle. A green light drew a straight line from the face, neck, chest, belly, and thighs of "Servant of the Wind Fourteen".


The eyes of Waiter Fourteen of Youfeng, which were as wide as a bell in horror, were separated from the middle of his forehead, and his entire body was split into two.

Clusters of black fireworks ignited on the miserable body of Youfeng Waiter Fourteenth, and the chirping sound seemed to be the unwilling cry of Youfeng Waiter Fourteenth.

With a clanking sound, a colorful demon crystal rolled to the ground.

The drunkard Xiao didn't take another look, turned around, held the "Green Willow" sword on the ground with one hand, and walked slowly in front of Xiao Yudian and Boss Bai.

He knelt down and said softly: "Apprentice, the master is here."

Then he turned around and said, "Boss Bai, my apprentice is here to help you."

After saying that, he fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious, and the "Green Willow" sword in his hand rolled aside.

"Alcoholic Xiao! Drunkard Xiao! Wake up! You promised me that we will go back and drink together." Boss Bai shouted with tears in his beautiful eyes.

At this time, the drunkard Xiao's soul power was overdrawn, his golden elixir was unstable, his energy was like a gossamer, and he had no consciousness.

This style of "Drunk Willow Smiling in the Spring Breeze" was the first time the drunkard Xiao had performed it in his life. The drunkard Xiao is not a born drunkard, but in order to practice the final form of the "Drunken Willow Sword Art", "Drunken Willow Smiling in the Spring Breeze", he can only drink continuously. He is drunk but not drunk. The soul power is accumulated in the true elixir. Until enough soul power is accumulated, it can be used to break through from the true elixir realm to the soul realm in one fell swoop. But as time went by, he really fell in love with drinking, and eventually got the nickname Drunkard Xiao.

This time, he released the soul power accumulated in the true elixir in advance, but because he was not ready for a breakthrough at the moment, the true elixir was overwhelmed, his body was injured, and he was dying.

Xu Yang has been paying attention to the situation on Drunkard Xiao's side. From Drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai, and Xiao Yudian being overthrown by "Youfeng Waiter Fourteen", to Xiao Yudian's counterattack, and finally to Drunkard Xiao's desperate situation. kill. Xu Yang's heart fell from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountain again.

Drunkard Xiao's victory gave Xu Yang enough confidence.

Seeing the sudden defeat of "Servant of the Wind 14" and the "Servant of the Wind 13" fighting Xu Yang, he suddenly became uneasy.

As a waiter of the ghostly wind and a higher-level ghost beast, it is common for him to face the death of his companions. This is also the reason why the Youfeng Waiters only have numbers like "Thirteen" and "Fourteen" but no names. Because the number will always be there, and the person will be replaced by the next ghost beast at any time, there will be more competition between them, which is also the fate of being a ghost beast.

Therefore, when they saw several True Alchemy Realm monks standing in front of them, their minds were filled with thoughts of devouring the Golden Pills of the True Alchemy Realm monks. Because the monk's golden elixir is a great tonic for the ghost beasts, it can help them greatly increase their power. Only when you become stronger will you not be killed in competition with other companions.

Now, what makes "Servant of the Wind Thirteen" uneasy is whether the opponent opposite him will suddenly explode like that.

"Thirteen" began to hesitate, whether to continue fighting or to escape.

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