True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 241 Double Yang Illusion

The Thirteenth Waiter of Youfeng saw the body of No. 14 not far away and finally turned into a demon crystal under the black fireworks. A trace of fear inevitably arose in his heart. He did not want to turn into a demon crystal himself.

Although No. 13, as a servant of Youfeng, is not allowed to leave the scope of Youfeng Mountain at will, in the past few days, the information passed between the Youfeng beasts shows that many Youfeng Sect disciples have entered this place for trial. Kill.

The disciples of the Tiangui Sect will conduct trials in this "Evil Ghost Way" every once in a while. Number 13 also escaped to Youfeng many years ago after he had a lucky escape from the pursuit of the disciples of the Tiangui Sect. Mountain refuge. In the end, he was successfully promoted to Waiter Thirteen of Youfeng.

He had experienced the strength of the trial disciples of the Tiangui Sect before, but he had never seen a disciple like Xu Yang who only had the cultivation level of Peiyuan Realm have such fighting power. He could clearly feel the spiritual power fluctuations of the fake elixir in Xu Yang's body. The ghost beast's sensitivity to the monk's golden elixir or fake elixir is innate.

After this period of fighting, he felt that his soul power and magic power should be superior to Xu Yang's. But he still can't find a good way to kill his opponent with one blow.

Xu Yang used the Fire Wings Chasing the Wind movement technique to cooperate with the power of Taishan Jinjing on the Four Illusions long stick to dodge and defend in time, and counterattack from time to time.

"Boy, seeing as your skills are not weak, how about we make a deal?" No. 13 asked while fighting Xu Yang.

Xu Yang is such a smart man, but when he heard that No. 13 was playing some conspiracy.

"Trade? Is there any trade between wolves and sheep?" Xu Yang asked.

"Hey, you kid knows that your situation is not good. It's very simple. Your three companions are all seriously injured. Even if I don't kill them, the summoning message released by the Ghost Wind Order just now will also kill other ghost beasts further away. The three of them have no chance of survival. If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid you, the little lamb, will die more miserably and be torn apart by many wolves. Why not, I let you escape on your own. How about I enjoy the golden elixirs of my three companions?”

"Hahaha." Xu Yang laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"I laugh because you are scared. We Tiangui Sect disciples entered this place for the trial just to kill you ghost beasts. My other brothers and sisters are nearby, and they will come here soon. See Was that No. 14 the result of being killed? And you also misunderstood what I just said. Between me and you, I am the wolf, and you are the sheep. This relationship starts from the beginning. It has been decided since the beginning of the trial for the Ghost Sect disciples that the only deal between us is that you will become a demon crystal and be taken away by me."

Xu Yang's words felt like needle pricks in No. 13's ears, making him tremble with anger.

"Young man named Xu! Since you are so ungrateful, don't blame this waiter for being ruthless."

After saying that, No. 13 blessed the battle ax with more soul power. The surface of the originally dark battle ax even shed a faint golden light. This golden light was the fighting spirit transformed by the soul power.

The shadows of axes are superimposed one after another, like golden waves. Xu Yang seemed to be unable to resist, and was retreating steadily, while No. 13's attacks became more fierce.

This is exactly what Xu Yang wants. If No. 13 recovers enough soul power quickly, it will be able to stimulate the soul domain and soul skills again, which will be very detrimental to Xu Yang.

And Xu Yang also deliberately pretended to be helpless to lure No. 13 into a fierce attack.

I saw that the earthy golden light under Xu Yang's feet was flashing continuously, and the body showed the shadow of a long-necked and long-tailed Suzaku. At the same time, it was blessed with the power of two flame spirits, and its movement was three points faster.

No matter how ferocious the battle ax in No. 13's hand is, it's like a tiger trying to catch a sparrow. It has no strength, but it is always in vain.

As time passed, the anxious No. 13 was sweating profusely, and his soul power was also consumed a lot.

Soul power is the ability of the monk's soul and the foundation of the monk's body. Soul power is like a container. Only with enough soul power can you run relatively powerful magic and mental power. Otherwise, even if you have powerful magic and spiritual power, you will not be able to perform sufficiently effective techniques if your soul power is insufficient. Forcibly performing it will also cause the soul to tear and destroy the foundation.

At this time, No. 13 wasted a lot of soul power on constantly waving the battle ax in his hand. Although each ax was enough to destroy a hill, it couldn't hit Xu Yang's clothes.

As No. 13's soul power continued to be consumed, his speed and strength in swinging the battle ax weakened. At this time, Xu Yang had not recovered enough soul power to use his Flame Spirit Domain and Pill Killing Technique, which had the most powerful attack power.

"Okay, now." Xu Yang thought in his mind.

Suddenly, Xu Yang threw the four-magnitude long stick in his hand into the sky.

No. 13 didn't know what Xu Yang's move was, so he couldn't help but jump back a step, and then looked up. But he found that the golden four-illusion long stick just flashed like a golden needle and disappeared into the void.

"I am leaving."

Xu Yang shouted and turned around. The fire wings rolled up behind his back and he was already several feet away.

"Arrogant boy, why don't you brag? If you can't hold on, you have to run for your life alone. Your three companions are still waiting to die over there."

No. 13 did not chase, but stood there and sneered loudly. At the same time, he kept releasing his spiritual consciousness to search for the four-illusion long stick that had just disappeared, because he always felt that there was something strange about the long stick disappearing, and it might be a hidden killing move.

But the Four Fantasy Long Stick was like a golden needle falling into the sea, leaving no trace.

But Xu Yang stopped a few feet away from No. 13, turned around, and said loudly: "No. 13, don't think that I am afraid of you. I am a little tired. Let's take a rest. Fight again.”

After saying that, Xu Yang put his hands on his hips and just looked at No. 13 from a distance.

"What kind of trick does this kid want to play?"

No. 13 turned his head and looked at the drunkard Xiao Xiao and the others on the other side who were still seriously injured on the ground, with a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

"No matter what tricks this kid plays, I'll kill those three people first."

Thinking of this, No. 13 turned around and walked in the direction of the drunkard Xiao and his three friends. He did not choose to rush over because he was afraid that Xu Yang on the other side would take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

At this time, the drunkard Xiao was still lying on the ground. Boss Bai on the side was forcing his energy into Xiao Yudian's body, regardless of his own internal injuries.

Both Drunkard Xiao and Xiao Yudian were seriously injured, but Drunkard Xiao suffered his own injuries caused by excessive release of powerful soul power, and he also successfully killed his opponent. Xiao Yudian was injured by his opponent when he overexhausted his soul power. Apparently light raindrops are worse.

As No. 13 walked in the direction of the drunkard Xiao and his three friends, he observed Xu Yang's movements from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

Every time No. 13 took a step, Xu Yang behind him also took a step, and there was always a few feet of distance between them.

Just when they were close enough to the drunkard Xiao and the others, No. 13 deliberately stopped.

"Boy, aren't you leaving yet?" No. 13 asked.

After waiting for a few breaths, there was no answer.

No. 13 turned around suddenly, only to find Xu Yang standing in the distance looking at him expressionlessly. He looked back and forth again. At this time, he was almost as far away from the drunkards Xiao San and Xu Yang.

"At this distance, in one breath, you can rush over and kill those three people with one axe. As for the reckless kid behind you, this waiter will kill you with the second axe. The lives of the four of you. All the true elixirs are my delicious food, don’t even think about running away.”

Thinking of this, No. 13 couldn't help but squeeze the hand holding the battle ax hard.

And just when he was about to take this step, he suddenly felt something was wrong and suddenly looked up to the sky.

I saw a golden light appearing high in the sky.

This golden light was so dazzling that No. 13 could not help but close his eyes suddenly. When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding scenery had changed drastically.

There was no one around, and Xu Yang and the drunkard Xiao had already disappeared. And there were actually two more shining suns in the sky.

A round of red light shoots out wisps of vermilion light from time to time, in which a Suzaku with its head raised and flapping its wings can be faintly seen.

A round of golden light, thousands of golden lights are like the golden body of Buddha coming into the world. Inside, a fire-breathing three-legged golden crow flew up and down.

"Huh? What's going on?" No. 13 asked in surprise.

Quickly calculating in his mind, these four people may have just used some magic weapon and secret technique to escape, which is not impossible, but the black sun in the sky is the incarnation of the ruler of the underworld, and it cannot be replaced by the red red sun of the red bird and the golden sun of Buddha fire.

"No, I'm under an illusion."

No. 13 was worthy of being in the Soul Realm. He immediately judged that this was an illusion.

The two scorching suns in the sky are exactly the illusion technique Xu Yang used after hiding the Four Illusion Long Sticks in the void. One of the magic word techniques of the Flame Spirit Killing Array is the "Double Sun Illusion!"

This illusion requires strong mental power, mana and soul power to be displayed at the same time. It was also Xu Yang who formed a fake elixir and recreated his spiritual veins before it became a controllable illusion.

This was also a strategy that Xu Yang had planned long ago. At this time, No. 13's soul power was declining, and he was distracted by the drunkard Xiao San, which caused a lack of concentration. Just let it happen.

After reacting, No. 13 quickly activated his soul power and mobilized his own mental power to fight against the illusion produced by the twin yangs.

At this moment, the two scorching suns in the sky suddenly exploded, like two huge fireworks blooming in the sky, dazzling, extremely bright, and colorful.

Two groups of blooming fireworks seemed to be alive and constantly jumping and deforming in the air. In the end, the red one transformed into a red bird with flying feathers and long tail, and the other golden firework transformed into a three-legged golden crow, just like a pair of divine birds coming to the world, making the viewers feel the heart to worship.

At the same time, an invisible spiritual power was like two steel awls piercing No. 13's eyes, and then penetrated his eyes to reach his soul.

No. 13 felt a sharp pain in his soul, and his whole body felt like ice. Not only could he not move an inch, but even the essence in his breathing and meridians had stagnated. At this time, he felt a crisis in his heart. The powerful soul power foundation of the Yuanhun Realm monk exploded, and all his mental power was concentrated on his eyes.

With just one breath, the red bird and the three-legged golden crow that appeared from the twin suns in the sky disappeared. The aloof black sun still dominates the sky. But Xu Yang was still standing a few feet away from No. 13.

Waiter Thirteen of Youfeng's heart turned from shock to secret joy. Looking at Xu Yang who was motionless in the distance, he thought to himself: "How can this kind of illusion, which is only superficial, hurt this waiter?"

He was so proud that the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

At this moment, on the ground only two steps away from him, a golden light flashed, and a figure shot out, as fast as a flying arrow.

By the time he turned his head, it was too late, and a golden thread passed across his neck.

A bone-crushing head rolled to the ground with a look of astonishment in its eyes.

I saw "Xu Yang" in the distance turned into a white and fat ginseng baby wearing a red bellyband and braided hair.

Xu Yang, who was three feet away, was panting, holding his knees with one hand, and the golden-winged flying knife held in the other hand was spitting out a deadly edge.

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