True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 242 Chasing Troops Behind You

Ghost Wind Waiter Thirteen finally turned into a colorful demon crystal in a ball of black spiritual flames.

Xu Yang, who was not far away, adjusted his breathing and retracted the golden-winged flying knife. Then he waved his hand and used the art of controlling objects through the air to collect the demon crystals formed by No. 13 and No. 14 into his palm.

The two demon crystals were in the shape of a pentagon, but their edges were as smooth as mirrors. A warmth came from it, and from time to time a colorful spiritual light emitted. The quality of these two demon crystals is better than that of the demon crystals previously obtained by killing ordinary high-level ghost beasts, and the power of the ghost inside them is also purer. Two demon crystals are just enough for Xu Yang and Mu Jin to complete the trial task.

"Although these demon crystals are colorful, behind each demon crystal is a tragic killing story."

Xu Yang looked at the two demon crystals in his palms and couldn't help but sigh.

Every ghost beast was transformed by the curse of the black sun in the sky after ordinary prisoners in the ghost world were thrown into this "forgotten place". They kill each other and prefer to devour the golden elixirs of human true elixir realm monks. They can eventually evolve into high-level ghost beasts with higher spiritual intelligence, and even evolve into ghostly wind attendants No. 13 and No. 14 who have restored their human appearance. It is unknown how many bloodthirsty killings they have gone through. The situation here can't help but make people sigh.

Boss Bai on the side thought that there was no chance of survival when "No. 13" was about to charge forward with an axe. In her life, when she was thrown into this place of oblivion by the people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm, it was as if she had died once. Fortunately, she met the drunkard Xiao and rescued her back to Wangyou Valley. Later, she met the old village chief, Orion Dali and other friends in Wangyou Valley.

The days in Wangyou Valley were her happy days and carefree days. The drunkard Xiao would often come to her liquor store to drink. Every time he saw the drunkard Xiao, she would feel happy. It is also a happy thing to be able to often see the people you like appearing in front of you.

At that moment, Boss Bai glanced affectionately at the drunkard Xiao who was still lying on the ground. He simply closed his eyes and showed a relieved smile at the corner of his mouth. His mind was filled with the pleasant memories of Wangyou Valley. Maybe being able to die with the person you have a crush on is also a kind of happiness.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the situation reversed, and No. 13 finally died under Xu Yang's blade.

"Xiaoyou Xu, thank you very much. Just now I thought I would definitely die under the ax of waiter No. 13." She felt grateful in her heart, grateful to Xu Yang for saving her, and also grateful to Xu Yang for saving the drunkard Xiao and Xiao Yudian.

"Boss Bai, what are you talking about? If we didn't share the same hatred, I'm afraid the two Youfeng waiters would have succeeded. Although the final victory in this battle was a bit of a fluke, it was also the result of our joint efforts."

Xu Yang walked over and took out a small blue porcelain bottle from his arms. Pull out the stopper on the small porcelain bottle and tap it gently on the palm of your hand. Three earth-colored elixirs the size of soybeans rolled out from the mouth of the bottle.

Each of these three elixirs has three dynamic and jumping golden stripes on its surface, just like three small golden fish swimming around on the surface of the elixir, and there is a curl of medicinal fragrance emanating from it.

"These are three high-grade God-Jointing Pills. They are very useful for recovering physical injuries and repairing souls. They should be helpful to your injuries." With that, he handed the three God-Jointing Pills to Boss Bai.

Boss Bai is also a monk in the true elixir realm, so he naturally knows the value of the high-grade Shen Jie Dan. The Jie Shen Dan is an elixir that can break through the true elixir realm and has miraculous effects on healing injuries. Especially in Wangyou Valley, the monks here no longer regard cultivation as their first priority, and cultivation resources such as pills are extremely scarce. The top-grade God-Jointing Pill is one of the most valuable pills in ordinary cultivation sects.

"Thanks again."

Boss Bai took the God-Jointing Pill, and then gave one pill to each of Xiao Yudian and Drunkard Xiao.

However, the injuries of Xiao Yudian and Drunkard Xiao were really serious. Although the Jie Shen Dan had miraculous healing effects, it could only protect their spiritual veins and soul foundations from collapsing their bodies, thus temporarily saving their lives. The two of them were still unconscious.

"It seems that their injuries cannot be recovered for a while. We must send them to a safe place as soon as possible to continue treatment. Otherwise, as time goes by, even if their lives are saved, it will be difficult for their bodies to return to their original levels."

"This is at the foot of Youfeng Mountain. There are inevitably other waiters on Youfeng Mountain. For us, it's like being in a tiger's mouth. We don't know which direction we should retreat from to be safer." Boss Bai looked anxious.

What Boss Bai said was exactly what Xu Yang was thinking.

I saw Xu Yang stretching out an arm, and with a movement of consciousness, a flash of red flame came out from his arm like a red silk, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a red bird with a golden crown and long tail. It was A'Zhu. of ontology.

"A'Zhu, I just heard what the Youfeng Waiter No. 13 said. The Youfeng Order released by Hu Niu previously summoned many Youfeng beasts to come here. I'm afraid we are surrounded now. Please check around. Let’s explore and see which direction is safer, so we can find a way out.”

"Okay, Xiaoxian, I'll be back soon." After saying that, A'Zhu spread his wings, leaving only a red breath of fire behind him, and he was in mid-air.

"The light emitted by this black sun is really uncomfortable." A'Zhu whispered, making a circle above Xu Yang's head. Seeing that there were no enemies nearby, he went to explore further.

Taking advantage of A'Zhu's time to explore the road, Boss Bai and Xu Yang took a break respectively.

Boss Bai took the knotted pill into his mouth, and an extremely powerful medicinal power quickly spread through his body. She closed her eyes and breathed out, and wisps of purple-black mist overflowed from her fingertips, which was the congestion in her internal organs. After a while, the damaged meridians and soul were repaired in time, and even the skill was restored to 30%.

Although Xu Yang had just killed Waiter No. 13, his physical strength was almost at its limit. First he took out the wine gourd and took a big sip of the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine. The spiritual power in the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine is easier for people to absorb than the spiritual power contained in the elixir. Xu Yang drank many times and was able to grasp the amount of alcohol consumed each time. Although this nightmare beast spirit wine is good, drinking too much will cause people to fall asleep.

Relying on the rich spiritual power in the spirit wine and running the Blood Soul Breaking Pulse Technique, a blood dragon as thick as a chopstick rolled out from the apex of his heart and wandered through the hundreds of veins to repair the damage caused by the overdraft of mana.

The power of the blood soul moved up and down, and a blood-red spiritual light emitted from his body surface and flickered, and his body recovered at an extremely fast speed.

Boss Bai opened his eyes during the breath adjustment just now and saw Xu Yang standing in front of him.

He smiled and said, "My injury is no longer serious."

Xu Yang nodded and said, "That's good, but we have to wait for the spirit bird I release."

Then, he looked at the conditions of Xiao Yudian and drunkard Xiao.

"Their two lives should be safe."

"When I go back this time, I must tell the old village chief that I will never come back to Youfeng Mountain again." Boss Bai said with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, the Blood Soul Monument has a certain restraint effect on the ghost beasts. Otherwise, the distance between Wangyou Valley and Youfeng Mountain is not too far, and it is inevitable that they will be invaded by the ghost beasts in Youfeng Mountain. I don't know whether the spirit rabbits released by the light raindrops can Send the two demon crystals back to Wangyou Valley safely."

"I know the spirit rabbit of Xiao Yudian. This rabbit is good at hiding its aura and is very fast. It is not easy for ordinary monks in the true elixir realm to catch it. I am a little worried about your fellow junior brother. When two tiger girls were fighting, he was chased out by one of the tiger girls, and he didn’t know what happened to him. "

"Zhuge Yu? He is good at the invisibility technique of wood escape, so it is difficult to be discovered. And that Hu Niu just wants to steal his marriage. Even if she is caught up, there should be no life-threatening danger for the time being. When the situation is clear, I will Report this matter to the top management of Tiangui Sect in a timely manner," Xu Yang replied.

"That's good." Boss Bai nodded slightly.

Not long after, A'Zhu spread his wings from the distant sky and came as fast as a bolide passing through the sky, scattering a trail of sparks that reflected the sky red.

Seeing A'Zhu return safely, Xu Yang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, A'Zhu landed on Xu Yang's palm.

"How is the situation?" Xu Yang asked quickly.

"Xiaoxian, as you said, there are many ghost beasts coming from all directions right now. Just now, I found a character with a spiritual pressure similar to that of Waiter No. 13 sneaking in the dark in the north, and his spiritual pressure He should be more powerful than the previous No. 13 Waiter, and should be the higher-ranked Waiter of Youfeng Mountain. I was afraid of being discovered by him, so I went in a circle in the distance, so I came back a little late. "It would be safer for us to retreat to the south," A'Zhu said out of breath. It could be seen that it took some effort to run back.

"Okay, let's go."

Xu Yang carried the drunkard Xiao on his back, and Boss Bai carried Xiao Yudiao on his back, and retreated towards the south.

For Xu Yang, there is almost no difference between carrying a person on his shoulders and not carrying one on his shoulders. His strong body is more powerful than ten war horses. Although Boss Bai has only recovered three successes, she is a true elixir realm monk after all, and she can still walk very fast even with a small amount of raindrops on her back.

With A'Zhu leading the way, the two of them walked quickly through the dense forest.

In the span of a stick of incense, the four people and the bird gradually moved away from the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

At this moment, A'Zhu suddenly reminded: "Xiaoxian, no, the terrible spiritual pressure I discovered before seems to have appeared again, right behind."

Hearing what A'Zhu said, Xu Yang's heart skipped a beat. Not to mention an opponent more powerful than Waiter No. 13, even another No. 13 would be very dangerous.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by other ghost beasts or ghost wind attendants, Xu Yang did not spread his consciousness. Only A'Zhu used the power of the flame spirit to investigate the surrounding situation. Therefore, when A'Zhu discovered the situation, Xu Yang still knew nothing about it.

Xu Yang quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind, and then said firmly: "The way I see it, A'Zhu, you and Boss Bai will leave first with the drunkards Xiao and Xiao Yudian. I will lure this threat behind you away."

"No, although you are very powerful, you have done enough before. I can't let you take risks alone." Boss Bai said.

Suddenly, a powerful spiritual consciousness swept over the two Xu Yang's bodies like a huge wave.

"Do you still want to run? For killing the people in Youfeng Mountain, you can only pay with your life." The voice was like rolling thunder through the void, and like a sharp sword piercing the ears of Xu Yang and Boss Bai.

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