True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 246 The Hunt is Over

The moment the ghost claws of the Skeleton King broke out of the ground, the arrogant, only, and arrogant black sun in the sky flashed at the same time.

And these huge ghost claws vibrated like chicken blood, as if there was some kind of resonance between them, which was a resonance from the underworld. The surging pressure whipped the void, making a hissing sound like a flag flying in a strong wind.

Its surface is covered with round bone balls the size of a fist, and the bone balls emit dazzling white light. The shape of these bone balls looks like big white and bright pearls, but at this moment they feel more like the bulges on a toad, which is scary.

The sharp fingers on the Skeleton King's ghost claws were like five sharp spears. They grabbed hard, leaving five white scratches in the void. Wishes of white will-o'-the-wisps ignited at the scratches, seeming to burn the wounds just left by the void.

Opposite, the storm wolf released by Youfeng Waiter No. 8, although it was three feet in size, was still small compared to this huge ghost claw.


The two collided together.

To be precise, the ghost claw grabbed the black wolf opposite. At this moment, the black wolf seemed to be in a cage. No matter how it slapped it with its wolf claws or bitten with its sharp teeth, it could not shake the ghost claws in the slightest.

At the same time, Youfeng Waiter No. 8 felt that his soul was tightly clamped by an invisible and terrifying hand, getting tighter and tighter. The ribs were broken, the muscles were torn, the chest became more and more crowded, the space for the heart to beat became extremely narrow, and breathing became more and more difficult, as if his soul would be dragged to hell in the next moment.

At this moment, waiter No. 8 was trembling all over and his face turned pale with fear. A great fear that he had not felt for a long time occupied his whole body and mind.

Unwilling to do so.

As a proud ghost beast, he is unwilling to accept it.

Fight back.

As a Ghost Wind Waiter's counterattack.


The struggle of a dying creature.

At this moment, No. 8's desire for survival ignited all his soul power. His long hair was messy and fluttering, his eyes were completely red, and the bulging eyeballs were bloodshot. The originally bland air was now like a treasure, being sucked in through his dilated nostrils, and he could only get in but not get out. The bones all over his body creaked, and circles of black soul fire ignited in his soul realm. He burned his soul power and grabbed more energy.

Burning soul power is extremely dangerous for a monk. Although it can explode with stronger power than usual, the soul will be damaged or even torn due to being overwhelmed. At this moment, No. 8 couldn't care less about this.

More soul power was injected into the "Soul Skill - Storm Wolf". During the struggle, a black whirlwind erupted from the black wolf's body, like a rolling black storm, even submerging the black wolf's body.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

The constant restraint and struggle between Ghost Claw and Black Wolf produced a harsh sound like metal scraping against tiles.

Infused with powerful soul power, Black Wolf's resistance became stronger and stronger. The five fingers of the tightly clenched ghost claws loosened a little, and there seemed to be signs of being broken free.

After the extreme confrontation, Guigu Zan still crossed his arms, his cold eyes always staring at the situation in front of him.

Just when Ghost Claw was about to be broken free by the opponent Black Wolf. Guigu Zan lowered his hands on his chest and quickly formed a skeleton handprint in front of him. A white skull shadow kept spinning in his handprint.


As soon as he finished speaking, a gray vortex suddenly appeared on his chest. A white skeleton ghost claw poked out from the whirlpool, followed by skeleton arms and skull heads, and finally, a complete white skeleton crawled out.

As soon as the gray vortex subsided, his chest was flat and intact, and the skeleton that had just crawled out jumped to the ground with a splash.

Looking carefully, the appearance of this skeleton is slightly different from that of the skeleton that often lies on his shoulder. This skeleton has a diagonal scar on its forehead. Obviously, they are not the same one.

"Hey hey hey."

Without a throat or tongue, it somehow produced this creepy laugh. Perhaps its owner let it out and made it too excited. Immediately afterwards, the Scar Skeleton disappeared into the ghost realm released by Gui Gu Zan in a flash of white light.

The next moment, the earth dragon rolled in the soul realm, and another surprising white color broke out of the earth. The earth rumbled and earth and rocks splashed. It was another huge ghost claw similar to the one before, except that this ghost claw had a slanted scar.


The two ghost claws clenched the torso of the Storm Wolf together. Their fingers intertwined and they clenched violently.


With a wailing sound, the black wolf was crushed to pieces, and bursts of black wind overflowed from the gaps between the fingers of the skeleton's ghost hand. It ran away as if it were alive, but could only gradually turn into nothingness.

In a flash of white light, two huge white bone claws disappeared.

With a "clang", the mace used by Youfeng Waiter No. 8 fell to the ground. Most of the sharp protrusions on the head of the mace were missing, like a bald head covered with acne. Covered with fine lines like spider webs.


The eldest man of Youfeng Waiter No. 8 let out a scream, held his head in his hands, his eyes were horrified, and his whole body was ignited with thick black fireworks. At this moment, his soul was torn apart and his cultivation was completely destroyed.


He made his last sound in this world. When the sound disappeared, there was a crisp "ding-dong" sound, and a colorful demon crystal fell to the ground. This rainbow-like color was far more exciting than his life.

All this is a long story, but only a few breaths of time.

Strong soul power is a characteristic of ghosts, and ghost monks are better at cultivating soul power than other monks. Ghost monks like Guigu Zan, who are good at controlling ghosts, most likely have powerful soul power that far exceeds that of monks of the same level.

Facts have proved that a ghost beast that is as powerful as Youfeng Waiter No. 8, whose cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Soul Realm, is not as good as Gui Gu Zan in terms of soul power.


the other side.

The skinny Youfeng Waiter No. 9 released a purple thunder and lightning attribute soul domain and covered it opposite Guigu Changyang.

On the opposite side, Guigu Changyang was unmoved, he was waiting.


When Gui Gu Zan's countdown command ended, as a swordsman, he took the demon sword with the scabbard from his waist into his hand.

He pushed his hands flat on his chest, holding the scabbard with one hand and the handle with the other, but did not immediately pull out the demon knife from the scabbard.


A trace of demonic energy shimmering with blue-gray light erupted from the scabbard in his hand, which was covered with gray cat's-eye gems.

Gui Gu Changyang activated the magic power in his body, dressed in black and hunted and danced, his black hair flew upside down, the true energy was madly injected into the demon knife in his hand, and circles of blue ripples scattered from the demon knife "Rainy Night" in the rolling demon energy. Open, the momentum is like a stormy sea. At the same time, a salty smell of sea water filled the air.

The tumbling blue ripples spread out in all directions, redefining the territory wherever they pass. This is a special realm, different from the soul realm of Yuanhun Realm monks, and different from the ghost realm released by Gui Gu Zan. It was a realm full of demonic energy, a demon realm.

In the blink of an eye, the purple electric soul realm released by Youfeng Waiter No. 9 collided with the blue demon realm released by Guigu Changyang, and quickly overlapped.

For a time, countless purple arcs were like frightened purple flying fish struggling and jumping in the blue demonic energy. The blue demonic energy is like the big mouth of a sea monster constantly swallowing purple lightning.

Youfeng Waiter No. 8 suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He clearly felt that his soul power was being swallowed by the other party.

There can be no further delay.

"Soul skill—Purple Lightning Crazy Snake!"

I saw Youfeng Waiter No. 8 throwing out the three-pronged short fork in his hand. In the blink of an eye, the three-pronged short fork disappeared into the void.

At the same time, a giant black python appeared out of thin air in the purple soul realm. Just like ordinary soul skills, this giant python is the three-pronged short fork of Youfeng Waiter No. 8 and his own soul power that is perfectly combined and activated through soul skills.

The body surface of the black python is covered with numerous purple thunder patterns. Strips of purple electric arcs continuously bounced out from these thunder patterns, making a crackling sound.

The next moment, the giant purple electric python twisted its huge body, opened its bloody mouth, and bit towards the opposite side of Guigu Changyang. The power of the savage beast shook the world.

Guigu Changyang still didn't pull out the demon sword, he was waiting. He was waiting for the moment when the sword intent on the demon sword exploded.


A vague roar of a monster came from the scabbard. This sound seemed to come from the endless deep sea. Although the pitch was not loud, it was full of information.

At the same time, an unparalleled sword intent suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a gray beam of light burst out from the scabbard and went straight into the sky.

At the same time, Gui Gu Changyang's right hand holding the handle of the demon sword "Rainy Night" suddenly pulled out.


The demon sword appears in the world, with a cold light that dazzles the eyes. The sword is raised and lowered in the hand, and the sword shines like lightning.

The sword has the intention of the sword, and the intention of the sword is often stronger and more domineering than the intention of the sword. Guigu Changyang, who is known as the number one swordsman among the younger generation of the three major families of the Tiangui Sect, has a peak grasp of the meaning of the sword.

"Sword skill - Dragon's Slash!"

The blade was in full bloom, the demonic power took shape, and a scaly dragon with a size of more than ten feet roared out, just like a real gray dragon with great power. Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, strong winds blew, and lightning and thunder roared.


The ultimate moves of Youfeng Waiter No. 9 and Gui Gu Changyang collided. It is a contest between the ultimate snake and the ultimate dragon.

In just one moment, the judgment was made.

The roaring scale dragon was as powerful as breaking bamboo, the originally fierce purple electric snake was shattered inch by inch, and countless purple arcs were thrown around like smashed fishing nets.

The next moment, a white line crossed the center of Youfeng Waiter No. 9's forehead. He didn't even feel pain as his body was cut in half.

Also cut off was his tortuous life as a ghost beast. Perhaps until his death, he would unswervingly believe in the aloof black sun in the sky. It was the black sun that turned him into a ghost beast and changed his destiny. Perhaps until his death, the banner of Youfeng Mountain was still flying in the sky of his soul. It was Youfeng Mountain that took him in and turned him into the Waiter of Youfeng. From then on, he looked more like a human being, and in the end It's just a ghost beast in human skin.


The same black fireworks lit up.

With a "ding-dong" sound, a colorful demon crystal fell to the ground.

Coincidentally, the lives of Youfeng Waiter No. 8 and Youfeng Waiter No. 9 ended at almost the same moment, and the demon crystals in their bodies fell to the ground almost at the same time.

But the "hunting competition" between Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang is not over yet. According to the agreement between the two of them, only the one who gets the demon crystal first will win.

Gui Gu Changyang threw away the demon sword in his hand, stepped on it, and flew towards the demon crystal transformed by Youfeng Waiter No. 9. The speed was so fast that it arrived in the blink of an eye. He easily jumped down from the flying knife, holding the knife in one hand, and bent down to pick up the demon crystal on the ground.

But Guigu Zan just stood there.

At this moment, on the ground where Youfeng Waiter No. 8 transformed into the colorful demon crystal, the soil rolled. A white ghost claw came out and held the demon crystal in his hand.

"you lose."

Guigu Zan's faint words came from the air.

At this time, Guigu Changyang's fingertips almost touched the demon crystal on the ground. Hearing Guigu Zan's words, he couldn't help but turn his head and look. I saw the skeleton man crawling out of the ground holding the colorful demon crystal in one hand. It kept moving its upper and lower jaws, raised its right hand holding the demon crystal high, and jumped up and down, as if cheering for victory. A string of gold necklaces hung around its neck rose high as its body jumped. It was obviously Guigu Zan's third skeleton.

"This? Is this okay?" Guigu Changyang said with a dull look, then turned back to put away the demon crystals on the ground, and walked to Guigu Zan.

"I won this time, because the hand of the skeleton is also my hand. If you are not convinced, we can choose a time and place to compete again." Guigu Zan said.

At this moment, the skeleton had handed the demon crystal into Gui Gu Zan's hands.

Guigu Zan held the demon crystal in his hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

To Guigu Changyang, this was just an expressionless grin. In his impression, Guigu Zan was simply an expressionless person. But Guigu Changyang was wrong, that was Guigu Zan's smile, his unique smile.

At this time, under the treatment of Xu Yang and Boss Bai.

The injuries of drunkards Xiao and Xiao Yudian have stabilized, but only to prevent their physical strength from collapsing and their cultivation level from declining. The drunkard Xiao has regained consciousness, but Xiao Yudian is still in a coma.

Seeing Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang winning, Xu Yang came over to congratulate and thank them. Boss Bai on the side also thanked them profusely.

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