True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 247 Who is she?

At this time, Xiao Ye, an alcoholic, walked up holding Xiao Yudian, who was still unconscious.

At this time, Xiao Yudiao has returned to the girl's true appearance, with long black hair tied on the arm of the drunkard Xiao. And Xu Yang had long recognized that Xiao Yudian's true face was Xiao Yueyu in the portrait.

Xu Yang took out an exquisite white jade lotus jade pendant from his arms. It was the jade pendant that Xiao Yue'e, the headmaster of Mulingyuan, asked him to bring with him to find his sister Xiao Yueyu before coming here. And truthfully told the drunkard Xiao the origin of this jade pendant.

Xiao, an alcoholic, saw this jade pendant and felt like he had seen it before. He quickly took out the jade pendant that Xiao Yudian gave him not long ago, and put the two jade pendants together, showing a complete pair of side-by-side lotus patterns.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect that my apprentice would be the person Xu Xiaoyou was looking for. Please ask Xiaoyou Xu to send my apprentice back to the Tiangui Sect. After all, her sister is still waiting for her there. Moreover, the Tiangui Sect It has a strong foundation and is far more suitable for her recovery than the Valley of Forgetfulness."

Although the drunkard Xiao said this, he was very reluctant to give up. He was used to his apprentice's life by his side every day. Moreover, Tiangui Sect and the Forgotten Land belong to the same two interfaces. It is not easy for Drunkard Xiao to see Xiao Yudian again.

"On behalf of Master Xiao, I would like to thank fellow Daoist Xiao and Wangyou Valley for their kindness in taking Xiao Yudian in these years." After saying this, Xu Yang bowed deeply.

It was confirmed that Xiao Yudian's identity was Xiao Yue'e's sister Xiao Yueyu. Xu Yang felt happy for Xiao Yue'e and was also glad that he could really find Xiao Yueyu.

"Perhaps when Xiao Yudian wakes up, she can see her own sister. I'm really happy for her." Boss Bai on the side said.

By the way, Xu Yang informed Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang about the situation in Wangyou Valley and the fact that he rescued "Little Red Candle" on the way and was chased by the killers of the Three Palaces in the Nether Realm.

"I didn't expect that there is a sentient place called "Wangyou Valley" in this "Evil Ghost Path"." After hearing about the existence of Wangyou Valley, Gui Gu Changyang sighed.

"It turns out that Miss Bai Hibiscus who was with Junior Brother Xu is still recovering from her injuries in Wangyou Valley, and because of the "little red candle" of unknown origin, Wangyou Valley is likely to be attacked by killers sent by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld at any time." Gui Gu Zan said.

"This is also what I'm worried about." Xu Yang said.

"Is this it? The competition between me and Guigu Changyang just now was barely a tie. We can go to Wangyou Valley and compete again. The competition is to defeat the killers from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. How about it?" Gui Gu Zan suggested.

"I'll accompany you." Guigu Changyang replied simply.

"Then I would like to thank you two senior brothers so much." Xu Yang said.

At this moment, a blue figure floated over, it was Wuchang Hongxue who had left with Gui Gu Zan before.

"Guigu Zan, didn't you agree that I would work together as a team? Why did you come here to fight with others while I was adjusting my breath?" Wuchang Hongxue could clearly feel the chaotic spirit in the air. It was clear that a fierce fight had just occurred.

"You came just in time. This injured girl is a disciple left here after the last trial of the Evil Ghost Path. Her name is Xiao Yueyu. She is not from our Guigu family. Do you know her?" Gui? Gu Zan said.

Wuchang Hongxue stepped forward and examined it carefully.

"I have seen her before. She is a disciple of our Wuchang family. She just took her mother's surname. She disappeared after the last trial here. I didn't expect that she is still alive. I'm really lucky. It looks like she was injured. Not sure." Wuchang Hongxue said.

After a brief discussion between a few people, Wu Chang Hongxue first sent Xiao Yudian back to Tiangui Sect for treatment. And Xu Yang, Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang decided to return to Wangyou Valley with the drunkards Xiao and Boss Bai.

Looking at Wichang Hongxue taking Xiao Yudiao away, the drunkard Xiao felt empty in his heart, which made him suddenly want to get drunk.


The Tiangui Sect half a month later.

In the early morning in the Muling Courtyard, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

"Xiaoyudiao" lying on the bed opened his eyes for the first time after coma. It was a pair of eyes as clear as autumn water.

"What a long dream." Xiao Yudidian said softly.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and Xiao Yue'e, dressed in purple, walked in quickly from outside.

"Sister! You finally woke up."

"elder sister!"

The two sisters hugged each other, and Xiao Yuee cried with joy.

"Sister, why are you crying? I seem to have slept for a long time."

"Sister, have you forgotten what happened before? Don't think about it anymore. Just wake up."

"I had a long dream."


Xiao Yudian rested her head on her sister Xiao Yuee's shoulder, seeming to recall the scene in her dream just now.

That's a valley.

There is a village in the valley, and there is a tall green willow tree in an open space in the village. The huge crown of the green willow tree is like a big umbrella, providing a large area of ​​shade under it.

A man in soap clothes was leaning against the trunk of a green willow tree, holding a shiny wine gourd in his hand and drinking heavily.

A gust of breeze blew by, and the long temples on the side of the man's face were gently lifted, just like the willow branches hanging down from the willows.

"I don't know who can drink mulberry wine this year. The color is as tender as cool syrup, and the fragrance is the same as nectar and eternal spring..." The man got excited about drinking and simply recited the poems of his predecessors.

"Master!" A soft call came from not far away.

After hearing this, the man quickly turned his head and revealed an uninhibited smile. That smile is familiar, warm, and even heart-pounding.

Suddenly, a light rain fell from the sky, and the pattering raindrops were like a bead curtain that blocked the line of sight. The man's image became increasingly blurred behind the bead curtain...


Xiaoyudiao, who still rested his head on his sister's shoulder, could not help but blush, and whispered: "Who is the man in the dream?"

"Nanxiangzi. Drizzle Drunkard"

Under the green willows, a drunken man gently teased his long temples and smiled at the spring breeze. Three thousand poetic journeys while drinking wine. In the hypnotic state, the drizzle sneaks into the dream.


At the same time, under the tall green willow tree in Wangyou Valley, Xiao, an alcoholic dressed in soap, leaned against the tree trunk, holding a wine gourd in his left hand, and from time to time he put the wine inside into his mouth.

"Gudu, Gudu."

He drank freely.

Suddenly, a light rain fell from the sky, and little drops fell on the ground, more like falling on the heart of Xiao, an alcoholic.

"Xiao Yudian, apprentice, is that you?"

The drunkard Xiao whispered and took out a white jade lotus jade pendant from his arms. His eyes looking at the jade pendant were full of drunkenness, and everyone would get drunk even if they were not drunk. The countless green silk ribbons hanging from the willow tree are exactly the thousands of intoxicating memories in the mind of the man under the tree.

Same time, different space, this pair of master and disciple.


Time goes back to the evil ghost path half a month ago.

Seeing the impermanence, Hongxue took away the light raindrops. Xu Yang, drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai and Guigu Changyang, Guigu Zan and others were about to rush back to Wangyou Valley.

"Wait a minute."

As he finished speaking, a short figure flashed out of the forest not far away from the group of people.

It was a little girl of seven or eight years old wearing a green dress. She has a round face, fair skin, big eyes, and two pigtails on the top of her head, looking harmless to humans and animals.

Following the sound, Xu Yang looked at the little girl with eyes full of surprise.

At such a close distance and with Xu Yang's strong mental power, he didn't notice the little girl's existence at all. What's more important is that when the spiritual consciousness is explored, it is like a mud cow entering the sea. Even his soul trembled involuntarily, his soles were as weak as stepping on clouds, and he felt like he was being pushed into an abyss.

"who is she?"

This is the question that arises in the minds of Xu Yang, Guigu Changyang, Guigu Zan, Drunkard Xiao and Boss Bai at the same time.

"Xiaoxian, I'm afraid this little girl has Daoming realm cultivation, so you must be careful." A'Zhu, who was hiding in Xu Yang's body, reminded him in time.

Xu Yang did not answer A'Zhu, because he did not know how to answer. The legendary monks in the Daoming realm were no longer an existence he could recognize. Even the masters of the Seven Battle Halls of the Tiangui Sect were at the Yuanhun realm. The Daoming Realm is a higher level of cultivation realm than the Yuanhun Realm. If there was a fight with a Daoming realm monk, there really wasn't the slightest confidence in winning.

The level of cultivation can be divided into two major stages. The first stage is the ordinary cultivation stage, including five smaller realms: Entering the Spirit Realm, Transforming the Void Realm, Cui Yuan Realm, True Pill Realm and Yuan Soul Realm. The second stage is the stage of transcending immortality, and the first realm of this stage is the Daoming realm. Although the Daoming Realm is only one level higher than the Yuanhun Realm, it is a world of difference. It is only at the Daoming Realm that one has touched the threshold of the Immortal Way.

The skeleton lying on Guigu Zan's shoulder turned his head and looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared. He habitually stretched out a finger to point to the opposite side, but he retracted it as soon as he reached halfway.

"Strong enemy? The skeleton on my shoulder didn't notice the existence of this little girl in advance? And there is still a trace of instinctive fear." Gui Gu Zan muttered in his heart.

The demon sword "Rainy Night" worn on Guigu Changyang's waist trembled slightly.

"Is this an opponent in the Daoming realm? It's a pity that you can't release all my power now, otherwise this opponent can fight with me." The weapon spirit on the demon sword said.

The drunkards Xiao and Boss Bai have not recovered from their injuries, and they really feel the unfathomable power of the little girl opposite them.

Seeing the surprised expressions on several people's faces, the little girl just took a slight step and came to them.

"Were you the ones who killed Youfeng Waiters No.8 and No.9 just now?" the little girl asked suddenly.

"It's me." Guigu Zan replied.

"And me." Guigu Changyang replied.

"I am very satisfied with your answer, which proves that you are not lying." The little girl said, looking at Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang, neither happy nor angry.

"May I ask who you are?" Xu Yang asked.

"Youfeng Waiter No. 1." The little girl replied calmly, as if she heard that the deaths of No. 8 and No. 9, who were also Youfeng Waiters, had nothing to do with her.

I saw her big eyes glancing at the people across from me, stopping on Xu Yang, and then her face suddenly turned cold.

"Say! Have you seen a cute little tiger?" The little girl's voice was not loud, but it was irresistible.

When Xu Yang heard this, he immediately recalled the little tiger "Xiao Liuzi" he had encountered in the evil ghost path before. But knowing the identity of the other party's Youfeng Waiter No. 1 and his menacing appearance, I didn't know how to answer to satisfy the other party, so I simply told the truth.

"A few days ago, I did meet a little tiger a few hundred miles away from here. It said its name was "Xiao Liuzi" and that it lived on Youfeng Mountain. When I met it, it was being A low-level ghost beast chased me, and I rescued it. At this time, it should have returned to Youfeng Mountain."

Hearing the words "Xiao Liuzi", the little girl in green who claimed to be "Youfeng Waiter No. 1"'s eyes lit up.

"You said you saved him? You do have a hint of "Little Liuzi" in your body, but he has not returned to Youfeng Mountain yet. So, you all must go back to Youfeng Mountain with me first. If you find If you don't want to be a "Xiao Liuzi", you guys will have your souls refined by me."

Exhausting one's soul to refine one's soul is undoubtedly an extremely cruel punishment for a monk. Not only was his soul burned, but he also had no chance of being reincarnated as a human being in the legend.

"Let us meet you in Youfeng Mountain. Do you think we are three-year-old children? If you want to avenge Youfeng Waiters No. 8 and 9, just go ahead and do it." Guigu Changyang said loudly, with his right hand He held it on the handle of the demon sword.

At some point, there was another skeleton on Guigu Zan's shoulder. It was a skeleton with a scar on its forehead.

At this time, Youfeng Waiter No. 1 glanced at the drunkards Xiao and Boss Bai, and there was a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

"You two should be from Wangyou Valley, so don't come here to get involved." Youfeng Waiter No. 1 said.

"Senior actually knows about the Valley of Forgetfulness. There must be some connection. We mistakenly entered this place and were chased by the Youfeng Waiter. I hope that senior will be noble and let us go." Boss Bai replied promptly.

"You two can leave, but the three of them are obviously not on the same side as you. They should be disciples of the Tiangui Sect who broke into this place for a trial." Youfeng Waiter No. 1 said.

"We are the disciples of the Tiangui Sect who came here for the trial." Xu Yang didn't hide it either.

"No. 8 and No. 9 will die if they die. My duty in Youfeng Mountain is not to protect trash like them, and I don't have time to avenge them. However, you three are suspected of being related to the disappearance of my little master, so you must stay."

As soon as the words fell, a pressure that suffocated everyone spread out from the body of Youfeng Waiter No. 1.

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