True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 248 Spiritualism

The seemingly short body of Youfeng Waiter No. 1 erupted with extremely disproportionate coercion, and the solid wind spread out in all directions, which was more powerful than the huge waves.

The two little braids on her head were raised high in the fierce wind, and her green dress bloomed like a big light green flower.

The slightly raised corners of her mouth were just like the sneer of a bad boy playing tricks on a pet, and her cold little face no longer looked as harmless as before.

Her soul power turned into milky white ripples that spread out from her body, and these ripples dyed everything passing by white.

Drab white.

Cold white.

Breathtaking white.

Lifeless white.

Soul Realm! The soul domain emitted by the Daoming Realm monks was more terrifying than that of the Yuanhun Realm monks, and it was so fast that Xu Yang and the others were unable to guard against it.

This white soul realm quickly covered Xu Yang, Gui Gu Zan, Gui Gu Changyang, Boss Bai and the drunkard Xiao in it, like a semicircular white cage.

Boss Bai and the drunkard Xiao were seriously injured and could not muster their own soul power to compete. They fainted under the pressure of the soul power released from the white soul domain.

"Huh? What's going on? The negative pressure generated by this white soul realm is not as strong as expected. It is not much stronger than the Youfeng Waiter No. 9 just now." Guigu Changyang said.

"Is this Youfeng Waiter No. 1 just a facade, or is there something else fishy about this soul realm?" Xu Yang asked.

"Now that we're here, let's give it a try!" Guigu Zan said loudly.

Guigu Zan once again formed a skeleton handprint with his hands. A jade skull image about an inch in size and completely transparent slowly rotated in the center of his handprint, and traces of gray-white ghost energy on it were fluttering like white hair.

Immediately afterwards, circles of white ghost realm spread out like ripples around Gui Gu Zan's body.

In the white ghost realm, gloomy ghostly auras kept rolling, and slender gray ghost spirits shuttled back and forth in the white realm, making strange squeaking sounds, like a hundred ghosts chirping in unison. Eerie and terrifying.

I saw a flash of blue light behind Gui Gu Zan, and in a blue vortex, four Bai Sen's ghost hands came out, and the skull and skeleton torso were immediately revealed.

A skeleton with a knife mark on its forehead and a skeleton wearing a golden necklace on its neck emerged from it.

These three skeletons are not Guigu Zan's spiritual pets, but his clones.

The clone is a life form formed after the cultivator's body separates a part of his own soul through secret methods. It has independent thinking and quite powerful cultivation, but is always under the control of the master's mind.

Refining a clone is a very difficult process. Once it fails, it will most likely result in the soul of the body being torn apart and the realm falling. But the benefits of being a clone are also obvious. The clone is a separate part of the main body. It is connected to the soul of the master and can be controlled as freely as an arm. It is easier to control than the natal spiritual pet. Moreover, the clone's IQ is also very high, and is usually very close to the main body. High IQ is also a major advantage of the clone.

The carriers of the clones are often exotic treasures. For example, the spiritual ginseng that has been channeled for thousands of years is used as the carrier, and the separated soul is placed on the spiritual ginseng. After being refined through secret methods, the two merge into one, which is the wood spirit clone. Others can refining clones of fire spirits, earth spirits, etc. by attaching their souls to exotic treasures such as fire spirits or earth spirits.

The carriers of the three clones of Gui Gu Zan are quite special. They are made from the remains of three powerful ghosts. Moreover, these three people were triplets of two boys and one girl before they were alive. They are where Gui Gu Zan went. Accidentally obtained during the experience of Green Fire Demon Prison. The three clones are powerful and have a special physique that allows them to die together. As long as any one of them is immortal, the other two can be resurrected with the help of the remaining one. This is also one of Guigu Zan's secrets and trump card. But because Guigu Zan refined these three special clones, his appearance changed into light blue skin and a skinny and fleshless appearance.

This time, facing the Youfeng Waiter No. 1 in the Daoming realm, Guigu Zan did not dare to hold back, and the three fellow skeletons came out together.

The Changyang side of Guigu Valley.

The demon sword "Rainy Night" worn on his waist has already been held in his hand. The demon sword is still in the scabbard, and the dense gray opal inlaid on the scabbard is blinking like a living thing, and the powerful demon power is ready to go.

The weapon spirit scale dragon on the demon sword Yuye was originally a powerful demon spirit worshiped by the totem of the demon clan in the East China Sea in the Zhongyuan Realm. The legend of the East China Sea Monster Clan is the descendants of the demon world left in the Zhongyuan Realm. This tribe of people has been hiding in the East China Sea for generations and is very mysterious.

The scale dragon itself is a powerful creature from another interface, which is called the "scale demon" world. The scale demon world, the true spirit world, and the evil spirit world are all interfaces half a level higher than the Zhongyuan world. The creatures in them are naturally powerful and have various talents and abilities. There are many such interfaces, and they are also collectively called the demon world.

The scale dragons on the Demon Sword on the Rainy Night were channeled from the "scale demon" world by the East China Sea Demon Clan through the specially built demon pool altar.

By chance, the scale dragon was subdued by the founder of the Guigu family, Xu Yang's master "Guigu Yeyan", and was sealed on the demon sword "Rainy Night" and brought back to the Guigu family of the Tiangui Sect. The Demon Sword Yuye has been passed down as a heirloom treasure of the Guigu family, and is still used by Guigu Changyang.

The scabbard outside the demon sword "Rainy Night" is also a rare treasure. There is a demon pool in the alien space inside. The demon pool can continuously generate and accumulate demon power, which is used to continuously nourish the spirit scale dragon.

One of Guigu Changyang's secret skills is to store the demon power that he can control to the limit in the scabbard. Once he pulls out the demon sword and activates it with all his strength, the demon power will explode with earth-shattering power. Before coming to the evil ghost path trial, Gui Gu Changyang tried to accumulate more demon energy and tried to break through his own limits. Unexpectedly, he went too far and suffered internal injuries.

At this time, Guigu Changyang had recovered from his internal injuries. Facing Youfeng Waiter No. 1, a monk in the Daoming realm, he had to once again exert his ability to control demons to the limit.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

A large amount of gray-blue demonic energy spurted out from the demonic sword "Rainy Night" in Guigu Changyang's hand, and spread out like ripples of blue spiritual power, rolling forward like a stormy wave. At the same time, a salty smell of sea water filled the air. This sea-like blue redefines the realm, which is a realm full of demonic energy, the demon realm.

Xu Yang's side.

"Xiaoxian, it seems that we can only activate the Flame Spirit Realm again this time. Although the Youfeng Waiter No. 1 opposite has the cultivation level of Daoming Realm, I believe there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome." A'Zhu encouraged road.

"Let's go together." Xu Yang replied loudly, his tone full of confidence.

Immediately, he activated the power of the three flame spirits in his body, and three-color streams of light shot out from the Heavenly Spirit Cap above his head.

A flash of red turned into a fire bird with a golden crown and long tail, which was A'Zhu's true body, the Suzaku Flame Spirit.

A streak of golden color turned into a golden crow with golden feathers and three legs. It was the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha.

A streak of earth and gold transformed into a ghost baby with two horns on its head, two wings on its back, and a golden scorpion tail. It was the Flame Wheel Spirit.

Three flame spirits connected end to end, hovering above Xu Yang's head, forming a three-color fireworks halo.

A powerful wave of soul power quickly spread out from the top of Xu Yang's head like a frenzy. This wave was composed of three interlaced colors of red, gold, and earth and gold. It was dazzling and connected the world.

Wherever it passes, the three colors are dazzling, like a divine realm.

Although the Ghost Wind Waiter No. 1 opposite looks like a seven or eight-year-old girl on the surface, she is actually a ghost beast that has been transformed into a ghost beast after hundreds of years of practice. Due to the special method of her cultivation, she has a child-like face, but her mind is much more mature than her appearance and words.

She confirmed that Youfeng Waiters No. 8 and No. 9 were killed by the few people in front of her, and it took a very short time. Therefore, she has accurately estimated the strength of Xu Yang and the other three. But now she is not in a hurry to kill Xu Yang and the others. She wants to capture the Xu Yangs and the others and bring them back to Youfeng Mountain until the safety of the "little six sons" she calls is confirmed. Therefore, she has a powerful soul domain as soon as she takes action.

I saw that the three people on the opposite side each used three different domain methods: ghost domain, demon domain and flame spirit domain, and their power was even higher than that of the ordinary soul domain. She was more convinced of her judgment, and she was confident that she could defeat these three people.

Her small hands quickly formed a strange handprint in front of her body. White light and shadow swirled above the handprint, and there seemed to be a shadow of something moving in the light and shadow.

"Necromanticism - Sleepy Worm!"

Following the whisper of Ghost Wind Waiter No. 1, a huge gray vortex swirled in the center of the white soul realm. The powerful energy in the churning spiritual vortex is like invisible sharp blades, constantly cutting.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Countless white electric snakes were scurrying around, the void trembled violently, and a dark space black hole was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, a large dazzling white mass rose slowly from the black hole in space.

With a sound of "Bang!", a giant white insect that was ten feet long squeezed out of the black hole just now, and the black hole quickly shrank and disappeared.

Looking carefully, this big white insect turned out to be a huge white silkworm with a round body and smooth skin. What is striking is that the head of this big silkworm has a cyan grimace that looks like a smile but not a smile.

The green ghost's face has all the eyes, nose, mouth and ears, but its eyes are narrowed into thin crescent shapes, making it difficult to see the pupils inside, making it look like a laughing imp.

The spirit summoning technique is a skill that only Daoming realm monks have. They use the soul realm to simulate the atmosphere of a different space, and then summon powerful spiritual objects from the different space to help them fight. The advantage over the soul skills used by Yuan Soul Realm monks is that not only are the spiritual objects summoned from different spaces powerful, but even if the spiritual objects are killed in a fight, the caster will not be affected at all. The price paid was just to let this spiritual creature swallow up the soul power it released. Therefore, spirit summoning techniques often consume more soul power than soul skills. Under normal circumstances, only those who have reached the Daoming realm have enough soul power to perform this technique. "

The next moment, the fat body of the big ghost-faced white insect twisted, its head raised, and countless silver threads spurted out from its mouth.

The threads spread out in the wind, like a large silver net covering the location of Xu Yang and the others.

As soon as this thread touched the air, dense white mist immediately emerged. The mist was so thick that it not only cut off the sight of several people, but even blocked their spiritual consciousness.

It's a long story. It only took a few breaths for Waiter No. 1 of Youfeng to summon this big silkworm.

Before the three Xu Yangs could use their respective fields to perform their ultimate moves, the white mist had already eroded away.

At this moment, the weapon spirit "Scale Dragon" on the Guigu Changyang Demon Sword "Rainy Night" issued a warning: "Everyone, be careful, there are toxins in this mist."

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