True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 249 The Responsibilities of Youfeng Waiter No. 1

Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang are preparing to launch their own ultimate moves to counter the psychic skills of Youfeng Waiter No. 1. Suddenly, I heard the weapon spirit scale dragon on the demon sword "Rainy Night" emit a warning sound of poisonous gas. When Xu Yang and the other three heard this, they quickly held their breath and concentrated.

As a powerful monster, the scale dragon's perception of toxins is far greater than that of a monk.

Gui Gu Changyang activated his magic power, and the demonic energy rolled over the demon sword "Rainy Night", and a powerful gray storm roared out. The strong wind quickly blew away the thick fog created by the white ghost insect in the air.

"Hehe. The threat of poison is lifted, and we can fight freely. This demon likes to fight with powerful opponents." The weapon spirit scale dragon said proudly.

"You are quite clever, but this big white silkworm will not only have this ability. It is better for everyone to be careful." Guigu Changyang reminded.

The opportunity couldn't be missed, the three of them launched their ultimate moves at the same time.

Xu Yang made a seal with both hands, and the magic power in the Haoran Heavenly Veins in his body seemed to be like thousands of troops rushing out of the battle formation, pushing the magic power to its peak. A blood-soul dragon as thick as a little finger sprang out from the apex of his heart, exerting his soul power to the maximum. The black outer core of the fake elixir in the Zifu space in the body melted rapidly, releasing the mana reserves as much as possible.

Then, he thrust his hands toward the opposite side.

"Fire Spirit Shackles!"

Wow! The flame spirit shackles transformed by the combined efforts of the Vermilion Bird Flame Spirit, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit ignited with red, earthy gold and golden true flames, just like a three-color diamond fire dragon setting off a huge pressure from the sky. Pounce on the white ghost-faced silkworm on the opposite side. "

Gui Gu Zan's body flew up and hovered in mid-air.

When his true energy was activated, his long hair flew upside down, his clothes danced wildly, and the muscles on his cold and expressionless face trembled slightly. It was obvious that the moves he was about to use put a lot of load on him. Immediately afterwards, his hands formed a jade skull handprint on his chest like a spiritual shuttle, and a strange golden rune pattern appeared in the center of his forehead.

"Ghost Escape-Jade Skull!"

His three skeleton clones formed a triangle around him, and the same runes appeared on their foreheads. Golden light emitted from the runes, and their aura became stronger and stronger. There was a burst of dazzling golden light, and the three skeletons disappeared.

The golden light dispersed, and a jade skeleton that was ten feet in size appeared out of thin air. And Guigu Zan's body shape just happens to be hidden in the empty chest of this jade skull.

Without stopping for a moment, Guigu Zan fired out the magic formula like a wheel.

I saw the huge jade skeleton waving its right hand, and its sharp, knife-like fingers clawed towards the void.

"Stab it!"

A black hole was torn open in the void, and the skeleton's right arm reached in, as if to take something out.

"Here comes the knife!"

With a whisper from Gui Gu Zan, the skeleton man's right arm was suddenly pulled out of the black hole, and a dazzling golden light scattered. On the skeleton man's right palm was a huge golden sword that was two feet long.

Wisps of golden light transformed into ghosts circled around the blade of the sword, making it look ghostly. Dozens of skulls of various sizes are engraved on the blade and handle. The lower jaw of a slightly larger golden skull at the bottom of the handle moves back and forth, like a living thing.

This ghost sword is called "Golden Bone", and it was also obtained by Gui Gu Zan from the Blue Fire Demon Prison. According to the clues when the knife was obtained, it was confirmed that the knife originally came from the underworld. Because the ghost energy on the knife is too strong, ordinary storage bags and storage containers cannot contain it. The ghost power on it will tear the storage bag to the ground. Crush.

Therefore, it can only be sealed in a small isolated ghost path space on weekdays. This space was created by the power of the three lives. Only the jade skull created by the power of the three lives can open it, and only the jade skeleton can use the ghost sword "Golden Bone".

Guigu Zan urged the jade skeleton to swing the ghost sword "Golden Bone" towards the ghost-faced silkworm on the opposite side.

The blade passed by, the void gave way, and golden light flew around.

Almost at the same time, Guigu Changyang also took action.

The demon sword "Rainy Night" has been pulled out from the scabbard. Gray demonic energy gushes out from the blade like spring water. The sharp blade trembles and makes a buzzing sound.

The blade that was originally as smooth as a mirror actually had gray scales growing on it.


A muffled roar of a demonic beast came from the blade. The sound seemed to be far away, gradually coming until it was breathtaking.

At the same time, an unparalleled sword intent suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a gray dragon's aura rose up into the sky.

"Sword skill - sea-turning dragon slash!"

The hand raised the knife and lowered it, the blade was in full bloom, the demonic power took shape, and a scaly dragon with a size of more than ten feet came out with its teeth and claws.

The three of them used their ultimate moves at the same time, which was earth-shattering.

When the Youfeng Waiter No. 1 on the opposite side saw this, he turned into a shadow and disappeared from the place. The next moment, he was standing on the head and neck of the giant white insect.

I saw her bending her knees, raising her arms, spreading her five fingers on one hand and pressing hard on the white insect.

The fat white creature raised its face, opened its mouth, and countless white threads spewed out. The threads sprayed out this time were obviously much thicker than the threads that turned into white mist last time. They were like countless thin white snakes, twisting and covering the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The extreme moves collided, making an endless sound of impact, the earth deformed, and the void burned.

In just a few breaths, the power of the three people's ultimate moves was exhausted in this collision. The remaining power of the No. 1 move of the Youfeng Waiter on the opposite side set off a rolling wave of air that was like an iron wall slapping towards him.

Xu Yang's figure was lifted up by this powerful force, and the fire wings rolled up behind him. He did a series of somersaults in mid-air before he could barely stand still. The blood in his chest was boiling, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He forced himself to lift his head. Yuancai suppressed the adverse blood pressure.

The jade skeleton on Guigu Zan's body held the ghost sword "Golden Bone" tightly in both hands and lay it in front of him, and he backed away a long distance before standing still. There were some small cracks on the ribs of the jade skull, but they were immediately repaired by three fellow warriors and remained intact.

Guigu Zan, who was hiding in the chest of the jade skull, only felt a sharp pain in the soul in his body, and he knelt down on one knee to barely avoid falling.

Guigu Changyang clenched the scabbard with his right hand and absorbed part of the powerful force into the demon pool inside the scabbard, so that he did not suffer more serious injuries and coughed violently.

"It's been a long time since I've fought against Daoming realm monks. This feeling of being oppressed really makes me unhappy. Guigu Changyang, you have to be careful." The weapon spirit scale dragon on the demon sword said.

At this time, although Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Realm, Gui Gu Zan's Ghost Realm, and Chang Gu Changyang's Demon Realm did not collapse immediately, they were still flickering brightly and darkly and shaking non-stop.

On the opposite side, Youfeng Waiter No. 1 stood firmly on top of the fat white bird, not moving at all. It was as if such powerful energy was just playfulness to her.

Obviously, as a Daoming realm monk, there is no doubt about the power of Youfeng Waiter No. 1. Although Xu Yang and the others can be regarded as the best at the same level, after all, the gap between the two realms between the True Alchemy Realm and the Daoming Realm is always an insurmountable gap.

And this is because Youfeng Waiter No. 1 has no intention to kill the three of them yet, and has not yet used all his strength.

"I didn't expect that you Tiangui Sect disciples who are in the True Alchemy Realm are so powerful. You can be considered the elite among the Tiangui Sect disciples. But it's still not enough for this waiter to see, hehe."

Youfeng Waiter No. 1 said, with a strange smile on her baby face.

"Xiaoxian, this person is really powerful. We can't fight hard. We should find a way to get out of here." A'Zhu in Xu Yang's body reminded.

"It seems that we don't have enough strength to fight against the Daoming Realm monks. Since we can't win the battle, we should find a way to retreat." Xu Yang's spiritual consciousness said.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to retreat directly. I have a jade skeleton to protect me. Why don't you let me cover you for a while while you two go first." Guigu Zan suggested.

"My demon sword "Rainy Night" is not bad either, so let me protect you. However, this is not my intention to compete with you here to see who is stronger. When we escape this disaster and return to Tiangui Sect, I will compete with you again. It's not too late for you to compete." Guigu Changyang said and explained that I'm afraid Guigu Zan will compete with him here.

"This opponent is too powerful. Although I believe in the abilities of the two senior brothers, I am afraid that no matter who is covering them, they may not be able to succeed. My suggestion is to feign an attack and take advantage of the situation to escape. At the moment, it seems that the skill launched by Youfeng Waiter No. 1 The method relies on the big bug at her feet. Although this big bug is powerful, it is not flexible in movement. This time, we attack from three directions at the same time. We expect that as long as we can catch the big bug's defense. If she is slightly injured or dares not look down upon the three of us, we will have a chance to retreat," Xu Yang analyzed.

"Okay, let's use this strategy."

"I agree."

Immediately, the three people flashed, and they surrounded Big Bai and Youfeng Waiter No. 1 on top of him.

"What? Do you still want to fight me?"

Waiter Youfeng said, and waved his right hand lightly.

There was a soft sound of "bang".

The fat white man under her feet turned into a phantom and disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared before.

And the figure of Youfeng Waiter No. 1 also floated down from the air, with his hands behind his back and a calm face, as if he had returned to the harmless little girl before.

Xu Yang and the three of them were stunned.

After a while, I still couldn't feel Fatty Bai's breath.

"Good opportunity, let's go." Guigu Changyang said through the message.

The three of them activated their mana at the same time, preparing to attack together again.

At this moment, the Flame Spirit Domain released under Xu Yang's feet suddenly disappeared. Almost at the same time, Guigu Changyang's demon realm and Guigu Zan's ghost realm also disappeared.

"No, we've been tricked." Guigu Changyang said loudly.

Because he found that the breath of the spirit scale dragon on the demon sword "Rainy Night" suddenly disappeared, or to be precise, he fell asleep.

Similarly, Xu Yang's three flame spirits also hid in the Zifu space inside his body and fell asleep. No matter how Xu Yang urged it, there was no response.

The jade skull on Gui Gu Zan's body and the ghost sword "Golden Bone" he held in his hand also disappeared in a golden light. The three skeletons also fell asleep in the Zifu space inside Guigu Zan's body.

The three of them looked surprised.

"I'm afraid you three won't be able to use your best tricks. The ghost silkworm I just summoned is a sleepy bug. In the attack just now, you all fell under the curse of my sleepy bug. . I don’t want to hurt you. Although I am one of the many servants in Youfeng Mountain, my duty is not to protect Youfeng Mountain. Anyone who invades Youfeng Mountain has nothing to do with me.”

"What is your duty? Is it related to Xiao Liuzi? Who is Xiao Liuzi from Youfeng Mountain?" Xu Yang asked quickly.

"Xiao Liuzi is the only son of Lord Youfeng Supreme, the owner of Youfeng Mountain. My duty is to be the nanny of "Xiao Liuzi"."

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