True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 254 Breaking out

"It seems that to get out from here, we have to make some noise. I don't know what is going on outside this cabin." Xu Yang said.

"According to what I observed on the way here when I was brought here, this cabin is located high on Youfeng Mountain, probably not far from the top of the mountain, and there are no other buildings around it. The female devil said that this is her place of cultivation. , and no other Youfeng attendants were seen nearby," Guigu Changyang said.

"Since it is relatively safe outside, we might as well work together to break down the door. Then Youfeng Waiter No. 1 should not be back so quickly." Xu Yang said.

The three of them nodded to each other and used their breaking methods in unison.

Xu Yang punched out, and the power of the flame spirit erupted from the fist wind, flashing with red, gold, and gold halos and hitting the stone door with a force like thunder and a rumbling sound.

With a bang, the demon sword Guigu Changyang wore on his waist was unsheathed and slashed down smoothly. The blade drew a perfect silver arc from his waist to the front of his body, all in one go, free and smooth. The heart beat and the knife moved, the knife's intention took shape, and the demon power above the demon sword on the rainy night instantly solidified. A phantom of a scale dragon with a bloody mouth and sharp claws suddenly appeared in a rising blue-gray air wave.

Guigu Zan on the side quickly formed a skull seal with his hands. A sharp white bone claw poked out from the white jade seal and scratched it, making five white scratches out of thin air. It made a hissing sound, really like the arrival of an evil ghost. .

"Boom boom boom!"

The white light flickered on the seemingly thin door, and the white insect cocoon pattern the size of a wooden basin appeared on the surface.

At the same time, countless white threads sprouted from the surface of the door and the wall. These threads seemed slender, but were extremely tough and extremely numerous. They swarmed together like silver waves rolling outwards.

As soon as the three people's attacks touched these silver threads, they seemed to fall into the sea, and their power suddenly collapsed and consumed a lot.

Many silver threads turned into wisps of white mist under the attack of the three people and dispersed, but there were always more threads pouring out, one after another, tirelessly. And there were quite a few threads heading straight towards where the three of them were standing.

When the three of them saw this, they didn't dare to neglect. They raised their true energy one after another and used their own methods.

Xu Yang clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on the back of his fists were exposed and emitted a faint blood glow, which was obviously blessed with the power of the blood soul. At the same time, three-color spiritual flames ignited on the arm, wrapping around the arm and reaching the fist. Without stopping, a pair of iron fists were punched out at the same time, and the power of the flame spirit on the fist wind turned into a chain, like a three-color fire dragon rushing towards the silver waves on the opposite side. Suddenly the power of the silver silk wave was suppressed a lot.

Guigu Changyang held the knife in one hand, raised the knife with his hand, and struck out seven or eight swords in an instant. Each sword has a crescent-like edge, and there is a faint roar of a beast in the sword light, and the power is horrifying.

The rolling blade landed exactly where Xu Yang had just attacked, forming an effective second wave of strikes in time. There was a roaring sound, and a wide gap was torn open in the middle of the silver wave in front of him.

Gui Gu Zan on the side saw the opportunity, made secrets with his hands, and chanted obscure ghost curses in his mouth. Then he pushed forward with both palms, instantly releasing a pair of huge white bone claws.

The surface of the white bone claws was covered with stripes of black runes, and traces of black ghostly aura emerged from time to time, and then quickly passed through the gap that Guigu Changyang and Xu Yang had just opened together.

With a bang, a pair of bone claws firmly grasped the closed door.

Guigu Zan's sunken eyes narrowed, and he fired the wheel-like spells with his hands. A pair of sharp bone claws kept slashing at the door, splashing circles of black ghost energy and streaks of bloody arcs.

Under the heavy blow, the door buzzed and trembled, spider web-like fine lines appeared on the surface, and the cocoon pattern on it also dimmed.

But at the next moment, the walls and ground of the entire hut shook violently, and all defensive restrictions were activated.

On the four walls of the house and on the ground, insect cocoon patterns of the same shape appeared one after another. Countless silver filaments sprouted from the exposed wall surface at the same time. They were entangled together like a group of hungry white lions heading towards the three people. swooped over.

At the critical moment, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a golden stream of light came out of the spiritual pet bag on his waist.

The golden light converged, and a furry little beast landed on the ground. It was Xu Yang's spiritual pet golden mink "Pan Tao".

"Pan Tao" has already understood, and her little head like a ball of thread is shaking back and forth, and the golden hair on her body stands up, like a golden lion's head with exploded hair.


Pantao screamed strangely, and the purple line on her back twisted, and a grimace with three blood-red eyes appeared. The grimace grinned ferociously for a while, then opened its mouth and spat out milky white ripples.

The little beast is originally the degenerated bloodline of the Nine Nether Golden Sable, one of the legendary king-level true spirits of the underworld. It specializes in devouring tribulation thunder and uses the energy in the tribulation thunder to grow. After devouring the Tribulation Thunder one after another, the little beast "Pan Tao" evolved again and was able to conjure its first grimace.

The wild animal-like silver threads around them suddenly paused when they touched the white ripples.

At this moment, Xu Yang's three attacks landed on the door at the same time.

With a "crash", the door, which was stronger than an iron prison, was bombarded with a big hole, and traces of bright red blood were left on the damaged edges of the door, like a wounded living thing.

Xu Yang and others didn't know that this small black room was a barrier. It was originally the abdominal space of a huge underworld insect that could spin silk. As for Youfeng Waiter No. 1, he can absorb the power of the underworld insects by practicing in this barrier. For others, the enchantment on the belly of this underworld insect is an impenetrable dungeon. If it weren't for the power of the Nine Netherworlds of the little beast "Peach", which had a slight restraint effect on the ghostly underworld insects, the three of them might not be able to leave here.

The moment the door was opened, Pantao turned into a golden stream of light and came to Xu Yang's shoulder. The three of them did not dare to stay, and each of them dodged, rushed out through the empty doorway, and arrived outside the hut in the blink of an eye.


The cabin shook more violently, and countless crazy silver threads poured out from the damaged door. It was like a river breaking through the embankment, or like a silver python coming out of its hole and rushing towards the three people. come over.

Xu Yang flipped his wrist, and held the golden Four Fantasy long stick in his palm, stimulating the power of Mount Tai's golden essence on it. The long stick instantly became as thick as the mouth of a bowl, three feet long, and then he swung it violently.

The stick power transformed into a phantom of a tall purple sacred mountain, blocking the three of them. The shadow of the sacred mountain is extremely solid. The peaks on it have sharp edges and corners, and the rocky cliffs are clearly visible. Purple light flashes from time to time on the surface, fully demonstrating the majesty of Mount Tai.

With a "boom", the two collided. It's like a huge wave crashing on a rock, rolling up a huge silver wave.

In just a moment, the three figures had taken the opportunity to escape more than ten feet away.

The silver waves behind him were like vengeful beasts, biting the phantom of the sacred mountain crazily. The purple sacred mountain swayed, and the power inside turned into traces of purple-gold air that floated into the void, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

But when the silver wave rushed ten feet away from the hut, it was like a guard dog tied by an iron chain. It could only jump and roar in place, but could not move forward an inch.

After a while, the silvery waves retreated back into the hut along the path they came from. There seemed to be something crawling and growing around the damaged edge of the door, and after a flash of black light, a brand new door appeared.

The dark cabin became quiet, still existing alone on the mountain peak, and the straight word outside the door became intact as before, as if no one had ever been there.

"It seems that the scope of this formation is limited, and we are safe for the time being. This Youfeng Mountain is the home of the Youfeng Waiters, and the Youfeng Supreme mentioned by the Youfeng Waiters is probably also on this mountain. We need to find a safer way. There is no way to get out of here." Looking at the quiet dark room behind him, Xu Yang turned around and said.

"This Youfeng Mountain is very high. When it came, it took a long time for the female devil to drive a flying boat to get here. Moreover, as Junior Brother Xu said, this Youfeng Mountain is surrounded by many Youfeng Mountains. Where the waiters are entrenched, based on their strength, there should be a large formation protecting the mountain in the surrounding space. If we want to use the air control technique and fly down directly, not only will the formation be triggered, but it will also attract more attacks from the Youfeng Waiters. ." Guigu Changyang said.

Hearing what Guigu Changyang said, Guigu Zan on the side nodded slightly. The white-bone skeleton man lying on Guigu Zan's back moved his upper and lower jaws, making a slight gurgling sound, as if he was communicating with his master.

Guigu Zan raised one hand, and a white light flashed in his palm, revealing a white bone knife about two feet long.

At this time, the skeleton lying behind him stretched out a bone hand and pointed in a direction high in the sky.

Guigu Zan looked up, raised his hand, and the bone knife came out of his hand, and went straight to chop in the direction pointed by the skeleton man.

"Brush!" A white mark crossed, and the bone knife flew into the sky like an arrow.

Just when the bone knife reached a certain height, a purple electric snake flashed out of the seemingly empty void outside the mountain peak. With a snap, the electric snake struck the bone knife like a steel whip, and the bone knife instantly broke into two pieces and burned.

"There really is a mountain-protecting formation high in the sky. It seems we can only find a way down the mountain." Xu Yang said.

Guigu Changyang raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain. He saw a large amount of black mist shrouding the top of the mountain, which was blurry, as if there was some secret hidden inside.

"I always feel that there is some danger on the top of the mountain. Let's go down the mountain directly from here." Guigu Changyang suggested.

"If this is really the residence of Youfeng Waiter No. 1, Youfeng Waiter No. 2 or 3 may appear at the foot of the mountain." Xu Yang said with concern.

"I can't control much anymore. It should be easier to deal with than the devil in green." From the bottom of his heart, Guigu Changyang was indeed wary of the strength of Youfeng Waiter No. 1. He never wanted to go back to that dark room to string beads. .

After a brief discussion, the three of them found a narrow but fairly flat path and headed down the mountain.

Half an hour later, a large strange black stone pillar on the mountainside stopped in front of the three of them.

These stone pillars are straight, smooth, and neat in size. At first glance, they look like they were carved by external forces. The stone pillar forest was surrounded by cliffs. It seemed that the only way down the mountain was through them, so the three of them had to stop.

"This place looks a lot like a formation." Guigu Changyang said, holding the handle of the sword at his waist with one hand.

At this moment, a large black mist rose from the stone pillar forest. Suddenly, a storm arose and the wind howled.

"Who are you? How dare you sneak here." A low and mysterious voice came from the depths of the Stone Pillar Forest.

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