True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 255 Falling into confusion

Hearing the words coming from the black stone pillar forest opposite, the nerves of the three people were stretched again.

The spiritual pressure in the thick black mist on the opposite side was surging, rolling like angry sea water, causing the ground to shake violently. The large black stone pillars erected on the ground made a buzzing sound, but no human figure appeared from them.

Xu Yang quickly released his spiritual consciousness to explore the opposite side, but as soon as the released spiritual consciousness entered the stone pillar forest on the opposite side, it was like falling into an abyss, and there was no return.

"Everyone, be careful." Xu Yang immediately sent a message.

"Who are you pretending to be? Come out." Guigu Changyang held the handle of the sword at his waist with one hand and shouted towards the opposite side.

The white skeleton lying behind Guigu Zan poked his head in the direction of the black mist, then stretched out a skeletal finger to scratch his bare head, seeming to be thinking about something.

Before the three of them could make any other moves, a thick black beam of light soared into the sky from the billowing black mist on the opposite side, instantly exploding a black hole high in the sky. Suddenly, the wind and clouds turned around and there was a loud thunder.

Suddenly, the scene in front of the three people changed drastically.

The original cliffs and stone walls disappeared, and the world was filled with round stone pillars, turning into a huge maze. This formation was launched too suddenly, and the three of them were already deeply involved.

Just when the three of them were still in shock, three black threads as thick as their little fingers shot out from the gaps in the stone pillar forest, attacking Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang respectively.

"Silk thread again?"

Three strands of black thread running wildly were like panthers hunting for prey, and they were not far away from the three of them in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yang thrust the four-magic long stick in his hand in front of him, and then swung it violently. The large golden stick shadow was like a speeding golden wheel, whining, and the stirring spiritual pressure was airtight and impregnable.

Guigu Changyang took a step forward, unsheathed the demon sword, and slashed it down. The angry sword intent rushed towards the black silk thread like a silver dragon out of the sea.

Gui Gu Zan on the side looked a little cold, and the deep eyes in his deep eye sockets seemed to have already seen through the opponent's tricks. He quickly stretched out one hand towards the opposite side, and the white skeleton lying on his back suddenly disappeared in a halo of white light.

The next moment, the void in front of him rippled together, turning up a large area of ​​gray-white ghost energy.

With a sneer, a huge white bone claw poked out from it. The five sharp fingers on the bone claws are like five ghost swords from hell, cutting out five gloomy trajectories.

"Boom boom boom!"

With a series of explosions, the three people's attacks collided with the three black threads coming from the opposite side.

For a time, strands of black, gold, silver and white spiritual pressure burst out and tore apart, like exploding fireworks that illuminated the heaven and earth, with astonishing power.

All this happened in this maze space that was redefined by the formation.

The residual power dissipated, and the depths of the Stone Pillar Forest were still dark and deep, but there were no longer threads shooting out from it. The high residual heat generated by the collision of moves in the void still makes people feel uncomfortable.

The space filled with black stone pillars became quiet again.

"Da da……"

At this time, a burst of rustling footsteps came from the depths of the Stone Pillar Forest. The strange thing was that the sound of the footsteps was clear and elusive, as if an invisible ghost hand was playing with the nervous heartstrings of the three people.

The three people trapped in the formation stood vigilantly, holding their breath and staring at the opposite side without blinking.

The footsteps suddenly disappeared, and at the same time a black figure flashed over and landed behind the three of them without a sound. It's like a stroke quietly falling on the still canvas, just right, as if this person has been standing there for a long time.

This person had his back to Xu Yang and the other three, standing with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a floor-length black cloak behind him and stood there quietly, making it difficult for anyone to see his face.

At this time, Xu Yang and the others did not notice the existence of the person behind them at all.

If the man in black suddenly turned around and took action, the consequences would be disastrous. But this man didn't do this. He just stood quietly, like a black tree.

"It's really curious that three juniors with only True Alchemy Realm cultivation can block my black silk attack." It was still a low voice, but the man still did not turn around.

These words were like a thunderclap that reached the ears of Xu Yang, Guigu Changyang and Guigu Zan. The three of them turned around quickly like soldiers who heard the command, and suddenly saw this man standing two feet away from him with his back turned.

Two feet away.

There is an opponent standing behind him.

For cultivation masters, this is a very suitable distance and timing for taking action or killing people. And Xu Yang, Guigu Changyang and Guigu Zan are all cultivation masters who are good at seizing opportunities.

This distance is based on Xu Yang's flying knife skills. With just a movement of consciousness, the blade of the golden-winged flying knife can pierce the opponent's back of the heart.

For Guigu Changyang, at this distance, with just one swing of his sword, Demon Sword Yuye could draw a perfect arc and cut his opponent in half.

For Gui Gu Zan at this distance, he can instantly crush his opponent's head by activating the White Jade Skeleton's secret skill of ghost hands.

Even if the person standing opposite is a Yuanhun realm monk, if he is attacked by three people with his back turned, he will be severely injured in an instant.

But at this time, the three of them had no intention of taking action immediately, because they could not feel the slightest breath from the man opposite him, who was standing with his back and hands behind his back, let alone the fluctuation of spiritual pressure.

Unless the person in front of them is a dead person, or the person's cultivation level has surpassed that of a monk in the Soul Realm, and his control over the fluctuations of spiritual power has reached a mysterious level, which is an existence that they can only hold back if they are in the True Pill Realm or the Fake Pill Realm.

Xu Yang and the others knew that the characters who could appear on Youfeng Mountain were probably Youfeng Waiters, but they didn't know who the Youfeng Waiter was in front of them, but he was definitely not the Youfeng who caught the three of them on the mountain. Waiter number one.

What was even more clear was that this man could have killed the three of them by surprise, but he did not do so. Therefore, the three of them did not take action rashly, but waited and waited. At this time, if the problem could be solved without force, it would be the best choice.

I saw the person on the opposite side slowly turning around. I couldn't see the movement of his footsteps, and even his clothes didn't flutter at all. It was like a mysterious black statue spinning around.

Under the black cloak is a man. He was wearing a black shirt that matched the black cloak behind him. He looked about thirty years old.

This man has sharp eyebrows, a straight nose, thin lips, and long hair that is simply tied back. What is striking is that there is a "two" on this man's broad forehead. The first stroke of the word "two" is in vermilion. It looks like a "one" with vigorous and vigorous strokes. It has a domineering air, and it is obviously a specially tattooed tattoo. But the stroke under the word "二" is a scar, a straight scar, like a scar cut by a knife, but it seems to be more precise and neat than a knife cut.

At this time, the man with the word "二" on his forehead was carefully looking at the three Xu Yang people in front of him with his slender eyes. His expression was as plain as water, making it difficult to tell whether he was happy, sad or hiding murderous intent.

When Xu Yang and the others saw the word "二" on this man's forehead, they all blurted out in unison: "No. 2!"

The moment the three people spoke out, the man in black suddenly turned cold, his facial muscles twisted, and a trace of sinister black energy was released from the pores on his face. The word "二" on his forehead was vaguely unclear. .

Suddenly, a huge wave of air blew around him, his long hair flew upside down, and his cloak swept across him, like an angry roc.

The scattered coercion is like a still lake being suddenly turned upside down. The entire space will be filled and continuously compressed by this huge spiritual pressure.

Xu Yang and the others, who were within two feet, suddenly felt as if they were in heavy water, and the pressure on their chests made it difficult to breathe.

The three of them quickly activated their Yuan Gong, and their bodies were surprisingly strong, so they barely managed to avoid being knocked down by the sudden and powerful pressure.

"Is that really what I look like?"

The man in black said coldly, and the seemingly ridiculous question was like an ice arrow shot out, making the listener unable to laugh at all. This is not a bad joke, but a question that can kill people.

"Is it possible that he is Youfeng Waiter No. 3 or 4? I don't want to be said to be Youfeng Waiter No. 2." Xu Yang thought quickly in his mind, but when he saw the word "two" on this man's forehead, he felt vaguely I feel that this person is number two.

"From the information I obtained from previous battles with other Youfeng Waiters, the ranking of Youfeng Waiters can be changed at any time, but those with stronger martial arts are ranked higher. Could this person be the original Youfeng Waiter No. 1? He became No. 2 unwillingly, so he doesn’t want others to call him No. 2?”

After a thought, Xu Yang had an idea.

"You have misunderstood. It was the former Youfeng Attendant No. 1 who told me that No. 2 is under her residence. The three of us came here from above and met you, so we thought that you were Youfeng Attendant No. 2. "Xu Yang Langlang replied.

Hearing what Xu Yang said, the face of the man in black across from him suddenly changed. Most of his original anger disappeared, and the huge spiritual pressure he released quickly subsided until no trace of spiritual pressure leaked out.

As if time and space suddenly reversed, the whole person's breath suddenly became as still as before. The long black cloak behind him was still dragging motionless on the ground, as quiet as a stone statue.

Xu Yang and the others suddenly felt their breathing became smoother, and the tens of thousands of kilograms of pressure they were carrying suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that the person in front of them could handle such a huge amount of spiritual pressure with ease, Xu Yang and the others made a more accurate judgment in their minds. This person should also be a Daoming realm monk, but the purity and thickness of his spiritual pressure are still inferior to those of the Youfeng Waiter No. 1.

I saw the person opposite stretched out a hand to gently touch the scar on his forehead, and then casually put his hand behind his back, with a smile on his face.

"It was just a little joke. Don't mind it, three little friends. I am indeed Waiter No. 2 of Youfeng." The man in black's tone suddenly became calmer, and even had a hint of affability.

Seeing that his words were effective, Xu Yang quickly said: "Disrespect, disrespect. The three of us are the servants of Youfeng Waiter No. 1 who just captured him not long ago. Master No. 1 has something important to do, and he specially ordered the three of us to go down the mountain to replace him. She found some small items and said they were for Mr. "Xiao Liuzi" as a birthday gift."

"Oh. So that's it. However, I did not receive a notice from Lord No. 1. Do you have any evidence?" Youfeng Waiter No. 2 asked again, with a calm tone.

Xu Yang and the three of them looked at each other because they had no evidence at all.

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