True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 256 Youfeng Waiter No. 2

Youfeng Waiter No. 2 suddenly asked for credentials, causing the scene to fall silent. For three full breaths, the silence was embarrassing and a bit overwhelming.

The three of Xu Yang were like three naughty boys who had done bad things and were being questioned by adults. Whether you answer or not, you will get a beating.

Guigu Changyang subconsciously grasped the handle of the sword at his waist, but he did not exert any force. Maybe holding the handle of the demon sword could just make him feel a sense of security. This is not the time to draw swords and fight.

The white skeleton lying on Guigu Zan's back stretched out a sharp finger and quietly poked the Youfeng Waiter No. 2 opposite him in the air. Maybe it was dissatisfied with its master being questioned like this, or maybe It is because it has understood the dissatisfaction in the owner's heart at this moment and vented it.

But when it saw the gaze of Youfeng Waiter No. 2, it retracted its outstretched fingers and inserted them into its nostrils to show that I didn't do anything, but the position of its nostrils was just A dark hole.

"Credentials?" Xu Yang said to himself, with an expression on his face as if he had just lost the so-called credentials.

"What? Don't you three have Master No. 1's token as proof?"

Seeing the looks of Xu Yang and the others, Youfeng Waiter No. 2 raised his eyebrows, his slender eyes flashed with a sharp, razor-like gaze, and his speaking tone was like a gust of cool breeze in early spring, which not only made people When a person shivers, it reminds him of the cold winter that just passed.

"It's like this. Master No. 1 left in a hurry and didn't leave any tokens for us. But Master No. 1 personally said that if you meet other waiters when you go down the mountain, tell the truth and no one will make things difficult for us." Xu Yang explained calmly, without showing too much panic.


No. 2 on the opposite side heard the words "Sir No. 1 said it himself", and the cold aura that had just risen was suppressed again. Then he showed a wandering and thoughtful look.

"No token? But this is indeed the way No. 1 does things. The arrogant No. 1 never takes herself and other Youfeng waiters seriously, and she is just one rank lower than her. But that's it A ranking that puts me without dignity in front of her."

Thinking of this, No. 2 couldn't help but let out a long sigh and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. His slender eyes stared blankly at a certain point in the sky, and his thoughts traveled back to the past.

I think back then, the man with the scar on his forehead also held the position of No. 1 Waiter of the Wind. At that time, there was only a beautiful and bright word on his head, but no scar.

With his unparalleled force, he overpowered other Youfeng Waiters and became the well-deserved No. 1 Waiter of Youfeng. Lord Youfeng even personally declared him to be the No.1. What a sight it is to be below one person and above ten thousand people.

In order to show his loyalty to Lord Youfeng, he specially tattooed a word written by Lord Youfeng on his forehead. The bright red word "一" on his forehead represents his single-minded loyalty to Lord Youfeng, just like a dog's loyalty. It also means that as the No. 1 Waiter of Youfeng, he stands out among the many Waiters of Youfeng.

However, good times do not last long.

That day, the sky was very blue, like a lake.

A girl in green suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Like him, she also had the first level of Daoming Realm.

The girl in green wants to challenge him, and he fights it without compromise for the sake of the dignity of the "one word" on his forehead.

That battle can be called one of the most fierce battles in the history of the battle for the "No. 1 position of Waiter of the Wind". The two fought for three days and three nights. Their power could move mountains and seas, and their power could shake the stars.

In the end he was defeated by the girl in green.

He thought he would die in the hands of the girl in green. But the girl in green didn't kill him, she just shot out a ray of silver, leaving a straight, permanent scar on his head. Then he ruthlessly said "You are number two" and walked away. And as No. 2, he was like a defeated dog, leaving in dejection with his tail between his legs.

From that day on, he became number two. The scar on his forehead also turned into the lower stroke of the character "二", and anyone who saw him would recognize him as Number 2.

The title No. 2 is his pillar of shame. He hates being called No. 2 the most. Every time I hear it, it feels like having a steel nail inserted into my ear.

Anyone who calls him No. 2 will be maimed or killed directly by him. But this did not include the girl in green. The girl in green always called him No. 2, but he could only endure the pain of the steel nail piercing his ear, which pierced his heart.

For a while at first, he didn't dare to look in the mirror. He thought the man in the mirror was too erratic, that was not him at all. Unwilling to give in, he began to practice hard in seclusion, preparing to challenge the girl in green again.

But in the next two consecutive challenges, he failed miserably. The girl in green broke through to the second level of Daoming Realm a few years ago, surpassing him who only had the first level of Daoming Realm. His dissatisfaction and resentment towards the girl in green are no longer so simple, and are mixed with more and more fear.

Forget the past……

After a while, No. 2 turned his attention back to the three people opposite Xu Yang. Thinking in his mind, these three people claimed to be servants of No. 1, but there was no evidence. It is also very possible that the prisoner captured by No. 1 sneaked here. If they were servants, I couldn't use force with them. If he is a prisoner, it would be troublesome for me to release him from here and let No. 1 know about it.

Thinking of this, No. 2 showed a relieved smile on his lips, but this smile was not for Xu Yang and the others, but for himself.

"My duty is to guard this level and prohibit outsiders from going up here, but the three of you came down from above. Therefore, I will not stop you. Since you have no evidence that you are the servants of Lord No. 1, there is no need for me. Send you out of this formation safely. Just pretend that you have never seen me, and I have not seen you. You three broke into this formation on your own. Whether you can get out depends on your own ability. "No. 2 said while touching the scar on his forehead with his hand.

After finishing his words, Xu Yang turned around and dragged his long cloak into the stone pillar forest opposite, without waiting for the three of them to reply, as if he had never appeared before.

The stone pillar forest in Nuoda has completely returned to silence.

Xu Yang, Guigu Changyang, and Guigu Zan looked at No. 2's leaving figure and stood there for a moment. After confirming that No. 2 had really left, the tense nerves of the three relaxed.

"Fortunately, Junior Brother Xu is astute and can respond easily, otherwise we really wouldn't be sure that we would be able to escape from the obstruction of No. 2." Gui Gu Changyang said.

"It's just a fluke. It seems that No. 2 is a little afraid of No. 1." Xu Yang replied.

"We'd better leave here quickly to avoid long nights and dreams. It would be bad if the green-clad female devil drives us back." Guigu Changyang said.

Gui Gu Zan on the side looked at the layers of stone pillar forest in front of him and said: "The stone pillar forest opposite looks not that simple. Let me first use the ghost escape technique to find out the truth and falsehood in it."

Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang nodded in agreement.

I saw Gui Guzan forming a secret mudra with one hand and chanting obscure spells in his mouth. A white aura quickly condensed on his handprint. There are mottled lights and shadows flickering in this white aura, and there is a mystery hidden in it.

With the injection of mana, this white aura began to beat in and out, becoming vivid. Guigu Zan stretched out his hand toward the open space in front of him, and the white aura fell lightly on the ground.

The white aura on the ground twisted and gradually transformed into a life-size translucent skeleton. This skeleton man was covered in white, with a dazzling green light emitting from his two eye sockets.


Following Guigu Zan's order, the translucent skeleton shook its body and fled in the direction where No. 2 had just disappeared. It was originally condensed with spiritual power, but it did not emit any fluctuations in spiritual power, and did not leave any traces wherever it passed. This is also the brilliance of Guigu Zan's ghost escape and path-finding technique.

Deep in the stone pillar forest, the skeleton quickly shuttled among the tall black round stone pillars.

Suddenly, the skeleton stopped and looked at a black stone pillar not far away. Then he walked forward and walked around the stone pillar to examine it carefully. When you find it's empty, keep going.

In the open space outside the Stone Pillar Forest, Xu Yang, Guigu Changyang, and Guigu Zan were still standing quietly.

At this time, Guigu Zan looked at the stone pillar forest opposite and nodded slightly, and then said: "We can go. The pathfinding skeletons just released will lead us through this maze. No other risks have been found yet."

"Okay, then it's up to you, Senior Brother." Xu Yang said.

With Guigu Zan in front, Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang behind, the three of them entered the stone pillar forest.

The skeleton lying behind Guigu Zan would occasionally point out the direction with a finger. Guigu Zan kept changing directions according to the instructions of the skeleton man, and the three of them walked through the stone pillar forest.

An hour later, the three of them had reached the depths of the Stone Pillar Forest.

At this moment, the skeleton man behind Guigu Zan moved his upper and lower jaws, making a squeaking sound.

Guigu Zan frowned and stopped.

Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang, who were following Guigu Zan, also stopped moving forward.

"I just discovered the clues of this maze." Guigu Zan said.

"Please speak." Xu Yang said.

"This stone pillar formation looks like just a maze, but each pillar does not stay still. Instead, it changes its landing point almost at the speed of teleportation, thus making the path forward in the maze continuously longer. If the speed If we can't catch up, we will never be able to get out of this maze. Fortunately, we are traveling fast enough not to fall here. But it is only a little faster than the growth rate of this maze path. Therefore, we may need to go around from here. At least three days," Guigu Zan explained.

"Three days is indeed a long time. It might be faster if we just knock down these stone pillars and carve out a way." Guigu Changyang suggested.

"You can try it. But don't make too much noise, so as not to trigger other mechanisms." Xu Yang said.

Guigu Changyang nodded slightly, and the hand holding the handle of the demon knife slightly pulled up an inch.

With a "swipe" motion, a crescent-shaped blade shot out from the exposed one-inch blade and struck a stone pillar not far away from the opposite side.

Just before the chopping blade was about to touch the stone pillar, the stone pillar suddenly opened a gap in the middle, like a big open mouth. And the blade disappeared into it in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the cracked gap in the stone pillar healed quickly, and the pillar suddenly bulged up like a blown ball.

After a while, the stone pillar actually burped outwards, and the pillar returned to its original state. The sword energy that Guigu Changyang slashed before disappeared without a trace, as if it had been swallowed by it.

What's even weirder is that there are black ripples on the ground next to the pillar, and a smaller stone pillar grows out of it. And there is a silver full moon knife mark painted on the surface of this newly formed stone pillar, which is the same as the one struck by Guigu Changyang before.

"It seems that this maze can swallow up the energy of the attack and transform into more stone pillars. We are only racing against time." Xu Yang said while looking at what was happening in front of him.

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