True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 257 She’s here again

Three days later.

There are still countless black round stone pillars surrounding them. These stone pillars are the same size and straight and tall, like soldiers wearing black armor holding on to their positions.

Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang, who broke into this "soldier formation", were running rapidly. Although these stone pillars do not directly kill people, their endless appearance makes people feel more terrifying than soldiers holding swords and guns.

The three of them were racing against time, and the reflections of the stone pillars that were constantly being thrown down around them fell rapidly backwards, and the counterattacking air waves lifted up the clothes and hair of the three of them.

For three consecutive days, they had almost no unnecessary pauses along the way, just like ordinary people encountering a tiger chasing behind them.

Guigu Zan has been two positions ahead of Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang. The skeleton lying on his back, which usually looks very lazy, is very diligently pointing to the front of Gui Xun with its withered fingers. Lu Shu's direction, his upper and lower jaws moved squeakingly, as if he was communicating something with his master Guigu Zan.

According to Guitani Zan's previous explanation, it would take the three of them about three days to break out of the maze.

Three days have passed, and Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang, who were following Guigu Zan, began to feel worried. But they did not ask or encourage Guigu Zan, because they knew that Guigu Zan, who had been rushing ahead, had done his best by using the pathfinding technique non-stop for three days. At this time, firmly believing in him and following the plan is more effective than saying anything.

Two hours later.

The white skeleton lying on Guigu Zan's back shook its two skeletal arms excitedly, and poked hard in one direction with his fingers.

The three of them looked in the direction it pointed and found a stone pillar that was obviously much thicker than the other stone pillars standing opposite. This huge stone pillar is painted with shining golden runes, as if it is covered with wriggling golden snakes.

"We are about to get out of the maze, everyone, get ready." Guigu Zan said.

Of course Xu Yang and Guigu Changyang knew what this meant. Getting out of the maze was just the beginning. There might be greater crises outside the maze.

Just when the three of them jumped over the stone pillar with golden runes painted on its surface almost simultaneously, the ground beneath their feet shook violently and made a thunderous rumble.

Immediately afterwards, water-like ripples appeared throughout the space, and there was a "buzz" sound, and the surrounding area was filled with dazzling white light, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

The white light dissipated, and the originally endless forest of stone pillars disappeared. A relatively smooth road leading down the mountain appeared in front of Xu Yang and the others.

The three of them stood together, looked around cautiously, and let go of their spiritual senses.

Except for the black mountains and some dark green tall and short grass and trees, there was no shadow of a person around, and no other spiritual energy fluctuations were found. The Youfeng Waiter No. 2 with the scar on his forehead has long disappeared.

"Youfeng Waiter No. 2 is really not here. We are lucky." Xu Yang said with some luck.

"Perhaps he thinks that we can't break out of the formation in three days and do other things." Guigu Changyang said.

Guigu Zan on the side looked at the road down the mountain without saying a word. There was no surprise or panic on his light blue skinny face. He looked like a blue skeleton thinking about life. But the sharp gaze in his deep-set eye sockets seemed to see further than others.

Guitani Zan is a person who sets goals and action plans for himself at any time. His current plan is to leave Youfeng Mountain. For him, having just passed the level set by Youfeng Waiter No. 2 is just the beginning of his plan, and he will not relax or have any mood swings. He constantly sets goals of various sizes for himself and tries his best to accomplish them. This is such a person.

"Let's go." Guigu Zan said. His tone was calm, but he was extremely firm and confident.

"For the past three consecutive days, you have been using the pathfinding technique. This time, let me lead the way, so you can take a rest. Next time, Junior Brother Xu will be the one to explore the path. In this way, we can always maintain Higher combat effectiveness," Guigu Changyang suggested.

As disciples of the three major families of the Tiangui Sect, Guigu Changyang and Guigu Zan often have to perform difficult tasks. Completing these tasks requires not only strong force, but also a flexible mind and appropriate strategies that can often achieve twice the result with half the effort. This is also what the elders of the family often teach.

Gui Gu Zan turned towards Gui Gu Changyang beside him and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, but said nothing. It was his unique smile of agreement. Guigu Changyang responded with a smile.

"This is a good idea. It can maintain the maximum combat effectiveness of our small team." Xu Yang praised.

I saw Gui Gu Changyang taking off the saber from his waist. He held the middle of the scabbard with his left hand and held it flat against his chest. He did not pull out the demon sword "Rainy Night" in the scabbard. Then his right hand turned into a sword finger and tapped lightly, and a spell hit the scabbard covered with blue-gray opal.

Immediately, a blue-gray demonic light flashed from the scabbard, and the cat's eye stone on it shone with an eerie brilliance like dozens of living demonic eyes.


As a faint sound came from the scabbard, a blue-gray dragon shadow flew out from the scabbard.

The dragon shadow is translucent, but the pair of short horns on its head and the sharp claws under its body can still be seen clearly. The only reason why it is not dragon-shaped is because the horns on its head are far from as thick as those of a real dragon, and its dragon tail has no dragon fins and is more like a bare snake tail.

The blue-gray dragon shadow twisted its long body and scurried down the mountain road. After a while, the dragon shadow gradually became transparent and seemed to disappear. Only Guigu Changyang himself could sense its hidden demonic power.

Guigu Changyang stood in front of Xu Yang and Guigu Zan. His left hand still held the scabbard and stretched it out in front of him. He was dressed in dark gray clothes and moved without wind. The swordsman's chic and capable demeanor was undoubtedly revealed.

"follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guigu Changyang jumped out, walking as fast as walking on the wind. A pair of red fire wings flew behind Xu Yang, just like a flying firebird. Gui Gu Zan's steps were strange, and his figure seemed to be moving horizontally like a ghost, not slow at all. The silhouettes of the three disappeared in the blink of an eye at the end of the mountain road going down.

The moment the three of them disappeared at the end of the mountain road.

On an inconspicuous green tree trunk not far from where the three of them stood before, a black light flashed. Under the aura, a palm-sized black eight-legged spider appeared. The spider spun in place, and a black crystal-like delicate octagonal spider web hung on a branch of the tree.

The black spider was entrenched in the center of the web, motionless, as if waiting for its prey to come to the door.

Suddenly, ripples appeared on the black spider's back. A human face emerged from the fluctuations, and there was a clear "two" character on the forehead of this human face. If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize this face as "Youfeng Waiter No. 2".

"Three juniors, even if you are quite capable, you managed to escape from my servant's magic circle in just three days. However, can you really escape from the big net of Youfeng Mountain?"

After saying this, the face of Ghost Wind Waiter No. 2 on the spider's back burst into a ferocious smile, and then disappeared in a flash. The weird black spider stretched out one foot and gently flicked the cobweb beneath it. The cobweb then rippled slightly, as if playing a silent war song of killing.

Less than half an hour later.

The three people from Xu Yang were running wildly.

The surrounding scenery is still composed of black mountains and dark green grass and trees, which are integrated into one, as if the three of them are always walking in the same ink painting. Xu Yang's light green clothes stood out in this dark environment.

"My scale dragon power has just detected that the atmosphere around here is slightly different from before. We should have left the range controlled by Youfeng Waiter No. 2 now." Guigu Changyang said.

"According to the previous logic, we are likely to encounter Youfeng Waiter No. 3 next." Guigu Zan said.

"As long as we repeat our old tricks and say we are servants of No. 1, even if we really meet Waiter No. 3 of Youfeng, I'm afraid he won't dare to embarrass us too much," Xu Yang said.

"Other Youfeng waiters seem to be very afraid of the female devil in green." Guigu Changyang said, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes. In the face of a powerful opponent, no matter how confident you are, you will feel guilty.

"If Youfeng Waiter No. 3 is not at the Dao Ming Realm, we can consider using force to solve the problem, so that it won't take three days like last time." Xu Yang said.

Guigu Zan on the side did not speak. The skeleton man lying on his back stretched out his skeletal palms and clenched his fists, making a rattling sound, and then waved it fiercely, as if to convey the fighting intention in his master's heart at this time.

"Of course, it would be best to use force to solve it directly...this?"

Guigu Changyang stopped talking in the middle of his words, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

"What, did the waiter "No. 3" really appear in front?" Seeing Gui Gu Changyang's hesitant look, Xu Yang asked.

"No! It's not No. 3! It's her, the devil in green, she's here again!"

Guigu Changyang's tone was slightly panicked, and he paused and continued: ""She is down there, coming up along the mountain road at this time. I wonder why she didn't activate the flying boat to fly up directly this time? "Gui Gu Changyang's tone was filled with doubts.

After hearing this answer, both Xu Yang and Guigu Zan remained silent for the time being, thinking about countermeasures in their hearts. It has been proven before that even if the three of them join forces and fight with all their strength, they are no match for the Youfeng Waiter No. 1.

The three of them had to stop moving forward.

"When I was in contact with the green-clad devil, I secretly placed a trace of demonic power on her body. Therefore, I could detect her arrival in advance. If we were farther away, with her unfathomable power, I would probably Discover our existence. We have to find a way not to be caught by her again. There is only one way down the mountain. If we want to avoid being hit by her, we have to go back."

"There should be a Lord Youfeng on Youfeng Mountain. If I guessed correctly, the location of Lord Youfeng should be on the top of Youfeng Mountain. The Youfeng Waiters on Youfeng Mountain include Waiter No. 1 They are all servants of Lord Youfeng. Therefore, as long as we hide on the top of the mountain, even if the No. 1 waiter finds out that we have run away, he will not dare to search at the top of the mountain easily. It won't be too late for us to try to get down the mountain after the storm has passed," Xu Yang said after thinking for a moment.

After a brief discussion, the three of them turned around and fled towards Youfeng Mountain...

Halfway up the Youfeng Mountain.

A girl in green clothes with two pigtails on her head was holding a little tiger in her arms and was rushing up the mountain road.

Every time she took a light step, a faint white light would flash out from the soles of her feet, but her figure would steadily land a few feet away, as if she had shrunk to an inch in the legend.

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