True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 259 Lord Youfeng

Xu Yang and the others stopped in front of the small black room of Youfeng Waiter No. 1. This is a rare spacious and flat place on the road to the top of Youfeng Mountain.

As far as the eye can see, the upward mountain suddenly becomes steeper, and a black and thick cold iron chain spiraling up the mountain is nailed to the mountain. Suspended under the chain is a narrow plank road that can only accommodate two or three people climbing at the same time. From a distance, it looks like a black dragon coiling around the mountain.

Looking further up, the other end of the chain plank road follows the mountain and penetrates into the clouds. The dark mountain revealed a rich black color, reflecting the surrounding clouds into light black, highlighting the mystery.

"Going further up, you will probably reach the cave of Lord Youfeng. Maybe there will be greater dangers up there." Guigu Changyang said.

"Now that we are here, we can only go up. Regardless of whether there is a non-aggression agreement between Youfeng Mountain and Tiangui Sect, or it is just a tacit understanding between the two parties and they are unwilling to provoke unnecessary disputes. I think Venerable Youfeng must We are still somewhat afraid of the power of Tiangui Sect. Otherwise, the two sides will not be at peace for many years. Therefore, even if we are captured by Lord Youfeng, we will not be executed immediately. The moody Youfeng Waiter No. 1 is better," Xu Yang said.

When Xu Yang and the others faced the Youfeng Waiter No. 1, they always felt like a sword was in their throats.

Gui Gu Changyang, who was next to Xu Yang, glanced at the small black room opposite. The small black room made of black stone was like a huge black stone weighing on his heart. Just one glance made him decide that leaving here as soon as possible was the best choice.

"This time I will explore the way."

After saying this, Guigu Changyang thrust the unsheathed demon sword in front of him and once again used the secret technique of finding the path of the scale dragon.

Activate the skills and transform the demonic power into form. As a translucent dragon shadow flew into the iron-locked plank road in front, Guigu Changyang jumped out on tiptoes, followed closely by Xu Yang and Guigu Zan.

The iron-locked plank road was originally suspended in mid-air by chains. When a gust of wind hits, the plank road will sway back and forth, let alone people walking on it.

But this is not a problem at all for Xu Yang and the others. The three of them each used the escape technique, and with their luck, their figures kept jumping up and down even more than the monkeys. There was no unnecessary sway on the plank road, and the figures of the three people reached the high point of the plank road in an instant.

Inside the small dark house on the hillside of Youfeng Mountain.

The girl in green gently placed the tiger cub "Xiao Liuzi" in her arms on the stone collapse. When his fingers touched it, a ball of white silk thread appeared on the stone, which softly cushioned Xiaohu's body.

"This is the enchantment space in the body of the underworld silkworm. There is no safer place in the entire Youfeng Mountain than here."

As the girl in green spoke, she stretched out her slender fingers and gently stroked Xiaohu's injured leg twice.

"The injury has been healed. The little master is worthy of being of the blood of the Supreme Lord, and the body's repair ability is very powerful." The girl in green whispered, with a satisfied expression on her face.

Perhaps "Little Liuzi" was too tired after playing outside these days and was unfortunately chased by a ghost beast. Lying on the soft silk of the stone, he was still sleeping soundly, as if he wanted to make up for the sleep he had lost these days.

The girl in green turned around and came to the black stone table in the room.

There is a black round plate placed on the stone table, and in the middle of the plate is placed the string of pearls that Guigu Changyang has strung. But because Guigu Changyang was walking in a hurry, the last bead had slipped out of the thread.

"There's one bead that's missing? It's fine now, little master. I didn't intend to kill you, but the three of you will have to pay the price for this bead that wasn't strung properly. I'll cut off one of each of you. Ears, or cutting off the nose?”

The girl in green whispered, but her tone and eyes were unusually calm, as if hurting others was perfectly normal for her.

She lifted her skirt lightly and sat down at the table. Stretch out two fingers to pick up the scattered beads, pinch the thread with the other hand, string the beads lightly, and then tie a knot on the thin thread full of pearls, and a complete pearl string appears in front of you. .

It can be seen that she is very serious.

The white pearl string exuding a warm halo looks even more bright and unique against the black background.

The girl in green picked up the string of pearls, put it in front of her eyes and made signs, then nodded with satisfaction.

The girl in green tiptoed to the stone collapse and gently placed the bead string next to Xiaohu.

"Little Master, I hope you like this little gift. I want to go out and see what happened to make the Lord seal the airspace of Youfeng Mountain. You can have a good rest here."

The girl in green said softly, with a smile on her lips, and then turned around and left the hut.

The top of Youfeng Mountain.

The top of the mountain standing above the sea of ​​clouds is even more majestic and tall. Higher than the top of the mountain is the black sun in the sky. The scorching brilliance of the black sun splashes on the top of the mountain, and the dark mountain body reflects little bits of light.

I don't know whether it's because the temperature here is too high or for other reasons. There are only rugged rocks on the bare mountain without a single tree or grass.

What is eye-catching is that there is a tall trapezoidal platform made of black stone built in the center of the mountain top, with a straight stone step hanging down from the platform.

At each of the four corners of the platform, there is a stone carving of a tall black tiger with two wings, roaring to the sky, soaring with majestic wings.

The center of the platform continuously emits a large amount of colorful light, which is gorgeous and dazzling, like a rare treasure appearing in the world, and like a colorful flower embracing the black sun. And within the colorful glow, there was a figure of a middle-aged man.

This person is sitting cross-legged and holding his Yuan, with a black embroidered cloak draped behind him, with a golden leaping tiger with double wings embroidered on the cloak.

He was wearing black crystal tiger head armor, with thick eyebrows like broomsticks, and a pair of piercing tiger eyes. He was sitting firmly in the colorful glow, as solemn and majestic as a god.

Looking carefully, the colorful rays of light surrounding this person were actually released from a large number of Nine Nether Crystals scattered on the ground, there seemed to be hundreds of them. Each Nine Nether Crystal is the demon core of a high-level Nether Beast, but beneath its brilliance are hundreds of bloody killings.

The middle-aged man looked up at the sky with a serious expression, and then whispered: "Little Heavenly Tribulation! I have been waiting for you for a long time."

I saw him making secrets with each hand, and two groups of milky white light suddenly gathered on his fingertips, spinning endlessly.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

As the fingers popped out, four white streams of light landed on the stone mouths of the two-winged black tigers at the four corners of the platform like arrows. The black tiger stone carving trembled slightly, and countless black arcs popped up on the surface.


The four double-winged black tiger stone carvings started to move. The flying wings stretched out and flew straight upward, hovering at a high place.

The middle-aged man fired four more spells.

The originally dull eyes of the black tiger stone carving lit up, as if they were alive.


Four black tigers looked up to the sky and roared at the same time, and their sound shook the sky.

The next moment, the four black tigers sprayed out large pieces of purple light from their mouths. These lights quickly spread out and connected together, eventually forming a huge purple light curtain that covered the entire platform.

At this time, the middle-aged man glanced and seemed to have discovered something.

"Hey, there are three outsiders on the mountain plank road?"

I saw two black rays of light shooting out of his eyes, condensing into a black light mirror five feet in front of him.

A white light flashed in the center of the light mirror, reflecting a picture.

In the picture, there are three young people speeding on the plank road leading to the top of Youfeng Mountain.

One of them has a delicate appearance, wearing light green clothes, with fine broken hair flowing in the wind. The other person was as skinny as a bone, and his light blue skin looked weird. What was even weirder was that there was a white skeleton lying on his back. The last person was dressed in black clothes, had an ordinary appearance, and held an exquisite sheathed sword in his hand.

It was Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang.

"It seems that these three little kids should be the trial disciples of the Tiangui Sect. What a coincidence, the Tiangui Sect started the "Evil Ghost Way" trial at this juncture. These days, I have been busy preparing for the Little Heavenly Tribulation, and I didn't have time. After summoning all the Youfeng servants and closing the mountain gate, these Tiangui Sect disciples came in. Logically speaking, the cultivation of the Tiangui Sect disciples who came here for the trial was restrained by Hei Yang, and they could only be at the True Alchemy level at best. The cultivation level of these three people should not exceed the Yuanhun realm. How did they get here through the checkpoints guarded by many Youfeng waiters? At least Waiter No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are here? We should have the strength to stop them. Is it possible that all these waiters had an accident? At this moment, don’t blame me for bullying you.”

This middle-aged man is the Lord Youfeng, the ruler of Youfeng Mountain. At this time, he is preparing to deal with the "small catastrophe".

The level of cultivation can be divided into two major stages.

The first major stage is the ordinary cultivation stage, which includes five smaller realms: Entering the Spirit Realm, Transforming the Void Realm, Cuiyuan Realm, True Pill Realm and Yuanhun Realm.

The second major stage is called the immortal stage. The first small realm in the stage of crossing the immortal is Daoming Realm, and the previous Youfeng Waiter No. 1 is the cultivation level of the second level of Daoming Realm.

Further down from the Daoming Realm is the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

The "Heavenly Tribulation Realm" is the most difficult level of cultivation for cultivators to break through. The so-called heavenly calamity refers to the calamity of heaven. The pursuit of immortality by cultivators is essentially going against nature. When one's cultivation reaches the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, one will be ruthlessly suppressed and crazily crushed by the power of the interface.

The first and second levels of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm will encounter two Heavenly Tribulations respectively. The heavenly calamity encountered at the first level of the heavenly calamity realm is called the minor calamity. The heavenly calamity encountered at the second level of the heavenly calamity realm is called the great calamity.

Heaven is ruthless, and disaster is inevitable.

Most monks who have reached the level of Heavenly Tribulation will perish under two Heavenly Tribulations. Therefore, once a cultivator's cultivation reaches the realm of Dao Ming, most of them will stay in seclusion, ignore worldly affairs, and spend all their energy on cultivation. Only when you have a solid foundation in the Daoming realm and break through to the Heavenly Tribulation realm, your body will be more stable and you will be able to further withstand the test of the Heavenly Tribulation.

At this moment, a circle of water-like ripples appeared in the originally empty space directly above the platform. It was like a pebble dropped into calm water, spreading out in circles, touching the heartstrings of the viewer.

"That's too late?"

Lord Youfeng looked up at the sky and took back the half step he had taken. Then he adjusted his clothes slightly and sat cross-legged in the middle of the platform.

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