True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 260 Lord Youfeng’s Little Heavenly Tribulation

High in the sky above the top of Youfeng Mountain.

The ripples caused by the tearing force of space are getting bigger and bigger, like a stormy wave. The spiritual power in the void began to become unstable, and countless small spiritual power vortices swirled in a large space.

Suddenly, the wind blew violently, the dark clouds rolled back, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

Suddenly, an ink-colored electric dragon flashed across the center of the sky, like a huge black saber raised, declaring a killing intent.

The light in the void suddenly dimmed, and the light of the black sun in this world seemed to be absorbed by something.

For a moment, it was as if darkness had fallen.

Dark black.

Endless black.

Devouring black.


A thunderous thunder suddenly sounded, activating the first roar of the power of the interface.

The sound is deafening!

Its power stirs up Xuanhuang!

Its power crushes everything!

Just for a moment, the sky regained its brightness and the black sun still hung high.

But I saw a black beam of light ejected from the center of the violence, like a huge divine spear from the sky, piercing directly into the center of the platform on the top of Youfeng Mountain. Wherever it passed, the void was pulled and the wind howled.

Build a platform.

Lord Youfeng, who was sitting cross-legged, seemed to have been prepared. He raised his head slightly and looked at the movement in the sky. A trace of determination flashed in his eyes. He breathed evenly, his face remained calm, and he executed windmill-like spells with both hands.

"I am here!"

With a loud shout, Venerable Youfeng exuded unparalleled coercion from his body, and his incomparable solid magic power erupted like a volcano, blowing golden winds that hissed. His long hair was flying upside down, his cloak was curled horizontally, and the double-winged celestial tiger embroidered on the cloak was jumping in the strong wind like a living creature.

Lord Youfeng clasped his palms together and activated his Yuan Gong, showing the arrogance that a monk in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm should have, showing the domineering temperament of the Lord of Youfeng Mountain.

Almost at the same time, the hundreds of Nine Nether Crystals placed around his body that emitted colorful light began to rattle, beating like soybeans fried in an iron pot. Then all these Nine Nether Crystals flew up and hovered around the body of Lord Youfeng.

"Papa...papa..." A large number of Nine Nether Crystals exploded one after another, and the power of the netherworld contained in them poured out crazily.

In an instant, the colorful rays of light flowed endlessly, like a river of rainbows flowing.

Immediately afterwards, colorful rays of light flew out, as if a colorful divine dragon soared into the sky carrying an incomparably vast power of the underworld. This colorful energy is divided into four high in the air and directly injected into the four double-winged stone tigers hovering in the high air.

The "Sky Tiger Guard" formation is activated.

The sounds of clicking sounded one after another, and spider web-like cracks began to appear on the surfaces of the four stone tigers in the sky. The cracks opened, and pieces of irregularly shaped black stones fell off the surface of the stone tiger. Dazzling golden light appeared at the place where it fell off, as if a shocking treasure had been unearthed.

In an instant, under the golden light, the four stone tigers transformed into four living flying-winged golden tigers.


The four golden tigers raised their heads to the sky and roared wildly. The power of the beast king shocked the world. Their unyielding fighting spirit loudly declared their territory.

The next moment, four double-winged golden tigers soared into the sky, just like four golden-armored tigers rushing out of the killing array and swooping towards the black beam of light that fell from the sky.


The first two-winged golden tiger was knocked to the ground by the black beam of light, and flew out upside down. Circles of golden light were thrown out from behind its rolling body.

The second, third, and fourth double-winged golden tiger collided with the black light beam one after another, showing no fear of death.

The result was the same as the first one, being knocked over one after another by the black light beams. But each impact will cause the falling black light pillar to pause briefly, and the power in the black light pillar will be weakened by one point.

Streams of green smoke rose from the bodies of the four golden double-winged flying tigers. The energy of the impact was like a knife cutting, leaving countless scars on their bodies. But these scars quickly healed themselves in the stream of colorful light.

Their tiger eyes like golden lanterns did not blink, and the fighting spirit in their eyes did not diminish at all. They kept rolling, shaking their huge tiger heads, their mouths opened with blood, their wings flapped fiercely, their four claws kicked fiercely, and they pounced again. Bite through.

Just like a real warrior, he will not back down on the battlefield.

Four golden flying tigers rushed forward one after another, their roars shaking the world.

But after all, the black light pillar is transformed by the power of the interface, containing the will of heaven, and the energy it contains is too huge. Under the constant obstruction of the four golden tigers, they still pressed forward step by step, and were about to land on the building platform below.

At this moment, Lord Youfeng's body that was sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up from the ground of the platform. His tall body is straight and straight, like an iron tower standing in the center of the platform. The golden tiger cloak behind him moves automatically in the wind, like a war flag flying high.

He flipped his wrist, and a golden tasselless spear appeared in the palm of his right hand.

This spear is two feet long, and its extremely sharp tip reflects dazzling golden light. It seems that it can pierce the void with just a single pick. The long barrel of the gun was engraved with simple tiger-shaped patterns, and circles of golden spiritual power radiated from the surface of the gun body. The artifact suddenly appeared, and it was absolutely extraordinary.

This gun is called "Golden Tiger" and is made of precious gold obsidian from the underworld. When it was cast, the tiger souls of sixty-six golden tigers from the underworld were integrated into it. It was extremely powerful and could be called the best among spears.

Venerable Youfeng flipped his left palm, and there was a rectangular silver talisman with a lifelike golden tiger painted on it.

He picked up the talisman and threw it on the barrel of the gun. As soon as the talisman touched the golden gun, it stuck to it tightly. The spear trembled slightly and made a low buzzing sound.

Then, he lightly stroked the tip of the gun with the little finger of his left hand. Before his fingers touched the tip of the gun, a small cut was made by the sharp edge of the gun tip, and two drops of blood dripped on the silver talisman attached to the golden gun.

Suddenly, a large golden light spilled out from the silver talisman, and the power of the golden gun was even more powerful, as if it was alive. A faint roar could be heard from it, just like a tiger waiting to be released from the iron cage.

Without stopping for a moment, Venerable Youfeng raised his right hand holding the spear high behind his head, straining his arm like a fully drawn bowstring. Then he suddenly took a big step forward, swung his arms forward, and threw out the golden spear in his hand.

There was a "whoop" sound.

A golden gun shadow shot up into the sky, full of fighting spirit, and a golden tiger with four flying wings appeared outside the spear. It spread its wings with an angry mouth, and its power was like a king.

In just a moment, the flying golden tiger gun collided with the black light beam lowered by the power of the interface.

"Boom" was a loud noise that shook the entire Youfeng Mountain.

Suddenly, the high altitude where the collision occurred was divided into two colors, black above and gold below. It's like thousands of black and gold armies charging together, refusing to give in to each other.


Just before Venerable Youfeng resisted the Little Heavenly Tribulation.

Xu Yang, Guigu Changyang and Guigu Zan just arrived at the top of the mountain through the iron cable plank road.

As far as the eye can see, there is a flat and wide square built on the top of the mountain. A tall trapezoidal platform stands in the middle of the square. A large purple light curtain covers the platform, making it impossible to see the scenery inside.

"What is the purple light curtain on the platform? It looks like a formation barrier." Xu Yang said while looking at the purple light curtain on the platform.

"Sand-sand-", the demon knife in Guigu Changyang's hand made a slight sound.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the scale dragon weapon spirit in the demon sword came out: "My sense of smell told me that there is the breath of the Nine Nether Crystals in the direction of the platform, and there are a lot of them. Is this a treasure? Although this dragon is from I’m not greedy for money, but this time I want to say that we are rich, hehe.”

"There is not a single figure on the top of Youfeng Mountain. Isn't Lord Youfeng himself here? And if this is just a place to hide treasures, the devil in green will definitely catch up without any scruples."

Guigu Changyang said, looking back in the direction he was looking. It was as if the girl in green was standing at the exit of the cable track, sneering at him. He quickly rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked carefully again. There was nothing at the entrance to the cable track.

The white-bone skeleton man lying on Guigu Zan's back supported Guigu Zan's shoulder with one hand, leaned out half of his body, shook his head and looked at the top of the building platform carefully, and stretched out his other hand to do something. He made a grabbing movement, as if to retrieve all the Nine Nether Crystals for his master.

Gui Gu Zan stretched out his hand and patted its bare head. The white-bone skeleton reluctantly retracted its arms and lay obediently on Gui Gu Zan's back, waiting for its master's orders.

"There is no unstoppable path. There may be a way out within the barrier above the platform. We might as well step forward and take a closer look." Xu Yang said.

The three of them walked near the building platform.

Xu Yang activated the technique, and red light flashed in his eyes. A light red ripple that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, rippling silently towards the top of the building platform opposite, was the Yanling Dharma Eye.

Guigu Changyang moved the sheathed demon sword in front of him, activating his magic power, and a gray demonic aura rolled out from the scabbard. A wisp of power turned into a gray shadow and jumped out from it.

Guigu Zan on the side performed a secret with one hand, turned his palm over, and a translucent fist-sized skull seal appeared in the palm of his hand. Then he raised his hand, and the skull seal appeared as a half-human-sized skeleton. The skeleton quickly climbed up the steps of the platform and headed straight towards the purple light curtain.

"Puff, puff, puff," three soft sounds.

As soon as the methods used by the three people touched the purple light curtain, they were bounced back by a huge force, let alone even entering half of it.

No matter whether the three of them released their spiritual consciousness or used other methods, they could not penetrate the barrier above the platform at all.

At this time, Venerable Youfeng in the barrier on the platform had already suppressed his breath, waiting for the arrival of the minor catastrophe.

Inside and outside the barrier, different people share the same tense atmosphere.

Outside the barrier, Xu Yang and the others were looking for a way out of Youfeng Mountain to avoid being chased by the girl in green behind them. It's like being trapped in a tiger's mouth, nervous.

Within the barrier, Lord Youfeng sat cross-legged like a stone Buddha. The upcoming small catastrophe is like a sharp sword hanging above his head, nervous.


At this moment, ripples appeared in the sky above the platform. The small calamity that Lord Youfeng was waiting for came as scheduled.

As the electric dragon roared, a black hole seemed to be poked out of the sky by a heavenly rod. One of the huge black beams of light slammed down... On the building platform, four flying-winged golden tigers attacked...

All this happened so fast that Xu Yang and the three people standing outside the barrier were suddenly startled and broke into a cold sweat. These two extremely violent forces are simply not something that the three of them can understand with their current cultivation.

There was a commotion in the spiritual pet bag on Xu Yang's waist, and the golden mink "Pan Tao" issued a warning.

When he was in Beiqingshan, Xiaoxian Realm, he triggered the Great Movement Array in order to return to the Zhongyuan Realm, thus triggering a counterattack by the power of the interface. The current situation is almost the same.

"No, there is someone in this barrier, and the power of the interface has been activated." Xu Yang shouted.

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