True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 261 The trial is suspended

On the mountainside high in Youfeng Mountain.

A small house made of black stone stood alone on a flat land. The hut is not big, and the black stones used are ordinary rocks on Youfeng Mountain. The black hut and the black mountain blend harmoniously into one.

On the stone door of the hut, someone carved the character "一" with a knife, standing straight and lonely.

There was a soft "squeak" sound, and the door of the hut was pushed open from the inside.

A seven or eight-year-old girl with two pigtails on her head walked out. She was young and beautiful in a green dress and had delicate features.

As soon as the girl in green stepped out of the room, a white light flashed on the door behind him and closed automatically. Immediately afterwards, a white silkworm cocoon pattern appeared on it, and then disappeared in a flash, as if an invisible lock locked the door.

She turned around, looked at the closed door, and whispered: "Little master, have a good rest. I hope you like that string of beads."

Then she turned around and looked in the direction of the iron-locked plank road leading to the top of the mountain. I saw her tiptoes on the ground, her figure already three feet away, and that touch of green looked particularly fresh against the black background.

In a blink of an eye, the girl in green came to the iron-locked plank road.

The white light and shadow flashed in her watery eyes, and she used the secret technique of vision to carefully examine the surrounding traces.

On the originally empty plank road appeared the blurry light and shadow left by Xu Yang, Guigu Zan, and Guigu Changyang when they passed by. They were extremely weak traces of spiritual power. When Xu Yang and the others passed by, they tried their best to hide their spiritual power fluctuations and whereabouts, but the girl in green still easily discovered the clues.

The girl in green stepped forward, gently shook the iron chain connecting the plank road with her hand, and thought in her mind: "These three people really sneaked up to the top of the mountain from here. According to the practice of Youfeng Mountain, without the help of His Holiness, Yes, no one is allowed to go up to the top. But the Lord has been preparing for his small disaster these days. Although these three people are not scary to the Lord, they cannot be allowed to disturb the peace of the Lord. . Even if Your Majesty punishes me, I will chase you three back."

The girl in green looked back at the small black room in the distance behind her, then turned around and jumped onto the iron-locked plank road opposite.

She climbed extremely fast, and the headwind caused by her progress blew the corners of her green clothes, like a green butterfly waving its wings through the thorns.

At this moment, the void hundreds of miles away above the Youfeng Mountain suddenly began to vibrate, and the massive amount of spiritual power boiled and boiled as if it had been burned by fire.

"Eh? Is this the harbinger of the Small Heavenly Tribulation? Previously, Your Majesty told me that the arrival time of the Small Heavenly Tribulation should be some days away. Did Your Majesty deliberately inform me of the wrong time?" The girl in green stopped. He stepped down and looked up to the sky, thinking and whispering with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Not long after, a huge black light pillar fell from the sky, causing the heaven and earth to shake violently. The calmness of Youfeng Mountain in the past disappeared in the face of the explosion of interface power.

At this time, the iron-locked plank road nailed to the mountain was swaying in the air like a long black cloth belt blown by the wind. But the girl in green seemed to have her heels stuck to the plank. Even though the plank shook violently under her feet, she still stood firmly on it.

"It is indeed a small calamity. This day has finally come. Your venerable sir, please wait for me."

As soon as she finished speaking, she made a hand gesture to activate the secret technique, and her body turned into a stream of green light and flew up the plank road.

The strange phenomena of heaven and earth caused by the small calamity on the top of Youfeng Mountain instantly spread throughout the Youfeng Mountain area.

Under the big tree that Xu Yang and others passed by before.

Along with the black wind, a figure appeared. This person has thin eyebrows, a straight nose, thin lips, a black cloak that reaches the ground behind him, and an obvious "two" on his forehead. He is the No. 2 Waiter of Youfeng.

Waiter No. 2 looked up at the sky and whispered: "Who caused such a violent vision of heavenly punishment? I am afraid that only the Venerable Master in the entire Youfeng Mountain can do it. Could it be that the Venerable Master's small heavenly tribulation has arrived?"

Thinking of this, he turned his left palm, and there was an eight-legged black spider the size of a bowl in his palm.

He gently stroked the black spider's back, which was covered with short black hairs, with his right hand. A sinister smile appeared on his lips, and then he said proudly: "This opportunity is not to be missed. The time has come to build a web to catch big prey."

Immediately, the figure turned into a black wind and disappeared from the place, leaving only a wisp of flying dust.

In the small dark room of No. 1 Youfeng Waiter.

The golden-haired tiger cub "Xiao Liuzi" who was sleeping soundly on the bed was awakened by a violent shaking.

He hurriedly got up from the bed, opened his eyes and saw a string of white pearls beside him, but the girl in green was nowhere to be seen.

"What did Sister No. 1 do? Is this a gift from Sister No. 1? What happened outside?"

With full of questions, Xiaohu jumped down from the bed, and after a few jumps he came to the closed door, and then screamed twice at the closed door.

The door seemed to understand his call. A white light flashed on the door, a white silkworm cocoon pattern appeared on it, and the door opened on its own.

The little tiger rushed out of the door.

A black light was like a sword high in the sky, and heaven's punishment came, shaking the world.

The Youfeng Mountain in Nuoda seemed to be exploding. Many lower-ranked Youfeng servants did not know about the minor disaster of Lord Youfeng.

"Did we kill too much on weekdays and God punished us?"

"What a terrifying energy. Will it overturn the entire Youfeng Mountain?"

"Without His Majesty's order, I can't leave Youfeng Mountain at will. Can I just wait here to die?"

"Your Majesty, your power is so powerful that you can definitely solve this problem."

"It's better to hide."

They hid their bodies in panic.

As for the high-level ghost beasts near Youfeng Mountain, they were frightened by this sudden change and dispersed.

There is a grand mansion located halfway up Youfeng Mountain.

A few days ago, Hu Daniu used the Youfeng Token in her hand to dispatch several Youfeng attendants to help find Hu Siniu's whereabouts, but there has been no news yet.

On this day, the four sisters gathered together to discuss going out to look for Hu Si Niu again.

"The fourth sister's natal tablet is intact, and her life should be fine, but there are still people seen in the past few days, which is really worrying." said the fit and healthy Hu Danniu.

"Eldest sister, logically speaking, the fourth sister should be back." Hu Erniu said.

"Fourth sister won't run away with the handsome Zhuge Yu, right? This little girl is so quick to start. If there is fair competition, maybe Zhuge Yu will like me more." Hu Sanniu said.

"Third sister, I'm so embarrassed. I don't know what good things you said about Zhuge Yu. It has fascinated both you and fourth sister. I really want to see what Mr. Zhuge looks like." Hu, the youngest among the group, Wu Niu said.

"Master Zhuge is handsome and elegant. However, you are still young, and Master Zhuge will not fall in love with a yellow-haired girl like you." As she spoke, Hu Sanniu straightened her already towering chest.

Seeing this, Hu Wuniu looked down at her somewhat plain chest, then straightened it up hard, her cheeks were slightly red, and she said unwillingly: "Huh, if I grow a few years older, I will definitely be prettier than the third sister."


Hu Daniu and others burst into laughter from inside the room.

Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet shook violently.

The beams creaked, and the tables, chairs, screens, vases and decorations on the floor of the house shook together, making a clattering, messy sound.

"What happened outside? Let's go out and take a look." Hu Da Niu shouted.

The four sisters ran out of the house quickly and looked up to see something strange in the sky in the distance.

"What is that black beam of light falling from the sky? My father is still in retreat there, so there won't be any danger." Tiger Girl said with a surprised look on her face.

"Sister, why don't we go up and take a look." Hu Erniu said.

"It's still a long way from the top of the mountain, and we don't know what dangers there are up there. I'll go up and take a look first. You three stay at home and don't run around."

At this time, the younger sisters were still very obedient.

Hu Danniu jumped up and turned into a gust of wind and flew straight to the top of the mountain.

"Sister, be careful."

"We'll wait for you at home."

In a cave at the foot of Youfeng Mountain, countless colorful flowers surround a golden and green umbrella-shaped light shield in the middle.

inside the mask.

Hu Siniu and Zhuge Yu were still sleeping, no matter how the earth shook, they had no idea. The world between them seemed to be still in a dream, isolated from the world.

The entrance to the "Evil Ghost Path" trial opened by Tiangui Sect.

A huge bronze sword pierced the ground pointed straight to the sky, so domineering that it vowed to compete with Black Sun.

In the open space not far in front of the bronze sword, a tall "Rashomon" door with a double-horned ghost head carved on its surface stands firmly in the open space.

A handsome young man in white clothes with extraordinary appearance was pacing back and forth in front of the door, as if waiting for something? It is Bai Shaojie, the "Master of the Cloud Ghost Hall" of the Tiangui Sect, who is in charge of this evil ghost trial.

At this moment, a red light flashed above Rashomon and opened on its own. A young disciple of the Tiangui Sect dressed in black hurriedly ran out of the door.

"Li Fu, the messenger from Tiangui Sect's main hall, has met the hall master." When the disciple saw Bai Shaojie, he hurriedly came to see him.

"Very good, you came at just the right time, what did the lord say?"

"As soon as the sect master received the news brought back by the trial disciple Wuchang Hongxue, he immediately sent me to deliver a secret letter to the sect master." The messenger disciple who called himself Li Fu said while presenting a piece of sapphire with both hands. Jade slips.

Bai Shaojie quickly took the jade slip, recited a secret mantra silently, and then blew lightly on the jade slip.

A green light flashed on the jade slip, and a few lines of characters were projected into the void.

"Many years ago, Youfeng Mountain and Tiangui Sect reached a non-aggression agreement. During past trials, Youfeng Mountain was closed. Before this trial, I planned to notify Youfeng Mountain in advance. However, after the Evil Ghost Hall was disbanded, it lost contact with Youfeng Mountain. It was indeed inappropriate to start the "Evil Ghost Hall" trial in a hurry. It would be too dangerous for the trial disciples to fight with the waiters of Youfeng Mountain. To prevent the lapse from expanding and causing unnecessary casualties, I specifically order you to recall the trial disciples first, and this evil ghost trial is suspended. "

Bai Shaojie glanced at it, wrote down all the contents on it, and then put the jade slip away.

"Please go back and report to the sect leader. I will immediately recall the trial disciples here."

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