True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 262 Heavenly Tribulation and Divine Punishment

On the top of Youfeng Mountain.

Wearing a flying tiger cloak, Lord Youfeng used strong force to throw the "Golden Tiger" Overlord Spear.

But on top of the speeding golden tiger gun, a four-winged golden tiger with an angry mouth and spread wings appeared, majestic and domineering.

The next moment, it collided with the black divine punishment light beam descending from high in the sky.

High in the sky, two forces formed a bullfighting momentum.

Strands of spiritual power that were torn from each other weaved golden and black light ribbons, blooming into a shocking flower of divine light high in the sky.

The space near the collision point became unstable under the impact of these two huge energies, and a dull rumble sounded, just like the drums beating when the two armies went to war.

The two were locked in a stalemate for more than ten breaths, and the power shook hundreds of miles around, shaking the heaven and earth, and even the majestic and tall Youfeng Mountain trembled.

Not long after, the "Golden Tiger" gun began to shake under the impact of the divine punishment light beam. Even though the four-winged flying tiger that appeared outside it kept roaring, it was suppressed by the divine punishment light beam above it and kept retreating.

Finally, the four-winged flying tiger phantom outside the golden tiger gun turned into little golden lights and disappeared in the void with a cry. Seeing that Jin Gun was about to be defeated.

The black beam of light is getting closer and closer to the platform, and the huge residual power of the collision pours down, constantly hitting the purple protective light shield outside the platform, sputtering out clusters of purple arcs, but it cannot hurt the platform at all through the shield.

The four flying tigers released by the Tianhu Guardian Array had already fallen back to the four corners of the platform under the control of Lord Youfeng, and continuously released colorful energy light bands, which were injected into the protective light shield above the platform. .

As the four flying tigers gradually released the energy absorbed from the Nine Nether Crystals, their bodies began to slowly dry up and become petrified.

At this moment, Lord Youfeng narrowed his eyes and whispered: "I am here!"

After saying that, he used his magic power, and golden wind blew from his body, then he suddenly bent his knees and kicked his toes hard.

Circles of angry golden ripples turned outward under his feet, and the surrounding void immediately shook and made a buzzing sound. Lord Youfeng raised one hand to the sky and flew upwards. Behind him, the golden tiger cloak danced like a flying god general.

He reached a high place in the blink of an eye, reached out with both hands, grasped the handle of the golden tiger spear in mid-air, then spun his body in mid-air, and swung out a spear.

"Marksmanship - Sixty-six golden tigers in formation!"

A cluster of golden threads spurted out from the tip of the Golden Tiger Spear. These golden threads were formed by the combined force of the mana released by Lord Youfeng and the gun soul of the Golden Tiger Spear.

The golden thread rolled like waves and transformed into a golden tiger with an angry mouth, sword teeth and a single horn.

Lord Youfeng danced the golden gun in his hand, his posture elegant and graceful like a battle flag fluttering in the wind. He was so fast that eight identical figures appeared in mid-air, as if he had performed the art of clones.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The speed at which he was swinging the Golden Tiger Spear could no longer be seen clearly with the naked eye, but every time he swung it, a golden tiger with a single horn would jump out from the tip of the spear.

One, two, three... a total of sixty-six one-horned golden tigers.

These sixty-six one-horned golden tigers were activated almost at the same time, and the powerful strength of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm monks of Lord Youfeng was undoubtedly revealed.

The divine punishment brought down by the small calamity is ahead, and Venerable Youfeng no longer holds back. This move "Sixty-Six Golden Tigers Formation" is the most powerful move among his golden spear techniques. The soul power of the sixty-six dark tigers fused and refined on the Golden Tiger Spear are all displayed in this move.

It is said that each of the sixty-six refined ghost tigers has the power of a holy beast, and each one is comparable to the combat power of a human soul monk. It can be seen that the power of the tiger souls of the sixty-six ghost tigers are combined. The terrifying power of being in one place. The Golden Tiger Spear is only one step away from the legendary Xuantian Lingbao.

Suddenly, a grand scene of a group of tigers fighting a single dragon appeared in the sky.

The sound of "rumbling" is endless.

The originally arrogant Divine Punishment Light Pillar was torn to pieces under the impact of Venerable Youfeng's "Sixty-six Golden Tiger Array", like a rapidly rotating diamond drilling into a wooden stick. Pieces, strips, and bits, turned into black light rain floating in the void.

Venerable Youfeng stood high in the sky holding the Golden Tiger Spear. His face did not show any joy at repelling the divine punishment beam, but instead became more solemn.

At this moment, a black spot suddenly appeared in the high void. The black spot gradually expanded into a black hole, and a faint black light emerged from the black hole. It's like something shiny is coming out of it.

After a moment, an irregularly shaped black crystal emitted faint light and crawled out of the black hole.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light strip crossed the surface of the black crystal, and a strange big eyeball appeared.

The black crystal one eye turned slightly, as if searching for something. When it saw Lord Youfeng below, it stopped.

Lord Youfeng looked up, stared at the black crystal eye above, and whispered: "The eye of the interface."

When every interface uses the power of the interface's divine punishment to try to obliterate individuals who go against heaven's will, the Eye of the Interface will appear.

The Eye of the Interface will measure the current individual's ability and release corresponding divine punishment that is enough to obliterate it. Once this individual passes the divine punishment of the Interface Eye, the Interface Eye will temporarily recognize this person's existence. Until another more severe divine punishment will be carried out at the next time. If this individual successfully survives the numerous divine punishments from the Eye of the Interface, he will shatter the void, ascend to the upper interface, and become a true immortal.

At this time, wisps of purple arcs bounced off the surface of the Eye of Interface. It was impossible to see the emotion it wanted to express. Perhaps it could only be coldly obliterated.

The previous Divine Punishment Light Pillar was just the beginning, and the emergence of the Eye of Interface was the climax of the catastrophe.

The Eye of the Interface stared at Lord Youfeng motionless, as if it was measuring the strength of Lord Youfeng. It will bring down considerable divine punishment and obliterate Lord Youfeng, an individual who goes against the will of heaven.

It stared at Lord Youfeng motionless, as if there was no reaction at all.

Lord Youfeng, who was hovering in mid-air, narrowed his eyes and began to feel a little uneasy in his heart. Nothing is more panic-inducing than waiting for the unknown, not to mention that the unknown can be deadly.

He raised the arm holding the golden gun, and pointed the tip of the gun straight at the Eye of Interface high in the sky.

"I am here!" Lord Youfeng shouted loudly.

With this loud shout, Lord Youfeng poured at least 50% of his mana into it. Like the words of God, it resounded through the void and spread throughout the Youfeng Mountain area.

Many Youfeng servants and high-level Youfeng beasts hiding in Youfeng Mountain all gave a thumbs up when they heard the shouts. Some of them even had lowly status and prostrated themselves on the ground and bowed to the ground.

"Your Majesty is invincible."

"Awesome, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, one man can guard against ten thousand men."

"Long live my emperor."


Apart from Lord Youfeng himself, the people closest to the area where the Small Heavenly Tribulation broke out were Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang.

The three people had a panoramic view of the scene happening high in the sky.

"Not good! We were involved in the catastrophe caused by the person in the sky who broke through the realm. Judging from the scale of the catastrophe, this person must be Lord Youfeng." Xu Yang said.

"Looking at this situation, if we want to retreat from here, we will run out of time. What's more, the devil in green below is getting closer and closer to here." Guigu Changyang said.

"Guigu Changyang, this is also a good opportunity for the two of us to compete. It will be a huge test for such a large-scale catastrophe to fall. We will work together to carry this catastrophe through. If it succeeds, what will happen between us about ghosts?" The competition for the position of the first young disciple of the Gu family can be considered a draw for the time being. I will not challenge you again within three years," Gui Gu Zan, who has always cherished his words like gold, said.

The white skeleton man lying on Guigu Zan's back raised his fist and shook it vigorously to show support for his master.

"It's a deal, I accept your challenge in three years' time. I will not give up my position as the number one young disciple of the Guigu family to you." Guigu Changyang replied.

The two looked at each other and smiled, although Guigu Zan just raised the corners of his mouth.

This is a special battle between the two, and it is also a mutual encouragement to overcome the current crisis.


Lord Youfeng is not an arrogant person. He just shouted this not because he despises the eyes of the interface, but because of his kingly temperament. Maybe he just shouted it to encourage himself.

The motionless interface eye high in the sky seemed to hear the shout of Lord Youfeng, and its petrified eyes suddenly turned.

The next moment, two groups of water-like fluctuations appeared in the void near the Eye of the Interface.

Two touches of black were exposed in the fluctuations, and more and more black was exposed, gradually emerging as an outline.

When these two black objects were completely revealed, Venerable Youfeng, who had been staring up below, couldn't help but be stunned.

"This this!....."

Those two black objects are not other things, they are the other two interface eyes that are the same as the previous interface eye.

Three interface eyes appeared at the same time. This was one of the most terrifying things that Venerable Youfeng had seen in his thousands of years of life.

He suddenly felt a chill on his back, and the hairs all over his body stood up, and he secretly blamed himself: "Isn't my sentence "I am here" just now a bit redundant? Unexpectedly, I angered this guy and actually released three interface... Eye."

Although Lord Youfeng's heartbeat had begun to accelerate at this time, he did not act in a panic. He held the golden tiger gun tightly with both hands and raised it above his head, waiting for the real arrival of the small calamity.

After a while, the whole sky was shaking.

In an instant, the wind and clouds moved quickly, the sky and the earth changed color, and the spiritual power in the void within a thousand miles around seemed like thousands of soldiers who had heard the order, rolling towards the position of the three interface eyes, and continuously injecting it into the three interface eyes. middle.

Gathering the spiritual power in the interface is the best ability of the Interface Eye. The real divine punishment is about to take place crazily, and the entire interface is its home field.

Black electric arcs formed on the three interface eyes, and the void trembled violently.

Suddenly, the energy in the three interface eyes was stuck, just like a person who swallowed too much food and got stuck in his throat.

The imagined scene of three interface eyes launching divine punishment together did not appear.

There was a muffled "rumbling" sound, as if the sky had burped.

Immediately afterwards, a black lightning shot out from the first eye of the interface, and twisted into a one-horned black dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed towards Lord Youfeng in mid-air.

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