True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 263 The Power of Heavenly Tribulation

At the moment when the Eye of Interface launched the Heavenly Tribulation and Divine Punishment. Venerable Youfeng, whose body is hovering high in the air, is full of energy.

His long hair flew upside down, and his cloak curled horizontally. With his body as the center, circles of golden soul spread outwards. Wherever he passed, golden light shone brightly, and his noble beauty revealed the glory that a king should have.

Without stopping for a moment, Qi moved the spear point, and a golden blade about a foot long erupted from the tip of the spear. He used the gun as a pen and the void as paper. The pen moved the spirit snake, and the tip of the gun carved the word "tiger" in the void in front of him.

"Necromantic Technique - Six-Winged Dark Tiger!"

With a loud shout, golden light emitted from the word "tiger" in the void and spun rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a huge golden vortex appeared in the void.


A shocking tiger roar came out of the whirlpool. The tiger roar seemed to be in the deep mountains, from far to near, but it sounded like thunder.

But I saw a six-winged golden tiger that was fifteen or six feet in size leaping out of the golden vortex.

This tiger has six golden wings on its back, a domineering king character on its forehead, a pair of tiger eyes as bright as golden lamps, and a fleshless white bone tail swinging behind it. Wisps of pale golden ghost energy flew out from the tiger's body, as if the king of hell had descended, showing his unruly nature.

As soon as the six-winged golden tiger raised his head, he saw three black crystal-shaped interface eyes in the sky, then turned to look at Lord Youfeng beside him, and said in a human voice: "Brother Jinfeng, you really respect my brother. , this kind of small disaster with three interface eyes will kill me. I have something to do, so I have to go back."

After saying that, the six-winged golden tiger shook its big round head and turned to leave.

Upon seeing this, Venerable Youfeng smiled slightly and said confidently: "Brother Six Wings, wait a minute, at worst, next time you encounter a minor calamity, I will try my best to help you deal with it."

"Let me think about it? This suggestion seems fair, but if it costs me my life this time, there will be no chance for me to survive my little disaster. I don't study well, so don't lie to me." Liuyi Jin Hu replied.

"You look stupid and big, but your mind is as big as the nose of a needle. Well, at worst, I'll treat you to a meal of cold water."

On the cold water surface, that is the legendary palace-level delicacy.

Take a large iron pot and bring water to a boil.

Put the hand-rolled wheat flour noodles into the boiling water in the pot, and then use chopsticks to gently stir the noodles in the pot twenty times to allow the noodles to fully absorb the refreshing air in the water. Remember, it must be twenty strokes. One stroke more will cause aging, and one stroke less will cause aging.

Take out the cooked noodles, place them in the cool spring water prepared in advance, take them out, put them in another basin of cool spring water, and take them out again, until they are just cool but not soggy.

At this time, the cold water surface is whiter than snow, and more fragrant than white snow. It is as soft as silk and has just the right amount of strength than satin.

Paired with various braised vegetables prepared in advance, such as minced pork with fried sauce, diced pork with garlic sprouts, tomatoes and eggs, cucumber shreds and sesame sauce...

One kind of cold noodles with hundreds of flavors, which can promote body fluids and strengthen the stomach, relieve heat and dredge collaterals, and strengthen the body.

When faced with such delicious food, what people often say is – have another bowl!

"Cool water!" The six-winged golden tiger's eyes were full of beautiful longing, and a wisp of transparent saliva slipped from the corner of its black mouth, with a happy face.

"How about it?"

"Okay! As a gentleman says, six wings are hard to catch. For the sake of cold water, I will agree to it."

"Humph, I knew you would agree. I, Jin Feng, always keep my word." Lord Youfeng Jin Feng said.

"Stop talking nonsense, we brothers will fight it together." The six-winged golden tiger looked up at the three interface eyes in the sky and said angrily.

Lord Youfeng on the side looked at the six-winged golden tiger and smiled indifferently. At this time, silence was better than sound.

Fighting the enemy together with brothers requires tacit understanding and determination to win.

A long time ago, Lord Youfeng was just a young monk whose cultivation level was only in the spiritual realm.

During a trip to the underworld, the young Lord Youfeng met the Six-Winged Golden Tiger who was in a state of desolation due to injuries and half-dead from starvation. Lord Youfeng came to help and invited Six-winged Golden Tiger to have a meal of cold water. From then on, Six-winged Golden Tiger fell in love with the taste of cold water, and the two became friends.

Thousands of years later, when Venerable Youfeng raised his cultivation level to the Dao Ming realm, he practiced channeling for the first time. Unexpectedly, the alien spirit beast summoned by the channeling turned out to be the original six-winged golden tiger. The six-winged golden tiger at that time had evolved to the level of a fairy beast.

As a result, the two signed a psychic contract and became friends who talked about everything. They cooperated many times to defeat powerful enemies.

Lord Youfeng jumped up and stood on the broad and strong back of the six-winged golden tiger. He held the straight golden tiger spear in his hand, his posture was tall and straight, his cloak was flying, and he was majestic.

"Ouch——" The six-winged golden tiger roared like a violent wave.

"Ah——" Venerable Youfeng shouted with a voice like thunder.

The next moment, the six wings of the six-winged golden tiger flew together, setting off a violent wind, and then carried Lord Youfeng to appear in the sky above a hundred feet.

Instead of retreating, the two advanced forward, rushing towards the location of the three interface eyes.

At present, the six-winged golden tiger is a rare and exotic beast, and its cultivation level has reached the level of an immortal beast, and its real combat power is no less than that of the current Lord Youfeng.

The levels of rare and strange beasts are divided into spiritual beasts, monster beasts, holy beasts, fairy beasts and divine beasts.

Alien beasts that have not yet formed demonic elixirs are all spiritual beasts, and their strength is equivalent to that of human monks in the spirit realm to the cultivation realm, which is also the most common. Alien beasts that form alchemy are called monsters, and their strength is equivalent to that of human monks in the True Alchemy realm. After the monster beast evolves and soul changes, it is called a holy beast, and its strength is equivalent to the soul realm of a human monk. When the holy beast breaks through again, it will evolve into an immortal beast. The immortal beast is equivalent to the immortal stage of human monks. As for the mythical beasts, they are all immortal beings, and no one knows their true strength.

Generally speaking, once rare and exotic beasts evolve to the level of fairy beasts, they can choose to undergo a special soul transformation and transform into a human form.

The fairy beast that transforms into human form can change between human form and animal form at any time, and the benefits are self-evident. But the risk of the soul turning into a human form is very high, and it might lead to the death of the body. Therefore, most fairy beasts will not easily choose to transform from soul to human form.

The Six-Winged Golden Tiger is a king-level bloodline among the Feihu clan, and can easily transform into a human form through soul transformation. However, the six-winged golden tiger was reserved due to its innate racial pride and did not choose to change its soul. It has always maintained the appearance of a flying tiger.

As for the ghost beasts in Youfeng Mountain, they have gradually evolved into human forms since forming pills, such as the numerous Youfeng Waiters. It's because the ghost beast was originally a human being who was corrupted by the power of the black sun and turned into a beast. Its evolution into a human form is also a return to its original appearance.

In the blink of an eye, the first black electric dragon released by one of the interface eyes arrived in front of the two. I saw his body spinning, and the spear in his hand stabbed out quickly.

"Marksmanship - Sixty-six golden tigers in formation!"

He used his sure-kill spear technique again, and this time with the help of the amplification power of his own soul domain, this move was even more powerful.

Strands of golden threads kept spitting out from the tip of the Golden Tiger Spear.

One, two, three... A total of sixty-six spear powers burst out in an instant.

The fighting spirit took shape, and sixty-six flying-winged golden tigers with one horn appeared from the roaring spear, covering the sky and the sun. The beasts roared and flew upward.

At the same moment when Lord Youfeng performed his move.

The pressure around the six-winged golden tiger increased sharply, and wisps of golden arcs shot out from its body, making a crackling sound. Then he struggled to open his bloody mouth, and a ball of golden light compressed into spiritual power quickly gathered in his mouth, and rotated at an extremely fast speed, making a "stinging" sound like metal friction, and the concentration of spiritual power inside was compressed to a level comparable to Knives and guns.

"Flying Tiger Roaring Sky Cannon!"

With a "bang" sound, the golden spiritual cannon shot out from the tiger's mouth, like a golden comet piercing the sky, throwing out a long light tail and whizzing away.

The next moment, the combined attacks of Lord Youfeng and Six-Winged Golden Tiger collided with the black divine punishment electric dragon dropped by the Eye of Interface.

The sound of rumbling explosions was endless.

The high void has become a battlefield, and the battle for every inch of space is fierce. The roar of tigers, roars of dragons, explosions, and thunder and lightning intertwined together to play a soul-stirring war song.

At the center of the collision, the burning spiritual power was like lighting up a sun, and the scorching light made it impossible to look directly at it. The surrounding void began to twist under the force of the collision, and cracks like broken glass appeared. But soon white rays of light flashed out from the cracks, and these cracks were quickly repaired. This was the self-healing power of the interface.

The torn spiritual power of both sides continued to spurt outwards, with thousands of golden lights and thousands of black lights. The scene was extremely heroic, setting off a tsunami of light.

The six-winged golden tiger in the sky curled its six wings in front of it, and many of the golden feathers on its wings were knocked off. Standing on his back, Venerable Youfeng thrust the golden tiger spear in front of him, spinning out a wheel-like shadow of the spear.

Youfeng Mountain under the collision point shook for a while, and the building platform on the top of the mountain creaked. The light mask released by the Tianhu Guardian Formation outside the building was hit by the impact energy and created fine lines like spider webs, crackling. It sounded like it was going to collapse the next moment.

Even though it was just the residual power of a small disaster, it was so close to the top of the mountain that its destructive power was truly astonishing. For the current Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang, it can be called a disaster. After all, the energy of the Small Heavenly Tribulation triggered by Venerable Youfeng's cultivation in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm is too huge, comparable to the ability to move mountains and fill seas.

Xu Yang activated the power of the Vermilion Bird Flame Spirit, the power of the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit, and the power of the Chakravartin Flame Spirit in his body, and released circles of gold, red, and earth-gold flame spirit fields centered around his body.

"Fire Spirit Shackles!"

He turned his palms to the sky, and a three-color spiritual light flashed in his palms. The shackles of the flame spirit were activated, and a huge protective umbrella was opened above the heads of the three people.

Guigu Zan on the side formed a skull seal with his hands, and a transparent jade skull image about an inch in size slowly rotated in the center of his hand seal. Immediately afterwards, circles of white ghost territory spread out like ripples with his body as the center.

The white-bone skeleton lying on Gui Gu Zan's shoulder turned into a phantom and disappeared from its place. The next moment, a white light flashed in the ghost realm, and the white skeleton appeared.

brush! brush!

In the ghost realm, two white lights suddenly appeared on both sides of the skeleton. A skeleton with a scar on his forehead and another skeleton with a gold chain around his neck appeared at the same time. They are the three skeleton clones of Guigu Zan.

"Ghost Escape-Jade Skull!"

The skull runes of the same style appeared on the foreheads of the three skeleton clones at the same time. In a burst of dazzling golden light, the three skeletons disappeared.

The golden light dissipated, and a jade skeleton man with a size of ten feet appeared out of thin air. I saw the huge jade skeleton waving its right bone claw, and its sharp, knife-like fingers clawed towards the void.

A dazzling golden light scattered, and on the right palm of the skeleton man was a huge golden sword that was two feet long. It was the "Golden Bone", the sword from the underworld.

Under the control of Guigu Zan, the Jade Skull kept waving the "Golden Bone" sword in his hand, weaving a weatherproof wall of sword light above the heads of the three people.

At the same time, Guigu Changyang also released his own unique demon realm, and the blue-gray demon realm spread out.


The demon sword "Rainy Night" was unsheathed, and gray scales grew on the blade that was originally as smooth as a mirror at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sword skill - sea-turning dragon slash!"

The blade was in full bloom, the demonic power took shape, and a scaly dragon that was more than ten feet in size flew out with its fangs and claws spread. The hovering scale dragon covered the sky above the heads of the three people like a huge shield.

The three of them worked together to block it with all their strength.

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