True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 264 The Underworld Iron Scroll

The first Divine Punishment Electric Dragon dropped by the Eye of Interface, the combined attack of Venerable Youfeng and the Six-Winged Golden Tiger exploded in the sky. The power it releases is extremely terrifying, and is many times greater than the energy contained in the previous Divine Punishment Light Pillar.


The protective light shield formed by the Tianhu guard formation above the platform was almost shattered by the impact of the remaining power. The four two-winged flying tigers in the corner of the platform have been completely petrified, turning into black stone carvings without any trace of life. The energy absorbed by the Nine Nether Crystals has been completely exhausted.

Near Zhutai, Xu Yang, Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang used their ultimate moves to deal with it together. Amidst the roar, they blocked the remaining power from falling on the heads of the three people, and finally did not suffer any real damage.

Other places on the top of the mountain were not so lucky. The mountain was hammered into pieces by energy light waves, and then crushed into dust. The violent shaking of the mountain caused large rocks to peel off from the Youfeng Mountain, like meteorites raining from the sky.

In the end, this huge power gradually dissipated into the void, and a layer of the top of Youfeng Mountain was lifted off, leaving a devastated place like a ghost land.

The first interface eye that activated Divine Punishment glanced downwards, and its gaze rested on Lord Youfeng. Then he spit out a puff of mist-like gas strangely, his eyeballs slowly closed, and he gradually fell into the void and disappeared. Maybe it recognized the strength of Lord Youfeng, or it was tired and needed to go back to rest.

The remaining two interface eyes did not immediately launch the next wave of divine punishment. Instead, they kept staring at Venerable Youfeng, as if they were more carefully measuring the strength of Venerable Youfeng in order to launch the next wave of divine punishment. Its means of killing.

"Brother Jinfeng, three little kids came in below. They don't look like your Youfeng attendants from Youfeng Mountain. They are not here to cause trouble. However, it seems that their cultivation level is only in the True Alchemy realm. Could it be that they entered here by mistake? Climbers?" At this time, Six-winged Golden Tiger discovered the existence of Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang near Zhutai below, and said jokingly.

"Brother, you are joking again. Not everyone can come up to Youfeng Mountain casually. The three of them should be disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect who came to this forgotten land for a trial. This time I am pressed for time to deal with the Heavenly Tribulation. We didn't seal Youfeng Mountain in time, and we didn't expect them to sneak up." Lord Youfeng replied.

"Are they disciples of the Tiangui Sect? The founder of the Tiangui Sect is a figure that even the Lord of the Underworld is afraid of. These three disciples are also very interesting. At least it seems that they still have a chance to see the next wave of more violent attacks. Heavenly calamity.”

"Being able to witness such a degree of heavenly calamity is also their destiny. If they can understand a hint of heavenly principles from it, it will be of great benefit to their cultivation. The premise is that they can finally leave this place alive. Forget it, we should concentrate on dealing with the above. Two big eyes."

"Those two "black eggs" in the sky are still staring at you. Maybe they are both female. Most probably they can't bear to kill this beautiful man like you."

"Thank you for the compliment. You look handsome too."

"Hahaha." The two looked at each other and laughed.

The seemingly relaxed conversation could not hide the tension that followed.

At this moment, the two Interface Eyes in the sky trembled violently, and spiritual energy from a thousand miles away surged towards their location again, like a tsunami, making a huge rumbling sound.

The Eye of the Interface extremely extracts the spiritual power from the interface, causing the surrounding void to flicker, flickering in and out, as if it is about to collapse.

After a moment, two groups of powerful currents spun out from the two interface eyes, one black and one purple.

"They are coming, be careful, brother." Lord Youfeng reminded loudly.

"It seems that these two black eggs are going to attack together. Don't say that we bully the few this time, two against two, a fair contest." Six-winged Golden Tiger said confidently.

High in the sky, two currents, one black and one purple, created by the Eye of the Interface were intertwined, and the shape of a bird appeared during the rolling. It continued to absorb the power of the interface, became bigger and bigger, and gradually grew into a The shape of a two-headed Tianpeng.

This two-headed Tianpeng was originally made of thunder and lightning, but it looked like a living creature. The left half of its body was black and the right half was purple, which was weird and terrifying.

"Those two things in the sky are indeed eggs, and they actually hatched into a chick. Are they bringing us a roast chicken?" The six-winged golden tiger at the feet of Lord Youfeng said jokingly.

Although his words were relaxed, he did not dare to neglect his actions. The golden arcs around the six-winged golden tiger surged like a wave, and the energy of a thousand years was ready to go.

Venerable Youfeng's vitality increased wildly, his clothes fluttered, and he pointed the tip of the golden tiger gun in his hand toward the Eye of the Interface high in the sky, intending to display his domineering spear skills again.

At this moment, a strange space crack appeared in a piece of void not far from the Eye of the Interface. It was silent and quite abrupt.

"Whoosh!" A black shadow flashed out of the crack in the dark space. The shadow shrank, revealing a person hovering high in the sky.

The man who came was short, with a small head, a sallow complexion, and no flesh on his cheeks. He still had two sparse mustaches at the corners of his mouth, but he wore a large black brocade robe, which made his exposed head look surprisingly small. .

The man yawned as soon as he appeared, as if he hadn't slept for several nights. Then he glared at his little eyes and said strangely: "Finally got here, the underworld general Jin Feng is here!"

"Isn't this the messenger of the underworld?" Lord Youfeng recognized this person's origin at a glance.

So he quickly replied: "The underworld general Jin Feng is here."

"You know the rules and know how to come out early to greet me. In order to deliver a message to you, I ran for seven days and seven nights without closing my eyes before I came to this ghost place."

As the little ghost spoke, he deliberately coughed twice, paused, and continued: "Don't you have any expression? At least you can compensate this waiter for some errands."

The calamity crisis is ahead. As a general of the underworld, Lord Youfeng knows the rules in the temple of the underworld, but at this moment, he feels very bored. He is speechless and doesn't know what to say.

The messenger was waiting for Lord Youfeng to answer his question when he heard a crackling sound from the side.

He immediately turned his head and said, "Why are those people making noises on the sidelines? Don't you know that I have to be quiet when I speak?"

The two interface eyes are not far from the messenger ghost, constantly accumulating interface energy and making the sound of arc jumping.

"Oh, my God! These are interface eyes! A pair of them!"

The messenger screamed in panic, and a pair of tiny little eyes almost jumped out of his eye sockets. His little eyes had never been so big today.

In panic, he slapped his butt, and his body turned into a shadow and jumped back into the space gap before, like a mouse burrowing into a hole, coming and going in a hurry.

Only a black object was seen being thrown out of the space crack, and then the space crack closed on its own, as if the messenger had never appeared before.

The black object thrown by it was a scroll made of black iron, tied with a thin rope made of gold.

When Lord Youfeng saw this object clearly, his originally rosy face suddenly became like a piece of white paper, and his whole body trembled wildly, as if he had been shocked by electricity.

"No! How could this iron scroll appear at this time? Is today really my fate?" Lord Youfeng said in surprise.

"Isn't this the Iron Scroll of the Underworld Emperor? This thing is a decree issued by the Lord of the Underworld, Fengdu Emperor. Why did it come at this time?" The six-winged golden tiger muttered in his heart after discovering the iron scroll.

Lord Youfeng narrowed his eyes, making rapid calculations in his mind, with a sad look on his face.

"If you let the Underworld Iron Scroll fall at this time, and you try your best to stop the Heavenly Tribulation, I am afraid that the Iron Scroll will be burned by the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. Not to mention what kind of decree is recorded in this Iron Scroll, it will just be lost and burned." The Emperor of Hades would probably be punished with the death penalty for the "Iron Scroll of the Underworld". If he went to pick up the iron scroll immediately, he would be exposed to the attack of the heavenly tribulation, and would also implicate the six-winged golden tiger brothers on the side. But his Jiefa's wife was still stranded in Fengdu, and his youngest son "Xiao Liu" was also cast by someone under the Emperor of Hades, transforming him into the shape of a tiger and losing his human form. I can only live in the shape of a tiger for the rest of my life, and my wife will be under house arrest in Fengdu for the rest of her life. What should I do if I have a brother on one side and my wife and son on the other?"

The six-winged golden tiger seemed to know what Venerable Youfeng was thinking at this time, and said loudly: "Brother Jinfeng, go and retrieve the iron scroll. I will leave this ghost bird to my brother to resist it for you for a while."

"Good brother, I'm embarrassing you."

At this moment, the double-headed Tianpeng swooped down from high in the sky.

At this time, the two-headed Tianpeng had grown into a behemoth of about ten feet, with sharp claws like hooks and a sharp beak like a knife. Large purple and black arcs of electricity erupted from its body, and its wings spread out to stir up the nine heavenly winds, stirring the void.

The iron scroll of the Underworld Emperor in mid-air was on the path of the two-headed Tianpeng descending. This Underworld Iron Scroll is more important to Lord Youfeng than his own life at this time. The fate of his wife and son, and the trust of his brothers, all depend on this moment.

At the critical moment, Lord Youfeng took the risk of being directly bombarded by it, activated the secret method, and his body turned into a phantom and sank into the Golden Tiger Spear.

The man and the gun merged into one, and the Golden Tiger Spear passed through a golden stream of light, rushing to the vicinity of the Underworld Iron Scroll before the two-headed Tianpeng.

The golden light converged, and the figure of Lord Youfeng appeared outside the Golden Tiger Spear. He quickly stretched out his broad palm, grasped the Underworld Iron Scroll firmly, and put it into his arms.

At this time, he was only seven or eight feet away from the double-headed Tianpeng, and his back was completely exposed.

Just as Lord Youfeng used the art of integrating man and gun to jump out first, the six-winged golden tiger under him spread out its six huge wings and rolled up a golden whirlwind. The huge tiger body flew above and followed closely. thereafter.

At the critical moment, the six-winged golden tiger, which had been prepared for a long time, saw the opportunity and opened its mouth in anger.

"Flying Tiger Roaring Sky Cannon!"

With a "bang" sound, Nuo Da's golden spiritual energy shells ejected from his mouth and hit the double-headed Tianpeng.

This double-headed Tianpeng is not as simple as the previous dragon-shaped thunder. The dragon-shaped tribulation thunder before was just an aggregation of a large amount of power, but without any vitality. And this two-headed Tianpeng can be said to be a reflection of the god of the interface, with some wisdom and even greater energy.

I saw the double-headed Tianpeng protruding a sharp claw, and then a purple vortex spun out from the sharp claw, grabbing the "Howling Cannonball" that was flying towards the sky.

The Howling Sky Cannon did not explode in time, but was blown away by the force of the sharp claws, deflected in one direction, and flew straight to another sky.

Without delay, the six-winged golden tiger saw this, and the tiger manes on its back and neck stood up straight, showing the power of the beast king.


With a roar that shook the sky, the six wings of the six-winged golden tiger rolled together and pounced forward.

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