True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 279 The Blood Soul Monument Recovers

Time was running out and Xu Yang, under the arrangement of the old village chief Lin Badi, came to the center of the square in Wangyou Valley alone.

The tall Blood Soul Monument stands among them.

The villagers who originally worshiped and prayed were temporarily banned, and the surroundings of the Blood Soul Monument were empty.

"In order to survive for his comrades, this general actually gave up his life to turn his body into a monument of blood soul. This noble spirit of self-sacrifice for others is really admirable." Xu Yang looked up at the tall mountain of blood soul. Monument, I felt very small for a moment, and admired in my heart.

Walk forward and look carefully.

You can even see the spiritual essence rolling and flowing under the veins on the surface of the monument and the warmth coming to your face.

It was light red, like human blood, exuding faint light and heat, flowing incessantly, rushing towards the top of the monument.

Finally, countless light red threads spread out from the top of the monument. These light filaments throw out a huge umbrella to block the curse from the black sun outside, supporting the safety of the entire Wangyou Valley.

As he looked at it, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy in his heart.

"Is it because he practiced the "Red Blood Soul Refining Technique" and was imprinted with the red blood brand?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stretched out a palm and gently patted the surface of the monument, as if seeing him after a long absence. High fives and greetings like old friends reunited.

"Today, let me do my best." Xu Yang whispered, his eyes full of determination.

He took a deep breath and silently recited the "Red Blood Soul Refining Technique" taught to him by the old village chief Lin Badi.

In the Zifu space, a stream of warm currents sprouted from the red seed, quickly warming the entire Zifu space and invigorating people.

At the same time, the "Blood Soul Cutting Pulse Technique" was activated, and a ray of blood dragon wandered over the muscles and bones at the apex of the heart, and the whole body was instantly filled with a sense of power.

The two forces, one inside and one outside, perfectly fit into one, turning into boiling blood soul power and being directed to a single palm. The temperature in the palm of my hand continued to rise, and there was a faint white mist rising.

When the fog dissipated, a clear blood dragon pattern appeared in Xu Yang's palm. This blood dragon pattern is the result of the unique power of the blood talisman of the "Red Blood Soul Refining Technique".

Then, he raised his hand and pressed his palm tightly against the surface of the monument.

A steady stream of blood soul power is poured into the tall blood soul monument like a river flowing into the sea.

With this source of power, the spiritual essence flowing in the veins of the monument became more joyful like a river washed by heavy rain, and the red light blooming from the top of the monument became brighter and full of vitality.

Gradually, he felt a familiar spiritual power wave coming from the monument. It was an energy that did not belong to this monument at all. It was the power of the netherworld released from the Nine Nether Crystals buried under the monument.

The general who transformed into the Blood Soul Monument has half the blood of the Nether Clan, and the power of the Nether Clan is also a power that the Nether Clan has always worshiped and possessed.

Obviously, the pure power of the netherworld contained in this Nine Nether Crystals is extremely useful for the Blood Soul Monument.

He probed his consciousness into the monument and clearly noticed that under the influence of the power of the netherworld, the scars on the monument slowly healed.

The power of the Netherworld was originally the beginning of the Ghost Dao technique, and the Wheel Flame Spirit owned by Xu Yang once swallowed a Nine Nether Crystal that contained the essence of the Netherworld Power. Therefore, Xu Yang's perception and control of this power of the netherworld far exceed that of monks of the same level.

With a slight movement of his consciousness, the wheel flames in the Purple Mansion space within his body suddenly became active.

The little guy somersaulted backwards, and a piece of earth-golden spiritual flame spread out all over his body, dragging a hook-shaped scorpion tail behind him and wandering around in the Zifu space.

The Wheel Flame Spirit was born from the Holy Fire of the Wheel of the Underworld. It is essentially a ghostly spirit body, and has an innate sense of smell and control over the power of the netherworld.

Xu Yang wanted to use the Wheel Flame Spirit to extract the power of the netherworld from the Nine Nether Crystals more quickly, so that the Blood Soul Monument could recover as quickly as possible.

The heart moves at will, urging the wheel-turning flame spirit.

In the Purple Mansion space within his body, the ghostly infant-like wheel flame spirit looked like a soldier who had received an order to go out. He raised his head, straightened his chest, grinned, revealing sharp ghost teeth, spread his bat wings behind his back, golden flames lingered on his body, and his fighting spirit was high.

Immediately, leaving only a wisp of earth-golden fire in place, it disappeared.

At the same time, on the palm of his hand that was attached to the surface of the monument, earth-golden spiritual flames flashed, and the wheel flame spirit was injected into it.

At this time, the Chakravartin no longer looked like a ghost baby, but turned into an extremely fine golden thread. The appearance of the golden thread is blessed with a thin layer of light red blood talisman power.

The wheel flame spirit is like a thin snake flowing down the veins within the monument.

At the bottom of the Blood Soul Monument, the Nine Nether Crystals fixed by the formation are emitting dazzling seven-colored light, and traces of black Nether Power are constantly overflowing from it.

The golden thread transformed by the Wheel Flame Spirit surrounds the Nine Nether Crystals, and a touch of golden flame is injected into it. In an instant, the Nine Nether Crystals were like a stove with added firewood, spurting out the power of the Netherworld like tongues of fire.

These powerful and pure ghost powers continue to climb up along with the monument's veins.

After a moment, there was a "buzz" sound, and the entire Blood Soul Monument trembled.

The umbrella-shaped light filament at the top of the monument overflows with countless red star points, which are colorful and dazzling, as if the sky is full of stars and grand fireworks set off during the festival.

The scars on the surface of the monument caused by the collision of the Star Soul's power actually healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that his actions were really effective, Xu Yang secretly cheered in his heart, and then mobilized his blood soul power to crazily inject it into the monument without stopping for a moment until he was sweating profusely.

An hour later, the surface of the monument became extremely smooth and delicate, the spiritual essence in the veins moved smoothly and freely, and the injury had healed.

The task that Lin Badi originally planned to complete in five days was actually completed by Xu Yang in one hour.

Looking at the restored Blood Soul Monument in front of him, Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction. The joy brought by success can often make people forget the sweat and exhaustion during the hard work.

At this time, the huge red umbrella flower on the top of the monument seemed to bloom in Xu Yang's heart. It was a flower of hope, a flower of light, extremely brilliant.

With a flash of consciousness, the Flame Chakravartin sneaked back into his palm from the monument, and then returned to the Zi Mansion space to rest.

Just when he was about to take back his palm, he unexpectedly discovered that his palm seemed to have grown into one body with the surface of the monument, and the blood was connected and could not be separated.

Suddenly, a strange power overflowed from the monument, turning into a ray of hot water and entering into the meridians along his palm that was close to the monument.

A hot feeling filled his entire arm, passing through his heart and going straight into Zi Mansion. Finally, he went straight into the purple-like red blood brand in Zi Mansion.

It all happened so fast, not even a breath was taken.

What made Xu Yang even more worried was that when he tried to use his soul power to block the energy that invaded his body, he was like fishing for water in a net, empty and helpless.

"It can't be some secret technique to seize a body, right? Could it be that the general has some tricks up his sleeve? If there are any serious consequences, it will be self-defeating."

Just when he was panicking, a voice sounded in his ear.

"The red-blooded military soul is endless... The red-blooded military soul is endless... The red-blooded military soul is endless..."

Three times in a row, the sound echoed in his mind like a warning bell.

"Who are you? Are you the general?" Xu Yang asked loudly.

After a long time, I couldn't hear any answer, and I could no longer find the voice and its source.

He quickly used the method of Knowledge to check his body.

The seed-like red blood brand in Zi Mansion was still lying there quietly, and everything was as usual. Try to activate the technique, and the magic power will flow smoothly, just like usual.

He took a long breath and whispered: "Am I too cautious? With the conduct of the general during his lifetime, how could he hide murderous intentions in the monument? Is it possible that I have a villain's heart and judge the heart of a gentleman?" thought of it. Here, he shook his head, feeling ashamed.

The Blood Soul Monument recovered as before, and Lin Badi, who was in a house near the center of the village, noticed it immediately.

As the old village chief of Wangyou Valley, he is very familiar with the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the light mask released by the monument above his head.

"Huh? The Blood Soul Monument actually recovered in such a short period of time? Could it be a miracle or some accident? Nothing will happen to Xu Yang, right?"

With a series of questions, Lin Badi hurriedly opened the door and went straight to Wangyou Valley Square.

On the way, Xu Yang and Lin Badi, who were about to inform everyone about the recovery of the Blood Soul Monument, met.

Seeing Xu Yang in full swing, Lin Badi smiled on his face.

After that, Xu Yang briefly explained the previous situation, but hid the part that invaded the body.

He didn't want to cause any more trouble to the old village chief at this juncture, and also because he firmly believed that the strange power would never be a threat to him. The general's character is as upright as the Blood Soul Monument, there is no doubt about it.

"Perhaps you are really destined to my Wangyou Valley. I didn't expect that your martial arts body would fit so well with the Blood Soul Monument. To do all this in such a short period of time must have consumed a lot of your martial arts body. Can you support it? "You are alive and well, which also shows that you have strong physical strength and extraordinary talent, and you are truly a young hero." Lin Badi said.

"The old village chief was so complimentary. Maybe it's just a coincidence."

"I still want to thank you for your efforts today."

"No thanks, no thanks. As a member of the Red Blood Legion, you have to stand up and go all out to complete the legion's mission."

"Good boy." Lin Badi smiled and patted Xu Yang on the shoulder, liking the young man in front of him even more.

Afterwards, the two of them came to the Blood Soul Monument together.

Badi Lin walked around the Blood Soul Monument and inspected it carefully. When it was confirmed that the Blood Soul Monument was recovering well, I was extremely excited. I stretched out a pair of old hands and gently touched the surface of the monument. I burst into tears and was speechless.

Xu Yang, who was standing aside, couldn't help but have tears in his eyes when he saw this scene.

"You'd better go back and rest first, and let me stay here with the general for a while."

"Your internal injuries have not healed yet, so you should also pay attention to your health."

Return to your residence.

Xu Yang suddenly felt very tired, as if he had just fought with someone. He fell asleep and slept until dawn the next day.

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