True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 280 The Second Fake Pill

The Blood Soul Monument was restored, and old village chief Lin Badi was overjoyed. He immediately made the good news public. Previously, the tension and depression caused by the six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether World in Wangyou Valley were replaced by this inspiring joy.

The old village chief, Lin Badi, knew best that in order to restore the blood soul monument, Xu Yang spent a lot of energy. Right now, what Xu Yang needs is a period of rest and recovery. So he ordered that no one was allowed to disturb Xu Yang's rest within five days without his permission.

A simple log cabin is located in a relatively secluded place in the village of Wangyou Valley, enjoying the protection of the Blood Soul Monument.

This is exactly the residence Lin Badi specially arranged for Xu Yang.

Early the next morning, Xu Yang woke up from his sleep and opened a wooden window.

The bright and warm sunshine is like a big furry pet jumping in from the window, jumping into the arms and sticking to the face, making people feel comfortable and comfortable, and instantly brings a lot of joy.

The light of the black sun, which was originally full of cursed power and looked like a beast, became as docile as it was purified by the Blood Soul Monument.

He smiled slightly and was in a good mood.

Afterwards, he sat on a wooden chair near the window and meditated for a moment.

He decided to take a closer look at his body again.

After all, the ray of strange power that jumped out of the monument yesterday truly entered the body. Although he is not a person who cares about everything and worries about gains and losses. But since he entered the path of cultivation, caution has become one of his principles.

He recited the magic formula silently and tried to activate his true energy. The gong body moves forward like a river, extremely smooth and full.

Then, use the method of knowledge to observe the location of the Dantian and the situation in the Purple Mansion space.

A'Zhu transformed into a red-shelled egg and rested in her unique area. The smooth and smooth lines of the eggshell gave people a soothing and relaxing feeling. Occasionally, a red ribbon-like spiritual flame pops up on the surface of the eggshell, which is beautiful and full of life.

Xu Yang couldn't help but think of the whole story of meeting A'Zhu.

At that time, Xu Yang, who was still new to cultivation, entered the Tiangui Sect for the first time. By chance, I came into contact with a ray of consciousness that A'Zhu released when he asked for help, and he began to unconsciously realize that he was having the same dream.

The beautiful girl hiding her naked body in the red egg shell in his dream once made him blush and his heart beat. The truth turned out to be the true spirit of Suzaku, and now her name is A'Zhu.

Although A'Zhu is still unable to return to human form, he is only in the form of a flame spirit. But Xu Yang has always treated A'Zhu as a relative. Whenever a problem arises, he will immediately pay attention to A'Zhu's condition. It has always been his wish to turn A'Zhu back into a human form, which is also one of the motivations for him to work hard to improve his cultivation.

At this moment, A'Zhu was not only fine, but also seemed to have gained strength, which made Xu Yang very happy.

The ghostly baby-like Chakravartin was still lying there sound asleep, with its limbs stretched out lazily and relaxedly, and a hook-shaped scorpion tail occasionally swaying slightly.

From the first day Xu Yang got it, except for ordering it to act, it has been sleeping. It is a sleepy bug.

The Wheel Flame Spirit is not only a treasure given to Xu Yang by his master, Gui Gu Yeyan, for him to practice the Five Elements Flame Technique, but it is also related to the great responsibility of continuing the Wheel Flame within the Tiangui Sect. It is one of the existences that Xu Yang cares about very much.

The golden flame ball transformed by the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha hovered there and rotated slowly. There are traces of golden fireworks wrapped around it, which complement the sacred Sanskrit fonts on its surface.

The Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit, which has not yet fully released its full power, has already brought many surprises to Xu Yang. One day, it is also one of Xu Yang's wishes to unlock all the powers on it.

The central location of Zifu space.

The fake elixir, which was as big as a chestnut and looked like black crystal, grew steadily there, with faint colorful lines on its surface. It was part of Xu Yang's body.

Possessing the fake elixir is an unexpected surprise for Xu Yang. His current cultivation level is at the realm of fake elixir.

The realm of false elixirs is not a cultivation process that every cultivator will experience.

Most cultivators break through the realm and form golden elixirs when they are at the peak of the Peiyuan realm, which is called the true elixir realm.

Only a few cultivators will first produce false elixirs by chance. The fake elixir is not as powerful as the golden elixir, but it is a rare transition. Practitioners with fake elixirs can break through to the true elixir realm more easily.

I remember that it was when he used the Nine Nether Crystals given to him by "Little Liuzi" to help Chakravartin remove the side effects of scorpion poison, which triggered the "Little Black Sun" crisis. When he forcefully sucked most of the remaining power into his body, he unexpectedly formed a fake elixir.

Monks who possess fake elixirs will have great achievements after entering the realm of true elixirs.

Seeing that everything was fine, Xu Yang focused on the red blood mark that was only the size of a sesame seed.

He clearly remembered that after the strange force that jumped out from the Blood Soul Monument entered his body, it finally got into the red blood brand.

I tried to use my spiritual consciousness to probe into it, but it was like hitting a copper wall and I couldn't get a trace of it.

"If you don't understand the status of this special power for a day, wouldn't you be safe for a day? If you force the true energy to penetrate in, I'm afraid the red blood brand will be damaged. By then, the "Red Blood Soul Refining Technique" practiced will fall short. It may cause backlash to the body," Xu Yang thought in his mind, with a troubled expression on his face.

"Xiaoxian, are you worried that the strange force that invaded the red blood brand before will cause an emergency in the future? Let me help you take a look." A'Zhu's voice sounded in Xu Yang's mind.

At some point, A'Zhu transformed into a flaming bird with a golden crown and long feathers, hovering in the space of Xu Yang's Zifu. As a natal spiritual pet who is connected with Xu Yang's thoughts, she already knows what Xu Yang is thinking at this moment.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

"Of course. I am a Suzaku. There is nothing I can't do." A'Zhu said, imitating Xu Yang's mantra.

"Ahem. I'm just testing you. There's nothing I can't do." Xu Yang said pretentiously.

"Don't forget, I am a true fire spirit. Your red blood mark can also be said to be a special fire attribute curse mark. Of course I have a way to understand its internal situation."

"Then I'll trouble you."

A'Zhu flapped his wings slightly and approached the red blood brand. Then she activated her unique Nirvana Flame Spirit power, and a burst of red spiritual flame was released, instantly wrapping the red blood brand.

"This special power is indeed still within the red blood brand." A'Zhu said.

"Please take a closer look, what is this thing?"

"It contains huge energy, and it is extremely domineering fire-attributed energy... Be careful! Fairy!" A'Zhu suddenly screamed.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed from the red blood brand, and endless red flames spewed out.

At this moment, Xu Yang's soul trembled involuntarily, and the red blood soul refining technique started to work on its own.

Instantly, the blood and soul in his body boiled.

The next moment, the Red Blood Brand became even more violent under the stimulation of the Red Blood Soul Refining Technique. A red vortex appeared on it, like a fire beast with an open mouth. Fire breath surged wildly, filling the entire Zifu space in the blink of an eye.

People who cultivate themselves will open up a purple space in the Dantian of the lower abdomen. Although the capacity of this space is not large, it is where spiritual souls, true elixirs and other cultivation resources are located. If the Zifu space is destroyed, the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

Although the fire breath was so fierce, apart from making Xu Yang feel hot, it did not cause damage to anything else in the Zifu space. It was as if the fire breath was a part of his body.

The fire breath is getting bigger and bigger, and the space of Zi Mansion is filled to the brim.

A'Zhu rolled his wings suddenly, activating his own power of nirvana and forcefully introducing part of the fire breath into his body. But he still couldn't control the explosion of fire breath.

The massive fire breath is like a beast imprisoned in a cage, constantly looking for an exit. Finally, it rushed crazily into Xu Yang's meridians through the spiritual veins connecting the meridians and Zifu.

Xu Yang quickly used his spiritual consciousness to stabilize the "Red Fire Soul Refining Technique" that was running on its own, and guided the fire breath to circulate in the meridians. He knew that in the face of such huge energy, channeling was more effective than blocking.

Strangely, this seemingly crazy fire breath not only did not bring him the slightest discomfort, but it made him feel like he was soaking in a hot spring, comfortable and warm.

The meridians and body gradually transformed under the washing of the power of fire breath.

Suddenly, a scene that seemed both real and illusory appeared in Xu Yang's consciousness.

It was a very lively, red beacon realm.

The roaring flames of war, the loud shouts, the charging soldiers, and the speeding chariots. The red-blooded military flag held high fluttered, and the fire breath on the flag turned into a dragon, stirring the world and defining the exclusive beacon field.

Xu Yang's consciousness gradually integrated into it, and his whole person became a part of the beacon realm, constantly changing his identity.

Sometimes he is a sprinting soldier, sometimes a galloping war horse, sometimes a chopping saber, sometimes the red-blooded military flag held high, or even a cup of blood-stained loess...


An amazing epiphany!

It is the epiphany of mastering the beacon field!

Under the baptism of this beacon fire realm, Xu Yang's martial arts accumulated steadily, and there were faint signs of breakthrough.

And A'Zhu, like Xu Yang, has already become a part of this beacon realm.

At this time, Xu Yang was sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed and his face calm. There are wisps of fire wrapped around the body surface, but it does not ignite anything around it.

This process lasted five days. But for Xu Yang, it seemed to be just a moment.

Five days later, when Xu Yang opened his eyes, it was clear and bright.

But his martial arts did not break through to the true elixir realm.

When he used the method of knowledge to examine the purple space in his body. But he discovered that the original red blood mark the size of a sesame seed was gone. And there is an extra blood-red fake elixir that is similar in size to the black crystal fake elixir.

This blood-red fake elixir is like a small stove, illuminating the entire Zifu space with warmth.

It is rare for a monk to possess a fake elixir, but it is extremely rare for a monk to possess two fake elixirs at the same time.

"Another fake pill?" Xu Yang said to himself.

"Xiao Xian, congratulations on cultivating another fake elixir." A'Zhu said in a message.

"How is your situation?" Xu Yang asked with concern.

"I didn't expect that this strange energy would turn out to be a powerful beacon realm. I am your natal spiritual pet, and my body evolved at the same time as yours, so naturally I benefited a lot." A'Zhu explained.

"I don't know how much time has passed. How is the situation outside? My martial arts is very good now. I need to report a message to the old village chief quickly so that he won't worry." As he said that, he stood up. .

Little did Xu Yang know that Wangyou Valley was experiencing a catastrophe from the underworld at this time.

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