True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 281 The Underworld is Coming

The second day after Xu Yang entered the realm of enlightenment in the Valley of Forgetfulness, and the third day after the minor tribulation of Lord Youfeng passed, the usual order on Youfeng Mountain gradually returned.

Halfway up the Youfeng Mountain stands a hall made of black stone. A horizontal plaque hangs on the main entrance of the hall, with the three characters "Youfeng Hall" engraved on it.

At this time, the Youfeng Palace was like a quiet old man enjoying the sunbath brought by the black sun. The sunlight created circles of soothing halo ripples on the surface of the wall, completely eliminating the tension during the small calamity.

In the main hall.

Wearing a golden tiger cloak, Lord Youfeng sat on the large tiger-patterned throne in the center of the hall, his majesty still intact.

At this moment, a middle-aged man hurriedly walked in from outside the palace door. The man was dressed in black, with a purple-black eyepatch covering one eye, adding a bit of ruthlessness and ability.


The visitor knelt down in front of the main hall, lowered his head and said, "Servant Youfeng No. 3 pays homage to His Holiness."

"Get up." Lord Youfeng glanced at the people in the hall and said immediately.

"Yes." The one-eyed Youfeng Waiter No. 3 stood up and stood with solemn hands.

"How did the thing I asked you to do go?"

"Your Majesty, after careful inspection, the teleportation circle connecting the underworld to this place was safe and sound during the catastrophe. After the catastrophe, the cleanup work of Youfeng Mountain has been basically completed, and it will take two days to completely repair the platform on the top of the mountain. . In addition, the mountain gate of Youfeng Mountain has activated the sealing formation, so no Tiangui Sect disciples will accidentally break in. "

"Very good, your efficiency in doing things is good. Number 1 is still recovering from his injuries, but Number 2 has unfortunately died in the catastrophe. Once you are done with this period, you will be officially promoted to Waiter of Youfeng Number 2."

"Thank you for your support, Your Majesty. I am willing to go through fire and water for Your Majesty, no matter what..." One Eye said confidently, with a little excitement showing in the remaining eye.

Although No. 2 is only one step ahead of No. 3, his status in Youfeng Mountain is completely different. The No. 1 waiter "Cheng Luyi" seldom comes into contact with other Youfeng waiters on weekdays. Every time he appears, he is almost always with the "Little Tiger Six". Number 2 naturally became the direct leader of many Youfeng attendants.

One Eye has always wanted to become No. 2. He once challenged No. 2, who had the word "two" written on his forehead, but ended up with an eyepatch on one eye.

"The identity of the people who came from the underworld this time is of great importance. They were led by an underworld general sent by the Emperor of Hades himself, and they were on a top-secret mission. Youfeng Mountain is the only place for introduction in the Forgotten Land. This time we decided to Nothing can go wrong.”

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, everything has been arranged according to Your Majesty's wishes. I'm just waiting for Your Majesty to check it in person."

Lord Youfeng nodded with satisfaction.

"In addition, I asked you to notify my six children to come to the main hall to discuss matters. Have you found them all?"

"The ladies and the young master are already waiting outside the palace."

"Stand back and let them in."

"My subordinates resign."

One Eye turned around and confirmed the news of No. 2's death. He reached out and touched the eyepatch on his injured eye. It seemed that his injured eye could see the light again at this moment, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Then, quickly walked out of the hall.

After a while, five Huniu and Xiaohu and Xiaoliuzi, headed by the fit and healthy Danniu, entered the hall together. Among them are Hu Si Niu who made love with Zhuge Yu in the cave.

Two days ago.

When Hu Siniu and Zhuge Yu came out of the cave, it happened that Venerable Youfeng's small calamity had just passed for an hour, and the air was still filled with the smell of the lingering power of the calamity.

"Could it be that Father's calamity has arrived?" The smart Hu Siniu said nervously, stretching out a hand to touch the pearl-shaped animal bone necklace around her neck.

That was a gift given to her by her father, Lord Youfeng.

"Are you talking about Lord Youfeng's heavenly catastrophe? This is no small matter." Zhuge Yu said.

"It looks like the catastrophe is over. I'm going back right away to see how my father is doing. Are you willing to come with me?"

"This?" Zhuge Yu hesitated for a moment, seeming a little embarrassed.

"No matter what, I will promise you."

"As a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, I am still on a trial mission. Moreover, as a direct disciple of the Zhuge family, I promised the old patriarch that I must make my own contribution to the glory and growth of the Zhuge family. So, wait When I get approval from the patriarch, I will definitely ask him to allow me to go to Youfeng Mountain to personally propose marriage to Lord Youfeng and marry you. Please give me three years. After three years, I will definitely do it. Go to Youfeng Mountain to propose marriage," Zhuge Yu said with confidence.

"Don't go to such trouble. After three years, you don't need to go to Youfeng Mountain to propose marriage. I will go to Tiangui Sect to find you, and by then, you will be my husband-in-law." Hu Siniu replied simply.

Zhuge Yu's handsome, silver-plated face blushed slightly, and there was a hint of brilliance in his eyes when he looked at Hu Siniu.

"What are you looking at? Don't believe me? I, Hu Siniu, keep my word. I will be responsible for you for what happened in the cave."

Zhuge Yu smiled awkwardly.


In the Youfeng Palace.

Lord Youfeng and several of his children explained the situation of the Little Heavenly Tribulation in detail, and told General Ming that he was about to come to the Forgotten Land to hunt down the fugitives. He asked his children not to go out at this time to avoid getting involved in conflicts. In addition, he said that he would send someone to notify the Tiangui Sect and recall the trial disciples to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the Underworld General.

Regarding the Forgotten Land, a long time ago, Youfeng Mountain and the Heavenly Ghost Sect reached an agreement, allowing disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect to come here to practice the "Evil Ghost Way" without interfering with each other.

When Hu Siniu heard the news, she began to worry about the safety of Zhuge Yu who was still in the Forgotten Land. So he volunteered to go down the mountain in person to tell the Tiangui Sect the news, and explained to Lord Youfeng that he wanted Zhuge Yu of the Tiangui Sect to be his husband.

Upon hearing this, Lord Youfeng burst into laughter.

He knows his daughters too well. In particular, the temper of this tiger girl is exactly the same as when she was young. She dares to act, love and hate. The girl is about to get married. He supports Hu Siniu's approach and agrees with Hu Siniu to go to Tiangui Sect to report the news.


On the top of Youfeng Mountain.

The traces left by the catastrophe have been cleaned up, and the ground appears to be relatively smooth. But the rocks that have been baptized by the calamity still have the mark of high temperature burning, which is a memory like the coming of hell.

Lord Youfeng, wearing a golden tiger cloak, personally brought five Youfeng attendants, including One Eye, to this place, preparing to activate the secret teleportation circle to welcome the Underworld general and his party.

Lord Youfeng raised his head and looked at the black sun high in the sky, with a serious look on his face.

"The time has come, activate the teleportation array." Lord Youfeng gave the order.

The five Youfeng waiters headed by One Eye stood in a large circle in five directions, facing inward. Each of them held an octagonal silver array plate in their hands.

They were mumbling words, and the array disks in their hands were buzzing.

Immediately, silver light flashed on the five array disks, and each of them projected a chain as thick as a bowl, with silver light shining on it.

"Crash." The chains were like five silver pythons drilling into the ground under the feet of several people, and kept going downwards.

After a moment, the entire mountaintop trembled slightly. There was a hint of excitement in the one-eyed gaze.

"found it."

The five people grasped the chain tightly and pulled it up with all their strength. With a clattering sound, the chain was pulled straight.


As the chains were continuously pulled up, a circular magic circle rose steadily from the ground until it was completely exposed.

The magic circle is made of black crystal, with many ghost runes engraved on the surface. In the middle of the runes is a huge black sun pattern.

The five people urged the formation disk in their hands again, and the chains entangled in the magic circle were retracted into the formation disk. Then, carefully put the array plate away.

"Reporting to the Lord, the teleportation array is ready." One Eye came to Lord Youfeng and said respectfully.

Lord Youfeng, who still had a serious expression, walked around the circle in person and carefully inspected the circle with his eyes. Then he nodded with satisfaction.

Lord Youfeng raised his hand, and five high-level demon crystals were thrown out and landed in the five grooves of the magic circle.

After a while, the seven-colored brilliance circulated on the demon crystal, and the magic circle buzzed.

The black sun in the sky seemed to hear the call, casting a black sun light at the center of the magic circle, and the unparalleled black sun energy was injected into the magic circle. Immediately, Hei Yang became haughty and quiet again.

Next, the entire Youfeng Mountain peak shook, and a black light curtain rose in the center of the array.


Within the light curtain, a burst of unruly laughter could be heard. This laughter sounded like thunder to the ears of the five Youfeng attendants present, and their spirits were agitated.

But Venerable Youfeng stood with his hands behind his back and was not affected by it at all.

After a moment, the black light curtain faded, and four figures appeared in the teleportation array.

The leader was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows like brooms and eyes like copper bells. He was two feet tall, with a strong back and a strong waist. The silver armor on his chest shone in the black sun.

Behind him were three ugly-looking, equally burly men in black.

Seeing the visitor, Lord Youfeng stepped forward, clasped his fists and said, "The Master of Youfeng Mountain has been here waiting for Lord Mingjiang for a long time."

"Jin Feng, long time no see. How are you? You and I were both underworld generals before, and we can be considered brothers who fought side by side. We don't need to be so different." The big man called Venerable Youfeng by his first name.

"Now we are carrying out official business arranged by Lord Hades. Business is business, and I am just the chief of Youfeng Mountain now. Please come here."

"Jin Feng, if you weren't too upright and violated Lord Ming Emperor's wishes, with your talents, you might be the Ming Commander above me now. I, "Tianfeng", am not someone who looks down on others. Snobs, you and I just call each other by our first names.”

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders. Brother Tianfeng is joking. Please come this way."

"Brother Jinfeng, please."


In the Youfeng Palace.

Mingjiang Tianfeng and Youfeng Venerable Jinfeng sat face to face, chatting with each other.

"This time the affairs of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm are not going well. The Emperor of the Underworld specially sent me to this forgotten land to hunt down the fugitives. The order given is to rectify the law on the spot." Tian Feng of the Nether Realm said.

"Brother Tianfeng, do you know the specific whereabouts of the fugitive?" Lord Youfeng asked.

"According to the secret report sent back by six people sent by the Three Palaces of Netherworld, the place Wangyou Valley was mentioned. I don't know if Brother Jinfeng ever knew about it."

Upon hearing the words Wangyou Valley, Venerable Youfeng's heart skipped a beat. As expected, the underworld has already got some information about Wangyou Valley. I wonder if Xu Yang notified Wangyou Valley and asked the fugitive to leave quickly, lest Wangyou Valley set himself on fire.

Lord Youfeng is a man of his word. Cheng Luyi asked him to take care of Wangyou Valley. And he didn't want the hundreds of lives in Forgetting Valley to die in vain. He still has no doubt about the strength of the underworld general "Tianfeng" in front of him, and wiping out the Valley of Forgotten Worry is just a matter of effort.

"Forgetting Worry Valley? There seems to be such a place, but it is just an empty valley. The prisoner may have left long ago. But let your three men go to visit first. If you encounter the fugitive, just take the head. Yes. If you can't find it, I can send the people from Youfeng Mountain to search for it in the Forgotten Land," Lord Youfeng suggested.

"That's fine, then I'll trouble Brother Jin Feng."


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