True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 282 Degu fights

In the Youfeng Palace.

Mingjiang Tianfeng summoned three of his men to the palace.

These three people were as tall as iron towers, and they made a clear "dong dong" sound when they landed on the ground with solid steps. They were so imposing.

Their faces are ugly and ferocious, one has a green-haired cow face, one has a maroon lion face, and one has a single horn on his head.

"Green Ox, Purple Lion, and Lijiao listen to the order. The three of you quickly find the six people sent here by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld. Rush to Wangyou Valley to find out where the fugitives are. If found, shoot them to death. I'm waiting here for Youfeng Mountain. Other information will arrive soon," Ming Jiang Tianfeng ordered decisively.

"I accept your orders." The three of them answered in unison and then respectfully exited the hall.

"Your three subordinates should have the strength of the Ghost King. They will easily complete their mission." Lord Youfeng said as he looked at the backs of the three people leaving the hall.

"Of course these cannot be hidden from your discernment, Brother Jinfeng. These three are ghost generals who have followed me for many years. They are all ghost kings in the body of ghost spirits." Mingjiang Tianfeng said proudly.

"It is true that a strong general has no weak soldiers."

"According to my observation, Brother Jinfeng, the many Youfeng attendants on Youfeng Mountain are not weak beings. Even in the underworld, they are not a small force. You are here to be alone and at ease. It is really disappointing. People are envious.”

"Being honored to carry out the mission assigned by Emperor Hades, I guess Brother Tianfeng is also highly appreciated by those big shots above. He has a bright future, which makes him even more desirable."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Lord Youfeng Jinfeng just wanted to delay Mingjiang Tianfeng for a moment. If Xu Yang could lead the criminals that Mingdi wanted to kill away from Wangyou Valley, it would of course be the best thing. This was the best he could do to fulfill his promise to Cheng Luyi to protect Wangyou Valley.


On the hillside opposite Wangyou Valley.

The three ghost generals Green Ox, Purple Lion and Li Jiao stood together with a total of nine people including Yin Feng, Luo Yu, Xing Bao, Xing Hu, Huan Sha and Huan Li from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm.

"The executive guards of the Phantom Officer, Huan Sha and Huan Li, respectfully welcome the three ghost generals." The brothers Huan Sha and Huan Li said together.

"Yin Feng, the executive guard of Youji Palace."

"Luo Yu, the executive bodyguard of Youji Palace."

"The two of us are Xingbao and Xinghu, the executive servants of Youxing Palace, and we are all at the mercy of Lord Ghost General.

The three tall ghost generals stood with their arms crossed, or stood with their hands behind their backs, or raised their heads and chests, as if they were three hills piled there, motionless.

After hearing the self-introductions of the six people, the three of them lowered their heads and glanced at the six people in the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm. The condescending eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

Although the three ghost generals were arrogant and arrogant, the six people in the Three Palaces of Netherworld showed no resistance at all.

As a well-trained assassin of the Three Palaces of the Netherworld, he originally served the underworld. In front of the ghost generals sent by the underworld, they were like soldiers meeting nobles, with only obedience and humility left.

More importantly, the strength of these three ghost generals is what the six of them look up to, and they are all at the first level of Daoming Realm.

In terms of force value, these three ghost generals are indeed qualified to show off in front of the six killers from the Three Palaces of Netherworld.

Since the ghost generals all have the constitution of the underworld, they will not be cursed by the black sun in the sky at all. With the help of three Daoming realm helpers, the six people in the Three Palaces of Nether Realm were secretly glad that the task would be completed soon.

The three ugly ghosts looked at the valley opposite, unable to find any clues for a long time, and a look of displeasure gradually appeared on their faces.

The ghost general "Qing Niu" with a green-haired cow face said loudly: "This action to hunt down the fugitive is an imperial edict of Lord Hades, and there must be no room for error. Are you sure that the fugitive is in the valley ahead?"

"The prisoner was injured in the last fight with us. Right now, he is hiding in the valley opposite to recuperate. But there seems to be some way to hide him in the valley. Just a few days ago, we just fought with the fugitive. Several helpers fought around here. After that, we have been monitoring the area secretly, but we still haven't seen the fugitive coming out of the valley." Xinghu explained in detail.

"Do you have any help? My ghost king's fists are already itching." The ghost general Zi Shi, who had a maroon lion face on the side, said as he clenched his big iron fists.

"They are some remnants of the Netherworld rebels and a few disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. There should be about ten of them. However, these people are all thieves worth mentioning in front of the three ghost generals." Xing Hu Continue to explain patiently.

"The rebels in the Nether Realm are not worth mentioning. Legend has it that the founder of the Ghost Sect that day was a very famous figure, even a troublesome figure to the Underworld Emperor." Ghost General Li Jiao said.

"Li Jiao, please don't make unreasonable comments about Lord Hades here. Those are just rumors. Lord Hades despises everything and has great imperial power." Ghost General Qing Niu took over the words and said.

"Yes, yes, those are all rumors." Ghost General Li Jiao immediately changed his words and then secretly glanced at the proud black sun in the sky.

Black Yang is an incarnation of the Emperor of the Underworld. This is something that a person in the underworld firmly believes.

"Master Ghost General, please rest assured. Those Tiangui Sect disciples are just young disciples who came here for a trial. Although they are very difficult to deal with, they should not exceed the cultivation level of Yuanhun Realm." Xinghu said.

"It turns out they are just some small shrimps. Let's flatten the valley in front and bury them together." Ghost General Qing Niu patted his chest and said, looking confident.

"Okay, you don't have to wait for Lord Underworld to take action on this kind of thing. The three of us are enough to take it." Ghost General Zi Shi said with a big mouth, and from time to time stretched out his long tongue like a lion to lick his lips, bloodthirsty. The scarlet color is particularly dazzling.

"Kill without mercy, this is the order given to us by Master Mingjiang." Ghost King Li Jiao said, while deliberately shaking the huge horn on his head, as if he had already unsheathed his sword and couldn't wait to be covered with the blood of his opponent.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew around the three of them, whistling like a ghost.

The dark wind disappeared, and the three ghost kings disappeared in place.

The next moment, more than ten feet away, three gusts of wind rolled in, rushing towards Wangyou Valley with great force.

Seeing this, the six people from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm quickly activated their escape techniques and followed closely behind.

The only passage leading to the outside world in front of Wangyou Valley was as silent as a piece of yellow paper lying flat on the table.

At this moment, ten figures swooped out from the valley, and the whole scene started to move.

The leader of the group has white hair and a silver beard, and is very energetic. He is none other than the old village chief, Lin Badi.

Behind him were nine people: Orion Dali, butcher Lao Hen, blacksmith Sledgehammer, drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai and Mo Ling, Bai Mujin, Guigu Changyang, and Guigu Zan.

The injuries of Orion Dali, butcher Lao Ren and blacksmith Sledgehammer have basically recovered.

Boss Bai, drunkards Xiao and Bai Mujin took the "Demon Pond Pill" provided by Guigu Changyang, and all recovered from their injuries.

"Demon Pond Pill" is said to be a pill, but it is not artificially refined. This elixir was naturally bred in the space of the demon pond in the scabbard of Guigu Changyang's demon sword. It takes three years to gestate to maturity, and it can only produce three or five seeds. It is a rare panacea for recovering from an injured body.

The Blood Soul Monument also hides another function. All powerful creatures within a certain distance of Wangyou Valley will be detected by the invisible field released by the Blood Soul Monument.

Based on the early warning from the Blood Soul Monument, Wangyou Valley also immediately judged that it was the six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether World who were making a comeback with three helpers. But the exact strength of the three helpers is impossible to estimate.

The old village chief Lin Badi immediately held an emergency meeting.

The Blood Soul Monument has been deeply rooted in the Valley of Forgetfulness and cannot be moved. Even if it escapes, it cannot avoid the curse of the black sun in the sky. Therefore, fighting became the only option. Defending the enemy outside the Valley of Forgetfulness is the best option.

"There is a powerful enemy ahead, and the life and death of our Forgotten Valley depends on this battle. The glory of the Red Blood Legion will always be there." Old village chief Lin Badi said in a loud voice.

"The Red Blood Legion is ready to kill the enemy at any time." Butcher Lao Ren, Orion Dali and blacksmith Sledgehammer all responded loudly.

This time, Brother Lin, Orion Dali, Blacksmith Sledgehammer and Butcher Laohen also wore the red leather armor exclusive to the Red Blood Legion on their chests.

Bai Hibiscus, who was standing behind several people, was dressed in flawless white clothes and her complexion was white and rosy. She was as refined as a swaying fairy flower.

After meeting Xu Yang, he changed his name to Bai Mujin. She became a completely different person. A little less monster and domineering, a little more quiet and charming.

A woman in love is always responsible for being beautiful and beautiful. Her orchid temperament is a little inconsistent with the tense atmosphere before the current war. But there was no fear on her face.

She must repay Wangyougu for taking her in and recuperating her, so she can't leave. Her sweetheart Xu Yang is still recovering in the Valley of Forgetfulness, and she cannot leave.

Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang looked at each other.

Their admiring and somewhat competitive looks seemed to say: "Our competition has begun again."

The skeleton lying on Guigu Zan's shoulder shook its empty jaw and made a gurgling sound. It always cheers for its owner at the right time.

"Wangyou Valley is my home, our common home. We will all work together to annihilate the enemy. At that time, I will invite everyone present to the small shop to drink celebratory wine for free." Dressed in aqua blue casual clothes Boss Bai said loudly.

The sound came from her chest, which was as full as a peak. It was sonorous and powerful, with the aura of a woman who would not let a man down.

"Boss Bai has been recovering from his injuries these days. It's really been a long time since I drank from Boss Bai's wine." Orion said vigorously.

"We won't come back until we're drunk." The butcher said with a smile.

Although they are not drunkards, they like to go to the liquor store to see the woman in front of them.

Everyone has a love for beauty.

The drunkard's intention is not to drink.

Xiao, an alcoholic dressed in soap clothes, couldn't help but pursed his lips when he heard the word "drink".

While he was recovering from his injuries, he had already drank all the wine in his wine gourd. In the past two days, he was worried that he had no money to buy wine. He thought to himself that if his apprentice Xiao Yudian was here, he wouldn't have to worry about money for drinks or anything else.

Xiao, an alcoholic, looked up and found Boss Bai's beautiful eyes looking at him lovingly.

He suddenly felt that he owed the woman in front of him something?

He whispered with a slight embarrassment: "I will definitely pay you back the wine money I owe you later." After saying that, the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing his signature uninhibited smile.

He knew in his heart that it was easy to pay back the money for drinks, but it was difficult to pay back the debt of gratitude.

A true alcoholic always remembers that he has to pay back the money he owes others for drinking, and he also remembers that he has to repay others for their kindness. This is the quality of wine.

Boss Bai responded with a charming smile and said calmly: "If you can't pay for the wine, I'll fine you to work in my store."

Boss Bai has always known that the drunkard Xiao is not willing to accept his love easily, and she does not force him. It was a happy thing for her to see Xiao, an alcoholic, drinking in her small wine shop every day, hanging in front of her eyes.

Maybe this is secret love.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Drunkard Xiao responded immediately.

Several people joked with each other, and the tense atmosphere before the battle seemed to dilute a bit. But they knew in their hearts that the enemy coming this time was not that simple.

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