True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 284 The Power of the Ghost General

As the three ghost generals attacked, they released powerful ghost realms and quickly occupied the space in front of them. The invaded space was like a reflection in the water, twisting and shaking.

The strong sense of oppression that followed was like three mountains falling on Mo Ling, Hibiscus, Boss Bai, Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang.

This is the situation under which the mutated ghost realm released by Moth Ling has effectively contained it. Otherwise, just the oppression of this terrifying ghost realm would make a few people unable to capture them. After all, these three ghost generals are actually practicing in the Daoming realm.

Among the few people, Mo Ling's cultivation realm is already at the level of Yuanhun Realm. In addition, he has a different bloodline, which makes him seem a little more relaxed.

Several others did not dare to neglect at all.

The excitement in Guigu Zan's eyes disappeared. He was as thin as a bone, and his face with a light blue glow was as cold as ever.

It is calm and cold.

His current small goal is to snipe the incoming ghost general. His eyes flashed from his deep-set eyes, and the pressure around him increased sharply. In just a moment, it seemed to have surpassed the definition of a True Alchemy Realm monk. Circles of white ghost realm spread out, resisting the oppression brought by the opponent's pitch-black ghost realm. .

The black and white colors seemed out of place, clashing together, squeezing each other, and cannibalizing each other.

Almost at the same time, the skeleton crawling on his shoulder turned into a shadow and disappeared.

The next moment, three white shadows flashed in the white ghost realm, revealing the skeleton, a skeleton with a scar on his forehead, and a skeleton wearing a golden necklace around his neck.

Golden light flashed around the three skeletons, and in a golden mist, they merged into one, turning into a jade skeleton that was ten feet tall. And Guigu Zan's figure flashed, and he had already arrived in the empty chest of the jade skull.

With the resistance of the Jade Skull, Guigu Zan suddenly seemed much more relaxed. He made a hand gesture with his hands and shouted in his mouth: "Here comes the knife!"

The jade skeleton stretched out its bone palm and grabbed it out of thin air, and a huge golden bone knife appeared in its palm. It was the ghost blade "Golden Bone".

Skeletons of different sizes inlaid on the ghost blade are shaking like living creatures, with ghostly aura lingering, golden wind blowing back, and evil soldiers shocking the world.

Not far away, Guigu Changyang had already held the demon sword "Rainy Night" worn on his waist. Before the sword was unsheathed, gray demonic energy rolled out like a tide.

His long hair flew like a waterfall, a gray demonic wind stirred up from his body, and the coercion released by his whole body was close to the level of a Yuanhun Realm monk.

Following this, circles of gray demon territory spread out with Guigu Changyang's body as the center. In the demon realm, a scaly dragon's phantom was tumbling up and down, stirring the void.

Standing behind a few people, Hibiscus dressed in white looked a little nervous, but not timid.

She raised her beautiful hand and threw the "Spirit Summoning Treasure Flag" given to her by Xiao Hongzhu in mid-air.

She opened her red lips slightly, recited an obscure incantation, and then shouted: "Little clever devil!"

The voice like an oriole crosses the interface through the treasure flag and flies to the underworld.

A place with jagged rocks in the underworld.

The little clever guy with cat ears and tail suddenly perked up his ears, and a slender long tail behind him kept swaying back and forth, with a slightly excited expression on his girl-like face.

Black ripples formed in mid-air, the void trembled, and a dark space gate appeared amid a rumble. Engraved on the dark door is a black sun with thousands of rays of light.

Amidst a burst of black energy, the door to Heiyang opened quickly with a click. A black light was projected from behind the door, just covering the figure of the little clever ghost.

On the battlefield in front of the Forgotten Valley.

The surface of the "Ling Summoning Treasure Flag" in the air in front of Hibiscus emitted a faint black light, spinning continuously.

Tsk tsk tsk.

The small flag emits waves of churning dark ghostly energy. As the ghost energy rose, a black shadow jumped out.

The black shadow rolled and landed deftly on the ground, revealing a girl-like supernatural spirit with cat ears and tail. She is only as tall as a child of seven or eight years old, with healthy and shiny bronze skin, and neatly tied and dense braids full of primitive wildness. A pair of big blue-grey eyes, beautiful and quirky.

The little clever ghost in Catwoman state immediately discovered that three powerful ghost kings were attacking from the opposite side. Suddenly he huddled up and shivered, as timid as a kitten after seeing a hungry wolf.

Hibiscus already knew the temperament of this clever little ghost. Without saying anything, he raised his jade sleeves and threw a dark red dried spirit meat into the air. Then, he said loudly: "Fight with me, little clever devil!"

At this moment, the little clever ghost deeply felt the fighting spirit and confidence in Mu Jin's heart. He kicked off his hind legs, jumped up high, swallowed the dried spirit meat into his belly in one gulp, and when it landed, let out a loud roar to the sky.


As the Sky-shattering Tiger roared, its bones rattled, and its body expanded in circles. It reached a height of about ten feet, transforming into a mature tiger girl with a strong physique and peak-like breasts.

It stepped in front of Hibiscus. The nails on a pair of broad palms are several inches long and as sharp as sharp knives. The long tail swaying behind him swung in the air like a steel whip, full of fighting spirit.

Immediately, a black fire bomb the size of a fist ignited on each of its tiger claws.

Next, the strong tiger claws made continuous projectile movements, and balls of hellfire bombs exploded not far ahead, forming a wall of hellfire.

The incoming ghost realm burst into flames as soon as it touched the wall of hell fire, but not a single trace could invade Mu Jin.

"Boss Bai, come to me." Mu Jin said loudly.

Boss Bai, who was dressed in blue casual clothes, moved upon hearing the sound. The two women stood together and faced the enemy side by side.

In the blink of an eye, the three ghost generals, Qing Niu, Li Jiao and Zi Shi, were fighting with the men headed by Mo Ling.

These three ghost generals did not use weapons, just bare hands. Their ghost king's physique is as hard as iron, which is the best weapon.

Their huge bodies were extremely agile, and they wielded a pair of iron fists and kept beating. As fast as lightning and as heavy as Mount Tai.


Wherever the iron fist strikes, the ground collapses and rocks fly.

Moth Ling, who rushed at the front, dodges as nimbly as a ghost, and uses ghost techniques from time to time. He kept pinching out spells with his hands and recited secret mantras in his mouth.

"Soul-binding ghost hand!"

In the ghost domain he controlled, more than ten gray-white evil ghost hands suddenly rose from the ground. The ten fingers of the ghost hand are as sharp as blades, bending and scratching, as if zombie arms are emerging from the ground. And there is actually a gray ghost eye in the palm of each ghost hand, which looks terrifying.

These ghost hands kept grabbing at the ankles of the three ghost generals. Although it cannot completely restrain the opponent's movements, it can slow them down a bit.

The few people following Mo Ling took the opportunity to attack.

"Golden Bones Slash!"

Guigu Zan controlled the jade skeleton and wielded the bone blade "Golden Bone". The blooming blade cut through the sky like a golden moon.

"Scaled Dragon Slash!"

Gui Gu Changyang narrowed his eyes, raised his wrist, unsheathed the demon sword, and slashed it out. In one breath, the sword intention transformed into a shape, and a scaly dragon jumped out.

"Ghost Chef You Dao!"

Hibiscus stimulates the Blood Soul Forging Pulse Technique. The white sleeves were raised, and the pitch-black short knife fell from his hand. Blood glowed on the blade, and a strange murderous aura that was extremely inconsistent with his quiet appearance burst out.

"Biyi Blade!"

Boss Bai activated his true elixir power, his hair flew up and his clothes danced. Immediately, a pair of short knives were swung out in his hands, and the force of the knives burst out like silver wings spread across the void.


The three ghost generals on the opposite side also made moves almost at the same time.

"Ghost Escape - Bull Fighting Fist!"

The ghost faced Qingniu opposite and punched out with both fists. The magic power was concentrated on his fists, and the wind of the fists transformed into a shape, suddenly appearing as an angry green bull head. The nostrils that were so enlarged and rounded were like blowing bugles, and the raised horns were like waving sabers. The power of the bull was soaring to the sky, and the space was shaking.

"Ghost Escape - Lion's Roar Kung Fu!"

The ghost general, the purple lion, bent his knees and stepped forward, his luck throat, the lion's mouth opened angrily, and a large group of whistling gray-white wind bombs whirled out, making a squeaking sound in the thrashing void.

"Ghost Escape—Tiaotianjiao!"

The ghost general Lijiao shook the huge horn above his head. The arcs of green snake-like arcs on the horn were jumping, and then he jerked upwards. A one-horned shadow that was more than ten feet in size suddenly appeared out of thin air, as if it was about to pierce the void.


As the moves of the two sides collided, strong winds flew, ghost energy rose, the demonic atmosphere stirred, and dust flew. The gray, black, and golden spiritual powers that were pulled apart from each other were scurrying around.

Several people, led by Mo Ling, took a few steps back one after another before standing firm, with the true energy in their bodies churning. Look at the three ghost generals standing there like hills, motionless.

In the first confrontation, the three ghost generals had the upper hand.

But the performance of the people on the opposite side really surprised the three ghost generals.

"I didn't expect these people to have strength far beyond their own realm." Ghost General Qingniu said with a surprised look.

"It's getting more and more interesting, which makes me a little excited." Ghost General Zi Shi's words were full of excited killing consciousness.

"It seems that these few of them only have this kind of ability. Lord Mingjiang's order is to kill without mercy! There is no need to hold back." Ghost General Lijiao said loudly and confidently.

After saying this, the three ghost generals recited the ghost mantra together and formed complex mudras with their hands.

"Ghost Escape—Ghost Transformation!"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

A large ball of pitch-black ghostly energy spurted out from the three bodies. Following this, the bodies of the three distorted and grew larger, reaching the size of more than ten feet in the blink of an eye.

The ghost turned the green bull's body into a sky-walking green bull with silver runes all over its body. The ground trembled between its hooves and its head held high.

The ghost transformed the purple lion's body into a purple-maned male lion with two tails behind it. Its mouth was open with blood, and it raised its head to the sky and roared, its sound shaking the world.

The ghost transformed Lijiao's body into a one-horned giant rhinoceros wearing white bone armor. A pair of round little ears on its head were shaking, and its bloodthirsty eyes were scarlet.

The three ghost generals who transformed into ghost bodies looked terrifying and their pressure increased.

"You don't have to be so troublesome this time. You two deal with a few people here, and I'll go over there and flatten their red-blooded army. No one will be left behind!" Ghost General Li Jiao said.


"Crush them."

The ghost general Green Ox and the ghost general Purple Lion were the first to attack. The Sky-Stepping Green Ox and the Purple-maned Lion rushed towards Mo Ling and the others, whipping up endless wind and making the sky dim and the earth dark.

The formation of Mo Ling and others suddenly became chaotic, and they didn't even care about him.

Ghost General Lijiao saw the right opportunity, and its huge figure flashed and disappeared. The next moment, in the Red Blood Army formation controlled by the old village chief Lin Badi and others, a burst of black ghost energy surged, and the one-horned giant rhinoceros transformed by the ghost general Lijiao suddenly appeared.

The one-horned giant rhinoceros rushed like an invincible chariot, smashing the Beacon Fire Realm into pieces, and the fire breath decreased sharply. The shadow of the fire dragon above the Red Blood Army Flag also dimmed.

The military flag was damaged, and the spirit of the old village chief Lin Badi, who was linked to it, spurted out a mouthful of bright red, dyeing the ground red.

A moment later, the Red Blood Army formation was on the verge of collapse. And the six people from the Three Palaces of Youjie took advantage of the situation to attack. For a while, Lin Badi and others were in danger.

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