True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 285 I’ll do it myself

There was chaos in the Red Blood Army formation. The one-horned rhinoceros transformed by the ghost general's sharp horn was like a moving hill, rushing left and right, crushing everything.

The huge spear-like horn on its nose flicked back and forth from time to time, carrying a huge amount of force, causing the sinister wind to roar and make a whining sound.

Within the reach of the single horn's power, the soldiers and war horses evolved from the fire breath collapsed like paper, turning into dots of fire that rolled back and dissipated.

After a while, the earth seemed to be whipped by ghosts and gods, with scars and ravines everywhere.

Butcher Lao Ren, Orion Dali and Blacksmith Sledgehammer, who were the vanguard of this Red Blood Army formation, were knocked to the ground one after another.

Their clothes were messy, their leather armor was torn, their faces were gray, and their souls were in severe pain as if they had just been hit by a heavy hammer.

"Brother Lao Hun, don't forget our agreement to go to Boss Bai's wine shop to drink together." Orion, who barely got up from the ground, looked at Lao Hun beside him and said.

"Brother Dali, no matter where you go, I will definitely accompany you." Lao Huan replied while putting his hands on the ground. His round body seemed extremely heavy at this time.

"You two guys are not brothers enough. Don't forget to have my sledgehammer!" The blacksmith sledgehammer clenched his fist loudly and got up from the ground.

After saying this, the three looked at each other and smiled.

Then, they all forcefully raised their true energy, swung the swords in their hands, shouted, and rushed forward without hesitation.

At this time, they were not as calm as True Alchemy Realm monks should be, but they were like three mortal soldiers who were red-eyed, charging into the battle bravely.


"Bang bang bang!"

Just a meeting, the three figures were lifted into the air by the rhino's horn like three pieces of broken sacks, rolled and fell to the ground, covered in blood, and no longer had the strength to get up.

The giant rhinoceros transformed by the ghost's sharp horns did not stop for a moment, running wildly on all fours, making a loud thud on the ground, and trampled towards the three people lying on the ground.

"Watch out!"

The drunkard Xiao who was not far away from the three people yelled and quickly used his movement skills. His body was like a willow branch chasing the wind. In just a flash, he blocked the three people.

Regardless of the injuries he had just recovered from, he forcibly activated the outer core of the true elixir in his body to melt, and all his magic power was injected into the "Green Willow" sword in his hand.

The "Green Willow" sword made a clear sword cry, and circles of emerald green spiritual power rippled out from it.

The final form of the Drunken Willow Sword Technique - Drunken Willow Smiling in the Spring Breeze!

The next moment, the Green Willow Sword turned into a size of about ten feet and slashed down.

The sword dragged a green rainbow and slashed straight at the one-horned rhinoceros charging from the opposite side.

Although the Drunken Willow Laughing Spring Breeze style is powerful, it requires constant accumulation of soul power on a daily basis before it can exert its due power.

Not long ago, the drunkard Xiao used this trick once to deal with the "Fourteenth Waiter of the Wind". In just a few days, if this move is used again, it will obviously not be as powerful as before.

When the giant rhinoceros transformed into a sharp horn by a ghost saw this, the two round little ears on its head twitched, as if it was aware of the risks brought by this move.

Its forward steps suddenly stopped, leaving a small pit on the ground. Then, it lowered its head and raised its huge horn to meet the oncoming sword edge, and raised it upwards.

"Boom" a loud noise.

The power of the sword exploded, and strips of green aura were ejected, like thousands of willow branches swaying in the spring breeze, showing the unyielding and stubbornness in the coolness.

The power of this move dissipated, and the sword edge only left a shallow mark on the guy's huge horn. But the drunkard Xiao's right sleeve was torn open a foot long, blood was flowing down his arm, and his hand holding the "Green Willow" sword was trembling slightly.


Huge difference!

The gap is like a cloud of mud!

The terrifying strength of the ghost general Lijiao Daoming Realm was fully revealed. It was simply not something that the simple red-blooded army formed by Lin Badi and several others could compete with.

At this time, the Red Blood Army's formation was in chaos, the beacon fire realm was shaking violently, the beacon fire scene inside became blurred, and its power was sharply reduced.

The Red Blood Army formation declined and the Red Blood Army Flag was damaged. As the guardian of the formation's eye, Lin Badi's soul was hurt by the backlash of the formation. His heart ached and the corners of his mouth turned red.

Seeing several people in his own formation being injured by the one-horned rhinoceros, Lin Badi's heart was burning and he was about to go up and help.

At this moment, a golden hook sword struck at an angle. Lin Badi had no time to completely dodge, and his body was only slightly turned to one side.


The sword edge crossed his left shoulder, penetrated the shoulder armor, splashed a line of red, and left a blood groove. What's even more weird is that the power of the star soul hidden in the sword moves penetrates the blood and meridians.

Lin Badi felt his entire left shoulder go numb, and the palm holding the red-blooded military flag almost relaxed, and he no longer had the strength to activate and direct the military formation.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Star Leopard holding the Star Sword staring here with an evil smile on his face.

At this time, Xingbao had a sinister smile on his face, and the old scar on his cheek was twisted and deformed, making his appearance even more hateful.

Lin Badi looked sideways and had a panoramic view of the battle on the other side.

Mo Ling, Gui Gu Zan, Gui Gu Changyang, Hibiscus and Boss Bai were also defeated steadily under the constant attack of the ghost beasts transformed by the ghost general Qing Niu and the ghost general Purple Lion.

"The enemy was completely defeated this time. The hundreds of lives in the Wangyou Valley cannot be buried in vain. It seems that we have to resort to a different strategy." Lin Badi thought in his heart, his weather-beaten face was covered with dark clouds, and the years were passing by him. The wrinkles left on his forehead were tightly packed together, like knots of hemp rope that could not be untied, just like the tangle in his heart at this time.

He had followed the general through countless battles and experienced many life and death moments in his life, but this was the first time that he hesitated like this.


The old man looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, and said loudly: "General, my subordinate Lin Cangyuan is unworthy of your entrustment. The glory of the Red Blood Army has been tarnished because of me. If I can save hundreds of lives in Wangyou Valley today, my eighth brother Lin is willing to Apologize with death."

After saying that, he knelt down on one knee, but still held the flagpole of the Red Blood Army Flag tightly in his hand.

People can fall, but the military flag cannot.

Then, he held the military flag with one hand and said loudly: "Everyone present, please stop! I, Brother Lin, are willing to hand over the prisoners hiding in the Valley of Forgetfulness. It was my idea to hide the prisoners. I only ask the Lord Ghost General to let the others go." , I personally am willing to die to apologize.”

When the ghost turned into a huge rhinoceros with sharp horns, he shook his body and turned back into a human form in the blink of an eye.

Then a message was quickly sent to the other two ghost generals: "You two, stop now. We have been wasting some time on these people. We don't know if the prisoner is still in the valley ahead. Let's see if they hand over the prisoner, otherwise , it’s not too late to bury them all together.”

"Okay! Let's complete the General's order first." Ghost General Qingniu replied via voice transmission.

"When the prisoner's head is taken, then kill them all. No one will be left alive. This is the result of opposing us, hehe." Ghost General Zi Shi said, but his face showed no emotion.

Next, the two ghost generals Qing Niu and Zi Shi stopped as expected, and their bodies changed back to their previous appearance.

The three ghost generals stood side by side, and the six assassins from the Three Palaces of Netherworld stood behind the three of them in a polite manner, not daring to express their opinions.

"You are waiting for the mantis to act like a chariot, and you are overestimating your capabilities! Since you know what you are interested in, please hand over the prisoner quickly." Ghost General Li Jiao shouted loudly.

"Hand over the prisoner, you may die a quick death." Ghost General Qingniu threatened.

"Perhaps Master Mingjiang will spare your lives when he is happy." After Ghost General Zishi finished speaking, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, half-smiling. Then he stretched out his scarlet snake head habitually and licked his lips.

Lin Badi waved his right hand and put away the Red Blood Army flag, and the afterimage of the Beacon Realm disappeared.

The others quickly gathered around Lin Badi and supported each other.

At this time, Mo Ling, Gui Gu Changyang, and Gui Gu Zan only suffered some superficial injuries and still had a certain fighting capacity. Although Hibiscus and Boss Bai were not injured, their physical strength was exhausted and their expressions were extremely bad.

The three ghost generals on the opposite side plus the six people from the Three Palaces of Netherworld suffered almost no damage.

In comparison, the strength of the two sides is very different.

"We were defeated. The defeat was complete. As soldiers say, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I am willing to bear the responsibility for this failure." Lin Badi said.

"Village Chief, you can't believe what these ghost generals say. Even if we hand over the "Little Red Candle", they may not give up." Xiao, the drunkard, reminded.

"We can't just sit back and wait for death. Maybe if we hold on for a while, the Tiangui Sect will send people to help." Guigu Changyang said.

Guigu Zan on the side nodded slightly, his skinny face still expressionless as before. The skeleton lying on his shoulder also nodded vigorously, then exhaled a long breath and remained silent.

Obviously, he was very tired after transforming into a jade skeleton with the other two skeletons and fighting the opposite ghost general.

Lin Badi glanced at everyone.

Then he said: "Even if the Tiangui Sect really sends people to help, it will be too late. If we continue to fight, the whole army will be annihilated. As a soldier, it is a supreme honor to die on the battlefield. As a member of the Red Blood Legion "It's extremely honorable to die to defend the honor of the Red Blood Army Flag. However, the hundreds of lives left behind in Wangyou Valley are innocent. Even if there is a glimmer of hope, I hope to save their lives." Lin Badi's tone was unusually calm. , as a veteran, he has the consciousness to sacrifice at any time.

After hearing what Brother Lin said, everyone present fell silent.

The world of cultivation is a battlefield, and the fate of the loser is always in the hands of the winner. But now, as losers, they have no choice.

"Mo Ling, I'm sorry, I have to hand over your young lady. Our lives are not important. We can't be buried with the hundreds of lives in Wangyou Valley." Lin Badi said.

"Old village chief, I know that this is not your fault. Mo Ling has already remembered the kindness of Wangyou Valley in taking her in. I am the one who should say sorry for getting everyone involved in this killing."

At this time, he understood in his heart. These people in Wangyou Valley and Tiangui Sect have nothing to do with themselves and Xiao Hongzhu. It is already a great kindness to take Xiao Hongzhu in for these few days to recuperate.

"Mo Ling, please go and invite Miss Xiao Hongzhu out." Lin Badi said.

"I will do it myself!"

A girl's voice came from the valley behind.

Immediately, at the entrance of the seemingly empty valley, water-like ripples flashed, and a seven or eight-year-old girl in black clothes walked out of it. It was the little red candle that was recovering from its injury.

At this moment, she had a pair of big, clear, pool-like eyes that were unblinking, showing no trace of fear. Her blue silk hair was floating in the clouds, her clothes were dancing lightly, and she was walking towards her.

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