True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 289 Purple Blood Soul Transformation Needle

Seeing that Lord Youfeng was safe and sound, his body faintly exuded a stronger aura than before. Cheng Luyi quickly bowed and said: "No. 1 pays homage to your lord. Congratulations to your lord for successfully overcoming the catastrophe."

Lord Youfeng turned around, glanced at Cheng Luyi with his torch-like eyes, nodded slightly, and then said: "It seems that your injuries have almost recovered. Thank you for sacrificing your life to help me during the catastrophe." I."

"As the No. 1 Attendant of Youfeng, I should do my best to share the worries of His Holiness. What's more, this is a deal between me and you. You saved me in the first place, and I should return my life to you." Cheng Lu Yi replied firmly, without any regret or timidity.

Speaking of this, Cheng Luyi couldn't help but think of the Youfeng Waiter No. 2 who sacrificed his life to save his own life. The character "二" was written on his forehead. He was usually depressed, but he only liked talking to a black spider. Number.

Number Two is the same kind of person as her, the kind of person others call "Two". "Two" is a kind of persistence, a persistence that can give up one's life for the people you cherish or the promises you have made.

A long time ago, she saved the former Youfeng Waiter No. 18. When that person learned that she was in crisis and was her benefactor Cheng Luyi, he chose to use a secret technique to transfer his life force and let Cheng Luyi Stay alive.

This is really "two".

Thinking of this, Cheng Luyi's heart felt like a knife.

"Number 18."

She frowned slightly, and her originally clear eyes were like a pool of lake water that had encountered a ray of breeze, causing ripples and blurring her vision.

Lord Youfeng opposite could see Cheng Luyi's thoughts.

He stretched out his broad palm and gently patted Cheng Luyi's petite shoulder. Then he comforted: "This is also due to your kind nature and good karma. He can die for the one he loves, and live after death. You have to live well to be worthy of everything he has given for you."

Cheng Luyi nodded. At this moment, she was completely like a sad little mortal girl, making people sympathize and love her.

"Okay, I have something serious to talk to you about."

"Sir, please speak." She wiped the tears on her cheeks with her hand.

"Do you know why I made a deal with you after I rescued you?" Lord Youfeng asked.

"My lord thinks that I still have some talent and can be used by you."

"Indeed, it turns out that I was right about you. More importantly, you are a person who knows how to be grateful and give, but that is not everything."

Lord Youfeng paused, looked at Cheng Luyi with eyes full of tenderness and kindness, and continued: "I once had a little sister who was as smart and cute as you, and even looked somewhat similar. However, once My little sister lost her life in order to protect me while performing the mission assigned by Hades Emperor. That is the tragedy of my life."

After saying that, Lord Youfeng turned around, perhaps because he didn't want Cheng Luyi to see the sparkle in his eyes. He looked at the distant sky, and the breeze stirred up the hair on his temples, stirring up his sad past.

After calming down for a moment, he continued: "At the beginning, because you were seriously injured and then eroded by the power of the Black Sun Curse, almost all the memories of your life were lost. I have asked you to secretly protect Wangyou Valley. There is a reason why we are not threatened by other Youfeng servants.”

"At first, I always thought it was an adult's private matter, so I didn't dare to ask. But as time went by, I always felt that there was some connection between me and Wangyou Valley. Especially the first time I sneaked into Wangyou Valley quietly. When I saw the tall Blood Soul Monument in the valley, I felt like I was being shocked. But in order not to delay your entrustment, I will never approach the Blood Soul Monument easily."

"Now, I will tell you the truth about the Valley of Forgetfulness, which is related to your past."

"Is it really about me?"

Cheng Luyi looked expectantly. Who doesn't want to know his past? Memory is also an integral part of life.

"This is what happened. This is what you told me yourself when I met you who was dying..."

Lord Youfeng believed that the Blood Soul Monument in Wangyou Valley was the body of brother Cheng Luyi. Most of the residents of Wangyou Valley were soldiers of the Nether Realm who were exiled to this forgotten land together with Cheng Luyi's elder brother. In order to find Lord Youfeng to help save the lives of her eldest brother and others, Cheng Luyi told them everything about coming to Youfeng Mountain alone.

Cheng Luyi stood there, his whole body seemed to be nailed to the ground, shocked and sad.

"Brother! Big brother!" She burst into tears.

"I didn't want to tell you this. It's okay to let the past be sad. I want you to be a happy person, but I have to say it today."

"Is there something you need me to do? Could it be that Wangyou Valley is in big trouble?" Cheng Luyi is as smart as he is.

"Exactly. Right now, a fugitive who is very important to the underworld is taken in by the Valley of Forgetfulness. But what I didn't expect is that in order to hunt down this prisoner, a general from the underworld came from the underworld. This general is called Tianfeng is an old friend of mine whose cultivation is on par with mine. At this time, Tianfeng was briefly left on Youfeng Mountain, but his three ghost generals had already gone to Wangyou Valley to capture the prisoner. . If the prisoner is still in Wangyou Valley, he may bring disaster to the place where your elder brother risked his life to protect it. I don’t need to tell you what to do next.” .

"Thank you for informing me in time, sir. I will go to Wangyou Valley to save people now."

"The prisoner should also be a member of the You clan like you. Whether you save her or not depends on your own wishes. Remember, solve the trouble there before Ming drives Tianfeng to Wangyou Valley. Otherwise, Even if I come forward, I can’t stop it.”

"I got it."

Cheng Luyi made a secret with one hand, and a wave of spiritual pressure arose all over his body. The green clothes fluttered, leaving only a green shadow in place, and the person disappeared.

On the battlefield in front of Wangyou Valley.

With the efforts of Xu Yang and others, the Beacon Fire Realm operated in an orderly manner, blocking the powerful opponents headed by the three ghost generals in place.

With the injection of wood spirit power from Shenwa Dudou'er, the beacon realm created by the Red Blood Army Formation is extremely powerful and extremely aggressive.

Within the territory of the beacon fire, fire-feathered flying arrows appeared all over the sky. They made a hissing sound when they flew up, and splashed with thunder when they fell.

Although the three ghost generals transformed into the sky-traveling green bull, the purple-maned lion and the one-horned rhinoceros were as strong as iron, they had to avoid their sharp edges.

"I didn't expect this military formation to be so powerful. We won't be able to break through it in a short period of time." Ghost General Li Jiao said.

"This kid just released a ginseng spirit into the formation, which made the formation so difficult. We must find a way to destroy the ginseng spirit." Ghost General Qingniu said.

"Let me try. Please, two brothers, please resist for a while."

As the ghost general Zi Shi said, he shrank back and was blocked by the other two ghost generals.

He transformed into a humanoid, turned his hand, silver light flashed, and a silver needle about a foot long appeared.

I saw him silently reciting an obscure incantation, then he picked up the silver needle in his right hand and stabbed himself in the heart.

"Poof!" With a sound, more than half of the silver needle sank into his chest, accurately piercing his heart. A line of bright red blood spurted out and splashed far away.

The splashed blood fell on the ground and bubbled up, creating a puff of smoke and emitting a pungent stench.

At this time, Ghost General Zishi quickly used his other hand to poke the meridian points on his chest several times before he stopped the blood spurting out.

After a moment, he suddenly pulled out the silver needle. At the same time, his whole body trembled suddenly, he gritted his back teeth and remained silent.

Looking at the silver needle again, the original bright silver tip turned into a strange purple.

After doing all this, the ghost turned the purple lion's wrist and hid the silver needle in the palm of his hand.

"As long as I get closer, I can use the "Purple Blood Soul Transformation Needle" to kill the ginseng baby hiding in the Red Blood Army Flag. You two brothers will help me."

Purple Lion whispered, his eyes looking at the red-blooded military flag in Xu Yang's hand opposite, with a stern look on his face.

Hearing this, Qing Niu and Li Jiao strengthened their bodies, raised their heads and hoofs, and set off a domineering wind, whirring loudly.

The two of them ignored the attacks from the Fire Breathing Soldiers and Fire Feather Arrows in the Beacon Fire Realm, roaring wildly in their mouths, and rushed towards Xu Yang's location.

The ghost followed the purple lion.

The closer you get to Xu Yang, the more powerful the Beacon Fire Realm becomes.

Seeing this, Xu Yang waved the Red Blood Army Flag in his hand, activating the secret method of the Red Blood Army Formation.

The Beacon Fire soldiers who were originally close to Xu Yang quickly gathered together as if they had heard the order. In the blazing flames, they merged into one place and transformed into a tall fire-breathing soldier wearing armor and holding a sword and gun. Their attack power was also much stronger.

There are only a few of these huge Fire Breath Soldiers, hovering within ten feet around Xu Yang, forming the final barrier.

The tall Fire Breathing Soldiers faced the Sky-Taking Blue Ox and the One-Horned Giant Rhino and killed them. Knives slashed and spears stabbed, bang bang. There were scars visible to the naked eye on their bodies.

Qing Niu and Li Jiao screamed in pain, and they began to fight back crazily.

After all, the Daoming Realm cultivation of both of them is not a vegetarian. Many tall fire breath soldiers will be stabbed by the giant horns on their heads, turning into exploding fire breath, shining with dazzling light, rolling and disappearing in the void. .

At this moment, Zi Shi, who was hiding behind Qing Niu and Li Jiao, raised his left hand, and dozens of silver needles drew straight silver lines in mid-air, flying towards Xu Yang.

Seeing this, Xu Yang swung the red-blooded military flag in front of him and swept it out.

The fire breath that exploded above the military flag was like a thunderous explosion, and a ball of fire breath exploded in front of him.

Those flying silver needles seemed to hit the copper wall and iron wall, folding there and flying around.

"It's now."

The ghost general Zi Shi secretly shouted in his heart, raised his right hand, and the "Purple Blood Soul Transformation Needle" he had just tempered with his blood quietly shot out.

With this simple throw, Ghost General Purple Lion gained at least 80% of his power. A purple line passed through the air, penetrating through the heavy fire breath, and it was as powerful as breaking bamboo.

"Huh? What is this?"

Xu Yang discovered the clue in time, but the distance was too close and it was too late to dodge. He simply greeted him with the military flag in his hand.

There was a crisp "ding" sound, and the purple blood needle was nailed to the flagpole of the Red Blood Army Flag, sinking three inches into it.

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