True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 300 Strong reinforcements arrive

The moment the "Purple Blood Soul Transformation Needle" was nailed to the flagpole of the Red Blood Army Flag.

The ghost opposite turned the purple lion's amber eyes into red instantly, showing the intent of killing.

He quickly drew out the magic formula with both hands, stretched out his sword and pointed a little farther into the air, and a purple spiritual light swirled on his fingertips.

Immediately, curved and twisting purple arcs popped up from the surface of the exposed half of the Soul Transformation Needle inserted on the flagpole, crackling non-stop and getting more intense. At the same time, a tiny purple blood line was released from it.

This purple blood line is like a tiny living spiritual snake, carrying a strong corrosive force and quickly running upwards along the flagpole. Wherever it passed, white smoke emitted from the flagpole, and then turned into a strange purple.

At the same time, the spiritual connection between Xu Yang and the ginseng spirit "Dudu'er" who lived in the military flag was suddenly interrupted.

"No, I got hit."

Xu Yang screamed secretly, and quickly activated his consciousness. The golden light flashed on the palm of his hand holding the flagpole, and a ghost-like infant-like wheel flame spirit came out.

Without stopping for a moment, the little guy threw out a slender earth-gold flame tail behind him. The golden dragon quickly climbed up the flagpole like a pillar, and in the blink of an eye it reached the location of the soul-transforming needle.

The little guy circled the silver needle and ignited a large ball of earthy golden spiritual flame. After a while, the silver needle was melted away by the power of the flame spirit, and finally turned into ashes.

Although the silver needle was destroyed, the poison on it had invaded the military flag. A green light flashed on the red flag, and with a "buzz" sound, the big-headed doll "Shenling Dudou'er" appeared in its true form.

At this time, its skin was purple, its eyes were closed tightly, it had no breath, and it fell down.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Yang took one step forward, spread out one arm and held him firmly in his arms.

At this moment, the spiritual power in the little ginseng baby's body spurted out uncontrollably, creating circles of green spiritual patterns. Its life force was quickly depleted, and its entire body shrank and shrank.

Seeing it in his eyes and anxious in his heart, Xu Yang quickly activated the power of the Wheel Flame Spirit to save him.

Although the remaining toxins in her body were quickly removed, Shenwa's spiritual body had collapsed and there was no way to save her.

After a while, the original ginseng baby turned into a wrinkled golden ginseng covered with dense roots. And a drop of extremely emerald green "Xianzhi Qiong Liquid" exuding a faint fragrance separated from the ginseng body.

He tried to reintroduce this drop of "Immortal Branch Qiong Liquid" into the spiritual ginseng, but found that there was a repulsive force between the two, and he couldn't help but frown.

The ginseng baby "Dudu'er" was originally a Tongling mountain ginseng grown in Baishan that he bought in Tiangui Zongfang City. Although the quality is high, it is far from the quality that the shopkeeper said when selling it that it could be transformed into human form. Later, with the power of the immortal quenching essence of the drop of "Immortal Branch Qiong Liquid" presented by "Ning Tianqi", he was able to evolve into the ginseng baby form.

That drop of "Fairy Branch Qiong Liquid" was extracted from a section of "Green Fairy Branch" left in the spiritual world from the fairy world, and was later obtained by Ning Tianqi. Although it is not comparable to the real treasures of the immortal world, the power of immortality on it cannot be completely absorbed by the psychic mountain ginseng in such a low-level interface as Zhongyuan Realm in a short time.

At this moment, the poison on the "Purple Blood Soul Transformation Needle" shot by the ghost poisoned the ginseng baby's formed but unstable soul, causing the power of the "immortal branch Qiong liquid" in the ginseng baby's body to separate.

Because "Xianzhi Qiongye" is a thing of immortality and is quite spiritual, it has the ability to protect itself naturally, which creates a repulsive force between the two.

This means that "Shenwa Dudou'er" will never come back.

He took the spiritual ginseng into his arms and prepared to take back the drop of "Xianzhi Qiong Liquid" again. As long as this thing remains, there may be hope of resurrecting "Dudu'er".

At this time, he was in a state of emotional turmoil and shook his hand, and the drop of emerald green "Xianzhi Qiong Liquid" accidentally fell on the palm of his hand.

In the palm of his hand, a ray of coolness like an icy spring passed through his body, instantly spreading throughout his body like an electric shock.

Next, what surprised him was that the red second fake elixir in his Zifu space actually responded to this drop of "Immortal Branch Qiong Liquid".

The second fake pill trembled and emitted a blazing wave of spiritual energy. And the "Xianzhi Qiong Liquid" suddenly became warm, and then turned into a stream of heat through the palm of his hand and entered Xu Yang's meridians, and then came to the Zifu space.

It didn't take Xu Yang half of his strength to melt into the second fake elixir.

The second false elixir containing the power of beacon fire and the "Immortal Branch Qiong Liquid" rich in the power of the Immortal Wood Spirit are naturally attracted to each other.

Without the help of Shenling Dudu'er, the original mighty and enthusiastic momentum of the Red Blood Army Flag was as if cold water had been poured on it, and it instantly became dull and deserted.

Most of the fire feather arrows, fire breath soldiers and fire breath horses in the Beacon Fire Territory suddenly disappeared. Even those giant fused generals collapsed on their own after losing the powerful power supply provided by the Beacon Realm, scattering large clusters of sparks and disappearing into the void.

The Beacon Fire Realm weakened rapidly, and the pressure on the ghost general Qing Niu and the ghost general Li Jiao within it suddenly eased a lot.

"Hey, you're done." Ghost General Zi Shi said proudly.

"Boy, you are capable of hurting us, but the price is your death without a burial place." Ghost General Li Jiao shouted towards Xu Yang on the opposite side.

"Kill!" Ghost General Qingniu yelled.

Immediately, a wave of more violent attacks, led by three ghost generals, struck.

For a moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, ghost energy was flowing around, and the sound of explosions was endless. The beacon fire realm is overwhelmed and teetering on the verge of collapse.

"As long as the second fake elixir in the body can absorb that drop of "Immortal Branch Qiong Liquid", it can master the powerful power of the wood spirit contained in it and once again help the Beacon Realm."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang quickly activated the second fake elixir, trying to extract the power of the wood spirit brought by the "Immortal Branch Qiong Liquid".

But this process always takes some time, and the three ghost generals have already killed a few feet away, and their defeat seems to be certain.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Gui Gu Zan, Gui Gu Changyang, and drunkard Xiao were all against the six assassins from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm. The two sides were fighting inextricably. But when they saw that the Beacon Realm was on the verge of collapse, they wanted to come over to help, but they were entangled by the six people on the opposite side and couldn't get out.

The old village chief Lin Badi, the blacksmith Sledgehammer, the Orion Dali and the butcher Lao Rui who were also in the Red Blood Army formation naturally knew the current crisis when they saw this.

"Protect Xu Yang and guard the military flag!"

Under the shouts of the old village chief Lin Badi, the four of them rushed forward to fight against the three ghost generals, sacrificing their lives.

"Bang bang bang!"

Unfortunately, they were not strong enough. As soon as they fought, the four of them were knocked to the ground by three ghost generals and could not bear serious injuries.

Right now.

Outside the battle circle in front of the Valley of Forgetfulness, a strange, faint white mist suddenly arose on the originally empty ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Along with the mist, a large amount of white silk threads emerged from the ground like spring water. These silk threads were swarmed and entangled together, kneading into human shapes as if they were alive.

The next moment, a silver light flashed on it, and a petite and pretty girl in green clothes with two pigtails on her head appeared.

The person who came was none other than Youfeng Waiter No. 1 Cheng Luyi.

Cheng Luyi's eyes glanced in the direction of Wangyou Valley, his originally nervous expression relaxed, and he whispered: "Sure enough, there was a fight. Fortunately, we arrived in time."

Then, she only left a green shadow in place and disappeared.

The next moment, a green figure flashed in the beacon realm, and Cheng Luyi stopped in front of the three ghost generals.

Without saying a word, she made a secret with one hand to activate her Yuan Gong.

Wearing a green dress and dancing like a butterfly, the whole body exuded domineering pressure, and circles of solid white soul spread out.

Wherever you go, the power of the field is redefined.

In an instant, he clashed with the powerful ghost domain released by three ghost generals.

During the game between black and white, the void was tugging, and black and white arcs popped up. With a rumbling sound, the black ones were pushed back by the white ones.

The three ghost generals, who were excited to fight and were about to break the formation, saw someone suddenly blocking them, and it was an inconspicuous girl.

When he was about to get furious, he discovered that not only was it impossible to see clearly the cultivation level of the girl in green, but the soul realm released by the other party could even easily crush his own ghost realm.

"Where did it come from..." Ghost General Zishi was about to speak out loud, but half of his words were swallowed up by himself.

In most cases, the weak party does not have the courage to challenge the strong party, even if it is verbal teasing.

Although Cheng Luyi's girl-like figure looked so small compared to the three ghost generals' King Kong-like figures. But in terms of momentum, it was overwhelming.

"Sure enough, there are experts. It seems that we underestimated the enemy in this mission." Ghost General Zi Shi said through the message.

"Who is this girl in green? Seeing as she is not cursed by the black sun in the sky, she must be a member of the underworld like us, but her aura is different?" Ghost General Li Jiao was full of questions.

"The one who comes here is not good. Quickly stack our ghost realms together to fight against them." Ghost General Qing Niu reminded him.

It is extremely difficult to superimpose the ghost realms or soul realms released by different casters.

This requires that the caster's soul power fluctuations must be consistent and the soul power output must be continuously balanced. Even so, the superimposed ghost realm or soul realm is not a simple superposition of power, but will be much stronger than the original.

The three ghost generals, Green Ox, Purple Lion, and Lijiao, came from the same sect. They were born with strong physiques, and the ghost and spirit attributes of the three were very similar. After years of specialized training, they can perform the ghost superposition technique. This is also the trump card of the three. In the past, when encountering strong enemies, they relied on the secret technique of superimposing the ghost realm to overcome many obstacles.

The superposition of ghost realms also has its shortcomings. Not only will it consume more soul power than ordinary ghost realms, but the combat range of several people will be limited by the soul realms. Moreover, once one of them is injured and the output of soul power is unstable, it will cause the overall instability of the superimposed ghost domain, and at the same time cause instant oppression to the other two people, which is unbearable unless they are physically strong.

This time, they met the more powerful Cheng Luyi, so they had to use their housekeeping skills.

After a while, the three ghosts superimposed the released ghost realms together, and they could barely resist the oppression of Cheng Luyi's soul realm.

The crisis for everyone behind Cheng Luyi was also resolved.

Xu Yang saw that Cheng Luyi was here to help Wangyou Valley. There was no pressure at all, and he immediately stopped activating the Beacon Realm, and fully activated the drop of "Xianzhi Qiong Liquid" in the fusion body so that he could better face the enemy in the future.

On the other side, Guigu Changyang, Guigu Zan and the drunkard Xiao were fighting fiercely with the six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm opposite.

"Huh? Why is the green-clad devil here? However, this time it seems that she is here to help. Isn't this a dream?" Guigu Changyang was surprised at first, and then secretly secretly delighted in his heart.

"Isn't this Youfeng Attendant No. 1? Youfeng Mountain is where the underworld's power lies in the Forgotten Land. Logically speaking, she should be on the side of the underworld?" Gui Gu Zan wondered in his heart.

The six members of the Three Palaces of Netherworld saw that the other party was coming for reinforcements, and the three ghost generals they relied on were actually forced to go on the defensive. The six of them winked at each other, made a few feints, and then stepped back one after another. They also put on defensive postures and waited to see what would happen.

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