True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 614 Soul Burial Treasure Mirror

Master Li's consciousness moved, and the ancient scroll quickly unfolded in his hand like an obedient spiritual pet.

Four ancient seal characters "Burial of Souls Treasure Mirror" were revealed inside.

Perhaps it has been too long, and all four fonts are a little bit incomplete. On the surface of the scroll, strange runes in the shape of shackles radiated out, exuding a long-lasting ghostly aura. The ghostly aura was so strong that people dared not look directly at it.

Master Li's eyes under the dark circles lit up, and immediately he raised his hands, and the Soul Burial Treasure Book hovered in the air opposite him like a bird.

Without stopping for a moment, Master Li skillfully struck out two magic formulas and landed on them.

At the same time, he silently recited the curse of not transmitting ghosts in his heart: "Baojian ghosts, listen to my driving, pathfinding ghosts, come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed above the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror, and a gray ghost mist emerged.

As soon as the ghost mist subsided, a small two-headed dog spirit appeared on the ground in front of Master Li.

This two-headed dog spirit is just a spirit body, not a real living creature. Its whole body exudes a faint light, and each dog head has a single horn on its forehead. It grins with bared teeth, sharp claws and erect ears, giving it a fierce look.

As soon as the two-headed dog spirit saw the Soul Burial Treasure Book in mid-air, it immediately made a submissive gesture with its tail tucked between its legs.

"Go and find the place with the strongest ghosts on the land." Master Li ordered seriously.

The two-headed dog spirit immediately lowered its nose and sniffed back and forth on the ground. On the originally empty ground, there was actually a slight trace of ghostly energy, which was sucked into the mouth and nose of the two-headed dog.

"Woof woof!"

After a while, the two-headed dog looked in one direction and barked twice.

When Master Li saw this, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face, and then he threw out two gray-white pills.

"It's your reward."

The two heads of the two-headed dog opened their mouths at the same time, firmly caught the pill, and swallowed it each, and then kept wagging the two tails behind it towards Master Li.

With one move of one hand, Master Li dragged the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror into his palm and commanded: "Obideous puppy, lead the way."

The two-headed dog seemed to understand Master Li's words, sniffing the scent of the surrounding environment and wagging its tail to lead the way.

"My path-finding ghost dog is quite useful. Two little girls, let's follow it." Master Li turned around and said.

"Master Li, your ability to exorcise ghosts and summon spirits can be regarded as one of the unique skills in the Tiangui Sect. When I saw you today, you are really brilliant. If you can secretly teach me one or two of these tricks, Haitang and I will benefit a lot. "Hong Haitang said, deliberately approaching Master Li, flattering and begging at the same time.

"My sister Haitang is my father's beloved disciple. She is very talented and intelligent. Master Li, if you teach her the ability to exorcise ghosts and summon spirits, your skills will definitely flourish." Ning Lin'er on the side helped.

"I can't learn, I can't learn." Master Li shook his head repeatedly, "The godfather and godmother of this little girl Haitang are Ning Tianqi and Yu Qingcheng, the two hall masters. Their methods are much better than mine, Old Li. I am so driven The art of summoning ghosts is too eerie. If a little girl learned it, it would be difficult for her to find her husband's family. "

Hong Haitang curled her lips when she heard this and stopped continuing the topic. She thought to herself that she just didn't want to teach me. Anyway, I have my godfather and godmother to teach me my skills, which is enough.

Needless to say, Ning Tianqi is also the leader of the Evil Ghost Hall and the Fenggui Hall of the Tiangui Sect. His cultivation and ability are among the top in the entire Tiangui Sect. Yu Qingcheng is also a powerful character as the leader of the Huahun Hall, one of the Tiangui Sect's battle halls. Since it is a battle hall, the hall masters are known for their high martial arts and good at actual combat. Their actual fighting ability far exceeds that of monks of the same level.

After that, the two-headed spirit dog led the way, followed by Master Li, Ning Lin'er and Hong Haitang. The figures of the three people and the dog gradually disappeared.


Half a day later.

Master Li, Ning Lin'er and Hong Haitang appeared in an unknown valley.

at this time.

The two-headed spirit dog leading the way suddenly stopped and circled in circles, unwilling to use its nose to smell the scent on the ground.

The three Master Li who were following behind were also forced to stop their progress.

"Huh? It seems that the spirit dog has smelled something he doesn't like." Master Li looked back and forth, narrowed his eyes, and with a burst of mana, he shot out a spiritual light from the Soul Burial Treasure Book in his hand, and the two-headed spirit The dog rolled up and took it back. Then he put the Soul Burial Treasure Mirror back into his sleeves.

Although this two-headed spirit dog is only the body of a ghost, it is also extremely rare. He has a naturally powerful sense of ghost smell and can smell ghost scents hundreds of miles away.

The seals arranged by the Tiangui Sect in the Green Fire Demon Realm thousands of years ago were implemented using the secret method of the Supreme Ghost Dao. Master Li specially collected some of the ghost spirits in them according to the records in the sect's classics, and let the spirit dog know about it. .

Master Li has thousands of secret skills of the Ghost Sect and is good at finding paths. This is also the reason why Ning Tianqi handed over this task to Master Li.

Since the Tiangui Sect's mission to find the seal from a thousand years ago is carried out in secret, there are only three people. Ning Lin'er, who is good at arranging and repairing formation seals, volunteered. Hong Haitang heard that this time, the Yu Dao Sect might also send elite disciples to the Green Fire Demon Realm, and her favorite Zhan Yunfei might be on the list. Therefore, I asked to participate in this mission.

When Ning Lin'er and Hong Haitang saw this, they immediately stood beside Master Li.

"Master Li, did you notice something happened?" Hong Begonia whispered.

After saying this, Hong Begonia stretched out one hand, and a red flame burst into flames in her palm.

Master Li nodded without saying anything clearly, but his eyes under the dark circles were staring at a dense forest ahead.

He stretched out his finger and flicked it towards the opposite side. With a bang, a gray-white ghostly arrow shot through the air.

There was a "bang" sound.

The ghost's arrow was half-buried into a tree trunk as thick as a bucket on the opposite side.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of gray-white soul fire ignited, and the big tree was instantly ignited. A moment later, it fell to the ground with a crash, throwing up a cloud of dust and fire breath. After a while, not even ashes were left.

The three of them stood and observed.

Not long after, Master Li stroked his beard with one hand and said loudly: "There was a figure hiding behind the big tree just now. It seems that he ran away? Since there may be danger in the woods ahead, let's take a detour. ”

Ning Lin'er and Hong Haitang nodded in agreement. In terms of experience in the world, the two daughters admired Master Li from the bottom of their hearts.

The three of them turned and left.

Not long after the three people left, a person sneaked out from behind a tree in the woods.

This man covered his face with an iron mask and wore a black robe. What's even weirder is that he is carrying a huge iron coffin behind him.

The man in the iron mask looked at the direction where Master Li and the others disappeared, and then at the big tree that had just been burned down by Master Li's ghost arrow. He whispered in his mouth: "I just cast a spell to hide my whereabouts, and the spirit released by this old man was unexpectedly released. Quan discovered the clue. This old man's Ghost Spirit Arrow was an authentic one. It seemed that only the disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect in the entire Northern Territory could use such authentic Ghost Way moves. The Lord has ordered that except for a boy named Xu Yang in the Tiangui Sect, everyone else can be killed. However, there are three of them. It will not be too late to kill these three people when I find helpers. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in the iron mask turned into a shadow and disappeared from the place.


At this time, Master Li and the three of them have gone a long way.

"Master Li, you said that the people who were hiding behind the big tree just now were probably thieves who wanted to attack us secretly. Then why didn't we chase after him and catch the thieves for questioning first," said Hong Begonia.

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the open, which is a taboo in a fight. Although we discovered the person's whereabouts, we don't know his details, or how many there are in them. Moreover, this person's method is unusual, which can make my search more difficult. There are not many things that Luling Dog is taboo about, and corpse poison is one of them. Therefore, this person should be a person who is good at using corpse poison. The terrain in the dense forest is complicated, and it is difficult for us to dodge him. A place with open terrain is best," Master Li explained.

"Master Li is right. In a battle between two parties, the one with the advantageous location is often the key to victory. Our Formation Hall specializes in arranging formations and using them to create advantageous locations to influence the outcome of the battle." Ning Lin'er said.

After hearing this, Hong Begonia kept nodding her head.

"Girl Lin'er is right, and the man just now was not scared away by my ghost arrow. The arrow I shot was just a warning to him. He ignored my warning and hid aside. So, I concluded that he They will come to us again, and I'm afraid they will bring help, so we will have to trouble Lin'er next." Master Li said.

"Lin'er understands, let's find someone who can treat others the same way they treat others." Ning Lin'er said obediently.

The three of them walked some distance further.

Master Li raised his head and looked around. As far as he could see, he saw a large piece of low grassland with a wide view.

Master Li stopped and said, "I think the grassland in front of me is good. On the surface, there seems to be no hiding place here, which will make the opponent feel contemptuous. Setting up a formation here to intercept and kill must be unexpected. . In addition, the opponent is good at using poison, and the surrounding terrain is open, which makes it easier for us to take precautions. "

"Okay, leave the next step to me." Ning Lin'er said confidently.

Next, Ning Lin'er took out a square, exquisite wooden box from the storage bag. Opening the wooden box, there was a stack of emerald green formation flags neatly placed inside.

Ning Lin'er took out all these formation flags and then skillfully threw them to the corresponding corners.

Whoosh whoosh!

These formation flags fell into the grassland like butterflies piercing flowers and disappeared.

Not long after, the formation was completed.

"Master Li, my "Without a Trace of Green Fields" formation is ready," Ning Lin'er said.

Master Li nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, there are seven or forty-nine formation flags, which can be considered the ultimate in small formations. Coupled with my technique of exorcising ghosts and summoning spirits and Miss Haitang's soul fire technique, It should be quite powerful.”

Hong Haitang raised her eyebrows, and then said: "No matter what kind of corpse poison that person used, he will be reduced to ashes in the soul fire in a short while."

Master Li looked back and made a move in the air with one hand.

When he opened his palm again, there were two bright spots the size of rice grains in his palm.

If you look closely, you can see that they are two fireflies, but they are not real.

Master Li opened his mouth and sucked the two rice-sized soul worms into his mouth.

The next moment, Master Li's eyes turned light blue, and two blurry figures were reflected in his pupils. It is certain that one of them seems to be carrying an iron coffin on his back.

Master Li exhaled, and the strangeness in his eyes disappeared, and then said: "The people we are waiting for are here. They should be two people. If there are more people on the other side, we can just run away."

When Ning Lin'er and Hong Begonia saw this, they both looked at her in surprise. One is to admire Master Li's methods, and the other is to admire Master Li's sagacity.

Master Li seemed to understand the thoughts of the two girls at this moment, and joked: "What old guy is not a bit cunning?"

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