True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 615 The Green Field Traceless Formation

Next, Ning Lin'er, who was dressed in white, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and there were clusters of white auras dancing on her fingertips, as if white birds were dancing on her fingertips.

At the same time, she recited the secret words of the formation in her mouth: "The green shadow disappears, the wood escape becomes invisible..."

As her jade hands clicked rhythmically, a series of spells fell on the surrounding ground like silver ribbons, and their shapes were beautiful.

In an instant, the forty-nine formation flags previously placed on the grassland were activated in unison.

On the grassland, transparent green branches appeared in every corner. These branches seemed real but not real, but were transformed by absorbing the power of the wood spirits from the surrounding vegetation through the power of the formation. The aura of spiritual power is the same as that of the surrounding grassland, without any unnecessary fluctuations in spiritual power.

They stretched their waists quickly, as dexterously as elves. Not long after, a labyrinth-like green interface was connected in a space of a hundred feet in radius.


After finishing her words, Ning Lin'er fired another spell.

Those light and shadow branches shimmered and disappeared, and what was left was a wooden barrier that concealed its appearance. The figures of Ning Lin'er, Hong Haitang and Master Li also disappeared in the beating of a ball of green light and shadow.

The breeze passed by, and the vegetation was rippling like waves. It was empty and neat, as if no one had ever appeared.

After half a stick of incense.

Two figures appeared quietly from a distance and were walking slowly towards the pasture.

The figure gradually became clearer.

One of them covered his face with an iron mask and carried an iron coffin as tall as a person behind him, but his steps were still relaxed, and every step he took was a few feet away. It was the man in the iron mask who had been hiding in the dense forest before.

The other person was a bald man with a caterpillar pattern about an inch in size tattooed on his bare head. If you didn't look carefully, you might have thought a bug had landed on his bald head.

The bald man wore a long blue-gray gown, and his hands were hidden under the wide cuffs. As he walked, his two big sleeves swung back and forth, like a big walking bird.

At this moment, the man in the iron mask suddenly stopped and reached out to stop the bald man beside him.

"Caterpillar." The Iron Mask said.

"You iron face, how many times have I told you not to call me a caterpillar. After all, I am also a well-known figure on the list of evil cultivators. When you called me that, I was immediately frustrated. Zhongyuan Continent's list of evil cultivators The fourteenth one, "Master Feidu" is my name," the bald man said with an arrogant look.

"Caterpillar." The man in the iron mask said, reaching out and touching the bald man's head. Then he stretched out his left and right hands, one finger on his left hand, and three fingers on his right hand, and waved them in front of the bald man.

"What do you mean, give me a question? One plus three equals four. I know this. You can't help me." The bald man gave the answer decisively.

The man in the iron mask shook his head.

"If it's not four, then it's thirteen." The bald man frowned slightly, "I was insulted by you again. I know that you are ranked thirteenth on the list of evil cultivators, just one place higher than me. That's it. There is only one gap, otherwise, I would have poked ten or eight holes in anyone who touches my head.”

"You caterpillar, you worry about ranking on the list of evil cultivators all day long. That's not what I want to say." The Iron Man said.

"Then what do you mean? Don't you usually bully me just because you rank lower than me on the list of evil cultivators?" the bald man said with an aggrieved look.

"I stretched out one finger on my left hand to tell you to keep your voice down. I stretched out three fingers on my right hand to tell you that they are three people. When the fight starts, the two of us can come up with a strategy to deal with it. There are two options. One, you fight one. Second, I fight two. I've been thinking about this issue for a long time," the iron-faced man said seriously.

The bald man looked at the Iron Masked Man across from him with surprised eyes, and thought to himself, "Is there any difference between these two options? In short, I'll hit one, and you'll hit two. This guy can't count by nature, and he also specializes in counting. He likes to point his fingers, and I don’t know what he is planning all day long. Who told him to be one place higher than me on the list of evil cultivators, and I can’t beat him, so I just pretend to be stupid every time.”

"That's a problem. There are three of them, and there are two of us. They have one more person than us." The bald man deliberately touched his bare head with his hand, and then looked at the man in the iron mask with a blank expression.

"Hey, I've made a plan. There are three of us, plus the one on my back. Each of us can deal with one, so it will be much easier." The Iron Masked Man affirmed.

"Yeah." The bald man held out his thumb, "That's a good idea."

With the problem solved, the two continued on their way to carry out their pursuit plan.

"Huh? Why did the breath of these three people suddenly disappear? Did they hide after we were discovered." The man in the iron mask asked.

"None of the prey targeted by our two evil cultivators can survive, so what if they find us? Assassination is too boring, killing openly is fun enough. Every time I see the desperate and twisted face of my opponent, it makes me extremely sad. Satisfied." The bald man said with evil eyes.

"I'm not afraid of a light-on-light fight. I'm just afraid that if there are too many people on the other side, it would be bad if we were ambushed. We have just entered the Green Fire Demon Realm, and we have to keep killing people. Don't stumble at the beginning. My master taught me before I went out to fight with others, I must first count the number of opponents, otherwise I will easily suffer losses. "

The bald man shook his head and murmured in his mind, "Your master told you that because he knew you couldn't count. You have good intentions."

"This time it's three versus three, we won't suffer." The bald man said with certainty.

"You're right, three against three, we won't suffer any loss." The man in the iron mask said as he gently patted the iron coffin behind him with his hand.

At this moment, on the originally empty grassland, a shadow flashed, and an old man in gray robe with dark circles appeared silently. It was Master Li.

"Are you two thieves following me to kill people and steal treasures? I have so many treasures on my body that I can't count them. I wonder if you have the ability to take them away?" Master Li said domineeringly.

The Iron Masked Man and the Bald Monk were stunned for a moment. The person they had been following suddenly appeared at such a close distance, but they had not noticed it at all before.

The two of them can be regarded as high-ranking evil cultivators on the evil cultivator list. They have done a lot of tracking and murdering, but they rarely appear in today's situation.

The bald monk, who had regained his composure, glanced at the person opposite him, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he realized that the old man on the other side was at the Yuanhun realm at best.

He narrowed his eyes and said fiercely: "You old man is a smart man. We brothers came here specifically to kill people and steal treasures in the Green Fire Demon Realm. We want to take away the treasures on your body. However, we want to take you, old man. Take away his life."

Before he finished speaking, the bald monk raised one hand.

"Buzz buzz."

A dense cloud of flying insects flew out of his wide cuffs.

These flying insects are only the size of rice grains and number in the thousands. If you look carefully, you can see flying mosquitoes and insects. Their bodies are gray and their beaks are as sharp as needles.

Master Li stood there, just smiling slightly, not even hiding.

There was a "buzz" sound. The large flying mosquitoes hit Master Li's body.

Strangely, these mosquitoes passed through Master Li's body as if they were nothing.

Master Li's figure blurred and disappeared.

The next moment, a green light dimmed a few feet away, and Master Li appeared again.

"Flying insect tricks." Master Li said with disdain.

Seeing that his move at such a close range failed, the bald monk was shocked at first, his eyes turned cold, his sleeves trembled, and the two wide cuffs bulged like pockets.

"Buzz buzz... buzz buzz..."

The two groups of flying mosquitoes merged into one place, like a big net covering Master Li's position.

At this moment, the empty void on the side rippled and the fire lit up.

A huge fireball roared out, with petal-like runes on the surface of the fireball flying continuously, as if it was a fireball technique blessed with special soul power.


The fireball exploded among the flying mosquitoes, the fire light exploded and the fire breath rolled.

When the power of the fireball dissipated, none of the flying insects scattered by the shock wave fell. They formed a whole formation and suddenly formed a group again.

"There is an ambush, Iron Face takes action." The bald monk glanced at the source of the big fireball from the corner of his eye and shouted quickly.

Almost at the same time, the man in the iron mask took action.

Even though he was carrying a huge iron coffin behind him, he was extremely fast.

He only left a shadow in place, and the next moment, he appeared three feet away.

"If you are hiding, get out of here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Iron Masked Man punched out his right fist.

The fist shadow condensed, and a huge ghost head about ten feet in size appeared, with a single horn on its head and an angry mouth. The ghost head is outlined by aura and energy, but it is solid and real, full of ghost energy.

"Fighting techniques, evil spirits swallow them."

"Boom!" There was a sound.

The evil ghost's head exploded in the void, and the powerful air flow rolled and creaked, like ghost teeth devouring it, lingering for a long time.

"Huh? The person is not here. With my ghost escape technique, it is impossible for someone to escape easily after attacking at such a close distance." The ghost-faced man asked after finding that his punch failed.

On the other side, the bald monk moved his hands up and down. There were tens of thousands of flying mosquitoes in the two groups, but they obeyed his command uniformly. From the given direction, head towards the location of "Master Li" without any blind spots, and continue to kill him. It's as simple as controlling a beast.

However, Master Li faced the fierce attacks from flying mosquitoes again and again, but he just smiled indifferently, and his figure jumped on the ground as if he was teleporting. No matter how flexible those flying mosquitoes were, they could never get a trace of Master Li's clothes.

In the void, soul power fireballs always fly out from various angles to attack. These fireballs sometimes attack the mosquitoes, and sometimes they directly attack the bald monk controlling the mosquitoes. And the speed is getting faster and faster, and the number is getting larger and larger.

The iron masked man's movement skills were also really powerful. Hundreds of incoming fireballs were intercepted by his iron fists.

Every time he punches, a ghost face will explode and make a squeaking sound, like an evil spirit roaring, which is quite powerful.

Not long after, the iron masked man and the bald monk were already out of breath.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the Iron Man and the bald monk simply defended themselves back to back.

"Tie Lian, that old man didn't fight back. He was hiding here and there, but he didn't show any signs of fatigue. I guess he was just an illusion, and we should have fallen into the illusion array." The bald monk reminded.

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