True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 627 A visit here

In the green fire demon realm, the purple sun is in the sky.

In the center of the vast demonic blood land below, stands an extremely tall red stone peak.

If you look at it from a very far distance, you can clearly see that the shape of the mountain is like a giant sword inserted upside down. The lower half of it was submerged in the Demon Blood Land, and the upper half was submerged in the clouds.

High in the sky, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, and blue lights shuttled continuously. If you look carefully, you will see that there are extremely huge and sharp swords.

At this moment, in the Sword Forest on the mountainside of Spirit Sword Giant Mountain.

The young man Yinyu fell into the illusion of Buddha's Thousand Words, a magic weapon activated by Xu Yang using green sandalwood beads, and his whole consciousness fell into memories.

Xu Yang took back the green sandalwood Buddha bead with one move with one hand, and said with a sigh of relief: "It's a fluke that I let him move. If I continue to fight with him, even winning will be a time-consuming battle."

"Master Xu Yang, no matter what, we won this fight. As long as I, Ming Lin, are here, how can this young man with silver feathers defeat the two of us? He is a sword spirit, why don't you take him in, master?" , If the sword is used in the future, it must be a very good weapon spirit melted into the sword," said Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder.

"Senior Yinyu has been guarding here for thousands of years and has contributed to the glory of the human race in the Northern Territory. How dare I expect to make him a sword weapon spirit. What matters between the sword spirit and the sword master is fate. I and I Senior Yinyu doesn't have that fate yet, let's go," Xu Yang said.

"Master is right. Master and I, Ming Lin, are destined to be together. It would be great if I, Ming Lin, were here. There is no need for any messy sword spirits." Ming Lin said proudly.

"Time is running out, let's move on." Xu Yang said, striding forward.

Xu Yang walked past the Yinyu young man, stretched out a hand and patted his shoulder gently, and then said: "Senior Yinyu, this is just an illusion cast by me. Fortunately you are not prepared, otherwise you With his own powerful soul power, this technique will most likely not be successful."

At this time, the silver-feathered young man was like a puppet, nailed in place, with a blank golden look in his eyes.

After a moment, the forest of swords behind the silver-feathered young man began to rustle. The forest automatically retreated to both sides, revealing a spacious passage in the middle.

Xu Yang walked into it with his head raised, and after a while, his back disappeared in the distance.

"Fight, fight, fight." Ming Lin's noise gradually disappeared. .

Not long after Xu Yang left, the dazed golden brilliance in the eyes of the young man Yin Yu faded away on its own, returning to its original clear color.

The silver-feathered young man turned around, looked at the direction Xu Yang left, and said to himself: "This Xu Yang's martial arts are so weird. He is actually a Buddhist and ghost practitioner, and he also has an amazing demon dragon spiritual pet. Even if After passing my level, the next levels will only be more difficult. I hope to see him come out alive.”

Somehow, the Yinyu young man had a good impression of Xu Yang's character. After all, Xu Yang did not take the opportunity to subdue the young man Yin Yu, nor did he regard him as material for the sword weapon spirit.

The silver-feathered young man turned his hand, and a red aura suddenly appeared in his palm. The aura shrank, and a red-feathered Luan bird about a foot in size appeared.

"Hongyu, I just met a Tiangui Sect disciple named Xu Yang. I underestimated the enemy for a moment and fell into his illusion, and was defeated by him. Fortunately, this person did not cast a spell to imprison me. Otherwise, how could I Can I continue to accompany you through this spiritual tribulation?"

"I've seen it all. Yinyu, you are really careless. I don't know how worried I was about your safety just now. If I hadn't been suppressed by the spiritual tribulation and degenerated into a powerless spiritual bird, what would happen if you and I combined our swords? Will she lose to him?" Red Bird said.

"This is the first time in thousands of years that we have seen monks from the Northern Territory come here. If what Xu Yang said is true and the Green Fire Demon Territory is open, I am afraid that more monks will break into this place." Silver Feather Youth said.

"I want to recover my strength as soon as possible and fight side by side with you." Red Bird said firmly.

"Did you know? In the illusion just now, I saw you and me in the Sword Spirit Realm again, and also met our master for the first time." The silver-feathered young man said with a happy face.

"Thousands of years ago, in order to prevent the attack of the demon army, the master actually gave up his body and used the demon-sealing sword from the Sword Spirit Realm to suppress the demon-blooded land below. The master's fearless spirit is really admirable. You and I We must guard this place well and wait for the day when the master recovers." Red Bird said.

The silver-feathered young man nodded and said, "Master will not abandon us, and we will not leave Master either."

Just half a day after Xu Yang entered Jujian Mountain.

A light mask in the shape of a green lotus floated over. Within the light mask were Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin.

At this moment, without the intrusion of the Demonic Blood Land, Liu Haiyu could hold a little space with one hand. The green lotus mask outside the two people turned into large blue star points and then dispersed.

"Uncle Master, look at the sword energy on the Giant Sword Mountain opposite. It should be the method of our Qinglian Dojo." Cai Bin pointed at the mountain towering into the sky opposite.

"According to the mark on the map, this should be the exact location of Red Rock Cliff. It was also the main battlefield of our Qinglian Dojo in the Qinghuo Demon Realm thousands of years ago. I didn't expect it to be such a huge mountain of swords. Thousands of years ago, I The feats of the seniors of Qinglian Dojo who participated in the war between humans and demons are really impressive." Liu Haiyu couldn't help but praise as he looked up at the huge sword mountain.

"The senior who can create such a large-scale magic must be a powerful person. The root of Tao and Fruit we are looking for this time should be found." Cai Bin said.

Liu Haiyu, Cai Bin and others walked towards the foot of Jujian Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, Liu Haiyu looked up and saw something on the rock wall.

There were countless sword marks, and some of them even outlined a line of words, "Xu Xiaoxian is here for a visit."

"Has Xu Yang been here? I didn't expect him to enter this place before me." Liu Haiyu thought in his heart and smiled calmly.

At this time, Cai Bin also saw the sword marks and fonts on the rock wall, and said with a surprised look: "These sword marks are all new. Could it be that there was a fight here not long ago. There is also a line of words, who is Xu Xiaoxian? Or is it? Xu Yang, a disciple of the Tiangui Sect that I met before?"

"Yes, it's Xu Yang." Liu Haiyu said.

"Carving words on Jujian Mountain is a great disrespect to Qinglian Dojo. Xu Yang, a disciple of the Ghost Sect, was too arrogant today. Although he saved me once before, if I meet him, I will definitely scold him." Cai Bin said.

"Xu Yang is my friend. Most of his lines were deliberately left for me to see."

At this moment, the rock wall shook, and a deep, thunderous voice came from inside: "Who is he? How dare you break into Lingjian Mountain without permission."

As soon as he finished speaking, the seemingly smooth and hard surface of the rock mass bulged up like cloth, and the protruding part gradually turned into a huge "stone tiger".

Plop! The huge stone tiger jumped to the ground.

Its size was ten feet tall, its eyes flashed with silver, and it was looking at Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin opposite. Shi Hu carried more than a hundred sword boxes neatly on his back, hiding hundreds of swords in them.

Upon seeing this, Cai Bin immediately put his hands on a pair of silver sword boxes behind his back.

Liu Haiyu swept his consciousness and discovered that the sword energy emanating from the giant rock tiger opposite was from the Qinglian Dojo, so he responded loudly: "You must be the formation spirit left here by the Qinglian Dojo thousands of years ago. I am the second one." I am a disciple of Qinglian Dojo, I am Liu Haiyu, and the person beside me is Cai Bin. We are here to retrieve something from the Lingjian Mountain on the orders of the Supreme Master of Qinglian Dojo. path."

"I am the Great Tiger Immortal of Qinglian Dojo, and I am the Immortal of the Sword Immortal." The Great Immortal Tiger shook his body, and hundreds of sword boxes rattled behind him, "I am ordered to guard the gate of Lingjian Mountain. No one is allowed to enter, that is. Neither can the disciples of Qinglian Dojo," Tiger Immortal said loudly.


Immediately, the Great Immortal Tiger raised his head and roared, causing the mountain to shake, showing its majestic power.

"Really? Has Xu Xiaoxian already passed here?" Liu Haiyu asked.

"What? Do you know Xu Xiaoxian?" Hu Daxian did not answer Liu Haiyu's question directly, but asked instead.

"Of course we do. Xu Xiaoxian and I are friends." After saying that, Liu Haiyu looked up at the sword marks on the rock wall again.

At this moment, there was blue water jumping in his eyes, which was the blue water eyes.

Not long ago, the kendo competition between Xu Yang and Hu Daxian was reflected by the sword marks and flying knife marks left on the rock wall, and the clear picture was recorded in Liu Haiyu's pupils.

Liu Haiyu calculated in his mind: "They competed in swordsmanship. The Great Immortal Tiger used the power of the sword formation, but Xu Yang used the flying knife technique. In just three breaths, Xu Yang won the competition. We haven't seen each other for a few days, Unexpectedly, Xu Yang's martial arts has grown a lot, and his flying knife skills obviously have powerful Buddhist power."

Liu Haiyu turned his head and asked: "Great Immortal Tiger, have you tried swordsmanship with Xu Xiaoxian before?"

Hu Daxian was speechless for a moment, covered his face with one paw, and then exposed a crack to secretly observe Liu Haiyu on the opposite side. I was wondering in my heart, how did Liu Haiyu know this? I can’t admit that Xu Xiaoxian and I competed in swordsmanship, but I lost to Xu Xiaoxian. Otherwise, if such a shameless thing spreads, my reputation as the Great Immortal Tiger will be tarnished.

"No, no. How could I, the Great Immortal Tiger, compete with Xu Xiaoxian in swordsmanship? I don't believe Xu Xiaoxian said he could write well. So he wrote a line on the rock wall. I saw that he could write well, so I Let him pass from here." Hu Daxian immediately made up a reason that he believed in.

After a pause, Hu Daxian added: "I have no hands and can't write. Of course, I can't compare to Xu Xiaoxian in writing."

"In that case, I'll also write a line of words on the rock wall."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Haiyu stretched out his right hand, and a line of blue water suddenly appeared in his palm. The water line converged, revealing a three-foot-long Dao sword with a deep blue body. It is the Ruoshui sword that he is good at using.

Without waiting for the Great Immortal Tiger's reply, Liu Haiyu raised one hand and immediately threw out the Ruoshui Sword.

If the water sword swirled around, it suddenly became ten feet in size. There was a dragon-shaped water shadow on the surface of the sword body, and it flew towards the opposite rock wall like a water dragon.

The sword energy is like a dragon, and the dragon moves like rain.

Countless sword energy fell on the opposite rock wall like a heavy rain, the number of which was tens of thousands.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom.

For a moment, the water mist burst and the sword energy flew. In just three breaths, Liu Haiyu's consciousness moved, and Ruoshui Sword's attack stopped abruptly.

There are thousands of sword pits on the rock wall. Next to Xu Yang's inscription, there is also a line of words, "Liu Haiyu came here for a visit."

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