True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 628 Let the sword speak

Hu Daxian raised his head and carefully observed the thousands of sword holes left by Liu Haiyu on the mountain wall. Each of those sword holes was the same size. This requires a very precise grasp of the sword formation.

Looking at the line of words left by Liu Haiyu's sword, it was as graceful as a swimming dragon, as if it was about to fly away from the rock mass in the next moment. There really is a hint of dragon meaning between the lines.

"What a powerful sword formation, what a high-end sword intention." Two of Tiger Immortal's eyes almost fell out, "This Liu Haiyu is truly the chosen talent. I have always compared myself to the Sword Immortal, but compared with him, no matter it is Sword realm, sword formation and sword intention are all three steps below him. Shame on you. This guy may really become a great swordsman in the future. It’s a blessing to have such a genius in Qinglian Dojo.”

The Great Immortal Tiger couldn't help but take two steps back, and even wanted to hide the hundred sword boxes on his back. In the past, this was his capital to show off, but now he looked as childish as a toy in front of Liu Haiyu.

"Hehe." Hu Daxian giggled, "Young master Liu's handwriting is really good, even better than that of Xu Xiaoxian. You can pass."

"Thank you." Liu Haiyu cupped his fists slightly and said simply.

Cai Bin on the side also clasped his fists slightly, looking at the sword marks left by his junior uncle on the rock wall, and said with envy in his heart: "Whenever my swordsmanship can reach the level of my junior uncle, that would be great."

Imitating Liu Haiyu's example, Hu Daxian squatted down half-crouched, put his two front paws together in a fist-clasping position, and did not dare to neglect.

Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin walked past Hu Daxian in a generous manner, one behind the other.

The Tiger Immortal glanced at Cai Bin behind Liu Haiyu. He wanted to stop Cai Bin, but then took a peek at Liu Haiyu and muttered in his heart: "Forget it, I don't know what the temper of this great genius Liu Haiyu is. If he is a arrogant person, he will be killed." I'm a decisive guy. If I accidentally anger him, he might poke thousands of holes in my body with his sword. Safety comes first in the world."

Thinking of this, the Great Immortal Tiger couldn't help but look up at the mountain wall covered with sword marks, "Ouch", as if the sword intent had already fallen and was hitting its head, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

The Great Immortal Tiger simply closed his eyes and quietly retreated five feet away, completely clearing the way to the Sword Spirit Mountain.

"There was Xu Yang before, and today there is Liu Haiyu. Could it be that in the Zhongyuan Continent a thousand years later, geniuses have also disappeared everywhere?" The Tiger Immortal looked at the retreating figures of Liu Haiyu and the two, "I am the one who built this mountain, and I will build it from now on." Passing by, unless you’re a little genius.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Daxian's huge figure turned into a phantom and disappeared on the spot, then disappeared into the rock wall of Jianling Mountain.

The towering Sword Spirit Mountain is still upright and inviolable, even though two lines of words were randomly carved on its surface.

In the future, the achievements of these two people will be astonishing to the whole world, and they are definitely worthy of leaving a mark on the sacred mountain. When future generations look up and see the words "Here for a visit" written by the two of them, they will all bow down and worship.


Three days later.

A blue-robed Taoist and a gray-robed young Taoist appeared together on a hillside of Lingjian Mountain. It was Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin.

At this time, a large gray-white mist suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

However, the pair of silver sword boxes carried on Cai Bin's back suddenly began to shake at this moment, making a clattering sound, and the two Dao swords in them made a low buzzing sound.

Cai Bin quickly used his hand to support the sword box behind him, and a soul force blessed it, and the two sword boxes became quiet.

"Uncle Master, there is sword energy in the mist in front of me, and it is a very powerful sword energy. Otherwise, the "Lingcang Dual Swords" behind me would not have such a violent reaction." Cai Bin said seriously .

Liu Haiyu nodded, noncommittal.

Then, at the urging of his spiritual consciousness, there was blue light and shadow flashing in his eyes, like spring water full of spiritual light, which was the blue water method eye.

After a moment, Liu Haiyu withdrew his blue water magic eyes and said loudly: "It is a sword formation, and it is also protected by a powerful formation spirit. Cai Bin, you can just follow me, there is no need to take action."

Of course Cai Bin knew what Liu Haiyu meant. He might not be able to help his junior uncle in the face of a powerful enemy. And the junior uncle was also thinking about his safety. After all, senior brother Fan had fallen, and the Lingcang swords were placed on him, Cai Bin.

Cai Bin secretly vowed in his heart that he would work hard to practice and let the world know the power of the Lingcang Swords. "I am not fighting alone. Senior Brother Fan will always be with me, and the Lingcang Swords will never be separated."


Liu Haiyu was in front, Cai Bin followed closely behind, and the two entered the mist.

As far as the eye can see, there are strange trees all around that only have branches but no leaves. The branches of these trees are straight, like a Taoist sword with the tip pointed upward. And these trees themselves actually emit waves of sharp, blade-like breath.

Forest of Swords!

As soon as Liu Haiyu and the two entered, sharp sword energy rushed towards them from all around.

These sharp sword auras are emitted from the forest of swords opposite, like the fangs of a pack of wolves, sharp and terrifying.

"What a fierce sword formation." Cai Bin couldn't help but said loudly.

Liu Haiyu, who was standing in front, was unhurried. He reached out with one hand and pointed at his fingertips.

"Puff puff."

His slender fingertips suddenly threw out streams of blue water that were several inches in size. In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of them.

The next moment, the blue water solidified, and hundreds of blue water turned into neat blue water talismans. On the surface of each blue water talisman, there was a clear green lotus mark that flickered, spreading brilliant brilliance. .

Without stopping for a moment, Liu Haiyu's consciousness moved, and at the same time the magic formula in his hand changed. Like a group of obedient blue birds, these blue water talismans flew around the positions of Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin, instantly forming a small structure on their bodies. The protective array comes.

On the surface of the Tao formation, the shadows of green lotuses seemed to be floating on the water, which was extremely beautiful. From time to time, blue arcs pop out, showing the powerful power hidden under its beautiful appearance.

This talisman formation was not large in scale, covering only a few feet of space around Liu Haiyu and the two of them, but its protective power was super strong. The sword energy that flew over struck the Dao formation with clanging sounds, and then rolled back one after another. The sword energy whined, like the fangs of a hungry wolf biting the rock.

However, Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin, who were within the Taoist formation, were not injured at all.

After a while, maybe the Sword Forest was tired from playing in the forest, or maybe it knew it couldn't hurt Liu Haiyu and Liu Haiyu, so there was no more sword energy coming.

"My uncle's talisman formation is so powerful. He is both a talisman formation master and a swordsman master. It's really enviable." Cai Bin regarded Liu Haiyu as his idol in his heart.

In Qinglian Dojo, there are many people who regard Liu Haiyu as an idol like Cai Bin. Who makes Liu Haiyu a born idol? With unparalleled talent and a free and uninhibited image, he was accepted as a close disciple by Qing Guzi, the head of the Supreme Court.

Envy, jealousy, and hatred are nothing more than that.

Seeing that the attack from the Sword Forest on the opposite side had stopped, Liu Haiyu simply waved one hand and removed the Taoist defense formation outside his body. Then he said loudly: "Qinglian Dojo Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin are passing by here and intend to go to the top of the mountain. Please make way for them."

The sound was loud, like a dragon coming out of the sea, wandering throughout the space, making the branches of the Sword Forest on the opposite side rattle. Obviously, Liu Haiyu blessed his voice with powerful soul power.

"Looking at the Qinglian body protection talisman formation technique you just performed, there is no doubt that you are a disciple of Qinglian Dojo."

As soon as he finished speaking, in the forest of swords opposite, two figures flashed, and a man and a woman appeared.

The man is as handsome as a star, with a ground-length silver feather cloak draped behind him, giving him a somewhat chic appearance.

The woman is as beautiful as a fairy, wearing a red feather dress, and looks passionate and unrestrained.

It was Yin Yu and Hong Yu. These two people are sword spirits and have the body of a Luan bird. Therefore, even though a thousand years have passed, their appearance has not changed much and they still look like young men and women.

It just happened that Hong Yu had just passed through the seventy-seven forty-nine days of spiritual calamity yesterday and restored his original appearance and body.

Hong Yu and Yin Yu appeared together, so naturally they were very confident. Even if Xu Yang passed by here again, the two of them were determined to stop him.

When Yinyu and Hongyu saw Liu Haiyu clearly opposite them, they couldn't help but be stunned at the same time. Their eyes met and they looked at each other for confirmation.

They all said in unison: "How come this man's temperament and appearance are so similar to our master?"

"What's your name? How old are you? Which generation of disciples are you from Qinglian Dojo?" Yin Yu asked continuously.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking action, Liu Haiyu replied generously: "I am Liu Haiyu. I have just turned twenty this year. I am fortunate to learn from Qing Guzi."

Yin Yu nodded, then turned to Hong Yu and said, "It turns out that the temperament and appearance are only 70-80% similar to the master. I have heard that Qing Guzi is one of the master's junior brothers."

Hongyu responded via voice transmission: "Since this person has some connection with the master, there is no need for us to take action against him."

"Liu Haiyu, do you know that this is a forbidden area carefully set up by Qinglian Dojo thousands of years ago to suppress the demons?"

"I know."

"Since you know, why are you here? We are the sword spirits guarding this place. Anyone who breaks into this mountain without permission will be punished by the sword."

"I am ordered by my master Qing Guzi, who is also the current head of Qinglian Dojo, to come here to find something. This thing is related to the life of the current head of Qinglian Dojo. So, even if you two don't let me go , I have to force my way there," Liu Haiyu said with a cold tone.

Yin Yu did not immediately respond to Liu Haiyu's words, but turned to discuss with Hong Yu: "You and I might as well try his strength. If he is not strong enough, let him retreat. It is better than falling in the difficulties after Sword Spirit Mountain." It's much better. If he has the same strength as Xu Yang, just let him go. Whether he can get what he wants depends on his luck. "

Hong Yu nodded and said, "This is a good idea."

"Okay, if you can accept my sword, we can let you pass from here. If not, you'd better be wiser and return." Yin Yu said loudly.

"Thank you for your kindness. Please draw your sword." Liu Haiyu said decisively with his eyes focused.

Seeing Liu Haiyu's persistence, Yin Yu and Hong Yu said in unison: "Let the sword speak for itself."

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