True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 629 Shuangluan Qinglong

As soon as the words fell, straight and slender silver and red auras appeared on the surface of Yinyu and Hongyu's bodies, and the auras were full of sharp energy.

After a while, the two bodies disappeared, and two three-foot long swords appeared in their place.

Two long swords stood side by side with their sword tips facing down. One was as bright as a star, and the other was as red as fire.

As the sword blades buzzed, circles of silver and red sword fields quickly spread out from the two long swords to the surroundings.

In the silver sword field, a silver luan bird's shadow flew up and down, and in the red sword field, there was a red luan bird's shadow dancing with its wings. It was extremely beautiful.

Miraculously, the sword realms of the two merged perfectly, the sword realms merged, and the two birds flew in the air.

In the sword domain, the power of the law of the sword creates sword energy that is visible to the naked eye. Straight and thin sword energy are arranged neatly together, harmonizing like strings, playing the ethereal sound of the sword.

Buzzing... buzzing..., the sound of the sword's chirping is pleasant to the ear, like two phoenixes singing in unison. Under the beauty, it is a lethal force that cannot be underestimated.

Instantly, the forest of swords in the space also resonated. The power of the sword domain increases by another three points.

"Liu Haiyu, we won't waste time with you. Let us decide the winner within one move." The voices of Yin Yu and Hong Yu came from above the long sword.

Liu Haiyu stood with his hands behind his back, his face unchanged, and he said coldly: "Let's make a move!"

"Although this Liu Haiyu's appearance and temperament are 70-80% similar to his master, his personality is completely different. The master is cheerful and generous, but this Liu Haiyu is a cold and aloof person. You and I only need to use five powers. After all, he and his master still have a good relationship. There is some connection." Yin Yu said in a message.

Hong Yu responded: "That's natural. This Liu Haiyu can be regarded as a gifted talent among the younger generation of Qinglian Dojo. This time Qinglian Dojo sent him here, it is probably because he is highly valued and intends to cultivate him. Our master is also the one who sent him here. Coming from Qinglian Dojo, how can we bear to destroy the future hope of Qinglian Dojo?”

Yin Yu and Hong Yu reached a consensus and no longer hesitated.

I saw two long swords formed by the two people, slowly rotating, and the downward sword tips pointed towards the sky.


Jianfei! Luan bird appears!

"Sword and spirit arts fly together!"

The sword intention transformed, Baizhang Yinluan and Baizhang Fire Phoenix appeared together, fluttering their wings, and waving their sword blades flying in the sky.

In an instant, the sword light flew out, like shooting stars, like heavy rain, like flying flowers, like fireworks.

The power of the sword formation subverts Xuanhuang.

Yin Yu and Hong Yu performed the combined attack technique. Although they only used 50% of their power, it was still earth-shattering.

When Liu Haiyu saw this, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "The two senior sword spirits really think highly of me. Once they make a move, it's such a grand move."

Thinking in his heart, Liu Haiyu closed his eyes.

Even his blue clothes didn't show any signs of movement. The whole person is like a mirror lake without any ripples.


The stillness of the Tao!

The stillness of the waterway!

The next moment, as Liu Haiyu's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, his whole body suddenly started to move, and he was dressed in blue and dancing like a wave of blue water. The powerful aura exuded by the whole person is like a great river, with waves stretching thousands of miles.


The movement of Tao!

Movement of the waterway!

Then, he stretched out his sword finger to face the opposite point in the air. Circles of azure colors filled the void, with ripples like a blue lake hanging upside down.

"Blue Water Sword Domain!"

Immediately, the sword domain turned into a violent wave.

Amidst the violent waves, the water sword broke through the waves and turned into a blue dragon with a sword of dozens of feet in size. The dragon's horns, whiskers, claws, and tail are all as clear as real.

The moves of both sides did not collide, and the scattered swords clashed first.

One side is the realm of the Shuangluan Divine Bird, and the other is the realm of the Blue Water Azure Dragon. The phoenix crows, the green dragon sings, and the silver, red, and blue realm powers constantly collide with each other.

But it seems that the Shuangluan Divine Bird side is even stronger.

"This is not enough." Liu Haiyu said coldly. There was no trace of panic on his face.

He turned one hand into a sword finger shape and placed it between his eyebrows.

Suddenly, a blue line flashed between his eyebrows, and a "third eye" appeared. It was the third eye that Liu Haiyu had cultivated.

In the Dharma Eyes, the blue spiritual light flickered and jumped, and instantly weaved a blue spiritual light green lotus.

This aura green lotus is only about an inch in size. It was transformed by the ultimate divine power, but it looks like the real thing, only more crystal clear and dazzling. The small spiritual light green lotus looks like a bud ready to bloom, but it exudes indescribable power. It is exactly the source of the Taoist power that Liu Haiyu possesses.

The original power of Tao Sect is the initial power of Tao Sect. Legend was born at the beginning of the world. It is one of the most primitive existences among the powers of various laws. Its depth and tyranny are indescribable. It is said that any Taoist monk who understands the power of the Taoist sect will achieve astonishing achievements in the future.

At this moment, in the third eye between Liu Haiyu's eyebrows, the aura green lotus was slowly opening its outermost petals.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces, four or five pieces, like the blue skirt of a virgin dancing lightly, beautiful and indestructible.

Suddenly, in the original Azure Dragon Sword Domain, a hundred-foot-sized phantom of the Troubled Green Lotus suddenly appeared.

Swordsmanship Qinglian Qinglong!

The next moment, three powerful sword energies arrived high in the sky as promised.

Silver Luan and Red Luan, their swords are flying like wings.

The green dragon rides the green lotus, and the sword energy rides on the divine power.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

Silver, red, cyan sword energy, threads, strips, countless.

Cut! Cut! Cut! One moment, thousands of times.

The shadow of the twin luan roars, the shadow of the blue dragon roars, and the mythical beasts wrestle, which is extremely spectacular.

"Okay, let's admit defeat!" At this moment, Yin Yu's voice came to stop the fighting.

When Liu Haiyu heard this, his consciousness converged, and the third Dharma eye between his eyebrows immediately disappeared. With one move with one hand, the Ruoshui Sword in the sky turned into a blue dragon shadow, turned around and disappeared into his Tianling Cap.

In an instant, Liu Haiyu's whole body was like autumn water again.

quiet! Exuding a spotless and extremely proud Jing!

The silver-red swords on the opposite side were gathered together, and the shadow of the Luan Bird disappeared, revealing the true bodies of Yin Yu and Hong Yu.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Liu Haiyu opposite and didn't know what to say. They finally understood why the Baizhang Rock Tiger guarding the mountain gate failed to leave a trace of fighting spirit on Liu Haiyu's body. Because Baizhang Yanhu couldn't do it at all, Liu Haiyu's sword domain, sword intention, and swordsmanship were all at the pinnacle. Compared with that, the Baizhang Rock Tiger is nothing more than a small cat.

"I never expected that Liu Haiyu's talent for swordsmanship is comparable to that of our master. Given time, he will surely become as great a swordsman as his master."

"Yes, it seems like I can see the shadow of my master back then." Yin Yu and Hong Yu said via voice transmission.

"Can I go through here?" Liu Haiyu said loudly when he saw that the two people opposite him were silent.

"Of course." Yinyu and Hongyu said in unison, then stepped aside to get out of the way.

Without saying a word, Liu Haiyu stepped forward with his head held high. There were faint blue crystal light spots dancing behind him, like a noble water god walking.

Cai Bin had already been so surprised by Liu Haiyu's swordsmanship that he couldn't even close his eyelids and mouth.

It wasn't until Liu Haiyu walked about ten steps forward that he noticed it and said quickly: "Uncle Junior, wait for me."

Cai Bin's three steps turned into two steps to catch up.

"You can't go there." Yinyu stretched out his hand and blocked Cai Bin's way.

"I have been following my junior uncle. Junior junior uncle, I'm behind." Cai Bin shouted.

Liu Haiyu stopped, turned around, and said: "He is my nephew. He was sent by the sect to complete the mission with me. I also ask the two seniors to let him go."

"No." Hong Yu said with a firm expression, "If you don't want him to die in the difficulties later, you should let him stay. At least, we are here, and no one can hurt him for the time being."

Liu Haiyu's expression froze, and he thought in his mind: "There is no reason for these two sword spirits to harm Junior Nephew Cai Bin. With the skills of these two, they can only guard the mountainside of Lingjian Mountain and the people on the top of the mountain. I don’t know how dangerous the situation will be. If I go there with Cai Bin and fail to protect him, I will be harming him. Master Nephew Fan died due to my carelessness, and I must protect Master Nephew Cai.”

Thinking of this, Liu Haiyu walked up to Cai Bin and whispered: "Cai Bin, nephew, you should stay here for the time being. There are two senior sword spirits here to protect you. You wait for me here, I will definitely Will come back to take you away."

"Me? This?" Cai Bin was speechless for a moment.

I thought, if I had just faced these two sword spirits, I would have ended up being cut into pieces. The risks on top of the mountain are probably even more unimaginable. Since I can't help my junior uncle, I can't at least hold him back.

Thinking like this, Cai Bin felt relieved.

Cai Bin nodded and said, "Uncle Junior, I listen to you."

"Then I'd like to thank you two seniors, Hai Yu would be very grateful." Liu Haiyu clasped his hands and bowed deeply.

Yinyu and Hongyu, while lifting Liu Haiyu up, said: "Young Master Liu is out of sight. We have been staying here for thousands of years, and we are also following the master's orders to contribute to the Qinglian Dojo. You two are Qinglian. We should provide the disciples in the dojo with the help we can.”

Liu Haiyu thanked him again, and then strode towards the exit of the Sword Forest. Halfway through, he stopped and looked back at Cai Bin. No words were needed, just nodding to each other.

Not long after, Liu Haiyu's figure disappeared at the end of the Sword Forest.


Looking at Liu Haiyu's leaving figure, Cai Bin let out a long sigh, his eyes turned red, and two lines of tears fell down.

He cried like a child.

Seeing this, Yin Yu asked in confusion: "Cai Bin, why are you crying? With Liu Haiyu's skills, even if he cannot complete the subsequent tasks, he can probably escape unscathed. Otherwise, the two of us will not let him get away from here. past."

"I'm not worried about my junior uncle, I'm thinking of my senior brother Fan." Cai Bin said, taking down a pair of silver sword cases from his back.

"The two Dao swords in this sword box, one belongs to me, and the other belongs to my senior brother Fan. They have the same names as ours, and they are also called "Lingcang Dual Swords". Before, in order to protect me, senior brother Fan unfortunately... Fallen. I vowed to cultivate the "Lingcang Dual Swords" to become famous, but I found that I was powerless, and even my junior uncle couldn't help. "

At this point, Cai Bin burst into tears and couldn't speak. Tears welled up and accidentally fell on the sword box, pattering, as if telling a heartbreaking past.

While crying, Cai Bin stretched out his sleeves to wipe the tears on the sword box. Those who love swords love the sword more than themselves.

When Yin Yu and Hong Yu saw this, they suddenly felt good. Sword spirits are always naturally dependent on people who love swords, and a bold idea came into their minds at the same time.

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