True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 632 Two-faced strange fish

The eyes of Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu were filled with rolling purple mist, as huge as a purple sea.

And within the purple mist, there was a shadowy figure, as if there was a huge thing existing in it. But the purple mist blocked their spiritual consciousness, preventing Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu from seeing its face clearly.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, stretched out his nose and sniffed, and then said loudly: "Master Xu Yang, that thing in the purple mist is the ancient monster."

At this moment, the voice from before sounded again: "The damn flying sword formation has imprisoned me here for a thousand years."

As soon as he finished speaking, in the rolling purple mist, a two-faced "strange fish" that was a hundred feet long appeared. The body of this strange fish is like a whale, with purple magic lines on its skin. Under its two fish faces, there is only one big mouth. The mouth is so huge that it takes up almost half of its huge body.

The four eyes on its two faces were shining with purple light, staring intently at Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu below.

"Tell me, who are you two? How did you enter this flying sword formation? Tell me and I will spare your life. You know, the human monks from the Northern Territory who were devoured by me thousands of years ago have... How much?" one of the fish faces said.

"It should be nine thousand six hundred and eighty-six." Another fish face responded.

In the eyes of Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu, the two sentences before and after the strange fish were spoken by the same mouth were like asking and answering questions, which was quite ridiculous.

But the powerful aura exuding from the two-faced monster fish made them dare not underestimate it.

"Yes, that's the number. Do you two also want to make up the number?" The strange fish rolled its eyes and stopped at Ming Lin on Xu Yang's shoulder, "And you, the black demon dragon, also Let’s make up the numbers together?”

If it were left in the past, Ming Lin would definitely say, what are you looking at? If the other party answers, look at you. Ming Lin will definitely pounce on him immediately and beat him violently.

At this moment, Ming Lin rolled his two black eyes and said loudly: "You big fish, are you talking about me? When this demon dragon was at its peak, even if you were my little brother, I didn't even look down on you. I am the demon dragon ancestral beast Ming Lin, have you heard of it?”

As soon as Xu Yang heard Ming Lin start talking about his glorious history again, he knew that the strength of the two-faced fish in front of him made Ming Lin afraid.

Although Ming Lin is a violent black man, he is not reckless in every fight. Being able to accurately measure the opponent's strength is the reason why Ming Lin will most likely win in a fight. This is also one of the reasons why it has existed since ancient times.

Otherwise, in the ancient times, the interface was chaotic, and all the spirits were fighting for hegemony. They were all ruthless characters with incredible abilities. Those who survive may not be the most powerful creatures. Only those with enough brains have a better chance of surviving.

When the strange fish heard what Ming Lin said, its two faces were stunned at the same time, and then said: "Is it the black scale dragon ancestral beast, one of the three branches of the ancient demon dragon? I have heard of it, it is a very powerful existence. However, you can only be regarded as a little person now. I am also a descendant of the ancient beast demon Kun clan."

"It turns out that you are also a descendant of the ancient beasts. It is a coincidence to see you here. How did you get trapped here?" Ming Lin continued to ask.

"I, the Mokun clan, were inspired by the power of Yuan Mo and became one of the totem beasts of the Yuan Mo clan. Thousands of years ago, a war between humans and demons took place here. I was channeled to this place by the demon priests using the method of sacrifice. I like to devour human monks the most, what a feast..." The two-faced fish paused and said in a cold tone: "You monster dragon, don't get close to me. Tell me how you got into this sword formation. Yes. If you can take me out of here, I won't eat you. Otherwise, I will use you to stuff my teeth."

Xu Yang immediately interjected: "Of course we know this, but we can't tell you. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you exchange it for something?"


"Magic crystal."

When the two-faced monster fish heard this, the two strange faces immediately became ferocious, "So you are here to steal the magic crystal in my body. It was refined by me for thousands of years. If I give it to you, it is equivalent to taking it." I have half my life.”

When Xu Yang heard that the strange fish admitted that it had the magic crystal, he felt happy and said, "The magic crystal that saved Master's life has been found."

With a solemn expression, he said: "Don't you, a big fish, like to eat people? Coincidentally, I, Xu Xiaoxian, like to eat fish very much. Braised feather wings, sauce-flavored fish maw, fish head with chopped pepper... are all my favorites."

"So you are a cook. I like to eat people, and you like to eat fish. Why do I feel there is something wrong?" said the strange fish with two faces.

"Do it!" Xu Yang suddenly sent a message to Liu Haiyu.

To strike first was the advantage, and Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang clenched his right fist tightly, raised one arm, and a black dragon-shaped evil spirit circled around his right arm and disappeared into it.

Click, click, click, the bones of Xu Yang's right arm creaked, and a black demonic atmosphere swirled on the surface. On his exposed wrists and fists, there were pieces of shiny black dragon scales, and the entire right arm was filled with demonic dragons. change.

Xu Yang's own Kung Fu aura suddenly increased a lot.

"Dragon Fire Fist!"

The punch came out, the dragon roared, and the black fire shot through the air.

The fist wind conjured up the shape of a black dragon that was more than ten feet in size, as if it were a real demon dragon descending. It rolled up hundreds of feet of demon dragon fire, rumbled, and rushed towards the two-faced monster fish opposite.

Almost at the same time, Liu Haiyu beside Xu Yang also took action.

Liu Haiyu learned the secret method of Taoist Luck. He was dressed in blue clothes and looked like water. The pressure around him rolled and dispersed, one wave after another, like the raging waves of the sea.

He stretched out his hands, and his fingers were like willow tips on the shore playing with the breeze, raising a string of shadows.

"Puff puff puff... puff puff puff..." Countless blue water spells appeared out of thin air.

"Water Dragon Curse!"

The next moment, the blue water charms were connected into a string, and in an instant they transformed into the shape of a blue dragon.


With a dragon roar, the blue water dragon surged away with a huge wave of a hundred feet.

One black fire, one blue water, two dragon shapes, rushing side by side, a mammoth and rare sight.

The two-faced strange fish on the opposite side immediately shouted: "I remember, you are trying to make me into a boiled fish."

Even though he said this, the two-faced fish didn't dare to neglect it.

The large purple magic lines on its body flickered, and suddenly the magic energy surged into the sky, and purple mist rolled.

Immediately afterwards, the two-faced fish opened its mouth wide.

"Devoured by the devil."

In the huge mouth of the two-faced monster fish, a clear purple magic spiral appeared. The magic spiral rotated rapidly, making a squeaking sound, and purple lightning rushed around.

The next moment, the fire dragon and water dragon sacrificed by Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu went directly into the purple magic whirlpool in the mouth of the two-faced fish.

With a snap, the two-faced monster fish closed its big mouth like a tightly sealed bag.

"Bang bang." Two thunderous sounds came from the strange fish's mouth.

The two-faced monster fish's 100-foot-long body swayed, and its four eyes couldn't help but spin in their sockets.

After a while, the eyes of the two-faced fish stabilized, and the dragon-shaped techniques of Xu Yang and the two were completely swallowed by it.

"The two heavens of water and fire, it tastes good." The two-faced strange fish clapped its mouth, "But I will taste your flesh next. The consequences of provoking me will be to fill my teeth."

The two-faced monster fish twisted its body and rushed forward. The demonic energy rolled like a tide. It opened its huge mouth and was about to swallow Xu Yang and the two alive.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu's voice came to Xu Yang's ears: "Brother Xiaoxian, you feint attack first and hold it back for a moment, and I will take the opportunity to cast a spell to seal its huge mouth."

Xu Yang understood immediately and nodded.

"Big fish, if you want to eat me, Xu Xiaoxian, it depends on whether your mouth is stronger or my fist is stronger."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang punched out with both fists. In an instant, it was the shadow of a hundred fists. Every punch is blessed with dragon-shaped power, and the fire of a hundred dragons is extremely awe-inspiring.

"Are you here again? In addition to the sword array outside, there is nothing that I can't swallow." The two-faced fish said disdainfully.

Repeating the same trick, the two-faced monster fish opened its mouth at an incredible angle, and the same purple magic whirlpool swirled in its mouth.

"Devoured by the devil."

The might of a hundred dragons were connected in a string, and after a long while, they all entered the mouth of the two-faced strange fish.

"What a powerful devouring power." Xu Yang couldn't help being surprised when he saw this.

Just when the giant mouth of the two-faced monster fish closed.

Liu Haiyu turned one hand into a sword-like shape and placed it between his eyebrows.

Suddenly, a blue line flashed in the middle of his eyebrows, and a "third eye" appeared. It was the third eye that Liu Haiyu had cultivated.

In the Dharma Eyes, the blue spiritual light flickered and jumped, and instantly weaved a blue spiritual light green lotus.

This aura green lotus is only about an inch in size. It was transformed by the ultimate divine power, but it looks like the real thing, only more crystal clear and dazzling. The small spiritual light green lotus looks like a bud ready to bloom, but it exudes indescribable power. It is exactly the source of the Taoist power that Liu Haiyu possesses.

At this moment, in the third eye between Liu Haiyu's eyebrows, the aura green lotus was slowly opening its outermost petals. And the aura of Liu Haiyu's body suddenly increased several times.

"Sealing Technique Qinglian Seal!"

Liu Haiyu flicked his ten fingers, and lotus petal-like charms flew out, numbering in the tens of thousands. The green light is brilliant and brilliant, as stunning as a goddess scattering flowers.

The next moment, countless green lotus charms flew to the closed mouth of the two-faced strange fish.

Puff puff puff... puff puff puff...

They were posted one after another, forming a large piece in an instant, and runes in the shape of green lotus swirled out, like a big net covering the mouth of the two-faced monster fish, and a powerful sealing force immediately spread out.

The two-faced strange fish shook its hundred-foot-long body vigorously, pulling its upper and lower jaws back and forth. Purple electric arcs exploded around its mouth, but it could not open its mouth immediately.

"Master Xu Yang, beat it." Ming Lin said through a message.

With a "pop" sound, a pair of black fire wings sprouted from Xu Yang's back.

The black fire wings spread out and the body flew away.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang flipped his wrist, and there was a golden flying knife in his hand, which was the golden-winged flying knife.

As her body rushed forward, her consciousness urged the Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit in the Zifu space, and at the same time, the Buddha's spiritual veins in her body were running at full speed.

"Thousand-step Zen Kill!"


Xu Yang's body showed the shadow of a three-legged golden crow, solid and real. He stretched out one arm straight, holding the handle of the golden-winged flying knife tightly in his hand, and pointed the tip of the knife directly between the eyebrows of the two-faced strange fish opposite him.

A string of golden crow phantoms appeared throughout his body, and the speed was so fast that it was comparable to teleportation.

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