True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 633 Weird Magic Crystal

The tip of the golden-winged flying knife that Xu Yang clenched tightly in his hand spit out a blade that was three feet long and as sharp as the golden sun. The power of the powerful Golden Crow Flame Spirit had materialized, like a sword of the sun.

The next moment, a straight line of golden light cut through the eyebrows of the two-faced strange fish. Just like the morning sun, it is unstoppable.


Extremely sharp!

Unparalleled sharpness!

There was almost no sound, and the two-faced fish's hundred-foot-long body started directly from the center of the eyebrows, all in two.

The two-faced fish's faces were parted to both sides, and its four eyes looked at each other, as if seeing itself in the mirror, with a look of horror on its face.


As the two-faced monster fish let out a mournful cry, its two halves exploded with a bang, turning into a large rolling mass of purple mist, like a group of crowded purple monsters struggling for a long time.

This time, Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu cooperated perfectly.

Xu Yang flew back with a golden-winged flying knife.

"Master Xu Yang, have we succeeded? This big fish can't be so miserable, right? It's really a disgrace to the ancient beast. Fortunately, it has two faces, and both of them were lost." Ming Lin appeared, quipped.

Xu Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the rolling purple demonic energy on the opposite side and said, "It's indeed a little too easy."

Liu Haiyu said: "Perhaps the thousand-year imprisonment of the Flying Sword Formation has greatly reduced the strength of this strange fish. When the purple mist on the opposite side dissipates, we can go in and look for the magic crystal."

"Master Xu Yang, what do you think that is?" Ming Lin suddenly shouted.

The purple mist on the opposite side subsided slightly, revealing the sharp corners of two shiny objects.

Ming Lin puffed up his cheeks and blew loudly.


The evil wind swept across, and the purple mist on the opposite side dispersed like birds and beasts.

Where the body of the two-faced fish disappeared, there were two more "mirror crystals" about ten feet in size on the ground. They are without a trace of blemish, pure as water, smooth as mirror.

"Is this the magic crystal? Two big pieces like this? We've made a fortune." Ming Lin said.

"Let's go over and take a look." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu stepped forward.

A strange scene happened. The two mirror crystals actually reflected the figures of strange fish with two faces, but at the moment they only had one face.

In the two mirror crystals, a weird grin appeared on the face of the two-faced strange fish, and they said in unison: "You two did have some tricks, and you actually destroyed my body. But that body has been imprisoned for a thousand years, and it has exhausted its oil. The lamp is dead. Next, I will let you know how powerful I am."

As soon as he finished speaking, the image of the two-faced strange fish in the magic crystal was distorted, and each of them actually appeared in two figures.

The shadow of Xu Yang was reflected in the magic crystal in front of Xu Yang, but his face was full of anger, and there was a purple magic swirl mark between his eyebrows.

The shadow of Liu Haiyu was also reflected in the magic crystal in front of Liu Haiyu, and there was also a purple magic swirl mark between the shadow's eyebrows.

The next moment, the two people in the magic crystal actually walked out.

Ming Lin stuck his head out to look at the body, pointed his paw at the fake Xu Yang opposite and yelled loudly: "You are a fake, my master is with me. You fake, you are just a person."

At this moment, Ming Lin's appearance was reflected in the magic crystal. In addition to being completely black, there was also a purple mark between his eyebrows.

The magic crystal just flashed, and the fake underworld scales came out.

Ming Lin stretched out his nose and sniffed, and said with a surprised look on his face: "Except for the purple magic swirl between the eyebrows, even the breath is the same. What method did this strange fish with two faces use?"

At this moment, the fake Ming Lin came out of the mirror and said, "Master Xu Yang, beat them up." His tone of voice was the same as Ming Lin's.

As soon as the words fell, it turned into a black demonic energy that swirled around the fake Xu Yang's arm, making a gurgling sound. The fake Xu Yang's arm had transformed into a demonic dragon, with the surface covered with dark scales, and the aura suddenly increased a lot.

Ming Lin saw this and said angrily: "Master Xu Yang, beat these two fakes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ming Lin turned into a black demonic energy, swirled on Xu Yang's arm, and also transformed into a demonic dragon.

The real and fake Xu Yang looked at each other and took action almost at the same time.

It was also punched out by the demonic dragon's right fist.

Punch out! The dragon roared and black fire broke through the sky.


The same technique has the same power.

Evenly matched, the black fire exploded and the strong wind rolled back.

Xu Yang couldn't help being surprised and said loudly: "Is this an illusion? An illusion that copies moves?"

Thinking of this, Xu Yang simply stood there, motionless.

The fake Xu Yang on the opposite side walked over with a ferocious smile on his face and punched out suddenly.

The fist wind transformed, the black dragon's fire roared, the real spiritual pressure, and the oppressive void creaked.

When Xu Yang saw this, he didn't dare to be negligent, and also punched forward.

Bang! The same moves collided again, and the two were evenly matched.

"How strange that this fake can strike first? Could it be that if I can do it, this fake can also do it?"

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang flipped his wrist, and the golden-winged flying knife came out again. The black fire wings rolled up behind him, and he used the Fire Wings Chasing Wind Movement technique, combined with the golden-winged flying knife in his hand, to launch an attack.

What surprised Xu Yang again was.

The fake Xu Yang on the opposite side also flipped his wrist, with a golden-winged flying knife in his hand, and also had black fire wings on his back, and he was fighting with Xu Yang in the blink of an eye.

Regardless of the style of the attack, the strength of the attack, and the coercion in the moves, the two are generally the same.

Jingle, jingle, jingle. In the blink of an eye, the flying knives in the hands of the two clashed more than a hundred times. The golden threads cut and sparks flew everywhere, making it difficult to determine the winner.

Xu Yang was puzzled, he took back the golden-winged flying knife, turned over his hand and took out the four magic long sticks.

Flame Spirit Break, the power of beacon fire... six or seven methods were changed in succession. But the result is the same, and the fake Xu Yang on the opposite side also uses the same method to deal with it.

"Is it possible to copy the moves I used instantly?" Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang did not imagine what A'Zhu meant. A'Zhu can be said to be Xu Yang's biggest trump card, his closest comrade-in-arms, and his best dual cultivation partner. If A'Zhu is copied by the other party again, Xu Yang will have no other more effective means.

"This fake is so fake, it really makes this demon dragon angry. Master Xu Yang, beat it hard." Ming Lin said through the voice transmission.

On the other side, Liu Haiyu and the fake Liu Haiyu were also fighting together. Both of them hold Ruoshui swords in their hands.

The art of Dao Talisman, Ruoshui Sword Domain, Qinglian Dharma Seal... Liu Haiyu also used six or seven methods, but the result was the same as Xu Yang, and was blocked by the fake Liu Haiyu on the opposite side with the same moves.

"If this continues, even if we fight for three days and three nights, there will be no winner. Wouldn't it be exhausting?" Liu Haiyu said with a surprised look on his face.

What worries Liu Haiyu even more is that every time the fake Liu Haiyu on the opposite side performs his moves, he doesn't show any signs of physical inadequacy or fatigue. If you continue to fight against a tireless self, the result can be imagined.

At this moment, Xu Yang's voice came to Liu Haiyu's ear: "Brother Haiyu, why don't you and I change our opponents? I'll see how this guy can copy our methods."

"It's a good idea." Liu Haiyu's heart brightened when he heard this, and he immediately sent a message to respond.

Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang pretended to retreat and approached the opponent's battle circle.

Then the two of them jumped up at the same time and exchanged opponents.

Xu Yang faced the fake Liu Haiyu.

"Let me see how many of Brother Haiyu's methods you have learned."

The fake Liu Haiyu looked at Xu Yang across from him and was startled at first. Then the purple magic swirl mark between his eyebrows suddenly started to spin in reverse, and then his body began to move rapidly.

Before Xu Yang could make a move, the fake Liu Haiyu took action first.

Dressed in blue clothes like water, the pressure around her body rolled away, one wave after another, like the roar of the sea.

Then, he reached forward with both hands, extending his two index fingers in parallel, and the blue lights on his fingertips flickered. Without stopping, as his wrists and fingers kept making gestures in the void, strings of blue Taoist spells poured out like clouds and flowing water.

"Tao curse Thousand Layers of Water!"

Suddenly, a series of transparent water walls with complex Taoist curse seals painted on the surface, and a size of about ten feet, appeared one after another from the fingertips of the fake Liu Haiyu's left and right hands. They formed a row in the blink of an eye, thousands of layers connected, as if the waves were crashing on the shore, and they were continuous.

Seeing this, Xu Yang stretched out his arms, turned his palms over, and earth-golden flames and blue flames spewed out from his left and right palms.

"Ghost escapes a thousand layers of fire!"

In an instant, two torrents of earth-gold and azure flames spurted out. In the blue flames there were cyan dolphins jumping, while in the earth-gold flames there were bat-winged ghost babies roaring.

The next moment, two torrents of flames gathered together, like a double-color flame dragon rushing out with terrifying power.

"Boom, boom, boom." The water vapor boiled, the fire light flew, and the spiritual pressure exploded.

After a while, the power of both sides' moves was exhausted, and it was almost a draw.

Fake Liu Haiyu, the purple magic whirlpool between his eyebrows is spinning again.

He turned one hand over, blue water condensed in his palm, and a Ruoshui sword appeared.

The water sword in his hand was thrown in front of him, and the azure sword body kept spinning and shining with dazzling light. Then the sword tip fell into the void, leaving only a circle of blue ripples in the void.

Next, the fake Liu Haiyu closed his eyes slightly, and his whole person suddenly became quiet. Even his blue clothes did not waver at all. The whole person is like a mirror lake without any ripples.


The stillness of the Tao!

The stillness of the waterway!

As his slightly closed eyes slowly opened, his whole body suddenly started to move, and he was dressed in blue and dancing like a wave of blue water. The whole person is like a great river, with waves stretching thousands of miles.


The movement of Tao!

Movement of the waterway!

I saw him extending his sword finger to face the opposite side.

"Sword Domain Ruo Shui Blue Dragon Slash!"

Immediately, a violent wave arose in the blue water field under his feet. In the violent wave, the unparalleled sword intention transformed into a hundred-foot sword green dragon and jumped out.

Stegosaurus breaks through the air! Unstoppable!

Almost at the same time, Xu Yang on the opposite side also made a response.

He flipped his wrist, purple and gold light flowed, and the Four Illusion Long Stick was grasped in his hand.

Divine consciousness prompted.


Accompanied by a dragon's roar, a black dragon's demonic aura surrounded the four-illusion long stick and blessed it.

On the surface of the Four Magic Long Stick, black light flows, and the power of the demon dragon takes shape. A protruding dragon-shaped pattern appears on the originally smooth surface, like a demon dragon weapon from the barbaric era.

Immediately, Xu Yang threw the Sihuan long stick in front of him.

In the void, a black halo lit up, and the four magic long sticks disappeared into it.

Suddenly, circles of black demonic dragon energy billowed out. In the demonic aura, there seemed to be hundreds of black dragons rolling around, which was the realm of the demonic dragon.

Without stopping for a moment, the magic formula in Xu Yang's hand changed, and he moved a little away.

"The demon realm's golden armor and black dragon are broken!"

The next moment, the demon wind roared, and a hundred-foot-long black dragon jumped out from the demon realm, but the black dragon was covered in a pair of shining purple and gold battle armor.

The shapes of the blue dragon and the black dragon collided in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

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