True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 634 Magic Crystal

The sound of explosions was like thunder that exploded one after another, and circles of strong wind beat against the void, swinging hundreds of miles away.

Visible to the naked eye, blue, black, and purple-gold spiritual power fluctuations are flying like torn strips of cloth.

Shattered, torn apart, extremely terrifying.

After a while, the power of both sides' moves was exhausted, and it was almost a draw.

The fake Liu Haiyu had no expression on his face and retracted the "Ruoshui Sword" with his right hand. The purple magic swirl mark between his eyebrows rotated again, preparing to activate the next move.

"Its moves are about as powerful as the real Liu Haiyu. It will be difficult to win if it continues like this. We can't let it use endless moves. Looking at the magic swirl mark between its eyebrows, it is obviously a magic method."

Thinking of this, Xu Yang's eyes sharpened, and he had a countermeasure in his mind.

With one move with one hand, he withdrew the Four Magic Long Stick and put it into his storage bag.

Next, Xu Yang turned his left hand, revealing a light cyan light, which was a green sandalwood Buddha bead. Immediately, he raised his left hand and the green sandalwood Buddha beads were thrown into the high sky on the opposite side.

The green sandalwood Buddha beads swirled around, and in a blink of an eye they became about ten feet in size. The thirty-one Buddha beads on them were like thirty-one young monks sitting cross-legged. The surface exudes brilliant green flowers, and a large number of pale golden Sanskrit characters are flowing continuously, accompanied by the faint singing of Sanskrit sounds.

The power of Buddhism's righteousness is self-evident, and it is a natural way to restrain evil obstacles.

The green sandalwood Buddha beads at this time were one more than the original thirty beads, and they were left by "Yin Mengting". And this thirty-one Buddhist bead is larger than the other thirty beads. There are light golden ripples flowing on the surface, revealing indescribable mysterious power.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang silently recited the Qing Tan Kung Fu in his mind, holding his hands slightly apart.

"Buzz!" There was a sound.

On the green sandalwood Buddha beads, Sanskrit words spurted out like a golden frenzy, and turned into a shackles of Buddhist words, falling from the sky like a golden dragon.

The shackles of Buddha's words immediately entangled the fake Liu Haiyu on the opposite side, and the powerful power of Buddhist imprisonment immediately burst out.

The magic swirl mark on the fake Liu Haiyu's eyebrows paused and could not operate smoothly. Purple demonic energy rolled on the surface of his body, and his moves could no longer be activated smoothly.

"It's now."

The Buddha's spiritual veins in Xu Yang's body were running continuously, and the power of the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit was instantly blessed. The golden fire wings rolled up behind him and he flew up.

As he flew forward, he held the golden-winged flying knife in his hand again.

The shining tip of the knife reaches the fake Liu Haiyu on the opposite side.

"Thousand-step Zen Killing with Thousand Steps of Flying Knife Skill!"

Xu Yang's whole person looked like a divine bird rushing out of the Palace of the Sun.

Just for a moment, a straight line of golden light passed between the eyebrows of the fake Liu Haiyu opposite.

While Xu Yang and the fake Liu Haiyu were fighting, there was also a one-on-one contest between Liu Haiyu and the fake Xu Yang on the other side.

The magic swirl mark on fake Xu Yang's eyebrows swirled, and the fake underworld scales on his shoulders disappeared. The next moment, demonic energy rolled over his body, and his arms were covered with black scales.

The fake Xu Yang who transformed into a dragon and beast punched out both fists at the same time.

"Dragon-shaped Hundred Fists!"

In an instant, the fist moved hundreds of shadows, and the dragon shapes roared.

The power is so great that the void collapses.

When Liu Haiyu on the opposite side saw this, he didn't panic at all and was dressed in blue clothes like water.

He stretched out his right hand seemingly slowly. The white and slender five fingers fluctuated as nimbly as playing a harp, and above the fingertips, lines of blue water kept jumping.

Instantly, pieces of water-blue Taoist symbols floated out. Above the Taoist symbols, the water line swam, as agile as a fish, auspicious and upright.

At the beginning of the Tao formation, you can pick it up at your fingertips.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

Above the Tao formation, there was the sound of thunderous waves singing, and circles of azure spiritual energy bloomed.

The next moment, the Tao formation swirled, and two blue koi fish appeared out of thin air. The koi carp is transformed from a Taoist talisman and is crystal clear. Its scales, fins, eyes and whiskers are all clearly visible, making it look like a living creature. There are circles of pure blue auspicious air circulating on the surface.

"Tao Talisman Water Pisces!"

In the blink of an eye, the Pisces swung its tail and suddenly became five or six feet in size.

Wherever it passes, a storm rises from the flat ground. Pisces rides on the water, rides on the waves, and meets the waves.

But the Pisces Talisman Formation technique seems to be slightly weaker than the dragon-shaped Hundred Fist technique on the opposite side.

As soon as the two sides touched, the black dragon roared, the water splashed backwards, and the Pisces retreated faintly.

When Liu Haiyu saw this, he remained calm and unhurried.

The magic formula in his hand changed, and a series of dragon-like auras blessed the Pisces Talisman Array. Within the impacting Pisces Talisman Formation, a powerful force suddenly exploded. In the blooming water, blue runes exploded on the surface of the Pisces Rune Array, making a sizzling sound.

"Tao Fu Technique Fish Jumps Over the Dragon Gate!"

Astonishingly, the Pisces Talisman Array twisted, and the pair of blue Pisces jumped up. While shaking their heads and tails, they actually transformed into a pair of water-bending blue dragons, and their size became even larger.

The dragon's beards rolled, its angry mouth and claws turned upside down, stirring the world and the world. Its power was several times greater than the previous Pisces Talisman Array.

In the end, Liu Haiyu's Dao Talisman Technique Yu Yuan Longmen was evenly matched with the counterfeit Xu Yang's Fist of Hundred Dragons.

After one move failed, the magic swirl mark on fake Xu Yang's eyebrows continued to rotate, and the moves changed again.

His hands formed the Flame Spirit Seal. On the surface of the seal, the images of the Blue Water Flame Spirit, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit and the Golden Crow Flame Spirit are clearly visible.

The next moment, the Flame Spirit Seal suddenly shot out.


The Flame Spirit Seal instantly turned into a size of about ten feet, and then three streams of fire that were more than ten feet in size suddenly spread out.

A streak of golden color turned into a golden crow with golden feathers and three legs. It was the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha.

A streak of earth and gold transformed into a ghost baby with two horns on its head, two wings on its back, and a golden scorpion tail. It was the Flame Wheel Spirit.

A streak of blue turned into a round-headed blue flame dolphin with graceful lines. It was the Blue Water Flame Spirit.

The three flame spirits appeared together, delineating a powerful flame spirit domain.

"The three-phase flame spirit is broken!"

In an instant, the golden crow stepped on the fire, the ghost baby roared, and the spirit dolphin made waves. The power of the flame spirit was powerful enough to break through the void.

"It's actually the same as what the real Xu Yang performed." Liu Haiyu's expression remained unchanged, but he was shocked in his heart.

Facing the powerful Flame Spirit Breaking move, Liu Haiyu did not dare to neglect,

He stretched out the index finger of his left hand, used the finger as a pen, used the void as paper, and moved his fingers like flying. He quickly drew three strips of Taoist talismans in the void in front of him. The Taoist mantras outlined on the Taoist talismans were swimming like blue spiritual fish.

Immediately afterwards, three spiritual talismans circled rapidly around Liu Haiyu's body at a distance of about ten feet. Lines of blue arcs popped up on the surface of the Taoist talisman, making a crackling sound. Between the three talismans, the power of the talismans was connected into pieces, and a small Taoist array was formed.

"The Dao Curse Dao Formation is guiding!"

Immediately, the void shook violently, and the water-attribute spiritual power within a hundred miles radius gathered crazily as if being summoned. For a moment, the wind and clouds surged, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

Suddenly, a huge funnel-shaped spiritual vortex formed in the sky above Liu Haiyu's head. The next moment, these spiritual powers surged towards Liu Haiyu's body like a whale sucking water.

This huge amount of spiritual energy, pulled by Liu Hai's rain talisman, quickly formed a field around his body that he could control, full of water spiritual energy.

With the blessing of the Dao Curse Domain, Liu Haiyu's martial arts aura has been rising steadily.

Without stopping for a moment, the magic formula in Liu Haiyu's hand changed, and a green lotus seal on his fingertips slowly rotated.

With a bang, the Green Lotus Seal popped out and landed in the Tao Formation field.

The green lotus floats on the water, and the Tao is natural.

Suddenly, the green lotus seal flashed, and a green lotus shadow tens of feet in size appeared.

"Tao Formation Dao Fa Qinglian!"

Nuo Da's green lotus shadow flew up and blocked the sky above Liu Haiyu's head.

The next moment, the Three-Phase Flame Spirit Po slammed into the Qinglian phantom.

The three-color flowing fire of earth, gold, azure, and gold is whirling, and the dust-free lotus shadow is spread out from the surface of the green lotus shadow, standing firm and motionless.

After a long while, the power of the three-phase flame spirit breaking move was exhausted, and it was still unable to break through the defense of Qinglian in the Tao formation.

Fake Xu Yang's face was expressionless, and the magic whirlpool between his eyebrows started turning again. Without any intention of stopping, he turned over with one hand, and the "Four Magic Long Sticks" appeared in his hands.

Boom! The Four Magic Long Sticks were thrust into the ground. With the Four Magic Long Sticks as the center, waves of fire rolled out, and the flame field was formed instantly.

"Are you going to launch the Beacon Field? If this continues, it will be too difficult to deal with." Liu Haiyu shook his head slightly, his eyes gleaming, showing a serious look.

Liu Haiyu turned one hand into a sword-like shape and placed it between his eyebrows.

Suddenly, a blue line flashed in the middle of his eyebrows, and a "third eye" appeared. It was the third eye that Liu Haiyu had cultivated.

In the Dharma Eyes, the blue spiritual light flickered and jumped, and instantly weaved a blue spiritual light green lotus.

This aura green lotus is only about an inch in size. It was transformed by the ultimate divine power, but it looks like the real thing, only more crystal clear and dazzling. The small spiritual light green lotus looks like a bud ready to blossom, but it exudes indescribable power. It is exactly the ray of Taoist power possessed by Liu Haiyu.

At this moment, in the third eye between Liu Haiyu's eyebrows, the aura green lotus was blooming at a speed visible to the naked eye. The aura of Liu Haiyu's body suddenly increased several times.

"Sealing Technique Qinglian Seal!"

Liu Haiyu flicked his ten fingers, and lotus petal-like charms flew out, numbering in the tens of thousands. The blue light is brilliant and brilliant, just like a goddess scattering flowers.

Countless green lotus charms fell into the field of fire cast by the fake Xu Yang on the opposite side, and the powerful sealing power suddenly spread out.

The world shook, and the originally red Fire Domain was covered with a light green color. Immediately, the realm of fire quickly receded.

The fake Xu Yang held the "Four Illusion Long Sticks" and tried to activate the Beacon Realm, but he couldn't do it.

Liu Haiyu shouted coldly: "Fake, it is fake after all."

After finishing his words, he raised one hand and slashed out like a water sword.

If hundreds of water lines roll on the surface of the water sword, a huge wave will rise out of thin air, just like a blue dragon rising out of the sea.


There was a crisp sound, and the fake Xu Yang on the opposite side was split open from head to toe with a sword.

Almost at the same time, Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu's respective "opponents" were cut in half.

The bodies of fake Xu Yang and fake Liu Haiyu exploded with a bang, creating billowing purple mist. At the same time, the two huge crystals on which they appeared turned into dots of starlight and disappeared.

At this moment, a purple line rolled down in the void opposite Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu.

"Plop!" It fell to the ground, and it turned out to be a purple double-faced devil fish about a foot in size.

"Impossible? You actually broke my magic crystal illusion technique."

The purple double-faced devil fish jumped twice reluctantly, then turned into a ball of purple mist and disappeared.

The purple mist subsided, and two more inch-sized transparent "crystals" appeared in the original position of the double-faced devil fish.

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