In the Forest of Swords.

From time to time, silver thread-like sword energy pops out from the surface of the sword trees, like a dark web, connected into a patchwork, strange and unpredictable. It is also like fallen leaves, fluttering in and out, making it difficult for people to enter easily.

At this moment, there was a sound at the edge of the Sword Forest.

A ball of blue light and shadow lit up a large space.

It was a blue body-protecting light shield. Under the mask of light, a young man in green and a young man in blue entered the Sword Forest side by side.

It was Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu used the secret method of swordsmanship to activate the power of the sword domain to draw a small sword barrier outside the two people's bodies. On the surface of the sword barrier, a strong herring phantom moves up and down, its blue scales flashing, hiding the supreme sword intention.

As soon as the lingering sword energy in the Forest of Swords touched the surface of the blue light shield, just like a kitten seeing a tiger, they all moved away without even making a sound.

In front of the sword domain barrier formed by the high-level sword intention activated by Liu Haiyu, the sword intention in the Sword Forest seemed extremely crude and pale in comparison.

In the open space deep in the Forest of Swords, a young Taoist sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

Carrying a pair of shiny silver sword cases on his back, with delicate green lotus patterns embroidered on his cuffs, it was none other than Cai Bin.

At this moment, Cai Bin was seriously closing his eyes and breathing.

Chaotic spiritual power fluctuations came from the Forest of Swords, setting off a dark wind that ruffled Cai Bin's Taoist robe.

Cai Bin's ears twitched, and his closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing a clear color.

"Did someone break into the Forest of Swords? If you go over and take a look, you will see that it is probably the young master who successfully retrieved the root of the Tao Fruit and returned."

In Cai Bin's heart, there is nothing that his junior uncle Liu Haiyu cannot do, and he firmly believes in Liu Haiyu's ability. In Cai Bin's heart, Liu Haiyu is the all-powerful little master uncle, and he is also a born idol in the entire Qinglian Dojo.

Stunning and decisive, it refers to someone like Liu Haiyu who has both enviable looks and enviable talent.

Cai Bin stood up, adjusted his Taoist robe slightly, and then identified the direction from which the strange movement had just come. Then he tapped his toes and floated away.

After all, Cai Bin is also an elite disciple of the Qinglian Dojo who has cultivated in the Yuanhun realm, and his body skills are also very high. With the protection of the two sword spirits Yin Yu and Hong Yu, the sword energy in the Sword Forest will not take the initiative. Attack him. His figure disappeared at one end of the Sword Forest in an instant.

Not long after, Cai Bin, who was escaping, saw Liu Haiyu returning from a distance. He went up to greet him with a smile on his face and said, "Little uncle, I knew it was you who came back."

"Cai Bin, just be safe." Liu Haiyu said.

When Cai Bin saw Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang standing side by side, looking quite close, he knew that Xu Yang was indeed as his junior uncle said, they were friends.

Although Cai Bin always maintained his pride as a Taoist in his heart, he also retained his contempt for the Ghost Sect monks. But he still cupped his fists slightly towards Xu Yang who was beside Liu Haiyu, and said loudly: "Cai Bin of Qinglian Dojo has met Mr. Xu."

His tone was loud, three-quarters polite, and seven-cent neither humble nor arrogant.

Xu Yang smiled, clasped his fists and returned the greeting: "I've met fellow Daoist Cai."

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, seemed to have seen through Cai Bin's thoughts. He rolled his black eyes at him with a look of disdain on his face and whispered in a low voice: "Stinky Taoist priest, you haven't taken a shower. Stay away." After finishing, it smacked its black hooked teeth towards Cai Bin.

Cai Bin cursed in his heart: "You black demon dragon, if my junior uncle hadn't been here, I would have let you know the power of the Ling Cang swords on my back."

Cai Bin lowered his head and pretended not to hear, then retreated behind Liu Haiyu. After all, Liu Haiyu's seniority is his junior uncle, so there is no place for him to be arrogant here.

Xu Yang turned his head and glanced at Ming Lin. Ming Lin immediately made a whistle, then turned around deliberately, wagging his tail and stopped making any sound.

Liu Haiyu looked behind Cai Bin, but there was no sign of the two sword spirits before, and then asked: "Cai Bin, why can't you see the two senior sword spirits Yin Yu and Hong Yu? I would also like to thank them for this." Time will protect you."

Cai Bin blushed, patted the pair of silver sword boxes on his back, and explained: "The two senior sword spirits Yin Yu and Hong Yu are temporarily living in the "Ling Cang Dual Swords". They want to stay with me." Let’s explore the world of sword cultivation together.”

Hearing this, Liu Haiyu felt happy for Cai Bin and congratulated: "This is really great. The Lingcang swords will definitely shine in the future."

Cai Bin suddenly burst into tears and said, "I am not fighting alone."

In Cai Bin's mind, although Senior Brother Fan has fallen, his soul will always be with him. With the help of the two sword spirits Yinyu and Hongyu, he firmly believed that it was Senior Brother Fan who was secretly helping him. He would definitely make Lingcang's twin swords famous in the world of sword cultivators.

Liu Haiyu did not explain to Cai Bin that Master Qingyu had become the sword spirit of his Ruoshui Sword. After all, Cai Bin is also a disciple of Qinglian Dojo. According to Master Qingyu's instructions, this matter will not be easily known to the disciples of the second Qinglian Dojo.

Liu Haiyu nodded and patted Cai Bin's shoulder gently with his hand to encourage him without any words.

Cai Bin felt warm in his heart: "If I remember correctly, this is the first time that my junior uncle has patted me on the shoulder so intimately. My junior junior uncle has always been arrogant, but today he seems so approachable. I will definitely not let him down." of encouragement.”

Cai Bin looked up and saw a blue sword box on Liu Haiyu's shoulder. The aura emanating from it was that of Ruoshui Sword.

"Uncle Junior, you have the temperament of a peak swordsman even more when you carry the sword box on your back." Cai Bin said enviously.

Liu Haiyu smiled indifferently, as cold as Liu Haiyu also liked to be praised.

"We work together."


After that, Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin left the Sword Forest. Along the way, Liu Haiyu briefly informed Cai Bin of what happened on the top of the mountain, naturally concealing the relationship between Qingmao Zhenren.

"So, our next plan is to catch up with the escaped demon saint and regain the root of the Dao Fruit." Cai Bin said.

"That's right." Liu Haiyu said.

Cai Bin didn't continue talking, muttering in his heart, hoping that I could help my junior uncle this time. Thinking in his mind, he couldn't help but touch the pair of sword boxes behind his back.

With the help of Yin Yu and Hong Yu, two high-level sword spirits from the sword spirit world, Cai Bin also gained considerable confidence.


The way down the mountain was smooth and smooth.

In less than half a day, Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin arrived near the gate of Jujian Mountain.

At this moment, on an originally smooth rock wall outside the gate of Jujian Mountain. Suddenly, a brown ripple formed.

Immediately afterwards, the seemingly smooth and hard surface of the rock mass rose up like cloth, and gradually the protruding part turned into the shape of a huge "stone tiger".


Shi Hu jumped to the ground, causing the ground to tremble and setting off a domineering wind.

The huge stone tiger was ten feet tall, with silver light shining in its eyes. On the back of the stone tiger, there were more than a hundred sword boxes neatly carried. It was the Great Immortal Tiger guarding the mountain gate.

"Who came to disturb me from resting again? It seems like troubled times have come." A pair of small ears on Tiger Immortal's head moved back and forth. "This time, it should be someone coming down from the mountain. Could it be that it's Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang?" The two young geniuses returned? It was impossible for them to reach the top of the mountain and return safely in such a short time. They must have retreated due to difficulties. I have said before that the formation restrictions on the top of the mountain are not that easy to pass. It's better to hide first, lest the two young geniuses don't get what they want and take it out on me. The Taoist swords and flying knives in their hands are not a joke."

While whispering to himself, Hu Daxian raised his head and looked at the words "Come here for a visit" and the countless sword marks carved on the rock wall. Nuo Da's body immediately shuddered, causing hundreds of sword boxes behind him to appear. Clattering sound.

Then, the Tiger Immortal shrank his neck and turned into a brown stream of light and returned to the rock wall. He used the earth escape technique and quickly disappeared.

The rock wall is as smooth as ever.

Not long after, Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin appeared at the gate of Jujian Mountain.

Xu Yang turned around and looked up at the towering Giant Sword Mountain and the formation of flying swords in the clouds on the top of the mountain. He sighed in his heart: "Such a huge Sword Mountain, that senior is really admirable."

Liu Haiyu nodded, touched the sword box behind his back, and then said: "Suppressing evil spirits and promoting Taoism are the beliefs that our Qinglian Dojo has always upheld. Just like this giant sword mountain, it has never wavered."

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, saw Liu Hai Yuwen Zou Zou's appearance, and also sighed with emotion: "Jujian Mountain, why are you so tall? Well, that's what you look like."

Cai Bin, who was standing aside, almost laughed out loud, and said with a smile in his heart: "I am imitating Dong Shi."

Xu Yang looked at the rock wall outside the mountain gate, and then said, "Why don't you see the Great Immortal Tiger guarding the mountain gate?"

After a pause, Xu Yang deliberately said loudly: "Hu Daxian, Liu Haiyu and I are back. We got what we wanted. We will say hello to you and leave."

The sound echoed, and the rock wall on the opposite side buzzed as it hit it. It was obviously blessed with the power of divine consciousness.

After a while, there was no reply.

"Is the Great Immortal Tiger gone?" Liu Haiyu asked.

Xu Yang flipped his wrist, golden light flashed, and he showed the golden-winged flying knife, and said loudly: "Since Tiger Immortal is not here, just leave a note on the rock wall."

At this moment, the deep voice of the Great Immortal Tiger came from the rock wall: "Two little geniuses, walk slowly. I, the Great Immortal Tiger, am having a sweet dream, so I won't send you off."

Xu Yang put away the golden-winged flying knife and said loudly: "Let's go. See you later."

"Don't come here anymore. You will be fined if you carve words on the rock wall." Hu Daxian said seriously.

Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu looked at each other and smiled, then turned around and left with Cai Bin.

Wait until the three figures disappeared into the distance.

There were ripples on the smooth rock wall, and the Tiger Immortal jumped out again.

The Tiger Immortal looked at the direction in which Xu Yang and the others disappeared, and whispered: "I opened this mountain and planted this tree. Unless you are a little genius, you must pass by here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Great Immortal Tiger looked up to the sky and roared.


The voice of the Beast King can be heard hundreds of miles away.

Xu Yang, who had already walked far away, Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin clearly heard the roar of a tiger behind them. They knew that it was the Great Immortal Tiger wishing them a safe journey.

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