True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 644 Twin Sisters

Over the Green Fire Demon Realm, the purple sun hung high, throwing flames all over the sky.

On an unknown land, a beautiful woman wearing a black dress was running away quickly.

Every time she took a step, a purple magic swirl mark flickered under her feet, and the black skirt behind her fluttered in the wind, like black peonies blooming in the wind. The speed was so fast that he only left a string of shadows behind him.

Without her, she was the demon saint who escaped from the Giant Sword Mountain.

"Bathing in the purple light of the sun, this feeling is really comfortable, don't you think so, my sister?" The woman in black said to herself strangely.

But another similar voice came from her body: "Sister, we have to be careful this time. I always feel that the herring roe will not let us go easily."

"Sister, you are right, that Qing Yao Zi is really a troublesome guy. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed by his sword a thousand years ago. Qing Yao Zi claims to be half a swordsman, but in the end he He is still a man. As long as he is a man, he will not have the heart to attack this little girl like me. We were turned into stone carvings by Qing Yuzi, and he will guard the stone carvings for a thousand years. One day, Qing Yuzi’s passionate little eyes barely left the stone carving. I guess he has fallen in love with you, my sister.”

"Sister is joking. It's just that the herring roe is too persistent. He is persistent in wanting to kill us. Over the course of a thousand years, his persistence has been eroded by our evil thoughts. This herring roe is really a profound Taoist heart. Others, under the influence of evil thoughts, may have become insane and crazy. "

"Sister, I kind of like that little Taoist priest Qing Yuzi now. His intoxicating eyes and the strand of hair fluttering in front of his forehead are repeated in front of us every day for a thousand years, which makes people get used to it. No, now it’s gone, I’m a little bit reluctant to do so. Do you think it’s strange?” The woman in the black dress couldn’t help but chuckle.

"Sister, you are really heartless. We have only been escaping for a long time before you started making jokes. However, all the men you fell in love with were killed by you without exception. I think you wanted to kill herring zi for revenge. Right. However, that herring is really powerful. He single-handedly attracted the giant sword from the sky to seal off a large area of ​​demonic blood. It may not be easy for you to seek revenge from him. "

"My good sister, we are indeed twin sisters. I can't hide my thoughts from you. I just want to kill that passionate little Taoist priest Qing Yuzi." The woman in black twisted her slender waist and "clucked."

There was another burst of enchanting chuckles.

At this moment, the smile on the face of the woman in black suddenly faded, her brows furrowed slightly, and then she said: "Sister, why do I feel that the little Taoist priest Qing Yuzi is catching up with me?"

"I also noticed, not only the herring roe, but also the aura of the two teenagers we saw on the top of the mountain, and another person."

Suddenly, a dazzling large group of golden light and another group of blue light appeared on the horizon behind the woman in black. The speed was so fast and the momentum was so fierce that it seemed like something from the sky.

The woman in black couldn't help but stop and look back.

"what is that?"

The purple magic light swirled in the eyes of the woman in black, clearly seeing the vision on the horizon.

That ball of gold was a three-legged flaming golden crow that was dozens of feet in size, fluttering a pair of golden wings and emitting bright sunlight. On the back of the three-legged golden crow, stood a young man in green clothes, with a black demonic dragon about a foot in size lying on the young man's shoulders.

That mass of blue is actually a blue water dragon that is tens of feet in size. The blue dragon controls the water and walks on the waves, leaving behind large waves wherever it passes. On the back of the Blue Water Dragon, two Taoists stood one behind the other. The Taoist in front was dressed in blue clothes and looked elegant and elegant. There was a Taoist in the back, wearing a wide Taoist robe and carrying a pair of silver sword boxes. He had an ordinary appearance and bright eyes.

"Uncle Master, if we march in such an exaggerated way, we won't be too conspicuous in the Blue Fire Demon Realm." Cai Bin said.

"Is it eye-catching? I don't think so." Liu Haiyu responded.

Maybe Liu Haiyu is an eye-catching person at heart. Even if he is unassuming and a dragon among men, he cannot conceal his natural stunningness.

"Master Xu Yang, your three-legged Golden Crow Flame Spirit's escape technique is really fast. However, it is still much worse than me at my peak." Ming Lin said, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder.

"Thankfully you are not at your peak now, otherwise, you wouldn't have eaten me in one bite." Xu Yang glanced at Ming Lin and joked.

"Master Xu Yang, you are joking, how dare Ming Lin." Ming Lin explained in a panic, but instinctively stretched out his black tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. It seems to have a little secret in its heart that no one can tell.

Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu each activated the Flame Spirit Golden Crow and Water Curse Blue Dragon to keep pace. The two of them flew across the sky, with golden light swaying and blue water floating in the sky. They were both unassuming and stunning.

A proud man of heaven, nothing more than that.

Xu Yang pinched the magic formula with both hands from time to time, and there were magic seals about an inch in size on his fingertips that slowly rotated. In the middle of the seal, there is a shadow of a blue water flame spirit with a round head and a round head in the shape of a spirit dolphin.

"We are getting closer to the Blue Water Flame Spirit, and its fluctuations have been sensed by my seal." Xu Yang said loudly.

"The demon saint can't even think of running away." Liu Haiyu narrowed his eyes.

Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu's escape speed was extremely fast, but it also consumed quite a lot of mana. Under normal circumstances, a monk would not activate such a large-scale escape technique alone. That is to say, Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu have extremely profound skills. Otherwise, chasing them all the way would be the result of exhaustion.


On the ground, the woman in black looked at the strange sight on the horizon. A contemptuous smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face, and then she said: "Sister, it's all because of your existence. Sister, I have always been chased by men in my life. They like it." It’s you, but you don’t dare to be interested in men.”

"Sister, you are joking again. I usually only hide in your body. How can those men see me so easily? They clearly covet your beauty, sister."

"That's right. You and I are twins with the same appearance. Although I am not as pure and beautiful as you, my sister, you are so beautiful that it can be regarded as the beauty of heaven and earth. Sister, I am very interested in men, and I enjoy men very much. The humble ones before being killed by me, especially the good-looking men. In this world, except for the Lord Demon Lord, almost all other men are greedy and beautiful. They will die when they meet me. You see, the two in the sky. A handsome little man is catching up with him on a firebird and a blue dragon."

"They were probably instructed by Qing Yao Zi. I saw Qing Yao Zi hiding in the sword box behind the boy in blue. Although he can hide his body, he cannot hide his unique sword intention." Hide. said the younger sister.

"Qing Yuzi, this little Taoist priest, is just reluctant to leave. Why, he brought two handsome young men with him. Do you want to buy one and get two free? As for the remaining young Taoist priest, his appearance is too mediocre. I really killed him in a row. He can't even arouse his interest," said the woman in black.

"Sister, don't you find it strange? We escaped using the teleportation array that was previously set in the Demon Blood Land. How could they find our whereabouts so quickly?" said the hidden sister.

"That's a problem." The woman in black suddenly realized, "It's probably the pair of blue water flame spirits that were taken into our bodies that are causing trouble. There is an artificial soul bond between these two blue water flame spirits, and they are probably related to The two boys in blue and green who are catching up are related."

"In this case, we might as well give up on this pair of blue water flame spirits to get rid of them."

"This pair of blue water flame spirits are destined to be our sisters. They are both twins. Moreover, they both have abnormal physiques of water and fire. Otherwise, they would not be attracted to you and me. If there is enough time, we can refine them The soul bonds they possess can be a great help to you and me."

"Sister, be careful that greed will cost us."

"It's not a big deal. The herring roe is hiding in the sword box and is just a spirit body. His body has been used to channel the giant sword mountain thousands of years ago. If they dare to catch up today, we should make them pay the price . Besides, if we two sisters cooperate, we can still save our lives." The woman in black said with a cold look.

"You are really stubborn. In that case, let's have a big fight with them."

"She is such a good sister to me."

After that, the woman in black simply stood there, waiting for Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and others to catch up.


High in the sky, the Golden Crow and the Blue Dragon were galloping.

"The witch is right in front, and I can feel the aura of the Dao Fruit Root I left behind." Qing Xiaoyu's voice came from the sword box behind Liu Haiyu.

When Liu Haiyu heard this, he quickly made a sword finger shape with one hand, pointing it at the center of his eyebrows.

A blue light flashed, and a blue line appeared between his eyebrows. When the blue line unfolded, it turned out to be a third eye raised up, which was the third method of Liu Haiyu's practice.

Liu Haiyu's consciousness moved, and there was a shadow of blue water swaying above the third Dharma eye. The third magic eye blessed with the blue water magic eye technique instantly gained extremely powerful visual power, magnifying distant scenery ten times more clearly like an eagle's eye.

Liu Haiyu clearly saw that far below on the ground, the demon saint had purple magic swirls flashing in her eyes, and she was also looking at him at the moment.

"We found her, let's go down." Liu Haiyu closed the third method and said loudly.

"Have you found it? Fight, fight, fight." Ming Lin, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said excitedly.

Perhaps due to the infection from the underworld, Xu Yang couldn't help but clenched his fists, and the blood in his chest was boiling.

Liu Haiyu raised one hand and whispered: "Surrender!"


The blue water dragon under his feet let out a dragon roar and dropped from the sky with the force of a huge waterfall hanging upside down.

When the Blue Water Dragon approached the ground, the blue light converged and quickly shrank, becoming just a Taoist talisman with a herring pattern. Liu Haiyu took advantage of the situation and put away the herring talisman with one hand.


A divine bird cries.

Almost at the same time, Xu Yang controlled the three-legged Golden Crow Flame Spirit under his feet and lifted its wings. It fell to the ground like a fire from heaven.

As soon as the golden light converged, the three-legged Golden Crow, which was more than ten feet in size, turned into the body of the Golden Crow Flame Spirit, which was about a foot in size, and then turned into a golden stream of light and disappeared into Xu Yang's body.

On the ground, Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and Cai Bin stood side by side.

Opposite them, the woman in black looked at the three of them without changing her expression.

"Tsk tsk, sister, am I so good-looking? I'm being chased by you all the way and staring at you." As she said that, the woman in black brushed her shawl long hair with her hands, and her long hair flowed like a waterfall, emitting dazzling purple spots of light. .

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