On the surface, the woman in black was just pretending to be coquettish and flipping her long hair.

As for Cai Bin opposite, it was like seeing a black peony that made people want to stop. Purple light spots appeared in his eyes, his eyes were distracted and his body was stagnant. Obviously, he fell into the opponent's magical charm.

Qing Xiaoyu's voice came from the sword box behind Liu Haiyu: "Be careful of this witch's charm technique."

Liu Haiyu seemed to be on guard for a long time. In the palm of his left hand, there was a blue water spell with a herring pattern. The power of the spell secretly emitted, like a herring tugging at the tail, keeping Liu Haiyu's mind awake at all times.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu's heart was as calm as water, and his eyes were still clear.

He stretched out a hand and patted Cai Bin's shoulder, and a burst of Taoist power was immediately injected into the meridians on Cai Bin's shoulder, cleansing his soul.

Cai Bin felt as if he were wet with ice water, and his whole body trembled, and his mind immediately returned to clarity.

Cai Bin's ears turned red and he yelled angrily: "Witch, don't do weird things."

But Xu Yang had already used the dolphin brain splitting technique on alert. His left and right brains were operating at the same time, and the charm technique could not invade his mind in the slightest.

Xu Yang's expression did not change, he just looked at the woman in black opposite him indifferently, just like looking at an ordinary woman.

"She is a beautiful woman, but she is not my type, Xu Xiaoxian." Xu Yang joked as he took off the purple wine gourd from his waist, skillfully flicked the cork open, raised his head and took a sip of wine, "Good wine."

The Ming Lin lying on Xu Yang's shoulder is the body of an ancient demonic dragon. It is known for its domineering spiritual consciousness. There are few magic techniques that can defeat its spiritual consciousness. Therefore, it is not affected by the magic power of the woman in black at all. Charming, with a look of disdain on his face: "Little hoof, do you have lice in your hair? Why are you shaking them?"

Seeing this, the woman in black suddenly turned into an ugly one. She snorted coldly, and then said: "A low-class fool, a stone-hearted guy, an alcoholic who only knows how to drink, and a mouth full of black teeth." The black bugs of human language really disappoint this beauty.”

"Witch, you're ready to be captured. Thousands of years ago, you were defeated by Qinglian Dojo. Thousands of years later, the same disciples of Qinglian Dojo came to conquer you." Cai Bin said loudly. Instantly, spiritual pressure leaked from his body, his clothes rolled up, and the green lotus patterns on his sleeves were like flags in the wind.

"Ahem." Xu Yang coughed twice, "And me."

Cai Bin immediately realized that his words were abrupt and quickly added: "There are also heroes from the Tiangui Sect to help out."

Cai Bin glanced inadvertently and found that Ming Lin on Xu Yang's shoulder was rolling his eyes at him. He reluctantly added: "Of course, there is also the strong Ming Lin of the ancient demon dragon Black Scale lineage. Witch, we Together, these many people will make it difficult for you to fly today.”

The woman in black seemed not to have heard Cai Bin's words, and did not even look at Cai Bin. She raised her head and looked at the purple sun in the sky, and then said in a charming voice: "The purple sun is eternal, and the Yuan Demon is immortal, you guys If you want to do something, let's do it together. Little girls, I don't mind if you use more people to bully less people, or use men to bully women."

Before she finished speaking, the woman in black suddenly looked cold, and her previous coyness was gone. She stretched out her hands, her fingers were like hooks, and her body turned into a black phantom, rushing towards Cai Bin opposite.

The woman in black knew that among the people on the other side, Cai Bin had the weakest cultivation. As long as he captured Cai Bin, he could coerce the other people into submission. When the time comes, take the opportunity to seize the opponent's weaknesses and defeat them one by one.

As a saint of the demon clan, the woman in black has lived for more than a thousand years. She has gone through countless battles, big and small, including the war between humans and demons a thousand years ago. She is also one of the absolute main forces of the demon clan.

To strike first and gain the upper hand is always the eternal law of battle.

When Cai Bin saw the other party rushing toward him, his heart suddenly trembled. But the woman in black moved so fast, and Cai Bin had just recovered from the charm and illusion, that for a moment she didn't allow him any room to react, and she exclaimed in her heart: "Am I going to hold my junior uncle back again? "

At this moment, a pair of silver sword boxes behind Cai Bin began to tremble.


It was as if a jade hand was playing the strings, and the sound was light and ethereal.

Shockingly, the pair of Dao swords hidden in the silver sword cases were pulled out half an inch.

Immediately, two sword intents flew out, one red and hot, the other bright and sharp, their target was the woman in black who was attacking.

Without it, it was the two sword spirits Yin Yu and Hong Yu who took the initiative to attack.

Before, on the way here.

Master Qingyu, who has been renamed Qing Xiaoyu, has already secretly conveyed the fact that he has become Ruoshui Sword Spirit to Yinyu and Hongyu, and asked them to be Cai Bin's sword spirit. Achievements. Yinyu and Hongyu also informed Master Qingyu of the reasons why they chose to become Lingcang Dual Swordsmen, and received approval and appreciation from Master Qingyu.

Both Yinyu and Hongyu have always regarded Master Qingyu as their master, and naturally they obeyed Master Qingyu's words. Seeing that Master Qingyu affirmed their approach, he felt very happy. Master Qingyu has always regarded the two of them as friends, and hopes that Yinyu and Hongyu will find the best destination.

For a sword spirit, attaching itself to a famous sword and finding a sword master who shares his mind is the best destination. And Cai Bin not only possesses the twin swords of Ling Cang, which can accommodate two sword spirits at the same time, but he is also a man who loves swords as much as his life and values ​​love and justice.

The sword spirits in the sword spirit world are all sword spirits that have lost their masters. In the sword spirit world, the scattered sword spirits will become more and more arrogant and violent. In the end, they often died in battles with other sword spirits. Master Qingyu brought the two sword spirits Yinyu and Hongyu out of the sword spirit world because he did not want them to waste their lives in the sword spirit world.


"Boom, boom!"

There were two explosions in succession, the blue and red sword light exploded, and the purple magic wind rolled back.

The figure of the woman in black flew back quickly.

She said solemnly: "It turns out that this stupid boy also hid two sword spirits in the sword box."

At this moment, the "sister" who had been hiding in the body of the woman in black sent a message: "Sister, they are outnumbered, so you have to be careful."

The woman in black responded via voice transmission: "It's not a big deal. Although we have been imprisoned for a thousand years and our bodies have just recovered, we are still unable to perform at 50% of the level we were a thousand years ago. But under the purple sun, we can still survive." Those who want to kill our sisters must give them some clues."

The woman in black had made up her mind and failed to succeed with the first blow, but the second blow came one after another.

A group of purple magic whirlpools flashed under her feet, like two hot wheels, and the movements were weird and fast. With his strange body shape, he grabbed it with one hand, but the target was the Ruoshui sword carried on Liu Haiyu's back.

"Qingzi, don't think that you can avoid the revenge of this beautiful woman by hiding in the sword box." Thinking in her heart, the woman in black stretched out her palm and it was already within easy reach of the sword box.

Liu Haiyu seemed to have been prepared for it. He used his water-bending body technique, and the ground beneath his feet was shaken by waves. His body was like a water-bending herring, and he just spun on the spot, just in time to avoid the move of the woman in black.


There was a clang, and the Ruo Shui Sword was already unsheathed.

If the water sword is in hand, Liu Haiyu stabs out with the sword, like a fish in water, the sword flies like flowers! Defense and counterattack all in one go.

The woman in black was really shocked. She twisted her body at an incredible angle and narrowly avoided the critical point.

"Chi". The cuff of her right hand was torn open by the sword, and there was a dazzling blood mark on the exposed fair skin.

The woman in black was frightened and angry, and suddenly clapped her palm to block Liu Haiyu's attack. Then he touched the ground with his toes, flew back, and landed seven or eight feet away.

She raised her hand and looked at the sword mark on her right arm, purple light flashing in her eyes.

At the same time, a magic spin mark appeared on the wound on her arm. The magic spin rotated, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Good boy, you can draw your sword as fast as that herring roe, and you don't have any sympathy for her. They are really two annoying men." The woman in black said angrily.

Liu Haiyu pointed the tip of Ruoshui Sword at the woman in black opposite him and said, "Witch, it's just that you and I are different. If I am righteous and you are evil, I will kill you with the Tao sword in my hand."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Haiyu turned from defense to attack. The blue water rose under his feet and the stormy waves fell from his hands.

Swish, brush, brush!

If the shadows of water swords overlap one another, it looks like a herring striking water, but it has the power of a blue dragon.

The woman in black narrowed her eyes, turned her wrists, and purple light flashed in her palms, revealing a pair of purple daggers.

"It's a joke. Since ancient times, there has been no such thing as good or evil. Your self-proclaimed righteousness is just like that of the little herring roe Taoist priest. My aunt, the sword in my hand is not a vegetarian either."

The pair of purple daggers in the hands of the woman in black are sometimes like purple butterflies fluttering, sometimes like two snakes coming out of their holes, integrating offense and defense, which can be called a strange and amazing swordsmanship.

Tinkering, sparks flying, and in a blink of an eye, the two were exchanging swords.

Without Liu Haiyu's nod, Cai Bin behind him would not have rushed forward to help. He firmly believed in his heart that his junior uncle would be able to decapitate the witch.

Xu Yang, who was on the side, did not take action for the time being, and kept observing the battle situation between the two sides intently.

"Senior Qing Xiaoyu told me before that the most powerful thing about the witch is the other body hidden in her body. This witch has a strange physique of twins. I will see when that other body will be taken over by Liu Haiyu. Force them out. I will catch you all once you show your trump card. If I take action now, it will only scare the enemy." Xu Yang was thinking while watching the battle.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said with a bored expression: "Master Xu Yang, when will it be our turn to take action? It's so boring to watch Liu Haiyu fight like he's dancing."

At this moment, Liu Haiyu's figure was like water, and his sword was like a herring, forcing the woman in black to retreat step by step.

But the face of the woman in black did not show any trace of panic, her steps were steady, and her movements of a pair of purple daggers in her hands were steady.

"Little brother, I haven't asked you what your name is yet? You are so handsome, and your sword skills are not simple." The woman in black asked while retreating.

"I am a disciple of Qinglian Dojo. A thousand years ago, Senior Qingyu was unable to kill you. Today, a thousand years later, I, Liu Haiyu, will do it." Liu Haiyu responded domineeringly.

"Brother Liu Haiyu, you are bullying the slave family. The little Taoist priest Qingzizi is clearly inhabited by the Taoist sword in your hand. Every sword you make has traces of the sword intention of the little Taoist priest Qingyuzi. ." said the woman in black.

"Witch! Who is your little brother? Let's talk with the sword in our hands."

After finishing his words, Liu Haiyu simply remained silent and made three more fierce moves with the sword in his hand.

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