True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 647 The Spiritual Vein of Tao

When Xu Yang, Liu Haiyu and others tried to hunt down the demon saint again, their eyes were empty.

Helpless, Liu Haiyu had no choice but to sheath the Ruoshui sword.

"It's better to let the witch run away. Without the Blue Water Flame Spirit's induction, it will be difficult for us to capture her traces." Liu Haiyu said with some disappointment.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, shook his head back and forth and said disappointedly: "My dream lover, Princess White Dragon, is also missing."

The next moment, Ming Lin's black eyes revealed Xiao Hei's true colors, and he said angrily: "What trick did that little hoof in white just do? He pretended to be the White Dragon Princess. Next time I see her, I will definitely Scratch her face."

As he spoke, Ming Lin stretched out his claws to scratch, and with a scoff, five black marks were left in the void in front of his eyes, as if his face had been scratched by it.

Cai Bin knew that the woman in white had walked away, so he dared to remove the hand covering his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and said rejoicing in his heart: "The witch is finally gone, otherwise I will be holding back my junior uncle again."

Xu Yang's consciousness moved and he used inner vision to observe the blue water flame spirit returning to his body.

At this moment, Blue Water Flame Spirit was like a tired naughty boy, curled up in a ball and sleeping soundly in Xu Yang's Zifu space.

Seeing that Lan Shuiyanling was fine, Xu Yang felt relieved. In Xu Yang's heart, Blue Water Flame Spirit is also one of his indispensable partners.

"We have gained something, at least the blue water flame spirit has been recovered." Xu Yang said.

Liu Haiyu, who also realized that his blue water flame spirit was intact, nodded slightly.

At this time, the green fish on the Ruoshui sword sent a message to Liu Haiyu: "This is the ability of the demon saints. They are twins with mutated physiques. They are two sisters, but they can merge into any one of them at will." The most troublesome thing among them is that the witch in white clothes doesn't show up easily. I don't know what kind of evil skills she practices. She clearly has no spiritual power fluctuations. It was as if they were possessed and unable to do anything. Thousands of years ago, I used the root of the Taoist Fruit to activate the Pisces seal to prevent them from escaping. However, due to the strange physique of the white-clothed witch, I was never able to kill them completely. They. As for the piece of Tao Fruit Root in your hand, as I told you before, the Tao Fruit Root is the Tao Fruit formed by the power of the flesh. Only people with the same Tao can use this piece. The Root of Dao Fruit cannot heal the injured body of the current head of Qinglian Dojo. However, maybe it will be of some use to you. The realms you and I understand are both Nine Heavens Mysterious Waterfall, which proves that our ways are roughly the same. . If you integrate this root of Tao and Fruit, you can at least take your body to a new level."

Liu Haiyu responded via voice transmission: "Senior, thank you for giving me this root of the Taoist Fruit. Haiyu is very grateful."

"In other words, I am your sword spirit now. There is no need to be polite between you and me." Qing Xiaoyu said in a message.

Liu Haiyu held the Dao Fruit Root in his hand and felt waves of warmth. The magic power is slightly activated, but it cannot penetrate the root of Tao Fruit at all. After all, this seems to be just a small piece of the root of Tao Fruit, but it is the essence refined by the physical power of Master Qingyu for more than a thousand years. Liu Haiyu cannot control it at will with his current body.

But Liu Haiyu has always been arrogant, and if ordinary magic power fails, he will try other methods.

He silently recited the Taoist mantra in his heart: "Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao. Names can be named, but they are not named. The beginning of the unnamed heaven and earth. The mother of all things named. Therefore, there is always no desire to observe its wonders. There is always desire to observe its beauty. These two They have the same origin but different names, and they are both mysterious and mysterious, and they are the door to all mysteries..."

The next moment, his mind entered his Tao realm.

His Dao realm turned out to be a vast star field.

It was a boundless area, with stars clustering around it. The light and shadow flowed like a million miles of Milky Way, and the brilliance was extremely bright.

Liu Haiyu's soul turned into a projection, and he was placed in the dazzling Milky Way. His eyes were like stars, and his blue clothes were like water, as if he had merged with the bright Milky Way. It's also that he is one star, maybe seven stars, or more maybe a collection of tens of millions of stars.

And in this galaxy of stars, there is a distinctive shining light swimming in it, like the tail of a comet, containing extremely powerful Taoist divine power, which is exactly the power of the Taoist source that Liu Haiyu understood.

With a flash of consciousness, the power of the Tao Source was gathered into the palm of the hand holding the Root of the Tao Fruit by Liu Haiyu.

The power of the source of truth swirled in his palm, like a miniature of the starry sky, dotted with countless stars.

Under the blessing of the powerful power of the Tao source, the root of the Tao fruit melted quickly like rock sugar melting into water.

The powerful power of the Tao Fruit emitted from the root of the Tao Fruit, like a swimming dragon, quickly rushed into Liu Haiyu's body along the meridians on Liu Haiyu's palm, cleansing the meridians, reborn, and recast the body.

Liu Haiyu felt as if he was about to break through the bottleneck of his cultivation. That feeling was something that could only be achieved by chance.

Simply, Liu Haiyu sat cross-legged on the spot, activating his gong body and inducing the power of Tao and Fruit to merge into his physical body.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu's body surface exuded bright star points of light, as if there were stars attached to him, exuding a huge aura like a sea of ​​stars.

"Is Junior Uncle Master about to break through?" Cai Bin on the side said in surprise. Then he kept silent, carefully stood aside, and took the initiative to protect Liu Haiyu.

Seeing this, Xu Yang stepped back slightly and said in surprise: "Is this the power brought by the root of Tao Fruit?"

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, also said nothing knowingly.

After a stick of incense, a white mist overflowed from Liu Haiyu's head. That was because the impurities in his body were eliminated, and his physical body became purer and stronger. Starlight shone on the surface of every bone, comparable to the body of a star god.

Liu Haiyu slowly opened his eyes, a clear look appeared in his eyes, everything seemed to be done.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Liu Haiyu suddenly felt a strange force rushing directly between his eyebrows. There were purple light spots flickering between his eyebrows. The purple light shrank, and a clear purple magic swirl mark appeared.

Suddenly, circles of purple demonic energy spread out from Liu Haiyu's body, and his pupils gradually turned lavender.

Liu Haiyu quickly used his kung fu to suppress the sudden demonic power. His pupils turned black for a while, then purple for a while, and his face twitched slightly.

"No, my junior uncle has been invaded by demonic thoughts, is he going to become possessed?" Cai Bin said anxiously. He kept rubbing his hands back and forth, but couldn't think of a way to help Liu Haiyu.

"This? Could it be that Liu Haiyu fought with the witch just now and was hit by the witch's hidden spell?" Xu Yang guessed in his heart.

Cai Bin and Xu Yang noticed something strange, but they didn't dare to move forward rashly. After all, Liu Haiyu is at a critical moment after the fusion of his body and body. If he is disturbed by external forces and does not do it properly, it will cause the backlash of his body.

At this moment, Qing Xiaoyu's message came from Ruoshui Sword again, but this time, it was to inform Xu Yang.

"Xu Yang, it is the root of Tao Fruit that has been deposited in the witch's body for thousands of years, contaminated by the power of the witch's demonic body. Now, this magic power has invaded Liu Haiyu's body and conflicts with his own body. Now , only you can help Liu Haiyu. You and he both have a blue water flame spirit. You can use the power of the blue water flame spirit to draw half of the magic power from his body into your body. In this way, the original risk will be reduced. It’s only half a month, and you two won’t go crazy. You just need to rest for half a month, it’s hard for you.”

"Okay." After Xu Yang thought for a moment, he responded via voice transmission.

"Let me give it a try." With that said, Xu Yang walked over.

Xu Yang came to Liu Haiyu, saw the pain on Liu Haiyu's face, and said softly: "Brother Haiyu, let me help you."

Liu Haiyu nodded slightly, he still trusted Xu Yang very much.

Xu Yang came behind Liu Haiyu, sat cross-legged, put his palms on Liu Haiyu's vest, and his consciousness moved.

The blue water flames that were sleeping soundly in the Zifu space suddenly became active. With a twist of the waist, a ball of blue flames rose up.

The blue water flame spirits in Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu's bodies were originally twins, but under Xu Yang's urging, they quickly resonated.

With the help of the resonance power of the blue water flame spirit, Xu Yang introduced the boiling power in Liu Haiyu's body into his palm.

Xu Yang only felt as if a meteor shower was falling in his palm. The powerful power of Dao Fruit rushed into his meridians along the palm of his hand. Along with it, there was also the power of the Demonic Dao hidden in it.

Xu Yang is not a reckless person. Since he agreed, there is a reason why he is confident that he can do it.

He activated the dolphin brain splitting technique, and half of his brain activated the blue water flame spirit to communicate with Liu Haiyu's body. The other half of the brain activates the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit in the Zifu space.

At this moment, he didn't want A'Zhu's Nirvana Spirit to be directly involved, because he didn't know the level of the demonic power in Liu Haiyu's body. If it was too powerful, it would directly impact A'Zhu's body. For A'Zhu, It is also very dangerous.

Xu Yang also knew that the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit he owned, as a Buddhist spiritual flame, also had a natural restraint effect on demons. Coupled with the Buddha's spiritual veins in his body. Today's Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit power is no longer the same as before.

Because Xu Yang had prepared in advance, as soon as the demonic power mixed with the power of Tao Fruit entered Xu Yang's meridians, it was smelled by the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit and immediately rushed to wrap it up in layers.

For half an hour, the remaining half of the Dao Fruit power and most of the Demonic Dao power that had not been fully absorbed in Liu Haiyu's body were completely absorbed into Xu Yang's body.

At this moment, Liu Haiyu's body was already in a stable state, and the purple magic swirl between his eyebrows disappeared. The small amount of demonic power remaining in the body will not have any impact if it is suppressed by the power of the source. The ten water-attribute spiritual veins in Liu Haiyu's body evolved into the Tao body spiritual veins under the washing of the power of Dao fruit, making them more suitable for practicing Taoist martial arts. The power of the physical body was even more reborn, and his physical talent was increased by another steps.

Geniuses are evolving again, which makes people who are not geniuses embarrassed.

At this moment, Xu Yang, due to the forcible introduction of the power of Dao Fruit, his physical body also received great benefits. There were star-like light spots on the surface of his bones, making him stronger. What surprised Xu Yang even more was that a spiritual vein automatically developed between his Zifu space and Tianling Gai.

As for the remaining demonic power in Xu Yang's body, it was wrapped into a small golden ball by its golden crow flame spirit and continuously calcined. In less than an hour, it will be completely burned and there will be no more impact.

Qing Xiaoyu's message came to Xu Yang's ears again: "Congratulations, Xu Yang. I didn't expect that this time you helped Liu Haiyu get rid of the power of the devil in your body, and you actually absorbed less than half of the power of the Tao Fruit, and in your A spiritual vein of Tao is formed in the body. The spiritual vein of Tao is something that thousands of Taoist disciples can only find. In this way, you can be regarded as half a Taoist disciple. However, I still can't figure out how you can integrate the roots of Taoism I left behind when you are not a Taoist disciple, nor do you practice Taoism techniques. Your Taoism is completely different from mine. Call it a miracle.”

"Maybe it's a coincidence." Xu Yang responded.

In fact, Qing Xiaoyu didn't know that Xu Yang already had a Haoran Heavenly Vein in his body that connected the Tianling Gai and the Zifu space. The Haoran Heavenly Vein is the Confucian Sacred Vein. It was with the blessing of the Confucian Sacred Vein that Xu Yang was lucky enough to fuse the roots of Tao Fruit that entered his body, and formed a Dao Spirit next to the Haoran Heavenly Vein. pulse.

Mortals also have adventures.

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