True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 648 Shadow Operation

By chance, Xu Yang had an extra spiritual vein of Tao in his body.

Although Xu Yang has not yet practiced any Taoist skills, just adding this Tao spiritual vein connecting Tianling Gai and Zifu space has increased the speed of his skills by a full 20%. , and at the same time reduce the mana consumed by activating the spell, and the actual combat ability has increased sharply.

From a functional point of view, Xu Yang's Haoran Heavenly Veins and the newly added Tao Spiritual Veins are both powerful auxiliary spiritual veins. Although they are not born, they are extremely powerful. The Haoran Heavenly Vein is also one of the Confucian Holy Veins. It is an existence that is beyond the reach of most Confucian disciples. Monks with the Confucian Holy Vein have the opportunity to achieve the body of a Confucian saint. The spiritual vein of Tao is one of the holy veins of Taoism. Monks who possess the holy veins of Taoism have the opportunity to achieve the body of a Taoist real person.

If people knew that Xu Yang had both the Confucian and Taoist holy veins, it would really make people scream "envy, jealousy and hatred".

And now Liu Haiyu is done, completing the inheritance of the root of Tao and Fruit. Not only is his physical body and martial arts much stronger, but the martial arts communication between him and Sword Spirit Qing Xiaoyu has become more tacit, and his combat power has also increased dramatically.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaoxian, for rescuing me again. In addition, I was in crisis last time in the East China Sea. I owe you two life-saving graces." Liu Haiyu clasped his fists towards Xu Yang and solemnly thanked him.

"You and I are friends, these are nothing? I think if I were in trouble every day, you would definitely help me," Xu Yang said.

"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, and Hai Yu will keep it in his heart." Liu Haiyu said.

"Although the Blue Water Flame Spirit was recovered, it was run away by the Demon Saint. It can also be said that the Shadow Organization's plan is going smoothly. It was the Shadow Organization that deliberately left a map to lead you and me to the Giant Sword Mountain, and used your body to The blue water flame spirit caused the Demon Saint to lift the seal. It can be said with certainty that the next plan of the Shadow Organization, as the representative of the Demon Clan in Zhongyuan Continent, must be centered around the Demon Saint. The whole Northern Territory is bad news. I always feel that the sudden opening of the entire Green Fire Demon Territory is a huge conspiracy," Xu Yang analyzed.

"I have the same worry. In this case, we must try to stop the Shadow's plan. And quickly pass this news back to the major sects in the Northern Territory." Liu Haiyu said.

After saying that, Liu Haiyu turned to Cai Bin beside him and said: "Next, please send the news of the demon saint's resurrection back to Qinglian Dojo. In view of the seriousness of this matter, the elders of Qinglian Dojo will definitely make an announcement The Northern Territory Hero Post will deliver this news to other major sects in the Northern Territory through special channels as quickly as possible. This matter is of great importance to the entire Northern Territory."

Cai Bin didn't hesitate at all and immediately agreed: "Cai Bin will definitely live up to my junior uncle's trust."

"I will write a letter myself, and you will take it back and hand it to the headmaster personally." After saying that, Liu Haiyu took out a sapphire slip with a green lotus pattern engraved on the surface from his storage bag.

Then he used mana to activate the secret method and left a special letter content on the sapphire.

Cai Bin solemnly took the jade slip and carefully put it in his arms.

Afterwards, Cai Bin, Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang said goodbye and hurried back to Qinglian Dojo to deliver the letter.

"The Blue Fire Demon Realm is so vast, where should you and I go to find the Demon Saint?" Liu Haiyu asked.

Xu Yang thought for a moment, took out the map he had obtained earlier from his storage bag, and then said: "Since this map was deliberately left behind by the Shadow Organization, why not put your and mine's maps together to check, maybe it's There will be clues to the shadow organization’s actions.”

Hearing this, Liu Haiyu quickly took out his copy of the map.

The two maps were unfolded and checked against each other.

The terrain and locations drawn on the map are generally the same. In particular, several key areas are marked with special red strokes.

"Look at these two maps, both the materials and the brushstrokes on them appear to be very primitive. Therefore, they were not drawn recently. They are probably battle maps left by the demons thousands of years ago." Xu Yang explained.

"You are right. The mountains, rivers, etc. on this map are marked in great detail, unlike ordinary maps." Liu Haiyu said.

Xu Yang pointed at the map with his finger and continued: "Look, these four locations on the map are circled with red strokes. They are "Yudaomen Battlefield, Green Wind Grassland"; "Qinglian Dojo Battlefield, Red Stone" Cliff"; "Jinfo Temple battlefield, Jinsha Gobi"; "Tiangui Sect battlefield, Wangui Cave"; Thousands of years ago, the four major sects who were on the side of the human race in the war between humans and demons in the Northern Territory would not set their main battlefields in these four places for no reason. Place. In other words, these four places are equally important to the Demon Clan. You and I discovered the Demon Clan Saint in the Red Rock Cliff, which is the Jujian Mountain. I have already been to the Golden Sands Gobi. The Five Buddhas Diamond Formation. The remaining two places are likely to be places that the Demon Saint or the Shadow Organization will pay attention to. Moreover, the Yudao Sect and Tiangui Sect have probably sent people to these two places, so we can take care of them. Get the news to them as soon as possible.”

"The Demonic Saint was internally injured by me before, and her combat power has dropped a lot. With the current state of you and me, I believe that one of us will not suffer any loss against her. In order to find the Demonic Saint in the shortest time, we might as well The two soldiers divided into two groups," Liu Haiyu said confidently.

"Okay, it's settled." Xu Yang said.

"Green Wind Grassland and Ten Thousand Ghost Cave. Ten Thousand Ghost Cave is the battlefield set up by Tiangui Sect. Why don't you go to Ten Thousand Ghost Cave and let me go to Green Wind Grassland." Liu Haiyu said.

Xu Yang hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I'd better go to Green Wind Grassland. Presumably at this moment, Yu Dao Sect has sent people into the Green Fire Demon Realm. Tiangui Sect and Yu Dao Sect are two adjacent sects in their spheres of influence. Sect, the relationship has been going well recently, and we have also concluded a non-aggression treaty. I will go to Green Wind Grassland and meet the disciples of Yu Dao Sect. As for Wangui Cave, you only need to take the Tiangui Sect waist I gave you. Cards can naturally communicate well with the disciples of the Tiangui Sect. I know that Guigu Zan, a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, has arrived in the Green Fire Demon Realm. He and I are friends. "

"That's fine." Liu Haiyu said.

Afterwards, Xu Yang handed Liu Haiyu a waistband with a dark surface and a pattern of a big ghost engraved on it.

Liu Haiyu put it away carefully.

The two of them acted separately according to the plan, and left according to the standard directions on the map.

The reason why Xu Yang insisted on going to Green Wind Grassland was not only for the reasons stated before, but also for other considerations.

A'Zhu originally came from Piaoyun Peak, a relic of Yu Dao Sect. As long as you have more contact with Yu Daomen, you may be able to know the secrets about A'Zhu's life experience, which is very important to A'Zhu.

A person without a past does not have a complete life.

And Xu Yang also hides a secret of his own. It was his father, Xu Wanli, who left a note when he ran away from home when he was eight years old, saying that he was going on a pilgrimage to Yudaomen. Therefore, deep down in his heart, Xu Yang still hopes to know more about Yu Dao Sect.


During the time when Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu entered Hongshiya Jujian Mountain, the glazed demonic fire in the glazed fire path at the entrance of the Green Fire Demonic Realm was almost extinguished. The Green Fire Demon Realm is completely open. A large number of cultivation disciples wandering at the entrance of the Green Fire Demon Realm, regardless of the size of the sect, as well as many casual cultivators, all poured into the Blue Fire Demon Realm with the mentality of treasure hunting.

In the green fire demon realm.

An unknown land was originally a piece of golden sand, but now the surface of the sand was stained red by large amounts of blood.

A Taoist in black robes and a monk in bright red cassocks stood side by side nearby, muttering something in a low voice.

"Brother Blood Monk, how did the blood souls of these two casual cultivators taste like just now? You have been really wronged since you entered the Blue Fire Demon Realm. I know you like to suck blood souls the most. Look how good I am to you." The man is a native of Qingshui.

"Okay..." The blood monk, who was the puppet of Qingshui people, replied blankly.

"Brother Blood Monk, there will be more new blood souls for you to suck. Right now, more people have begun to enter the Green Fire Demon Realm. And I have just received the order secretly left by the Shadow Master. , just let me kill whoever I see, and make the Qinghuo Demon Realm as chaotic as possible. You think, isn’t this what we are good at? As evil cultivators, we should kill those decent people indiscriminately.”

When the word "evil cultivator" was mentioned, Qingshui Ren's eyes lit up. He deeply approves of evil cultivators. Unrestrained and lawless, this is the life he wants.

The blood monk nodded and replied blankly: "Okay."


Another nameless place in the Green Fire Demon Realm.

A bald man and a strange man with an iron face were blocking the way of five disciples wearing the same gray Taoist robes.

The bald man wears a loose coat and long sleeves, and there is a realistic caterpillar pattern tattooed on his bald head. At first glance, one might have thought a caterpillar had landed on his head.

The iron-faced weirdo next to the bald man covered his face with a fine iron mask so that no one could see his face. The iron-faced weirdo was carrying a huge iron coffin on his back, which looked so heavy that the soles of the iron-faced weirdo's feet sank half an inch into the ground. But the iron-faced weirdo was lifting his weight as lightly as possible, and his breath was as steady as usual.

The bald man and the iron-faced weirdo were none other than the Flying Insect Master and the Iron Corpse Madman who had fought against Ning Liner and her party before.

Each of the five Tao disciples held a shining Tao sword in their hands. The sword shows that they are not easy to bully.

One of them was older and seemed to be the leader among the group. The man said loudly: "We are the "Five Heroes of Tianqing" of the Tianqing sect. Who are you two and why are you blocking our way? We have just entered the Green Fire Demon Realm and have not found any treasures. Not as good as everyone else It’s convenient and we can go hunting for treasures separately so as not to waste time.”

"The evil cultivator on the list of evil cultivators." The bald man said coldly.

To the ears of the five people opposite, it was like thunder.

The leading Taoist disciple narrowed his eyes and waved his hand coldly: "Kill!"

Among the Taoist sects in the Zhongyuan Continent, the Tianqing Sect is far less prestigious than the Qinglian Dojo, but it is still a mid-level sect, and of course it also claims to be a famous and upright sect.

In Zhongyuan Continent, when so-called decent disciples encounter evil cultivators on the evil cultivator list, there are only two possibilities: kill or be killed.

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