True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 649 Green Wind Grassland

At this moment, the iron-faced weirdo next to the bald man was twirling his fingers and whispering: "There are five people on the opposite side, and there are only two on our side. Which side has more people? It seems to be If there are more people on the other side, we will suffer. Let me count again.”

The iron-faced weirdo seemed unsure of his answer, so he turned to the bald man and said: "Caterpillar, it seems that there are more people on the other side than us. If there is a fight, the two of us will probably suffer."

The bald man touched the caterpillar pattern on his head without answering.

Although the bald man didn't like people calling him Caterpillar, he had nothing to do with the iron-faced weirdo. He said angrily and dissatisfied in his heart: "Caterpillar, this name is so frustrating. If it weren't for your iron-faced ranking on the list of evil cultivators, How could I bear to be called a caterpillar by you? If it were anyone else, I would immediately release insects to suck all his blood. My name as Lord Flying Insect is not for nothing."

"Caterpillar, what are you thinking about? Help me count again. This time, there seem to be more people on the other side." The iron-faced weirdo urged.

The bald man thought to himself: "My iron-faced brother, every time I fight with someone, I have to count which side has more people. Obviously, this time, the other side has more people. Once he counts clearly, he will They will run away without fighting. What I want to do now is to kill until there are few people on the other side."

"Really? Why do I think there aren't many people on the other side? Count again." The bald man replied seriously.

At this time, five disciples from the Tianqing Sect on the opposite side held shining Dao swords, formed a formation, and attacked.

They are shaped like cranes, with Dao swords in their hands chasing the wind. They are skilled in cooperation and aggressive.

These five people are the core disciples of the Tianqing Sect, and their cultivation levels are all in the Yuanhun realm. Seeing that there were only two evil cultivators on the other side, and their cultivation levels were probably at the Yuanhun realm, they naturally wanted to give it a try.

Between killing and being killed, no matter whether it is a noble disciple or an evil cultivator, they will choose to kill. Fighting for life, on this point, evil cultivators and decent disciples are equal.

When the bald man saw this, he shouted angrily: "Seeking death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two large cuffs of the bald man flapped in unison.

“Buzz buzz.

Instantly, a dense group of flying insects flew out of the bald man's wide cuffs. These flying insects are only the size of rice grains and can be counted in countless numbers.

If you look closely, you will see that these flying insects are gray in color, have needle-like beaks, and are shaped like mosquitoes.

In a short time, it almost filled the surrounding space of more than ten feet, densely packed and connected into a large area, covering the sky and the sun.

When the flying insects attacked, the five Taoist priests on the opposite side immediately scrambled. Although the Taoist swords in their hands were sharp, they were not powerful enough to kill small mosquitoes. Every time the sword is swung, it can only disturb the flying insects, but it cannot easily kill them.

"It's the art of controlling insects. Use the sword formation to defeat it quickly." The leader of the Tianqing Sect disciple immediately greeted loudly.

With their judgment in mind, the five disciples of the Tianqing Sect immediately stood up and each used the Dao sword in their hands as a guide to activate the magic formula.

Traces of fiery red runes appeared on the surface of the Dao swords in the hands of the five people at the same time.

With a "buzz" sound, the five Dao swords resonated.

Immediately afterwards, red spiritual light emitted from the surface of the five Dao swords, and they were connected into a pentagonal shape, and the power of the sword array was completed.

"The blades of the sword array are on fire!"

The next moment, the five Dao swords were like fire-breathing beasts, spitting out five blazing sword energies.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

There was a series of explosions, the blade of the sword flew into flames, and the flames exploded.

The "flying insects" in the surrounding space were immediately blown to pieces by the bursting fire.

But the strange thing is that those "flying insects" don't seem to be afraid of the flames. Except for a few who are killed by the power of the sword array, most of them still maintain their strong vitality. They were not afraid of death, they flapped their wings hummingly, gathered into a dragon of flying insects and pounced on it again.

"Flying insects that hurt my Lord Flying Insect will have to pay a price." Seeing this, the bald weirdo said with an evil smile.

There was a ruthless look in his eyes, he pinched the spell with both hands, and recited the secret incantation to repel insects: "The blood soul is a sacrifice, the flying insect domain... listen to my orders."


Immediately, the bald man bit the tip of his tongue with his teeth, and a mouthful of soul essence blood spurted out far away, landing on the formation of flying insects opposite.

Suddenly, the flying insects in the air became extremely excited. They frantically sucked the soul essence and blood in the space. Their originally gray-white bodies immediately turned red and swollen, like round blood beads hovering in the space. Terrible.

The bald man's eyes suddenly turned blood red, he changed the magic formula in his hand, and shouted: "Explode!"

At the same time, the bodies of blood worms all over the sky trembled violently, making strange chirping sounds, and streaks of bloody arcs jumped back and forth between the bodies of these blood worms.


With a loud noise, the bodies of these blood worms exploded.

The power of the explosion was much more powerful than that of thousands of detonating talismans detonating at the same time. For a moment, the heaven and earth shook, and blood rained all over the sky like flying arrows.

What's even more terrifying is that the flying arrows filled with blood produced by the exploding flying insects hit the bodies of the five Tianqing disciples on the opposite side, immediately revealing powerful corrosive power.

The Taoist robes of the five Taoists were instantly corroded with holes, and the poison of the blood mist touched the skin and bones, causing it to itch like mosquito bites.

The five Taoists couldn't bear the itching and started scratching randomly. Their skin was scratched and blood spilled.

And the moment their blood came into contact with the toxin, the strange itching power suddenly turned into a severe pain like the bites of thousands of ants. After a while, even the body came to a standstill under the influence of the corrosive force.

The five Taoists suddenly let out screams, and the sword formation they set up was instantly defeated, and their offensive was completely lost.

"Evil cultivator!"

"It's an evil cultivator!"

"Hateful evil cultivator!"

The five people cursed in panic.

The bald man proudly said: "I told you before, I am an evil cultivator."

There was a blood-red color flashing in his eyes, and without any intention of stopping, he used both hands to perform the strange magic formula.

However, the caterpillar pattern on the bald man's head began to twist like a living thing. At the same time, the aura emitted by the bald man also suddenly changed.


The bald man's back actually sprouted a pair of huge wings as thin as mosquitoes.

"The insect transforms into a flying kill!"

The next moment, the bald man flapped his thin wings on his back and flew away like a huge mosquito. His speed was as fast as teleportation.

The figure of the bald man turned into a string of phantoms, passing through the five Taoists on the opposite side.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft."

There were five shattering sounds in a row, and each of the five Taoists had a blood hole in their heart.

The eyes of the five core disciples of the Tianqing Sect were full of disbelief. The five of them were actually killed by the bald man opposite them with one move.

A moment later, there were five more miserable and bloody corpses on the ground.

The Blue Fire Demon Realm is a place of treasures and even more of a killing place.

"Brother Iron Face, if you count again, they are more numerous now, or we are more numerous." The bald man stopped the spell and transformed into his original appearance.

The iron-masked weirdo stretched his fingers again and affirmed: "We are two people, they are just five dead people, we will not suffer any loss."

"That's right." The bald man said.

"Jie Jie Jie." The two looked at each other and smiled evilly.

At this time, there was an open space near the iron-masked weirdo and the bald man.

A black ghostly aura suddenly appeared, and when the ghostly aura subsided, a dark ghost flag appeared. The ghost flag is decorated with gold thread, and the complex ghost runes on the surface are looming.


A black ghost mist gushes out from the ghost flag. The ghost mist subsides, revealing a tall monk wearing apricot Buddhist robes.

After the great monk took a few steps, the ghost flag behind him disappeared without a trace in the billowing black ghost mist, as if it had never appeared.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that the appearance of this great monk is that of the "Qingyan Monk" of the Golden Buddha Temple.

When the iron-faced weirdo and the bald man saw the great monk coming out of the ghost banner, they glanced at each other, and then they both bowed and said, "Welcome to you, Your Majesty."

"We are all evil cultivators, so there is no need to be polite. I have just received a mission from the Shadow Master, asking me to temporarily gather people to go to the "Green Wind Grassland" in the Blue Fire Demon Realm, where there is a large formation set up by Yudao Sect. It just so happens that you The two of you are around here, so just follow me," "Qingyan Monk" said.



The two responded in unison.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing here? I have never seen you transform into a great monk before." The bald man asked.

"Is this one?" The great monk looked at his body with satisfaction, "It's the Qingyan monk from the Golden Buddha Temple. He is now my ghost slave."

When the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo heard the word ghost slave, even they, as evil cultivators, couldn't help but shudder.

"The Ghost Slave Technique, this forbidden ghost art that is more vicious than seizing a body, can be called the evil art among evil arts. Not only is the life of a person who is possessed by this technique under the control of the caster, but also his or her life. After death, the soul will be incomplete and unable to enter reincarnation. It is really terrible." The bald man thought to himself and glanced at "Qingyan Monk" secretly.

"Both are ghost techniques, but Lord Right's Ghost Slave Technique is more flexible and versatile than my Iron Corpse Puppet Technique. He can transform into a ghost slave at will, making it hard for people to guard against him." The iron-faced weirdo said with envy in his heart. .

After that, the two of them followed the "Qingyan Monk" obediently, just like two small followers, without the style of the evil cultivator who had just killed people with bloodlust. Perhaps in their minds, the "Qingyan Monk" in front of them was the real evil cultivator.

In the green fire demon realm under the purple sun.

There is an endless grassland land, like a huge green carpet spread between heaven and earth.

The wind blows the grass and the green waves ripple.

Little did they know that thousands of years ago, this vast green grassland was dyed red by the blood of the battle between humans and demons.

At this moment, a young man wearing a green shirt was standing on the edge of the grassland, looking at the sea of ​​grass in front of him. It was Xu Yang who had just arrived here.

"This should be the Green Wind Grassland. The main battlefield of the Yu Dao Sect in the Green Fire Demon Realm thousands of years ago was here." Xu Yang said to himself.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said with a disappointed look on his face: "Why is there not a single figure in this grassland that can't be seen? Who do you want me to fight with?"

"We need to find the battlefield ruins of Yu Dao Sect first. By then, we will definitely be able to fight." Xu Yang said.

"Okay, okay. Master Xu Yang, let's set off now." Ming Lin said excitedly.

Xu Yang pressed his feet, and his body turned into a green shadow and disappeared into the green wind grassland opposite.

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