True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 650 Northern Territory Hero Post

To the northwest of the Northern Territory, a line of strange mountains stands.

The nine peaks in the strange mountain join together like lotus flowers. The fairy mist outside the mountain is shrouded, as if there are gods living there. This is where the "Qinglian Dojo", the main Taoist sect in Zhongyuan Continent, is located.

In the main hall of Qinglian Dojo. A slender Taoist stood with his back on his back and his hands on his back.

The Taoist wears a heavenly crown on his head and a large green Taoist robe. The corners of the Taoist robe are as long as the ground, and the surface is embellished with delicate lotus patterns. I don't know what kind of magic is blessed on it. The green lotus patterns on the Taoist robe seem to be slowly unfolding petals, with bright aura and shining fluorescence.

People depend on their clothes, and even their backs reveal an admirable fairy style.

Your Highness, an ordinary-looking Taoist stood in front of you. It was Cai Bin who hurried back to Qinglian Dojo to report the news.

"Cai Bin, Junior Brother Hai Yu's jade slip said that the demon saint was resurrected in the Blue Fire Demon Realm. This is really a big thing. I will immediately send out the Northern Territory Hero Iron to notify the Yudao Sect and the Golden Buddha about this matter. Together with the three major sects of Tiangui Sect and some other larger sects, we held a meeting of heroes from the Northern Territory to discuss countermeasures," the Taoist in green robe said with his back.

"The disciple saw the demon saint with his own eyes, but the witch had just been resurrected and her cultivation had not yet been restored. She had been injured by the junior uncle. But the witch had strange methods and used a trick to escape. The junior uncle and another Heavenly Ghost Sect disciple Since Xu Yang has already separated to search for the whereabouts of the witch, he dared to ask the Master to send people to the Green Fire Demon Realm to assist Junior Uncle Liu Haiyu. After all, it is really difficult for him to face the huge plan of the shadow organization in the Green Fire Demon Realm. It's too dangerous. Cai Bin knows that his talent is dull, but I beg the master to send me to Qinglian Dojo again to help my junior uncle." Cai Bin said sincerely.

"My junior brother Liu Haiyu is extremely talented and has the favor of Master. He has always been arrogant and confident. Facing the huge shadow organization, he wanted to stop the shadow organization's plan alone. Although his courage is commendable, it is still too dangerous. Some. Liu Haiyu is a rare genius disciple in my Qinglian Dojo, and he is the beloved disciple of my master. I will certainly not allow any mistakes. As for your request, I will consider it. You can go back and rest for half a day and wait for the arrangements." Qingpao Taoist explained.

"Thank you, Master! I obey." Cai Bin said and retreated respectfully.

When Cai Bin left the main hall, only the Taoist in green robes was left in the main hall.

The green-robed Taoist slowly turned around.

He looks middle-aged and has good facial features. But there was an unexpected purple spell between his eyebrows. The shape of the talisman is a ferocious one-horned purple lion.

At this moment, a purple demonic energy emitted from the Purple Lion Talisman, and the demonic energy condensed, trying to invade the Taoist's forehead like a sharp claw.

The green-robed Taoist immediately showed an embarrassed look on his face. His one hand turned into the shape of a sword, his fingertips swirled with spiritual light, and he tapped his forehead several times in succession.

In an instant, a clear Bagua-shaped seal fell outside the Purple Lion Curse Seal. The green-robed Taoist closed his eyes slightly and activated the power of the Bagua seal. The green aura on his forehead flashed continuously, like a green lotus blooming.

After a while, the purple spell between the green-robed Taoist's eyebrows was temporarily suppressed, and there was no trace of the purple lion. The Bagua seal also disappeared into his forehead.

The green-robed Taoist exhaled a breath of filthy air and said to himself: "Damnable demons. Ever since the day I accidentally fell under their spell five years ago, I knew that the demons were about to resurrect. Hai Yuxiao The junior brother said in the secret letter that he found the root of Tao Fruit left by Master Qingyu, but the divine realm revealed on the root of Tao Fruit is Jiutian Xuan Waterfall, which is the authentic water attribute divine realm, and the divine realm I understand is "Meteor" "Fire Land" is a divine realm with the attribute of fire, so the root of Tao and Fruit cannot be used by me, nor can it help me get rid of the demon curse mark on my body. In recent days, this curse has occurred more and more frequently. Could it be that I " "Is Xicheng Feng really going to be trapped by the curse and eventually become a puppet of the demons?" After the green-robed Taoist finished speaking, he let out a sigh.

After that, Xicheng Feng, the headmaster of Qinglian Dojo, wrote it himself and sent people to send out the Northern Territory Hero Post, quickly passing the news of the demon saint's resurrection in the Qinghuo Demonic Territory to the other three sects in the Northern Territory: Yu Daomen, Tiangui Sect and Golden Buddha Temple.

In the Northern Territory, the main cultivation beliefs are divided into four branches: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Ghost. The best among these four branches are Yu Daomen, Qinglian Dojo, Golden Buddha Temple and Tiangui Sect where Xu Yang is located.

The Luoyu Mountains, located in the middle of Zhongyuan Continent, stretches for thousands of miles with towering green mountains. The Luoyu Mountains have abundant spiritual energy, rich spiritual stone minerals, and many spiritual herbs and strange beasts. It has become a place where large and small cultivating sects compete to settle.

As the leader of the Confucian sect, the Yudao Sect General Altar is located in the Luoyu Mountains.

In the main hall of Yudaomen.

An old Confucian man was sitting in the hall.

The old man wears a gray robe with long sleeves. He has a childlike face with white hair and undisturbed silver hair. His long eyebrows are slightly drooped and his eyes are like lightning. It was Lan Xingjun, the great elder of Lanyuyuan of Yudao Sect.

At this moment, Lan Xingjun was carefully watching the Northern Territory Hero post sent by Qinglian Dojo.

Putting down the hero post in his hand, Lan Xingjun frowned, and then said to himself: "I didn't expect this day to come so quickly. Since the Piaoyun Peak ruins incident, it was discovered that the demon king had not been set up by Master Lu to "reverse" When he was killed in the "Nine Transformations of Nirvana" formation, I was worried that the demon king would come back. This time the Blue Fire Demon Realm suddenly opened up, and I suspected that it was the remnants of the demon clan who were secretly causing trouble. I sent people in advance to check the Qing Fire Demon Realm thousands of years ago. With the seals set up by Yu Daomen there, it seems that it is necessary to send more manpower."

After that, Lan Xingjun stood up from his seat and said loudly: "Come here, please send the message to the other peak masters to come to the main hall to discuss matters."

The northeastern part of the Northern Territory is the main area of ​​Buddhist belief.

Leiyin Mountain stands like a stone Buddha in the northeast of the Northern Territory.

In the mountains, there is a huge Buddhist grotto that has been handed down from ancient times. In the grotto, there are 108 gilt stone carvings of Buddha statues, which are lifelike and solemn.

The vast area centered on Leiyin Mountain is known as the "Golden Buddha Township".

As a major Buddhist sect, the Golden Buddha Temple is located in the "Golden Buddha Township" area.

Inside the main hall of the Golden Buddha Temple.

An old monk with silver eyebrows was giving orders: "Pass my decree and summon other Buddhas to come to the main hall to discuss matters."

"Yes." Your Highness, a young monk in apricot robes, accepted the order and left quickly.

The silver-browed old monk gently placed the hero post in his hand on the table in front of him, and then said to himself: "I didn't expect that the demon saint would be resurrected in the Green Fire Demon Realm. According to the hero post, Shadow The organization is the spokesperson of the Demon Clan in the Western Region, and the opening of the Green Fire Demon Realm is probably a conspiracy of the Shadow Organization. The three sons of King Kong were sent to retrieve the relics of the Buddha a few days ago. The fate tablets enshrined by the three people in the temple suddenly shattered and fell, and the remaining Qingyan monk also lost contact. It was all in vain that I underestimated the risk. The Three Sons of King Kong have been taken away. The damned Demon Clan of the Western Regions, the account of the Three Sons of King Kong will be held on your heads."

The silver-browed old monk became more and more angry as he spoke, and his anger turned into streaks of golden light swirling around his body. The overflowing spiritual pressure had become substantial, and his profound cultivation was clearly revealed.

There are countless large and small peaks in the Luoyu Mountains in the central part of the Zhongyuan Continent.

Among the towering mountains, a celestial staircase stretching for more than ten miles is built along the mountains, reaching up to the sky, and the far end disappears among the dense clouds and mist.

At the other end of the heavenly steps is the main altar of the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

In the main hall of Tiangui Sect.

Sect leader Yu Cheng paced back and forth in the main hall, stroking his beautiful black beard under his cheeks with his hands from time to time.

Thumb thump thump, a series of hurried footsteps came, and a deacon entered the hall, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Lord Ning Tianqi is waiting outside the hall."

"Please quickly."

After a while, a person walked in quickly from outside the hall. The visitor was wearing a dark purple robe and looked majestic.

Yu Cheng raised his head and saw the person coming, and immediately said with a smile: "Tianqi, come quickly. I have something important to discuss with you."

Yu Chengjiang made it clear to Ning Tianqi about receiving the hero post from Qinglian Dojo.

Ning Tianqi, who was always known for his calmness, was moved after hearing this.

He frowned slightly and said: "Before, I was just worried that there would be problems with the seals set up by the four sects in the Green Fire Demon Realm a thousand years ago to suppress the demons. So I first sent people to check and repair the seals set up by the Tiangui Sect. . Now it seems that the problem is not that simple. There are not many records about the demon saint from thousands of years ago, but it is certain that her resurrection is one of the most important figures in the demon clan in the Western Region. This may be the beginning of the Demon Clan's troubles in the Western Region. Over the years, the Demon Clan has incorporated the Shadow Organization, which has evolved from light to dark, which is not conducive to the encirclement and suppression of the decent families, and has gradually grown and become a trump card in the hands of the Demon Clan."

Yu Cheng nodded, and then said: "As the four major sects that fought against the demons of the Western Regions in the Green Fire Demon Territory thousands of years ago, they should unite to deal with this change in the Green Fire Demon Territory. I have sent people to the Green Fire Demon Territory. Lian Dojo attends the hero meeting to discuss the next step.”

Ning Tianqi said: "What is worrying is that after thousands of years of relatively peaceful development, the four sects in the Northern Territory are far less monolithic than they were during the alliance a thousand years ago. We have always had conflicts between the Tiangui Sect and the Yudao Sect. The friction was not reached until the Piaoyun Peak incident. I think that even if the demons reappear, no one of the four major factions will immediately go to war on this matter. The Tiangui Sect also needs to be careful to avoid getting burned, but it makes a wedding dress for others. Without reaching an agreement with the other three sects, we might as well send two war hall leaders to the Green Fire Demon Realm first. By supporting the disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect who entered the Green Fire Demon Realm first, we can intimidate the shadow organizations inside and obtain more accurate information, so that we can make accurate responses."

"You are right. I will arrange for two war hall masters to go to the Green Fire Demon Realm. As for those Tiangui Sect disciples who go to the Green Fire Demon Realm to hunt for treasures on their own, let them immediately go to the Green Fire Demon Realm as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary losses. "Look, let the two hall masters go to the Green Fire Demon Realm," Yu Cheng said.

"Tian Qi believes that it is safest for the master of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Hall, "Wan Apo", and the master of the White Bone Hall, "Wuchang Hao" to handle this matter." Ning Tianqi said.

"As I thought, the great formation set up by the Tiangui Sect in the Green Fire Demon Realm is the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave. Among the seven war hall leaders of the Tiangui Sect, for the master of the super large formation of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave, There is no one more suitable than the two of them," Yu Chengdao.

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