True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 651 The Altar of Confucianism and Heaven

The center of the Green Wind Grassland in the Green Fire Demonic Domain.

A tall altar stands among them. The altar is made of huge smooth white stones and is divided into three floors, with a small top and a large bottom. There are some complicated ancient Confucian seal characters engraved on the surface.

The white altar lies quietly on the green grassland, which is very eye-catching. Viewed from a distance, it looks like the white clouds on the horizon are resting on the grassland. Looking closely, it looks more like three huge books stacked on top of each other, recording secrets unknown thousands of years ago.

It records powerful treasures and formations, and also records the bloody killings of the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago.

Who would have known that the surface of this great altar thousands of years ago was dyed red by the blood of the battle between humans and demons. Thousands of years of wind and rain have erased the colorful bloodstains on the surface of the altar, but they cannot erase the heavy story.

The breeze passed over the surface of the altar without making a sound.

quiet! Dead silence! Just like the silence after the war here thousands of years ago!

At this moment, in the open space far away from the altar, two figures fell down.

The visitors were two disciples dressed as Confucians.

One of them looked young, maybe in his twenties. This person was wearing a snow-white silk Confucian dress, with a long sheathed sword slung across his back, and the silver silk scarf on his head fluttering slightly in the wind.

Star eyebrows and sword eyes, majestic utensils, jade trees facing the wind.

Next to the Confucian scholar in white is an ordinary-looking middle-aged scholar wearing a gray Confucian robe.

At this moment, the Confucian scholar in white looked at the tall altar in front of him and said, "Senior Brother Qi Mu, this should be the "Confucian Temple" we are looking for. It seems that our trip went smoothly."

The middle-aged scholar in gray robes had piercing eyes. He stared at the altar opposite and looked at it carefully. He nodded slightly and said: "It should be here. Judging from the characteristics of the runes engraved on its surface, it was made by our Yu Dao Sect. Thousands of years ago, the seniors of the Yu Dao Sect used this "Confucian Heavenly Altar" as a grand formation to fight against the demons of the Western Regions. Today, it seems that the surface of the "Confucian Heavenly Sacred Altar" is intact, which proves that our Yu Dao Sect is here. We were victorious in that battle. This time, the elders of the sect sent you and me here to check whether the seal in the formation is intact. Second, it is said that there is a treasure of the Yu Dao Sect in the formation. The secrets related to the Yu Dao Sect cannot be obtained by outsiders. I don’t know whether the legend is true or not. After all, this Rutian Holy Altar is a formation from a thousand years ago, and no one in the Yu Dao Sect knows the secrets. "

The two of them were the two elite disciples sent by Yudao Sect to enter the Blue Fire Demon Realm first.

Zhan Yunfei is a talented person among the younger generation of Yudao Sect. His cultivation has recently broken through to the first level of Yuanhun Realm. It is only a matter of time before he even breaks through to the second level of Yuanhun Realm.

Another disciple of the Yu Dao Sect named Qi Mu is an elite who is good at formations, and his cultivation is at the second level of the Yuan Soul Realm. It's just that Zhan Yunfei's apprentice is of higher seniority, and he and Qi Mu call each other senior brother and junior brother.

"Senior Brother Qi Mu, you are much more proficient in the formation than me. I can only ask you to open this formation and enter it." Zhan Yunfei said respectfully.

"In this war between humans and demons thousands of years ago, Immortal Master Lu Qingyun from our Yu Dao Sect also participated. However, Immortal Master Lu Qingyun broke through the void five hundred years ago and ascended to the fairy world. In the current Yu Dao Sect, No one knows the complete method of opening this formation. However, Immortal Master Lu Qingyun once left something. Before coming, Elder Lan Xingjun personally handed this thing to me. Maybe this thing is the key to opening the space of this formation. "

After saying that, Qi Mu carefully took out a simple wooden hairpin from his arms.

The wooden hairpin is made of ordinary logs. There is no trace of spiritual power on the surface, and it looks like a mortal item.

Qi Mu smoothly inserted the wooden hairpin into the bun on the top of his head.

"Let me give it a try." Senior Brother Qi Mu said.

After saying that, Qi Mu strode to the altar.

He first walked around Nuo Da's altar slowly and slowly. As he walked, he kept throwing white triangular flags one after another and placed them on the periphery of the altar.

After completing the circle, it took half a stick of incense to complete, and Qi Mu had already arranged one hundred and eight formation flags.

Next, Qi Mu pinched the magic formula with both hands, and on his fingertips, milky white auras intertwined continuously.

Then Qi Mu suddenly squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground in front of him. Seen with the naked eye, Confucian runes spilled out of his palm like spiritual snakes and rushed towards the altar opposite.

There was a "buzz" sound.

The whole ground trembled.

The one hundred and eight formation flags he had arranged before each emitted a milky white spiritual light. The spiritual light surged upwards and formed a large area, covering the entire altar like a huge umbrella of light.

After doing all this, Qi Mu stood up and took a breath. Then he observed it, nodded slightly and said: "It seems that there is nothing unusual about the formation for the time being."

Qi Mu turned around and said seriously to Zhan Yunfei beside him: "Junior brother Yunfei, be careful next time. After a while, I will forcefully try to open the formation with the power of the barrier, which will inevitably trigger the defensive restrictions. I don’t know what the defensive restrictions of this formation are, but I’m afraid it must be quite powerful.”

"Yunfei knows." Zhan Yunfei also looked serious.

Next, Qi Mu fully raised his true energy, and his gray robe was beating like a ball.

Qi Mu recited the secret words of Confucianism: "The way of heaven is the guide, the aura of awe-inspiring, the barrier of Confucianism and Law... open!"

At the same time, he made a wheel-like magic spell with both hands and landed on the surface of the umbrella-shaped barrier on the opposite side.

The barrier suddenly trembled, and countless seal characters appeared on its surface. These characters were flipping regularly, just like the breeze turning the pages of a book, which was dazzling.

Instantly, a powerful force of enchantment was thrown onto the altar below.

Under the forcible touch of the power of the barrier, the entire altar shook.

But something strange happened.

On the surface of the lowest level of the altar, the original Confucian ancient seal characters began to rotate rapidly, and they were connected into pieces, like ink and wash. After a while, a large ink pattern appeared.

In the ink painting, on the bank of willows, a Confucian scholar stands holding a scroll, opposite a river rippling with spring water, creating a natural charm.

Immediately afterwards, the entire picture suddenly twisted and turned into a black mass, as if it had been altered with a huge ink pen.

Astonishingly, a ten-foot-sized brush shadow suddenly appeared on the surface of the altar.

The shadow of the brush quickly turned, and the tip of the brush was pointed at Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu opposite them. Like a snake that smells its prey, the brush strokes with a shadowy stroke.


A black ink mark was thrown out of thin air.

With a "buzz", the ink marks condensed into shape, and a giant mountain of ink tens of feet tall appeared, directly moving towards the location of Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu to suppress it.

As the Black Mountain descended, ripples appeared in the void. The powerful pressure was several times more terrifying than the real rocks.

"It's the "power of writing" among the six arts of Confucianism!" Qi Mu reminded loudly.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei beside him had already made a move.

With a sudden sound, the long sword in the sword case behind Zhan Yunfei was unsheathed.

The three-foot-long Confucian sword, completely icy blue, seemed to be carved out of ice, hovering above Zhan Yunfei's head.

This sword is Zhan Yunfei's natal sword, named "Bing Soul".

When Zhan Yunfei was traveling in the far north, he accidentally obtained a piece of natural ice. This ice soul was produced in the center of an extremely cold iceberg. It absorbed the essence of ice and was formed by coincidence over many years. It happened that Zhan Yunfei's physique was that of ice soul, and it resonated with it, so he was retrieved by Zhan Yunfei. Later, this thousand-year-old ice soul was used as the main material and was refined by the Yudao Sect's weapon refining master into a Confucian sword. It became Zhan Yunfei's beloved object and was used to refine the ice soul sword, his life sword.

As soon as the Confucian Sword Ice Soul appeared, it immediately sprayed out cold air all over the sky, and the cold air turned into frost, and the large meadow below was instantly covered with white "gauze".

Showing the extraordinary temperament of a magical weapon.

sword! Extraordinary!

people! Also extraordinary!

Without stopping for a moment, Zhan Yunfei mobilized his body, dressed in white and flying like clouds, and then held a little distance in the air with one hand.

Liu Haiyu is a Confucian disciple and a swordsman whose swordsmanship is considered a genius. He is a famous peak swordsman among the younger generation of Yu Dao Sect.

"One sword flying snow!"

Suddenly, the Ice Soul Sword above his head buzzed, and he slashed out against the giant mountain of ink coming from the opposite side.

The sword's will is hundreds of feet long, the sword's edge is flying with snow, and the sword's energy is extremely windy.

"Boom boom boom!"

White and black collide together in the sky. I don't know whether the white paints the black white, or the black paints the white black.

Black and white are intertwined, the sword energy roars like a dragon, and the Mo Mountain roars like a tiger.

The two were deadlocked in the sky, refusing to give in to each other.

Qi Mu on the side stared closely at the changes on the opposite altar.

"Generally speaking, when a powerful formation is launched, it must be blessed by the power of the formation's legs or eyes. As long as I find the formation's legs and suppress it with the wooden hairpin left by Master Lu, I can break the first layer of the formation. Restriction is when this formation space is opened.”

Thinking in his mind, Qi Mu's eyes lit up.

He found that in the corner of the first floor of the altar opposite, when the formation restriction was activated, there were abnormal spiritual power fluctuations.

"This is one of the positions."

With the judgment in mind, Qi Mu pressed his feet hard, and the gray robe behind him danced, soaring into the sky like a gray crane. He was so fast that he was in front of the altar in a blink of an eye.

The huge brush phantom that appeared outside the first floor of the altar was originally fighting with the flying sword offered by Zhan Yunfei, but it seemed to have seen Qi Mu approaching.

The tip of the pen turned and flicked outward.

The ink turned a little darker, and the ink marks transformed, and an ink-colored flying sword about ten feet long slashed straight towards Qi Mu's back.

"How can I let you hurt Senior Brother Qi Mu?"

Zhan Yunfei shouted loudly, and his figure turned into a shadow and disappeared from the place.

The next moment, behind Qi Mu, a figure flashed, and Zhan Yunfei appeared.

Zhan Yunfei stretched out his hand, the ice blue color flashed in his palm, and he held the Ice Soul Sword in his hand.

He stabbed out the sword with his right hand, quickly and accurately.

The tip of the Ice Soul Sword and the tip of the incoming black sword collided in an extremely coincidental place.

Zhan Yunfei activated his magic power, and the arm holding the long sword shook, and a stream of ice dragon energy flew out from the Ice Soul Sword in his hand.

The ice dragon's energy swirled around the ink-colored sword on the opposite side.

"The sword is frozen!"

Click, click, the energy of the ice dragon turned into an ice dragon and sealed the ink-colored sword in ice.

With a "bang", the ice dragon shattered into countless tiny ice crystals, and the power of the black sword was also scattered without a trace.

Qi Mumu, who rushed in front, didn't even look back. He firmly believed that Zhan Yunfei could block this sword for him.

Before the brush shadow could attack again, Qi Mu had already rushed to the position he found.

He smoothly pulled out the wooden hairpin that was inserted into the bun on his head, clenched his hands tightly, and suddenly inserted it towards the feet.

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