True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 652 Three Evil Cultivators

The moment the wooden hairpin in Qi Mu's hand touched the surface of the altar.

With a "pop" sound, a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye rippled on the surface of the altar. The simple wooden hairpin actually sank many inches under the hard white stone on the altar's surface.

On the seemingly ordinary wooden hairpin, strings of golden seal characters suddenly appeared. They were connected into strings and arranged in an orderly manner, just like articles in a book. And there was a faint sound of the saint reading.

Suddenly, a powerful force hit the altar like a tide.

"Rumble", the stormy waves hit the shore!

The entire three-story altar was shaken, and the altar's defensive restrictions suddenly stopped functioning. The shadow of the huge brush rotated slightly and disappeared. Following this, the ancient seal characters on the surface of the altar also stopped moving, and they looked like just stiff words.

There was a "buzz" sound.

A ray of colorful light swirled out from the altar, and there seemed to be a door in the colorful light, leading to the space within the altar.

Seeing this, Qi Mu took back the wooden hairpin, put it away carefully, wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand, and said happily: "Junior Brother Yunfei, we succeeded."

Zhan Yunfei looked at the passage in the colorful glow, with a look of joy on his face, and said happily: "Brother Qi Mu, fortunately you are here. If I continue to delay, I wonder if I can withstand the restraining power of this formation. Just the "power of writing to condense truth" is really astonishing, and it is indeed one of the six arts of Confucianism. "

"Junior Brother Yunfei, there may be more mechanisms and difficulties waiting for us next. As long as you and I work together, we will definitely complete this mission successfully." Qi Mu encouraged.

"Yunfei will go all out to complete this mission." Zhan Yunfei said confidently.

Just as the two were about to enter the inner space of the Confucian Temple, they suddenly heard someone shouting.

"It's better to come early than to come by chance. The treasure house is wide open and everyone who sees it will have a share."

As soon as he finished speaking, three figures descended from the sky and stood opposite Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu.

One is a man with an ugly caterpillar pattern tattooed on his head; the other is a strong man with a fine iron mask on his head, making it impossible to see his true face, and carrying a huge iron coffin behind him; the last one is also standing in front of the three. The person is a great monk wearing apricot Buddhist robes.

The evil comers are none other than the "Qingyan Monk" controlled by the three members of the Shadow Organization, the Flying Insect Lord, the Iron-faced Madman and the Thousand-faced Ghost, who use the ghost slave technique to control them.

"Three of you, looking at your posture, you don't just want to share in the meeting, right?" Qi Mu glanced at the three people opposite him and asked.

The bald man "Venerable Flying Insect" touched his bald head with his hand, smiled, and then said: "You are quite smart, I appreciate it very much. The ruins of the formation in front of you were opened, and there were countless treasures inside. Is it better for three people to share it, or for five people to divide it up? Of course we have to take the treasure, and we have to kill you two. I can make your death easier in a while. "

"Arrogant!" Qi Mu said angrily.

Qi Mu quietly took a half step back and stood side by side with Zhan Yunfei, and said through a message: "Junior Brother Yunfei, among these three people, the great monk's martial arts is at least better than that of you and me. The other two people's martial arts It's also like the Soul Realm. In comparison, the two of us are obviously at a disadvantage. So, don't let them enter the altar, and then you and I will follow them. They are not proficient in Confucianism. Even if you face the many mechanisms involved, you may not be able to gain much benefit.”

"Understood." Zhan Yunfei immediately responded via voice message.

The iron-faced weirdo standing next to Qingyan Monk was twirling his fingers and murmuring: "There are three of us here, and there are only two on the other side. This time, we won't suffer any loss."

Obviously, he can easily tell the difference within three numbers.

"Remember, the person who wants to kill you is Qingyan Monk from the Golden Buddha Temple." The great monk opposite said coldly.

"How could there be a vicious monk like you in the Golden Buddha Temple? The two of us are disciples of the Yu Dao Sect. Although the Yu Dao Sect and the Golden Buddha Temple don't communicate much on weekdays, there is little friction. I think you are a fake monk. Yeah, it's obviously an evil cultivator," Qi Mu said immediately.

"Qingyan Monk" didn't explain, and waved his hand behind him. The bald man and the iron-faced weirdo immediately understood, and the two of them shouted strangely and rushed towards him.

"You are right, we are evil cultivators."

"The evil cultivator wants to kill the disciples of Yu Dao Sect."

The bald man's big sleeves were rolled up and buzzing, and countless flying insects poured out from his sleeves, like two long snakes, attacking Zhan Yunfei on the opposite side.

When Zhan Yunfei saw this, he held the Ice Soul Sword in his hand, and with a flick of his wrist, a string of sword flowers appeared. The powerful cold air overflowed from the Ice Soul Sword, and the snow flew out of thin air, which was really beautiful.

What surprised the bald man was that Zhan Yunfei's Ice Soul Sword seemed to be just enough to restrain his insect-controlling skills. Although the edge of the Ice Soul Sword cannot kill flying insects as small as grains of rice, it can release powerful cold energy.

As soon as those flying insects approached Zhan Yunfei, they were covered by the icy air on the Ice Soul Sword in his hand. A layer of ice crystals formed on their body surface, and the insect wings could not flap.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The flying insects in the sky were like hailstones, falling to the ground in large swaths.

"Grandma, what a powerful freezing technique. However, my Lord's insects are not vegetarian."

The bald man opened his mouth and spat out a stream of soul energy and blood. The flying insects fought to suck it up, and in an instant they turned into round blood beads.

The bald man said fiercely: "Let's see which one is more powerful, your boy's frozen sword energy, or my exploding flying insects."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald man pinched the strange magic formula with both hands and shouted loudly: "Explode!"

The next scene almost made the bald man's eyes pop out.

Zhan Yunfei activated his internal energy, and an ice dragon's energy moved in the sword's edge. Those round, blood-red flying insects were immediately frozen inside.

But the bald man's consciousness was isolated from the ice dragon seal, and he tried to control those flying insect explosions, but in vain.


Zhan Yunfei shouted, and the frozen flying insects immediately shattered into smaller ice shards, and blood-red colors fell from the sky.

The bald man said angrily: "Damn it, this is a waste of my blood soul power."

His tone sounded like he had no mercy for those dead flying insects. Maybe the bald man just used these flying insects as explosive weapons, and their fate was to disappear in the explosion.

On the other side, the iron-faced man took off the huge iron coffin from behind, held it in his hands, and used the iron coffin as a weapon. He swung his hands and shouted to the ground. The black mass was like a hill falling, and he smashed towards Qi Mu. .

Seeing this, Qi Mu threw it with one hand, and dozens of white talismans came out.

"Puff puff."

The talisman exploded in the wind, and fine steel shackles were drilled out of it. Under Qi Mu's control, those shackles were as dexterous as snakes, surrounding the huge iron coffin in the hands of the iron-faced man.

Qi Mu grabbed the other end of the shackle and pulled it to the side, trying to break the weight. The powerful and heavy iron coffin fell into the air and hit the ground with a bang, hitting Qi Mu's side. Earth and rocks flew away, and one end of the iron coffin sank as much as three feet into the soil.

The iron-faced monster tried to pull out the iron coffin and attack again, but his movements were half a beat too slow.

Qi Mu took the opportunity to throw out three detonating symbols in a row.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three balls of red flames burst into the sky, and the iron-faced monster's powerful figure was blown three feet away.

The iron-faced weirdo was so angry that he screamed, "One on one, how could I suffer?"

Qi Mu is not only a formation master, but also a talisman master who is good at making and controlling talismans.

The formation method has something in common with the talisman method. It can be said that the restriction on each talisman is a miniature formation. But usually, the talisman is controlled by a single person, and the formation requires the cooperation of multiple people. According to legend, the power of some top-quality talismans is not weaker than that of formations.

"Qingyan Monk", who had been watching the battle and had not yet taken action, immediately saw the clues to the battle situation. He thought to himself: "On the surface, the two disciples of the Yu Dao Sect opposite me should be on par with the Flying Insect Venerable and the Iron-faced Madman in terms of their kung fu, but their kung fu and body skills are just enough to restrain them. It seems that I have to take action myself. I, the Thousand-faced Ghost, will use the ghost slave Qingyan Monk to kill a few more of them, and I can leave a reputation as a murderous evil monk in the Qinghuo Demon Realm."

Thinking of this, "Qingyan Monk" took a step forward, leaving only a shadow in place, and arrived in front of Zhan Yunfei.

He struggled with his arms, and the secret magic of the rock instantly blessed both arms.

With a "bang", his arms suddenly became much thicker, and the surface of the arms became as rough as rocks, but they were many times harder than rocks.

There was a crisp "dang" sound, and sparks flew everywhere. "Qingyan Monk" used his arms to block Zhan Yunfei's sword.

"Leave this person to me, and you and Iron Face will work together to kill the other one." "Qingyan Monk" ordered.

The bald man was depressed that his flying insect technique was restrained by Zhan Yunfei. After hearing this, he immediately withdrew and rushed towards Qi Mu on the other side.

Although the Ice Soul Sword in Zhan Yunfei's hand was powerful, the "Qingyan Monk"'s rock escape method was good at defensive power, even though the Ice Soul Sword left sword marks on his arms. Those sword marks will also repair themselves in a short time.

The "Qingyan Monk"'s approach is to integrate offense and defense. Every time the giant rock fist hits Zhan Yunfei, it makes Zhan Yunfei feel even more strenuous.

After all, the "Qingyan Monk's" skill is at the first level of the Daoming Realm, which is a whole level higher than the first level of the Yuanhun Realm opposite Zhan Yunfei.

If it weren't for Zhan Yunfei's movement skills that were as weird as falling snow and his Ice Soul sword skills that were so mysterious, he might have been defeated within thirty moves.

On the other side, there was suddenly a person on the opposite side. With one against two, Qi Mu suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

The flying insects released by the bald weirdo were so overwhelming that there was almost no room for people to dodge. The iron-faced weirdo swung the iron coffin in his hand and swept it across. The two combined to increase their power.

Qi Mu kept throwing various talismans, including shackle talismans, fireball talismans, and ice talismans, before he could barely hold on.

Seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable to his side, Qi Mu immediately sent a message to Zhan Yunfei: "Junior brother Yunfei, we can't fight anymore. We have to find a way to retreat. As long as you can resist them for me for a moment, I can use the talisman?" The method of teleportation allows you and I to retreat safely."

Zhan Yunfei sent a message and replied: "It seems that this is the only way. Let me buy time for you."

With countermeasures in mind, Zhan Yunfei and Qi Mu retreated while fighting, and their figures gradually got closer.

Seeing that the three opponents were within his attack range, Zhan Yunfei raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Three evil cultivators, you must die!"

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