True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 653 Zhan Yunfei

Zhan Yunfei was fully charged with his true energy, and he was dancing in white clothes. A stream of ice and snow energy overflowed from his body surface, and the leaked spiritual pressure had become substantial.

White robe with flying snow, Yushu with ice soul, what a temperamental Confucian scholar.

In an instant, circles of ice-blue soul realms spread out in all directions from his feet. Wherever he passed, the green grass was covered with frost, like ice sculptures. Between heaven and earth, it seems as if a cold winter has suddenly arrived.

It is his unique Xuanbing soul realm.

As Zhan Yunfei's aura increased, a three-eyed ice crystal giant with a height of more than ten feet and holding a shaking hammer appeared behind him.

The ice crystal giant is solid and real, and its divine power dominates the world.

The soul domain of ordinary Yuanhun realm monks is mostly transformed by their own powerful soul power. A very small number of Yuanhun Realm monks with extraordinary talents or special skills can use the Soul Realm to attract otherworldly divine power with the same physical attributes as their own to bless the Soul Realm.

At the moment, the alien power that Zhan Yunfei has attracted is the "Three-Eyed Ice General" of the Black Ice Realm. Although it is just a projection, it is already a magical skill.

The Xuanbing Realm is an interface space that is half a level higher than the Zhongyuan Realm, and the power of the Three-Eyed Ice General is self-evident.

"Huh? This white-clothed Confucian scholar can actually bless otherworldly divine power in the soul realm. The pressure emanating from the three-eyed giant's shadow is really scary." The bald man looked at Zhan Yunfei opposite, thinking in his heart said in surprise.

"The Ice Soul Realm is so powerful that it is rare among Yuan Soul Realm monks. Moreover, he also blessed an alien dharma in the Soul Realm. In this way, this duel is equivalent to Three versus three. This fight is fair." The iron-faced weirdo twirled his fingers and thought in his mind.

"Blessing the power of a god from another world in the soul realm is much more difficult than ordinary spiritualism. Fortunately, this child's cultivation level is only in the Yuanhun realm. If he were in the Daoming realm, he would be a really troublesome opponent." For example, "Qingyan Monk" was also quite surprised.

Zhan Yunfei threw the Ice Soul Sword in his hand outward.

The Ice Soul Sword turned around, the tip of the sword pointed towards the ground, and disappeared into the ground in an instant, and then splashed a circle of blue ripples.


A thunderous sound suddenly came from the soul realm released by Zhan Yunfei.

Immediately afterwards, in the soul realm, layers of huge waves of ice overlapped and rolled outwards, like icebergs moving.

"Soul skill Ice Soul Dragon Edge!"

Suddenly, the head of a huge ice dragon rose up from the rolling ice waves. The blue light in the dragon's eyes flashed like a real dragon's eyes.


The ice dragon's head roared, triggering a blizzard of ice.

In the blink of an eye, a five-clawed ice dragon soared into the sky, its kingly aura exposed, and the icy air it exuded seemed to freeze the void.

This ice dragon was transformed by the sword intention of Zhan Yunfei's Ice Soul Sword. He used soul skills to give the sword intention vitality, which only a peak swordsman could do.

The next moment, the ice dragon roared, its sword tipped with ice! It's just that these ice blades are many times sharper and stronger than steel knives.

An ice dragon that was dozens of feet in size descended from the sky, and the power of the sword in it was more than a thousand. It was more powerful and more lethal than an ordinary sword formation.

Soul skills are the trump card of Yuanhun Realm monks. They are powerful killing moves that can be performed with the help of Yuanhun Realm monks' own powerful soul domain. Under normal circumstances, when monks in the Soul Realm fight, one party will use soul skills, and the other party will also use soul skills to fight against them.

The moment Zhan Yunfei activated his soul realm.

The bald man and the iron-faced weirdo on the opposite side were already aware that Zhan Yunfei was going to use soul skills, and the two of them quickly activated their soul domains to prepare to respond with soul skills.

Under the bald man's feet, circles of gray-white soul realm spread out like smoke. If you look closely, you will see that the white smoke is actually countless small white insects. The insect soul realm is unique to bald men. As a master of insect control, insects are his main means of combat.

The iron-faced weirdo held the huge iron coffin in both hands and slammed it into the ground.

With a thump, the iron coffin took root on the ground like a huge iron tree. Circles of cyan soul power ripples centered on the iron coffin and spread out in all directions. Wherever he passed, the meadows were withered and yellow, and the soil was thorny and white smoke was rising. It is like a mutated ghost realm, a zombie soul realm.

And at the moment when the soul realm released by the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo came into contact with Zhan Yunfei's ice soul realm.

A scene that surprised both of them appeared. The insect soul realm and the zombie soul realm seemed to be frozen in time, and were instantly frozen by Zhan Yunfei's ice soul realm.

The bald man and the iron-faced weirdo felt a little powerless if they tried to use the power of the soul realm to perform soul skills. The two of them knew clearly that under such circumstances, if the soul skills were activated again, the power would be able to reach its original five achievements. Using 50% of his soul skills to fight against Zhan Yunfei's soul skills, the result is obvious.

"Step back." At this moment, "Qingyan Monk" suddenly ordered.

"Qingyan Monk" knew that if the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo were allowed to resist Zhan Yunfei's soul skill, they would probably be injured. The next action will require the efforts of both of them. He did not want to enter the "Confucian Temple" with two injured people or burdens to complete the next important task.

Upon hearing this, the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo immediately retreated.

The ghost slave "Qingyan Monk" under the control of the Millennium Ghost strode forward and stood firm, blocking the way of the bald man and the iron-faced weirdo.

"I, Qingyan Monk, am here to pick you up." "Qingyan Monk" narrowed his eyes and said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the "Qingyan Monk" pinched the magic formula with both hands, and brown spiritual light swirled on his fingertips. At the same time, he recited the secret words of the Buddha Rock Technique in his mouth: "The supreme Buddha Dharma, the communication between the earth, and the true spirit of Qingyan, are all for my use... ..."

Rumbling, there was a muffled sound under the ground.

At this moment, the Qingyan Monk is like a huge boulder that is integrated with the earth under his feet. The power of the rock and earth in the earth within ten miles under his feet, under the call of his martial body, turns into a torrent of rock and earth spiritual power and merges into his soul. within the domain.

This is also the power of "Qingyan Monk". He is born with rock and soil skills. As long as there is rock and soil, his soul power is almost inexhaustible.

Circles of brown rock souls spread out from the feet of Qingyan Monk. Wherever they passed, the rock and soil rolled, as if there were dragons of rock and soil stirring.

After a while, Qingyan Monk's rock soul domain and Zhan Yunfei's ice soul domain clashed.

Bound by ice, rock and soil rolled, ice crystals scattered, and rock and soil exploded.

The two refused to give in to each other and were evenly matched.

In terms of the level of the soul realm itself, the ice soul realm blessed by the three-eyed ice general used by Zhan Yunfei is a rare existence among the mutated soul realms, even higher than the rock soul realm of Qingyan Monk. However, Qingyan Monk's rock and soil soul domain used the power of rock and soil in the earth to continuously draw, and Shengsheng relied on his strong soul power to fight with him to a draw.

Without stopping for a moment, the "Qingyan Monk" activates the secret method of Buddha Rock Kung Fu, and the power of the rock essence instantly infuses the meridians of the body and all limbs.

Immediately, circles of earth-brown spiritual light visible to the naked eye continued to rotate around his body, and the bones of Qingyan Monk's body creaked. His body, which was originally two feet tall, soared three feet again, like a hill, and his body aura continued to climb.

As the pressure released by Qingyan Monk increased, a phantom of the Rock and Earth Vajra Dharma that was more than ten feet tall appeared behind him.

The shadow of the Vajra Dharma is solid and real, with a bald head and angry eyes, and the facial features are three to four points similar to those of the Qingyan monk. The upper body of the King Kong Dharma form is naked, and the strong muscle lines are sharp and angular, as if they were made of rock. He wore a pair of shorts and armor around his lower body, with his strong calves and a pair of big feet exposed, giving him a somewhat domineering air.

The Vajra Dharma introduced by Qingyan Monk is the rock and earth Vajra of the rock spirit world. Although the level of Rock and Earth King Kong is not as high as that of the Three-Eyed Ice General of the Black Ice Realm, Qingyan Monk's skill level is a real Daoming realm, which is still one level higher than the Yuanhun realm of Zhan Yunfei opposite him. Large and equal. Therefore, in terms of the power and momentum they exude, the two are equally matched.

At this moment, Qingyan Monk clenched his fists and raised them high.

"Dharma Rock Earth Vajra Fist!"

Qingyan Monk's raised iron fist struck down, and the Rock and Earth Vajra Master behind him made the same movement at the same time. The Qingyan Monk's fist merges with the fist shadow of the Rock and Earth Vajra Dharma.

On the surface of the giant fist, arcs of electricity flashed and crackled, stirring up the void.

The giant fist swung, and the powerful pressure fell down like a mountain.

The next moment, Zhan Yunfei's "Sword Edge Ice Dragon" collided with the "Blue Rock Monk's" "Rock and Soil Giant Fist".

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of explosion spread hundreds of miles, like thunder from the sky.

For a moment, the sword cut, sand and rocks flew, the ice dragon roared, and the rock Buddha roared.

After a long while, the power of the two moves was exhausted, leaving only the trembling void.

"As expected of Lord Right Envoy, just a ghost slave has such a domineering ability. I have never seen the true face of Lord Right Envoy. The name of Thousand-faced Ghost is well-deserved." The bald man who was hiding behind to watch the battle saw this. , said with an envious look.

"This is the great evil cultivator." The iron-faced weirdo also admired the ability of the right-hand shadow envoy in front of him.

At this moment, Zhan Yunfei had already taken the Ice Soul Sword back into his hand. He had used 80% of his strength in the previous move, and he had a clear understanding of the powerful ability displayed by the "Qingyan Monk".

At this moment, Qi Mu, who had been behind Zhan Yunfei and had not made any move for the time being, was sitting cross-legged seriously and casting spells on the spot.

The ground around him was filled with red, yellow, and blue formation flags of various sizes, formation disks, and formation talismans, making it look like a small formation.

Qi Mu held a "wooden carving mouse" in his hands that was only about an inch in size and as exquisite as a real one. At this moment, he is continuously injecting his magic power into the "wooden carving mouse". The eyes of the "wooden carving mouse" were flashing with a faint white light, as if they were about to come alive.

"Junior brother Yunfei, give me a moment, and I can use the power of the formation to activate this "Escape Rat" and teleport you and me ten miles away." Qi Mu sent a message to Zhan Yunfei in time.

Zhan Yunfei immediately sent a message and responded: "Senior Brother Qi Mu, please rest assured, I will do it."

With one move, Zhan Yunfei showed no sign of weakness. He took a step forward, holding the Ice Soul Sword, his white robe was flying with snow, and his jade tree was facing the wind.

"What is your little Confucian scholar's name?" Qingyan Monk suddenly asked.

"Zhan Yunfei." The young Confucian scholar replied simply, his tone as cold as frost and extremely firm.

Qingyan Monk smiled slightly and thought to himself: "Zhan Yunfei, who is at the level of the Yuan Soul Realm, actually has such strength. The important thing is that his cold feeling is very similar to that of my cutest senior brother. You might as well put him Subdue him as one of my ghost slaves."

The thousand-faced ghost that had been hiding in the body of "Qingyan Monk" suddenly came up with an idea that moved his heart.

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