True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 657 Three Demonic Wolves

Xu Yang looked excitedly at the purple magic armor scattered on the ground in front of him, breathing heavily. The pleasure brought by violence will make people forget their fatigue.

"Hmph! It's so violent! Come again if you have the guts!" Ming Lin's voice came from the demon dragon armor outside Xu Yang.

Hearing Ming Lin's excited voice, Xu Yang instantly realized whether he had fallen too into violence just now, and immediately activated the dolphin brain splitting technique, making him sober.

"These magical armored wolf beasts will not be resurrected over and over again. If this is the case, we must find the power behind the scenes. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time." Xu Yang whispered.

"Master Xu Yang, you are right. I don't know who is behind the scenes. Instead of crushing these little minions, I would like to see the mother-in-law grow a bengyong.赜Φfeed?/p\u0026gt;

The violent little black guy is not afraid of big trouble.

At this moment, a purple magic swirl about ten feet in size suddenly appeared in the sky. Like a giant umbrella covering the sky, it casts a large shadow.

The magic whirlpool suddenly resonated with the hollow purple magic armor on the ground.

The purple magic armor scattered on the ground jumped up from the ground in a swarm, as if being summoned, and gathered towards the purple magic swirl high in the sky.

Click, click, click, click, click.

Not long after, attracted by the purple magic whirlpool, tens of thousands of magic armors gathered together in the sky. They were intimate and seamless, as if they were one body.

Immediately afterwards, the purple magic armor began to spin, twisting and deforming.

Immediately, a large amount of purple demonic energy rose up.

As soon as the demonic energy subsided, the tens of thousands of purple magic armors disappeared, but a huge purple magic armor of one hundred feet appeared.

On the surface of the magic armor, purple magic lines are flowing continuously.

However, the interior of this huge purple magic armor, which is a hundred feet long, is already hollow.

"Woo!" A shocking wolf howl, as if traveling through a thousand years of time and space.

Desolate and tragic!

Suddenly, a purple spiritual light flashed in the hole of the huge purple magic armor, and a wolf head, wolf claws, and wolf tail appeared, a huge demon wolf of 100 feet.

The body of this demon wolf exudes a powerful ghost aura. Xu Yang, who practices ghost skills, is very familiar with the fact that this demon wolf is the body of a ghost.

The demon wolf's head is as tall as a hill, its eyes are red and dripping with blood, and it is wearing a world-shaking purple magic armor, just like the terrifying hell demon wolf in the legend.

The demon wolf lowered his head and saw Xu Yang below.

A bloodthirsty color flashed in its eyes, and its four claws scratched back and forth in place. The sharp claw tips could tear anything apart, leaving clear scratch marks in the void, which were faint traces of tearing in the void.

"Human! Kill!" The Baizhang Demon Wolf spat out human words. The voice echoed throughout the space, and the tone seemed to have accumulated hatred for thousands of years, cold and ruthless.

"The big guy is here, Master Xu Yang, beat it up." Ming Lin said through the message.

Xu Yang looked up and narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashing with the will to win.

The next moment, Xu Yang spread his dragon wings behind him, and took the initiative to greet the demon wolf without waiting for it to attack.

At this moment, Xu Yang has borrowed Ming Lin's powerful consciousness for his own use. Lending his divine consciousness to his master is also Ming Lin's unique talent, and Ming Lin's original divine consciousness is extremely powerful.

The benefits of this are obvious. If your spiritual consciousness is strong, you can unleash the maximum power of your moves. However, borrowing Ming Lin's spiritual consciousness often makes Xu Yang fall into a crazy violent mode unconsciously.

A pair of flying dragon wings flew behind Xu Yang, leaving a string of shadows wherever he passed, as if he had hundreds of clones.

Blessed by the power of the demonic dragon, punch out with both fists.

"Violent Dragon Fist!"

The shadows of the fists were superimposed like a mountain, and every punch had the shape of a black dragon roaring.

Brute force, demon power, and ghostly power are perfectly integrated, and the destructive power is self-evident.

The huge demonic wolf high in the sky was staggered by Xu Yang's violent dragon fists. Amidst the moans of unwillingness, it gradually lost strength and fell straight down.


The huge body of the 100-foot-long magic armored wolf beast smashed a huge hole on the ground that was more than 100 feet long. The magic armor outside the demon wolf is made of unknown materials. It is extremely strong and strong, and the demon wolf itself is the body of a soul. It has no body, and pain seems to be illusory to it.

The Baizhang Demon Wolf shook its huge body, climbed up from the pit, and shook off the dust on the ground.

Xu Yang, who was hovering high in the sky, pointed at the demon wolf on the ground and said disdainfully: "If you want to eat me, Xu Xiaoxian, I will break your teeth."

The Baizhang Demon Wolf seemed to understand Xu Yang's words. It grinned and showed two rows of razor-like hook teeth. Its bloodthirsty eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

The Baizhang Demonic Wolf did not attack immediately. It shook its head back and forth vigorously.

The strange thing is that on both sides of the original head of the demon wolf, two purple magic swirls appeared. As the magic whirlpool swirled, two more identical wolf heads appeared.

The demon wolf instantly evolved into three demon wolves, and its already powerful aura more than tripled.

The surface of the demon wolf's body exuded a powerful demon spirit visible to the naked eye, like wild purple snakes, lashing out and making the void hiss.


The three wolf heads of the demon wolf raised their heads and roared in unison, like the drums of a charge beating at the same time. The sound was rumbling and could be heard for hundreds of miles.

The next moment, the three demon wolves kicked the ground with their four claws, kicking up dust that covered the sky. Its huge body suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Xu Yang high in the sky. The speed is astonishing.

The demon wolf spotted Xu Yang's position and bit one of the wolf leaders.

The sharp wolf teeth are like an array of knives, with purple electric arcs scurrying on the surface, which is terrifying.

Seeing this, Xu Yang curled up his dragon wings behind his back, and suddenly moved a few feet to one side to avoid the opponent's bite, and then punched out with the force.

But before Xu Yang could punch it, another wolf head from the three demon wolves had already bitten him.

Seeing this, Xu Yang quickly turned his attack into defense. He moved his arm horizontally and moved his consciousness, pouring the power of Ming Lin's demonic dragon into his arm.

The black dragon wrist guard on the arm, under the blessing of the power of the demon dragon, instantly became thicker, and clear black dragon scales appeared on the surface. It was like a huge black scale shield protecting Xu Yang.


The powerful impact of the wolf's head hit Xu Yang's arm. His whole body was quickly bounced away like a projectile, and his body flew upside down and screeched in the void.

Before Xu Yang could stand firm, the demon wolf used all four claws to pursue him and bite him three times in a row.

Xu Yang crossed his arms in front of his chest to protect his head and chest.

"Bang bang bang." There were three muffled sounds in a row.

Although most of the biting force of the wolf's head was blocked by Xu Yang's arms, the force of the impact was still transmitted.

Xu Yang felt as if thunder was exploding in his body, and his muscles and bones were on the verge of tearing apart.

Fortunately, Xu Yang's physical body is extremely strong. He originally practiced the Moonlight Gong, and he had just been baptized by the Root of Tao Fruit. There were crystal light spots of moonlight and stars flowing on the surface of his bones, which were stronger than fine iron. Only then could he withstand the powerful impact.

If it had been anyone else, these three consecutive blows would have resulted in broken ribs and displaced internal organs.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a blood dragon about a foot in size wandered out from the apex of his heart. It was the power of the blood soul that he had been refining day and night. Xu Yang has never neglected the Blood Soul Cutting Pulse Technique. This technique is very useful as a method to repair the physical body.

With the supplementation of blood soul power, the damage to Xu Yang's muscles and bones were instantly repaired as before.

Although Xu Yang used his arms to protect the vital points of the demon wolf's bite attack, the huge impact still threw Xu Yang to the ground.

There was a bang.

Mud flew around, and Xu Yang's body made a big hole in the ground.

"His grandma, this big guy with three heads is really strong. If this demon dragon was at its peak, it would be torn into pieces in a matter of minutes." Ming Lin's voice came to Xu Yang's ears.

Xu Yang knew that as long as Ming Lin mentioned how he was doing back then, he would be facing a tough situation.

"Xu Xiaoxian, right? How does it feel in the pit? I am a collection of thirty thousand wolf souls, and each wolf has the power of ten thousand wolves. No one can easily block my attack." Three demon wolves in the sky said proudly.

At this moment, the ghost wooden belt around Xu Yang's waist trembled slightly, and Xu Yang's familiar voice came from it: "Xu Yang, young disciple, what are you doing? You woke up my old man from his sweet dream. Oh, It turns out to be a demon wolf transformed from a wolf soul. Now that it’s awake, Master, I’ll help you once.”

Without him, it was Xu Yang’s master, Gui Gu Yeyan.

As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of gray light flew out from the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant on Xu Yang's waist.

The gray light faded, revealing Gui Gu Yeyan with white hair and gray robe.

"Master, you are awake. It seems that your spirit body has recovered a lot." Xu Yang said in surprise.

"Thanks to your magic crystal, the power of wild creation on it can just help me repair my soul. The three demon wolves in the sky are the bodies of souls. They use magic armor as their bodies, and they are almost immortal. . Soul bodies all have a huge shortcoming in common. Without the physical body, the soul will gradually be lost in the long river of time. It is really rare that the soul of this demon wolf has been sleeping for a thousand years and has such a powerful soul power. . The teacher has his own way to deal with the soul body."

As he spoke, Guigu Yeyan stretched out his right arm and stretched out his palm. In his palm, a black light flashed, and a three-foot-long ink-colored sword appeared.

This sword is as black as ink, dull and dull, and I don't know what it is made of. The surface of the sword body is covered with fine fragments, like broken pieces of black pottery spliced ​​together with clay. It looks unattractive, but it exudes an indescribable strange aura.

Of course Xu Yang knew that this sword was the "Devil Cry" sword, one of the three great weapons of the Tiangui Sect. The other "Underworld Sword" is in the hands of Bai Shaojie, the leader of Yungui Hall, and the remaining "Ghost Sword Split the Sky" is in the hands of Ning Tianqi. The Devil May Cry Sword ranks first among the three divine weapons.

Guigu Yeyan stood with his feet in the void. He looked like an ordinary old man. His figure was even a little thin, but his eyes showed an unshakable determination like Mount Tai. He looked up at the tall figures of the three demon wolves high in the sky, pointed with his hand, and said loudly: "Three puppies, what do you think these are?"

The three demon wolves high in the sky saw an old man with an unattractive appearance appear out of nowhere and called him a puppy. This was a naked insult to him.

"Old man, what's your name? No one has ever dared to insult me ​​like this." The three-headed demon wolf said through gritted teeth.

"I am who I am, a different ghost fire." Gui Gu Yeyan responded loudly. His voice was bright and clear, exuding incomparable confidence, just like five hundred years ago, when he was a young man.

"Will-o'-the-wisp? Then let you go to hell." The three demon wolves said hysterically. It wanted to bite Gui Gu Yeyan in three bites at the same time and tear him to pieces.

But when the three demon wolves looked at the ink-colored sword in Gui Gu Yeyan's hand, its huge body couldn't help but become alert.

At this moment, the three demon wolves clearly felt that the souls of the thirty thousand demon wolves that made up its body were jumping uncontrollably. Its body also began to shake, and purple cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on its surface.

"No! What kind of magic weapon is this? The spiritual power fluctuations on it can actually resonate with the thirty thousand demon wolves and ghosts in my body, making me unable to control their power." The three demon wolves said in shock.

"Old man, oh, no! Lord Will-O-Wisp, what are you going to do?" the three-headed demon wolf said in a panic.

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