True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 658 Devil May Cry Sword Technique

The three heads of the three demon wolves high in the sky showed signs of frustration. Their originally erect ears drooped down, and they tucked their tails. They first took a few steps back quietly, then turned around and ran away.

"The Ghost Crying Sword comes out! The ghost must drink!" Gui Gu Yeyan said loudly.

The voice resounded throughout the space, full of domineering power. Hearing it in the ears of the demon wolf was like thunder from the nine heavens.

Immediately, he threw the black sword in his hand into the air.

The Devil May Cry Sword was spinning in mid-air, with golden ghost runes flashing on its surface, and then a large black ghost cloud billowed out from the Devil May Cry Sword.

The ghost clouds were tumbling and twisting, and out of them appeared a ghostly figure with two wings on its back, a single horn on its head, a belly like a drum, and a face as ferocious as a beast.

You must know that the Tiangui Sect is a sect that believes in the Great Heavenly Ghost. Datian Gui is said to be the body of a ghost and god created by the Ghost Emperor of the Underworld after he ascended to the fairy world. He is an immortal being who escapes reincarnation.

"Here comes the soul!" Gui Gu Yeyan yelled, holding a little distance with one hand, and fired out an ink-colored spell.

High in the sky, the Dharma form of the Great Sky Ghost immediately hugged his big belly with both hands, his belly bulged, and he opened his mouth and spit out forcefully.


A powerful force of soul-stirring rolled out like the waves of a great river, mixed with countless ink-colored ghost runes, accompanied by endless whining ghostly cries.

?people! Terrible!

In the blink of an eye, those ghost symbols twisted and turned into thick shackles of ghost power, covering the position of the three demon wolves.

The three demon wolves on the opposite side hurriedly turned around and kicked out with all their claws. With just one movement, they were a hundred feet away.

"It's not that easy to catch my Demon Wolf Ten Thousand Souls..."

Before the three demon wolves finished speaking, the ghostly shackles behind them appeared above its head like a teleportation in space.


The sound of ghost cries sounded, and the shackles of soul-stirring ghost power fell from the sky.


Circle by circle, layer by layer, the huge body of the demon wolf was tied up tightly.

The three demon wolves suddenly felt a powerful soul-absorbing force piercing into their bodies like countless steel knives, cutting apart the souls of the thirty thousand demon wolves in their bodies one by one.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

The huge bodies of the three demon wolves collapsed instantly, and a large area of ​​purple mist rolled in, turning into thirty thousand demon wolf ghosts.

Each of these demon wolf ghosts is in the shape of a complete wolf. Their faces are distorted, their eyes are full of timidity, and they are whining and making a mess.

"Take it!" Gui Gu Yeyan saw the right moment and fired another spell.

The demonic figure in the sky opened his mouth and sucked hard, and a black wind blew past. All the 30,000 demon wolf ghosts on the opposite side were sucked into the mouth of the demonic figure and entered his stomach.

After that, the Great Heavenly Ghost Patriarch patted his big belly with his hand, and turned into a black stream of light and re-entered the Devil's Crying Sword.

The black light of Devil May Cry Sword flashed, and there was a wolf beast inscription on the surface. Although it is just an inscription that is only about an inch in size, it contains the power of the ghosts of thirty thousand demonic wolves.

Gui Gu Yeyan took back the Devil Crying Sword in one move with one hand.

"In the eyes of my Lord Will-O-Wisp, you are really just a puppy." Gui Gu Yeyan joked while looking at the wolf beast inscription on the Devil's Crying Sword.

All this is a long story, just a few breaths of time.

At this moment, the demon dragon armor outside Xu Yang's body had disappeared, and Ming Lin was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder again.

Xu Yang admired his master Gui Gu Yeyan with great admiration when he subdued the 30,000 wolf souls of the three demon wolves with one move.

"Master's methods are truly the pinnacle of ghost ways." Xu Yang sincerely praised him.

Indeed, when Guigu Yeyan's skill was at its peak, it was at the peak of the Virtual Immortal Realm, and he was one of the few in the entire Zhongyuan Continent.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, stretched out a dragon toe and praised: "Master Ghost Fire is mighty."

The corners of Gui Gu Yeyan's mouth curled up slightly and he smiled proudly.

At the next moment, Guigu Yeyan's expression suddenly changed, "Cough cough cough."

He coughed violently.

Xu Yang could see clearly that Gui Gu Yeyan's previous manipulation of the Devil May Cry Sword seemed like an understatement, but it required a powerful effort of soul power. Guigu Yeyan's newly recovered soul body seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Master, the soul power body you have just recovered is not easy to be over-consumed. Can it be tolerated?" Xu Yang asked quickly.

Guigu Yeyan steeled himself, straightened his back, and said, "What? Are you afraid that Master can't handle this old life? I am the omnipotent Master Guihuo."

After saying that, Gui Gu Yeyan looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and said calmly: "I am who I am, a different ghost fire."

Just like the young man who longed for the journey of cultivation five hundred years ago.

But after only being handsome for three seconds, Guigu Yeyan's face turned ugly again.

Cough cough cough cough.

"Master! You'd better go back to the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant and rest for a while. Disciple, I don't live up to expectations. Every time I let you come out, you consume a lot of soul energy." Xu Yang blamed himself.

"Xu Yang, young disciple, don't say that. Ever since I attached myself to the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant and left the Tiangui Sect with you to practice outside, I have seen your progress bit by bit, master. It can be said that , you are worthy of being my direct disciple selected by Gui Guye. Looking at the entire Zhongyuan Continent, at the level of true elixir realm, there are no more than two hands with the ability to fight like you. As long as you continue to work hard, in the future. Your achievements will definitely exceed those of my teacher. I am very satisfied with your performance, and my teacher should also give you some rewards.”

Gui Gu Yeyan paused, glanced at the Devil May Cry Sword in his hand, and then said firmly: "Apprentice, it's time for this Devil May Cry Sword to change its owner. In the current state of my soul body, I can no longer control it at will. I’ll give it to you now, don’t refuse.”

With that said, Gui Gu Yeyan solemnly handed over the Devil Crying Sword.

Of course Xu Yang liked the Devil Crying Sword in his heart. It was the best ghost weapon in the world and a treasure that every ghost monk yearned for. He immediately bowed and said, "Thank you Master for the reward. I will definitely work harder." Practice and carry forward the Ghost Dao skills and the Ghost Crying Sword taught by your master.”

After saying that, Xu Yang respectfully took the Devil May Cry Sword with both hands.

The Devil May Cry Sword was held in Xu Yang's hand. It didn't look like a fine iron object, but it felt heavy.

Miraculously, the Devil Weeping Sword can communicate with the meridians in Xu Yang's palm on its own, and resonate with his ghost body, just like a part of his body that can be swung at will and flexibly taken advantage of.

"It's such a good baby." Xu Yang couldn't put it down and said.

Gui Gu Yeyan flipped his palm and found a black jade slip in his hand. He then handed it to Xu Yang and said, "As for the usage of the Devil Crying Sword, it is all recorded on this jade slip. You must keep it in mind."

Xu Yang took the black jade slip, penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness, firmly remembered the Devil Weeping Sword Technique written on it, and then carefully put the black jade slip away.

"The power of the Devil May Cry Sword is not only that it has a Great Heavenly Ghost Dharma Appearance on it as a weapon spirit. The Devil May Cry Sword uses the power of the Great Heavenly Ghost as a medium, and can activate the power of infinite ghosts. Of course, it can also temporarily seal powerful The power of ghosts. Currently, the soul power of thirty thousand demon wolf souls is sealed on this Devil Cry Sword. In the next challenge, you can use the temporarily sealed soul power of the demon wolf as a weapon. When used, this is the true power of the Devil Cry Sword. You just saw the Devil Cry Sword Technique recorded on the jade slip. The Devil Cry Sword's sword technique has only one move, but it has three levels. At this time, I could only use the second level of tricks. This Devil Weeping Sword was left to me by Zang Wuya, the founder of the Tiangui Sect, who was also the only one I had ever seen. Only then can you perform the Devil Cry Sword Technique to the third level. I have been practicing the Devil Cry Sword Technique all my life, and it has always been a pity that I have not been able to reach the third level. With your current skill, you should be able to perform the Devil Cry Sword Technique. The first level." Gui Gu Yeyan explained.

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance." Xu Yang said respectfully.

"Although the power of the great ghost on the Devil May Cry Sword is just a phantom, it is already a very powerful existence. The Devil May Cry Sword cannot simply be placed in a storage bag. Otherwise, the ghost power on it will overflow. It will burst the storage bag. Therefore, the Devil's Crying Sword can only be placed in the practitioner's Zifu space. The ghost spirit power emitted from it can also be used as an auxiliary force for practice, but don't be greedy. , After all, it is an external force. If it cannot be completely controlled, this force will run rampant in the body, and maybe the meridians will burst." Gui Gu Yeyan said with a serious face.

"Disciple knows."

"I'm a little tired just by going out to stretch my muscles. I'd better go back and sleep in the Ghost Wooden Waist Pendant."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guigu Yeyan's figure turned into a stream of gray light and returned to the ghost wood waistband around Xu Yang's waist.

Xu Yang gently touched the Ghost Wood Waist Pendant with his hand, feeling warm and warm, just like Gui Gu Yeyan's caring instructions. He secretly vowed in his heart that he would practice the Devil May Cry Sword Technique to the peak.

With a movement of consciousness, the Devil Crying Sword turned into a black stream of light and sank into Xu Yang's body, hovering in the Zifu space.

It is true as Gui Gu Yeyan said, the powerful ghost power emanating from the Ghost Crying Sword is undoubtedly a kind of power of the netherworld, pure and domineering. It has an auxiliary effect on Xu Yang's Ghost Dao Kung Fu.

Xu Yang used his kung fu and moved it smoothly. The fatigue from the previous battle was gone.


"Congratulations, master, for winning the famous Devil Crying Sword! From now on, you can be considered a sword cultivator." Ming Lin said, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder.

Xu Yang smiled calmly and said confidently: "I am a swordsman! I must be a swordsman better than Liu Haiyu!"

"That's natural. My master, Ming Lin, naturally wants to be invincible." Ming Lin said flatteringly.

"That's natural. There's nothing I can't do." Xu Yang boasted.

Confident and playful.

After that, Xu Yang looked back and forth. In the space in front of him, just like when he first entered, there was no trace of the magic wolf's breath in the void.

On the ground, there were only purple magic armors scattered on the ground.

Empty! silent!

"Let's go. I don't know where the three evil cultivators from before have gone. We must not let Shadow's plan succeed. Otherwise, we don't know what kind of bloody storm will be set off in Zhongyuan Continent."

One person and one demon dragon searched deep into the space.

After a full stick of incense, Xu Yang saw a colorful light curtain standing opposite from a distance.

"It looks like a teleportation array. Let's go over and take a look."

Xu Yang came closer and looked at it carefully.

Sure enough, under the colorful light curtain, there was a simple hexagonal teleportation array.

"Master Xu Yang, there is no fight left in this space. I have a hunch that as long as we enter this teleportation array, there will definitely be a big fight to fight. Hehe." Ming Lin said, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go into the teleportation array and see what's going on on the other side. Who is waiting to fight us?" Xu Yang said confidently.

"No matter who it is, if he goes against you, Master Xu Yang, I, Ming Lin, will scratch his face." Ming Lin rolled his black eyes and stretched out his dragon claw.

After that, Xu Yang stepped into the colorful light curtain on the teleportation array.

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